Tree Bros- The Squip Song

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AU where Connor gets a Squip
Warning: Bad words wooaahh

Requested by: @NerdiestKat

Connor ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

He hated when he did this. He always somehow managed to scare off Evan. Connor still doesn't know why Evan was friends with him. He was so sweet and nice behind the stutter and anxiety. Connor was just...

He gripped the sink tighter in frustration. Why couldn't he not be like this and just tell Evan he liked him?

Why couldn't he be normal?

"Hey, Tall-ass." Connor turned to the voice, ready to rip their head off.

"Down here." Connor looked down to see Rich, a popular kid. Great.

"You look like you could use a Squip."

So now here he was, in his bedroom, holding a Squip in one hand, and Mountain Dew in another. 

"Well, here goes literally nothing." He popped the pill in his mouth and took a chug of Mountain Dew.

He paused when he realized nothing felt different. If anything, it had a minty aftertaste.

Great. He just waisted $401 on a wintergreen tic tak. Whatever, it was his parents money anyway. 

He later down on his bed, planning how he was going to apologize to Evan. He probably wouldn't anyway. He could just walk up to Evan and Evan would be happy to be near him.

Well, he should still say something. I mean, he was kinda-

Connor fell onto his floor in shooting pain. "Ow!"

Target male inaccessible.

"What the hell?" Connor questioned the voice in his head.

Calibration in process. Please excuse some mild discomfort.

Another beam of shooting pain hit him. "Mild?"

Calibration complete. Access procedure initiated.

He paused. Oh thank god. It was over. That was horrib-

Discomfort level may increase.

Connor fell back to the floor, his hands on his head, trying to no avail to stop the pain. 

Accessing, Neuro memory. Accessing muscle memory. Accessing procedure complete.

Connor stood up slightly on wobbly feet.

Connor Murphy, welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor. Your Squip.

"So... this thing is real?"

Yes Connor, this 'thing' is very real.

"So... can everyone see you? Or is it just me?"

Just you. Now luckily, we are in your bedroom, but you'll need to work on talking to me inside your head.

Like this?

Perfect. Now, you're goal is to be more chill, correct?

Uh, yeah, sure?

Let me rephrase that. Your goal is to be more relaxed around Evan Hansen so you can 'get it on'?

What! No, I don't want to just 'get it on'. I just want to not have outburst and be like, a freak around him.

Right... well, we have a lot to change about you. It's going to be hard, but I'm sure we can do it.

If it gets Evan to like me back, I'm ready for anything.

Connor walked confidently over to Evans locker. "Hey Evan."

"O-oh h-hi Connor. H-how are you, um, feeling?"

Repeat after me.
Better. Listen, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. It was really jerky of me to do that to you.

As Connor heard the words, he said them back to Evan.

Apparently, Evan liked those words, because he let out a huge smile. "N-no, it's okay. Um, thank you for apologizing, because I know it's hard for you to do that, and it uh, means a lot to me that's you do that, you know? Of course you know, it's you talking..."

Cut him off.

"Hey, it's Chill. Don't worry about it."

Nice word choice. Now, ask him if he wants to come over tonight.

What? Really? So fast?

Trust me.  Hurry up, we are going to loose him.

"Hey Evan, do you want to hang out tonight? Zoe and my parents won't be home."

"O-oh, uh, yeah! Yeah, I'd uh, like that?" Evan blushed looking at the ground. "T-thank you? Um, what time do you want me to come over?"


"Six. Is that good?"

"Yeah! Yeah no, that's um, that's perfect I'll see you there? I mean-"

"See you there, Hansen."

Walk to class, and on the way, stop Michael Mell.


He has something for you. Get out that twenty I told you to get this morning, and tell him you want to buy some Mountain Dew Red.

"Hey Michael." Michael looked up from his DS. "Oh hey Connor. What's up man?"

"I kinda wanted to buy some Mountain Dew Red from you, if that's cool."

"Oh, sure man!" Michael pulled out a bottle, and Connor handed him a twenty.

"Thanks man, I owe you." Connor walked away, waving goodbye before heading to his class.

Alright Connor. You're going to have to drink the soda before Evan gets here. He's already down the street, and he will be here in less that two minutes.


Trust me.

Connor shrugged to himself before opening the lid and taking a sip.

Okay, what was the point of-

He fell to the ground in horrible pain, even worse than when he first got the Squip.

He banged his head in agony as a scream ripped through his body. He could vaguely hear someone opening the front door and running to his room, but Connor couldn't care less at this point. The pain was too much. It felt like something was being ripped out of his scull, but it didn't hurt as bad as it did a minute ago.

"C-Connor! Oh god oh god, oh no, oh no, oh-" Evan rambled on as he held Connor in his arms. Connors pain was slowly starting to fade away, but he still felt nauseous. He tried to stand up but Evan pulled him back down.

"P-please don't get up, p-please be okay, please please please..." Evan rocked Connor back and forth. Connor tried to reply but he couldn't do anything as his world slowly faded into darkness.

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