Tree Bros- Touch Me

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Warnings: Well, its Exotic Dancer! Evan, so... yeah... but it's honestly not that bad.

Evan let out a shaky breath as he read his schedule. The same guy had booked him again. It's not that he didn't like this guy! He was really cute looking, honestly!

It's just that... the guy kinda... made him doubt his dancing. Every time.

He would always book Evan, would always tip extra, but he would always leave with a frown on his face. Evan already wasn't having a good day, and he didn't want it to get even worse with him. Connor.

He sighed. He could always tell his boss, but he didn't really have anything he could say. 'Oh yeah, I don't want to dance for him because he makes me doubt my skill. He's too frowny.'

Yeah, that'd go over well.

He sighed and went to go get the room ready. He'd booked his usual, a pole dance with a minor strip tease. Nothing too hard. This what was Evan had been specially trained to do. He was surprisingly good at it, and for having anxiety he was actually pretty confident on stage.

It made him feel good when people liked his dance. It made him feel like he had finally done something right. And everyone had seemed to enjoy him! He hadn't had one client not like him or his dancing. Well, until Connor.

Tonight was just not gonna be his night.

Connor entered the VIP room, ready for the entertainment. He always looked forward to Evan's dancing. He just wished he could actually talk to him more. Evan seemed so sweet, and not like his last boyfriend at all.

But for now, he was stuck with just the dancing. Not that he was complaining.

The lights dimmed in the room, and a spotlight hit the pole in the center of the room, revealing Evan in his classic blue attire. The room filled with the sweat beat of "Crazy In Love".

Evan walked over to the pole, faking his confidence. He decided that he would try all of his best moves, and see what Connor did. If he didn't respond, then Evan was gonna... he was gonna sternly talk to Connor!

Evan took a breath and grabbed the pole, holding himself up while his legs wrapped around, him sliding down slightly. He landed on the floor, surprisingly gracefully in his heels. He walked painfully slow around the pole, before lifting himself up fully. He moved his arms so that his body was upside down. He spread his legs apart to the beat, sliding down a bit before wrapping one of his legs around and spinning slightly. He managed to flip himself upright, sliding down further, his heels almost on the floor. He looked at Connor, who still had a straight face. His feet landed in surprise.

Evans plan of being strong headed about this failed as tears rushed down his face. He began lightly sobbing.

"Oh my god, are you okay? Did you land wrong? Do you want me to call someone?" Connor quickly got out of his seat. Evan shook his head, trying to speak, but failing.

"Look, I uh, know I'm not supposed to touch you, but do you need a hug?"

Evan nodded his head frantically, grabbing Connor's chest and sobbing lightly into it. Once he had calmed down a bit, he pulled back.

"W-why d-do you hate m-my dancing? Am I, am I that bad?"

"What? God no! No, you're an amazing dancer! Why would you think that?"

"Y-you always frown w-when you leave here, and and I just..." he trailed off.

"Oh, no no, it's just... um... well..." Connor trailed off as Evan looked at him expectingly. "I uh... well it's stupid."

"W-what? What is?"

"I uh," Connor rubbed his neck awkwardly. "I just kinda like your personality more? And I kinda wanted to actually know you and stuff, so I um, always leave disappointed that I didn't actually talk to you?" He ran his hand threw his hair. "Now that I say that, I realized I'm probably way out of my league. I mean, you're probably already dating someone, and-"

Evan shushed him by putting his finger to his mouth, his fax persona coming back. "I get a day off tomorrow. Pick me up at the old apple acres at noon."

He confidently got up, and walked towards his exit. "And remember, you won't get anything from me."

"I wouldn't dream of it." Connor said, a faint smirk growing on his face.

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