I Like You, Too

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AN: This is so cliche I freaking love it XD

One New Message:
To: the cooler murphy
hey zoe you got anything new

One New Message:
To: Jared
No :( Connor's still denying it. I swear, if they don't get together by the end of the year....

One New Message:
To: the cooler murphy
haha i feel you zoe. evan won't shut up about him, but as soon as i bring up anything more than friends he just shuts up

One New Message:
To: Jared
Hold on, Connor's knocking on my door. I'll see if I can get anything new out of him.

One New Message:
To: the cooler murphy
haha ok

the cooler murphy: Read, 5:03pm.

"Hey, Connor," Zoe said casually, setting down her phone from her conversation with Jared. "What's up?" She and Jared had been determined to get Connor and his best friend, Evan, together for ages. It was too obvious they were gay for each other. Even the teachers knew.

"Hey," Connor said, standing in the doorway. "I bought you new milk since I finished it this morning." Connor held up a bag from the grocery store with a full milk carton in it. Zoe squealed with glee and dashed over to open it.

"Thanks, Connor!" she cried, taking a huge swig of the drink.

Connor wrinkled his nose. "Don't mention it...." With that, he turned to leave, but Zoe stopped him.

"No," she gasped between sips. "There's something I need to talk to you about."

"Um, ok?" Connor said suspiciously, turning back to Zoe and going to sit on her desk chair.

"Ok, Connor," she said, taking a deep breath. "I've been trying to hint at this, and I've been trying to be subtle, but it obviously isn't working. Let's cut to the chase- do you like Evan?"

Connor stared at Zoe, and felt his face heat up. "What? No!"

Zoe's eyes widened. "Ah-HA!" she said, triumphantly. "You only do that when you're lying. I knew it! I KNEW IT! Oh my gosh, I need to text Jared!"

Connor blushed harder. "No! Don't text Jared! Fine, yes, I like Evan, but so what?"

Zoe smiled broadly. "Still texting Jared! Plus, now you've admitted it!"

"He better not tell Evan!" Connor said.

Zoe laughed. "Can't promise anything," she said, shaking her head and hitting send.

*****JARED'S HOUSE*****

One New Message:
From: thecoolermurphy

Jared grinned. He started typing back, but heard a knock on his bedroom door.

"Who is it?" he said, putting down his phone.

"I-it's Evan," Evan stuttered through the door.

"Come in!"

Evan walked in Jared's bedroom and smiled, fidgeting with his hands.

"Evan," Jared said casually, "I know you like Connor."

For a moment, it was like Evan had forgotten how to breathe. Everything slowed down for him. He sank onto the floor and wrapped his arms around his legs, trying not to cry.

"Woah, woah, woah! Evan!"

Jared sat down about 5 feet from Evan. He didn't want to scare him too much.

"H-how d-did you f-find out?" Evan gasped.

"Oh my gosh, Ev, I'm so sorry," Jared said, feeling stupid. "I didn't actually know if you did or not. I just said that to see if you would admit it."

Evan's breathing slowed down a little and gradually went back to normal speed.

"Oh," he said, blushing. "Um, yes? I t-think?"

Jared smiled. "YES!" he cried, pumping  a fist into the air. "When are you gonna ask him out?"

Evan turned pale. "I w-wish I could, but th-that's not going t-to happen."

Jared laughed. "It's ok, buddy, you'll be dating soon enough."


One New Message:
From: Jared
evan likes con he just wont ask him out

Zoe smiled and typed back.

One New Message:
To: Jared
That won't be a problem

She had spent that last 47 minutes pep-talking Connor, showing him evidence that Evan liked him to get him psyched so he would ask Evan out.

Connor took a breath.

"Fine," he said, "I'll ask him out. You're sure he likes me?"

Zoe grinned. "Positive!"

The next day at school, Connor tried to think of the best way to ask Evan out. How should he do it- romantically? With a joke? Off-handedly?

Connor's heart stopped when he saw Evan nervously pass by him. Evan accidentally brushed up against Connor's shirt.

"Oh my gosh! I-I'm so sorry," Evan said.

Connor chuckled. "It's fine! Relax!"

Evan nodded, looked like he was going to say something, but apparently thought better of it.

Connor saw Evan enter the computer lab and start to type a word document. He walked in as well, not having anything better to do.

Evan hit the print button and turned around, then gave a small yelp when he saw Connor standing there.

"O-oh! Hi again!" Evan stammered.

Connor bit his lip. "Um, Evan? I uh-I um-"

"Y-yes?" Evan asked. Damn, he was cute.

Connor took a deep breath.

"Fuck it, I like you, Evan. You go out with me?"

Evan stood in shock.

"Y-yes! I-I like you, too."

AN: That was short as hell and terrible. Sorry for not updating!! So much drama's been going on. Thanks for 9k guys! And OMG THE TONYS🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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