The Branch Gives Way (Part 1)

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"We're almost here!" Connor said excitedly, grabbing Evan's hand and pulling him through the field.

Evan laughed and ran along with Connor. The two boys had been best friends for years, although Connor may have preferred a little more than that.

Throughout the years, the boys had learned a lot about each other- Connor learned that Evan loved trees. Evan learned that Connor loved to be tough but also cuddle in blankets. And Connor learned that he loved Evan.

Evan knew he did. He was just...scared.

"Here it is! The tallest tree in the entire orchard!" Connor said, as the two boys arrived at the trunk of a large tree.

Evan smiled brightly up at it. "It's beautiful!"

Connor grinned. "Race you to the top!"

Evan's eyes widened, fear and excitement filling his body. "S-sure!"

Connor grabbed the first branch and heaved himself up. Evan quickly followed.

Connor didn't want to admit it, but he REALLY wanted to impress Evan. One foot after the other, one branch then to another....

Connor glanced over at Evan as he reached the top branches. Evan's face was flushed with exhaustion and joy at the same time.

He never looked so beautiful.

Connor pulled himself up to the highest branch only a few seconds before Evan. The two friends looked out to the view. The setting sun beyond the trees was so calming, so peaceful. No where was better.

Connor took a deep breath. This was the perfect time to admit his love for Evan.


Oh well. Better now than never, right?

Connor breathed in slowly. "Evan, I-"

But Connor didn't get to finish his sentence. The branch he was standing on, a brittle one, suddenly cracked and snapped in half.

Connor's body hurled to the ground, feeling like it was slow motion for him. The impact made him feel as though all of his bones were crushed under the pressure. He heard Evan scream as he hit the ground, and saw the boy scamper back down the tree.

"Connor! CONNOR!" Evan shouted, tears streaming down his face as he ran over to the limp body.

"No, no, no!" Evan hissed frantically, shaking Connor lightly. He fumbled for his phone and quickly dialed 911.

The last thing Connor remembered was Evan whispering to him:

"Everything's ok, Con, I'm right here!"

Then everything went black.

AN: CLIFFHANGER!! Short, but next part to be posted soon.

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