To Mark Us

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As Connor Murphy walked down the hallway, he nervously pulled his sleeves up over his hands. Tonight was going to be a full moon, and he didn't want his claws to come out early.

Connor doubled back a little when he passed a certain Evan Hansen- the boy who had stole his heart. AND the boy he had snuck out last night to go and watch. Unfortunately for Connor, things always seemed to go wrong when the two were around each other. Today, instead of just LOOKING at Evan, Connor accidentally knocked into him, making the contents of his backpack scatter across he floor.

Connor stood rooted the spot, horrified, as Evan, tears in his eyes, hurriedly shoved everything back in his bag. What should Connor do? It's not like he could just leave him STRANDED. But it wasn't like he could risk showing his hands either. Yet again, Connor's bad luck showed up and he did something that he felt he didn't even remember thinking about.

"You ever gonna finish picking that stuff up?" Connor taunted. "Come on, Hansen, you're causing a traffic jam." And with that, Connor shoved Evan's forehead and stalked off moodily.

As soon as he was alone, Connor banged his head against a locker. WHY had he done that? WHY? Now Evan probably hated him even more than he already did! Why wouldn't he? Connor couldn't blame him!

Maybe it was because Connor wasn't normal. He wasn't this way just because he was a teenager. He wasn't always mad because of hormones. His biggest problem wasn't even the fact that he was a closeted gay to his mom and dad since they were homophobic.

No. Connor was a werewolf.

It seemed unbelievable. But it was true.

When he was 7 years old, the Murphy family had taken a trip to the zoo. However, when they were visiting the wolves in their cage, Connor had gotten too close to the fence and one of the wolves had nipped his finger. From then on, every full moon, Connor went through a painful transformation. He grew wolf ears and a tail, his nails lengthened into claws, and his teeth became pointed like fangs. The bite hadn't been enough to fully transform him, but this had happened instead.

Connor started become more moody and distant from his family, which had made his parents start arguing more, his sister almost never be home, and ultimately, the Murphys were falling apart. They hadn't gone on a family trip since that day at the zoo. None of them knew Connor's secret.

Connor backed up from the locker he had been hitting his head on and focused. He had to get to trigonometry.


As Connor walked in the alley behind his house on the way home, he heard the annoying voice of his sister stop him.

"Connor! CONNOR!" Zoe called out, trying to get him to stop.

Connor rolled his eyes and turned around.

"What?" he growled in her direction.

"Geez, you don't have to be so mean about it," she said. "Anyway, where were you going when you snuck out last night?"

Connor froze. "I-I didn't sneak out, Zoe. Come on, let's go home."

But Zoe was persistent.

"You were going to go spy on Evan again, weren't you? Weren't you? Well, news flash, buddy- Evan's never going to like you! First of all, you're a jerk, second of all, look at all the competition you've got, including me, and third of al-"

Connor snapped. This was it.

"I DID NOT GO SPY ON EVAN, OK?" he shouted at her. Zoe stumbled a little, shocked at the sudden outburst. "AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I HAVE AS MUCH OF A CHANCE AS ANYONE!" With that, Connor stalked off into the woods near his house. Zoe stood, dumbstruck.


Evan sniffled a little as he walked home from school, gripping his backpack straps tightly. What had he done wrong? He should've known Connor Murphy hated him. Someone THAT cute would NEVER go for Evan.

Evan decided he needed some time alone. He took out his phone and quickly texted his mom.

One New Message:
To: Mom
I won't be home until late, Mom. Hanging out at Jared's house.

How was it suddenly this easy to lie? Here's the thing: Evan had been using Jared Kleinman as an excuse to get some alone time for years. Jared didn't even exist. (AN: Hehehehehe plot twist)

One New Message:
From: Mom
Ok, honey! Have fun!

Evan put his phone back into his backpack and shakily wondered over to the forest he had practically grown up in.


Connor sunk down at the base of a large oak tree. This tree had a hollowed out part in its trunk, so he climbed in. Connor loved making himself feel as small as possible, plus he was out of view of anyone who would pass by.

Connor decided that after his long day, he needed to take a nap. He put his head in his arms and quietly drifted off, trying not to think of the full moon that would happen that night.

When he woke up, yawning and scratching his side, Connor realized that it was starting to get dim out.

Oh well, he thought bitterly. No better place to transform than in a forest, right?

Connor pushed himself out of the tree trunk and stretched, keeping his eyes away from the setting sun.

As the moon began to rise, Connor put everything valuable in the trunk of the tree, so he wouldn't accidentally damage anything. It wasn't that he couldn't control himself- he just didn't want to take any risks.

Connor took a deep breath, then slowly shifted his eyes up to the night sky.

The painful transformation began. First, he felt as though he was having a migraine that was going to take over his body and destroy him. Two ears began to poke out. Then, the tail came along with it, a process we won't describe since it's very graphic. His guns ached as the fangs pushed through, and by the time his claws came in, Connor was howling with pain. He had always wondered why wolves howled at the moon, but after becoming one himself, Connor knew.

His jacket zipper began to tear apart, so Connor quickly shook it off before it could get destroyed. That's when he heard a small yelp from behind him.

Evan Hansen.


"W-what?" Evan tripped and fell over, then tried to scamper backwards, not daring to take his eyes off of Connor. "C-Connor Murphy?"

Connor, eyes with shock and embarrassment, nodded slowly and got on all fours. It felt more natural.

"Are- are you a- a werewolf?" Evan gasped.

Connor nodded again.

"H-how did this- what-"

Connor scratched a claw in the dirt. He couldn't talk while he was transformed, so he had to spell it all out. Evan read aloud.

"'I-got-bit-by-a-wolf,'" Evan said. "Ohhh."

Connor looked up to the boy's face to see what his reaction was. It was surprisingly calm.

"D-do you w-want me to g-go?" Evan asked. Connor quickly shook his head. Evan smiled and sat down on the ground. "H-how long have y-you-?"

Connor wrote it out.

"S-since you were 7? W-wow!" Evan suddenly blushed. "Y-you know, you d-don't look too b-bad with a t-tail."

Connor looked down and smiled a little. He scratched out in the dirt:

"'Y-you don't look s-so bad yourself,'" Evan read. He blushed even harder and looked down at his lap. "T-thanks, Con-Connor."

Connor decided to go for it. He leaned in close to Evan, and kissed him.

Evan looked taken aback, but grinned and kissed back. Then Connor bent down a little and gave Evan a small hickey on his neck without using too much fang. He spelled out:

"'To mark us,'" Evan said. He smiled and leaned back in.

Even through all the torture, all the nights Connor had spent alone, every moment of teasing he'd done to Evan, it had all worked out. At least for now.

AN: We did it. I woke up to 11k this morning. I can't tell you guys how thankful I am for this. I never expected to get 11 reads, let alone 11,000! Also- no more requests for one-shots until further notice! I'm a little backed up at the moment.

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