You Are Not Alone

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AN: This has been my favorite fic to write so far! Thank you @Marty665 for the idea!!

Evan sniffled and grabbed his mom's hand as the two walked into the classroom.

"I-I really d-don't want to g-go, M-mom," Evan said, looking up at her.

Heidi smiled down at her son. "Honey, I know new things can be scary, but we have to try them. If anything happens to you, I'll come and get you. How's that?"

Evan shrugged a little. "I-I don't k-know."

"You'll make lots of new friends! Trust me, you're going to LOVE preschool," Heidi insisted. All she wanted was for Evan to be happy.

Evan sighed. "F-fine," he agreed.

"Good. I'll be here to pick you up in a few hours, ok?"

Evan nodded.

"You be brave for me! Have lots of fun!" Heidi said, bending down to hug the small figure.

"Ok," he said, trying not cry. "Bye, M-mom, I l-love you."

"I love you, too."

Evan slowly walked into the classroom, nervous and worried. A smiling lady walked over to him.

"Hello," she said, crouching down a little. "My name is Miss Danielle. What's yours?"

"E-Evan H-Hansen," Evan stuttered.

"Nice to meet you, Evan! Let's get you signed in." Miss Danielle led Evan over to a bulletin board with name tags on it.

"Each day when you come in, you will grab your name tag and go to your seat until class starts. Can you find your name tag?"

Evan searched the board. He saw a blue tag that said "Evan" on it and pointed.

"Good job, Evan!" the teacher praised, taking it down and placing it around his neck. "Now you can go sit in your seat until class starts. Can you find the seat with your name on it?"

Evan walked around the room, looking at the names on the chairs. Finally he spotted one with his name on it.

"I-is this i-it?" he asked.

"Very good, Evan! You DO have a seat at the red table! Now you can sit down and color or play with blocks until class starts, ok?"

Evan nodded and sat down in the chair. He was still scared, but at least his teacher seemed nice. Evan grabbed a coloring sheet with a tree on it and some crayons and started coloring it to calm his nerves.

A few minutes later, Evan heard a loud commotion coming from the door. He turned around to see what was going on.

In the doorway was a young mother, trying pull her son into the classroom. A younger girl, who looked like she might be his sister, stood behind him, terrified.

"Come ON, Connor!" the mom grunted.

"I AM NOT GOING!" the boy, whose name was apparently Connor, screamed back.

Miss Danielle appeared behind the two.

"Oh dear," she said. "Who might this be?"

The mother stopped tugging on the small boy and turned to the teacher gasping for breath.

"This is Connor Murphy," she explained. "I'm afraid he might give you a little trouble."

"I go for Cunner!" the little girl piped up.

The mom rolled her eyes. "Next year, Zoe," she said. "You're not old enough yet."

"Zoe can go!" Connor agreed.

"Why don't you let ME deal with Connor?" Miss Danielle said, gently prying Connor's hands from the doorway.

"Suit yourself," the mother said, picking up Zoe and walking out.

"Hi, Connor," Miss Danielle said, bending down so that they were on eye level. "How are you?"

Connor folded his arms and looked away. "Wanna go home," he mumbled.

"Here, Connor, let's get you your name tag." Miss Danielle took Connor's hand and led him over to the bulletin board. "Can you see yours?"

Connor glared up at the board and yanked his down when he saw it.

"Very good, Connor," the teacher said, as Connor put on his name tag. "Now we need to find your seat. Do you the one with your name on it?"

Evan jumped a little when he saw Connor's name on the seat next to his. He quickly tried to cover it up with his crayons, but Connor saw his name anyway, and plopped down into the chair, annoyed.

"Connor, look! This is Evan. Isn't Evan good at coloring his picture?" Miss Danielle prompted.

Connor turned away from Evan.

"Evan, that's very nice," Miss Danielle said. "Now, I have to go help another student. His name is Jared. Why don't you guys get to know each other?"

Evan quickly went back to his tree and continued scribbling over it. Connor make him feel uncomfortable.

"I wanna go home," Connor whined, turning to face Evan.

Evan tenses up and scooted a little to his left. "Y-yeah, m-me t-too."

"Circle time, class," Miss Danielle called to everyone. "Please sit in a circle on the rug!"

Evan stood up and shakily walked over to rug. Connor sat down beside him.

"Welcome, everyone!" the teacher said, kneeling down. "Let's all go around in a circle and say our names and one interesting thing about ourselves! My name is Miss Danielle, and I have 3 cats."

The boy beside her introduced himself. "My name is Jared, and I like bathbombs!"

Around the circle, the students introduced themselves. A girl named Alana had just finished when it was Evan's turn.

"I-I- uh, m-my name's E-Evan, and I l-like t-trees." Evan blushed brightly and fidgeted with his hands while Connor introduced himself.

"I'm Connor and I want to go home."

Once everyone had said their names and something interesting about themselves, the teacher put everyone in pairs to get to know each other. Evan was paired with Connor.

"What's your favorite color?" Connor asked. "Mine's black."

"B-blue," Evan stammered. Hm. Connor was kind of cute.

"So, what have you boys learned about each other?" Miss Danielle asked, bending down to the two.

"That Evan's really cute!" Connor said, surprising everyone.

"W-what?" said Evan, confused.

"We're getting married!" Connor continued.

"Is that so?" Miss Danielle said, smiling.

"O-ok," Evan agreed. "G-getting married s-sounds f-fun."

"Well then," the teacher said, "congratulations!"

AN: Cringy but cute?? Suggestions please!

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