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Mia woke to the sound of rushing wind. She opened her eyes and gasped. She was lying down in a dark, cold cave, the wind blowing debris and dirt in her eyes. 

"Akea!" Mia called. Suddenly, Akea was blown back into the cave by the rising storm outside. He hit the ground with a soft, 'oof'.

"Akea, are you okay? What were you doing?" Mia asked, pulling him to the back of the cave and sitting him up against the wall.

"It's a tornado out there. With all the rain and wind, we won't make it. This cave is the only shelter I could find on this gosh dang mountain!" Akea growled, standing up.

Fear flashed in Mia's eyes. "What are we going to do?"

"We wait it out." Akea shrugged. 

Mia shuddered at the thought of the tornado pulling her apart, piece by piece, and she hurried to the back of the cave and sat down.


"What's that noise?" Mia asked over the roar of the storm. A creaking sound came from the front of the cave, and with all the shadows and darkness, Mia couldn't make out anything.

Akea didn't answer, probably sleeping in the dirt somewhere.

Mia stood up, and suddenly, lightning flashed outside. A dark shadow stood at the entrance of the cave. It held a sharp stick.

Mia screamed.

Akea snored loudly. 

Mia was frozen with fear.

The shadow came closer and closer, and just as Mia was about to turn into a wolf to defend herself and Akea, the shadow spoke:

"Mia, it's me. Your great-aunt. I am very much alive." the lightning flashed again, showing an old woman with black and gray curly hair, and a blue robe, her green eyes sparkling.

"But, mother said you died long ago. How do I know this isn't a trick?" Mia hissed, glaring at the old woman.

"I was cursed too," Mia's great aunt spoke.

Mia's eyes softened. 

"Long ago, I was your age. I went up to the Tree on my birthday, but instead of a gift, it gave me a curse. Where ever I went, I caused storms, mudslides, tornados. But I was sent on this journey, but I never came back. I managed to get the seed, a sapling that would grow into a new Tree, but I knew I would never survive the journey home, so I gave the seed to my friend from the Tribe, and he made sure it went back to our family. I have been waiting for the next curse to fall upon a young, unsuspecting girl, and now I have found you." Her great-aunt had a twinkly in her eye.

"W-what are you going to do with us?" Mia stuttered, seeing this woman's great power.

"I will lead you, and help you on your journey." The woman gazed down at Mia. "I will make sure you are safe, and you get back home to your mother in one piece."

*** one day later ***

The sun shined down on them, this was the place with no night, the place on top of the mountian. Mia gazed upon the Tree. It was just as great as her Tree at home, but this one was much bigger. Mia gazed at its beautiful red leaves. She looked at the ground and picked up a seed. 

"Perfect." She sighed. 

Suddenly, the ground trembled beneath her feet. Something was coming...

Suddenly, Akea and her great-aunt appeared next to her. Her great-aunt wore Mia's ring, which they managed to get back from the fairies.

"Are you doing this?" Mia looked at her great-aunt. She shook her head. Suddenly, a pack of wolves came into view. They had come to take Mia.

Mia gasped. 

"We have come to lead you home." The lead wolf howled. Mia smiled and shifted into a wolf, the seed in her jaws.

Mia smiled. "Home."

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