Chapter 5

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The next moon went by in a blur of hunting practice and learning to fight. The day before the full moon, something happened.
At sunhigh, a patrol burst through the leaf barrier and skidded to a halt in the clearing. "We're under attack!" Brambleheart yelled. That sent all of the cats into a panic.
Bushstar bounded out of his den and roared "CALM DOWN!" The clan did just that. "Brambleheart, Honeypool, Pigeonfur, Almondtail, Wavepaw, Flowerpaw, and Turtlepaw, come with me! Everybody else, hide the elders and queens! Prepare for battle!" Tunnelclan scurried around, following his orders. Bushstar's patrol formed a ragged line outside of the barrier, and, at his signal, Brambleheart led the patrol to where he had seen the enemy cats.
With a flick of his tail, Brambleheart split the patrol, and they leaped into the trees, jumping easily from branch to branch. They all suddenly stopped at the sound of cats walking through the undergrowth. Turtlepaw used the tactic she'd learned from Honeypool to hide her tortoishell fur in the dappled pattern of the leaves.
The bushes rustled, and a large patrol of well- muscled cats stepped through.
Brambleheart screeches, and Tunnelclan leaped atop the enemy patrol.

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