Fan Stream - TRI-TIME goes Live #1

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Questions: j-dreaming

"Is it streaming now?" Rye murmured to the others sat in the circle.

Sam leaned forward with his dark eyes squinted. "Um... yes!"

"Oh, okay!" Ti nodded with gratitude and turned to the camera with a huge grin on his face. "Hello, TRI-Gens! It is I, the leader of TRI-TIME! Also known as Ti!"

A few giggles came from Rye but he was quickly silenced by Sam.

"So! Today we will be answering some of your questions!)" Ti rubbed his hands together. "(For example, someone named... j-dreaming? Yeah, they asked us if we produce our music!"

Ti swept his hand towards K-min with an encouraging smile on his tan face.

"I have been the producer so far," K-min answered steadily, his blue eyes glinting with slight pride. "Sometimes I might have other producers help me, but so far it's only been me."

"And he does a great job at it too!" Ti patted his back with appreciation and looked down at his phone. "The next question is... from somebody named... Dae? Oh, it's actually a request..."

"Oh, J!" The blond-haired leader turned to the black-haired man with an devious smirk sneaking on his face. "You have to..."

"Speak English."

J's face drained of color and he stammered. "S-Speak English?!"

K-min smirked while the other members slightly laughed at his face.

"B-But-"J gave him an unhappy glare as Ti cut him off.

"I'm going to ask you some questions in English," Ti gave him that same devious smirk from before as he said.

"(What is the weather like today?)"

J contorted with concentration before he stuttered. "I-I- (Weadher?)"

"(U-um... ah!)" J snapped his fingers with realization and said. "(No cold... no hot! Very nice!)"

The other members clapped their hands and Ti asked him with an even more devious smile. "(Are you gay?)"

Sam snorted with laughter while K-min and Rye gave Ti an confused look.

"(Uh...)" J thought for a moment before complaining in frustration. "Ti, I don't know!"

"Just try, it's for the fans," Ti gave him a reassuring smile.

J took a deep breath and started. "(H-hm... very!)"

"(Yes, I'm very.)" J nodded with pride, his hands clapped together.

The other group members turned to Ti and Sam who were laughing so hard that they collapsed onto each other. J asked with slight confusion. "What was the question? Why did I just say?!"

"J! You just said you're gay!" Sam managed to say between his laughter. Rye doubled over while he giggled incessantly and K-min just smiled faintly.

J's face turned slightly red and he started to shout. "W-Wha-? No, wait, I'm not!

"Okay! Okay!" Ti calmed himself down and quieted the other laughing members. "The next question is... oh, they want to know about our style!"

"Well," Sam glanced at Ti and he nodded, urging him to go on. "Our style is more uplifting and happy, as seen by our two songs Out and Fly High. But we are still experimenting with our style, but so far we like our style!"

Ti nodded and glanced at his phone. "And the last question for today is... what are your favorite colors?"

"Oh! Oh!" Rye raised his hand up and smiled. "Mine is definitely red! But like an darker red, just like my hair!"

J nodded at Rye. "I like red too but my favorite color is like an greenish-blue. What about you, K-min?"

"I like blue," The blue-eyed man answered with a slight nod.

"Is that why you always wear blue contacts?" J poked him on his cheek gently. K-min gave him a steely stare and J smiled cheekily.

"My favorite color is pink, but I like pale pink," Sam indicated to his pale pink hair with an slight smile.

"And mine is purple!" Ti clapped his hands with finality. "It's time to say goodbye for today's stream! We hope you enjoyed our answers!"

"Bye!" TRI-TIME waved at the camera with large smiles and then the stream ended.

(j-dreaming I'll finish up the rest of your questions in a different chapter, I hoped you liked their answers!)

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