A Farewell To All Futures

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"Excuse me? Is there a person the demon lord hasn't fucked over in this room?!"




"He's kind of a dick,"

"JEEZ. What a scoundrel, I mean I know I'm a degenerate but somehow he's even worse, it's honestly kind of shocking."


"Well, this keeps getting curious and curiouser," Kyojuro said staring widely at the demon at the table, breath caught in his throat.

"Bullshit and bullshitter," Uzui added on, vaguely gesturing with the hand that wasn't resting on his shoulder's muscle. "Let's keep going I want to know what more he has to say,"

"Oh! Well isn't this a pleasant surprise, at least someone here knows what they're saying? But you know what isn't pleasant? This atmosphere in here!" Ioka crosses his arm, seemingly unaware everyone staring at him or he just didn't care; it seemed to be the former of the two.

"Yeah your questions are answered but it's like a goddamn funeral in here! I mean fuck man- I've never been to a funeral so hell yeah!" Yep, he had somewhat of an idea of what was going on around him despite no prior context, or maybe he had context and wasn't sharing it, although despite the situation they were in he seemed to be having a strange amount of fun, sick and twisted fun albeit.

It was almost childlike in a way- no- that wasn't the right word, while yes he was changing his mood as quickly as a child would, there was nothing innocent or sweet about him, instead, something ghastly, she was sure. Something is hidden behind the widening grin, the flashing canine, something sick, meant to cultivate fear itself to whoever bears witness to it, and it's working.

Shinobu didn't expect this would be how she'd be spending her late morning or early afternoon however you put it, all that mattered was this strange situation she had never expected to be put in, then again, she's sure beyond here felt the same way as she does. Yet here she is,  experiencing it. Life is strange because if it wasn't they'd be having this meeting outside rather than out inside and would not -be staring at what she assumed was Giyuu's demonic form labeled the name 'Ioka'.

But it seemed like Ioka didn't have any particular care in the world, carrying on with the conversation as if nothing she has previously thought mattered, which in the long run, it did but it didn't. "The more seconds that pass the stranger this gets," Shinobu muttered, exhausted by the sheer confusion this situation brought and they weren't even halfway through it which was even worse.

"Huh, you just now realize this strange? Sorrryyyy, this is far from strange and if you don't realize that, then that's your own fault."

"You don't think it's strange?..." Kyojuro asked him, scratching the side of his chin, as his brows creased with confusion, lips quirking up slightly. Ioka lets out a huff, taking the time to properly straighten out his crinkled uniform, buttoning the buttons that popped out, leaving the top three unbuttoned. Unsurprisingly the uniform no longer properly fit him, as expected when you grow a fourth of your height. Once he finished he turned away folding his arms over his chest brows furrowing in annoyance. 

"Listen, I'm a demon who's also a hashira and has grown almost half of my height, I can hardly define what strange is. Let's move off of this topic,"

"I'm afraid there isn't much of a topic to move off to Ioka," Oyakta-sama- surprisingly calm- responds, his hands folded over each other, he sat at the end of the table having to peer off to the side to look at him. "Huh?" He raised a brow at him, wearing an unimpressed expression.

"Does that mean I can leave now? Because I didn't come here just to be made fun of thank you very much, I've had enough of that." As if to assert his point he crossed his arms, puffing out his chest as he jutted out his chin in some sort of rebellion.

"You could, I've already proven my point, it's a lost cause anyway for you to try and recover from," Sanemi says, which, surprisingly enough, catches his attention out of everything else said. "What do you mean I've already lost?!" With that he bears his teeth growling at the other pillar like an animal. "Speak up you coward!"

And Sanemi just scoffed, ignoring the threats being sent his way. "You heard me, you lost, and now your dead, end of story."

Then- she's sure of it by his reaction- Ioka finally realizes what situation he's in and Ioka looks almost... Taken aback. Shinobu feels something even heavier rest against her chest, making it harder to breathe. "I've already... Lost?..."

Uncharacteristically he turns away, rests both of his hands on his chest, both clasped on top of each other. "I've lost..." He seemed uncertain about himself as he spoke. "How dare you make me utter such words!..."

"They hang heavily around my neck,"

"Then you've already admitted then, you knew what you were doing that night," Sanemi said, a hand resting on his hip as he said so. 

"Heh..." Sanemis eyes widened, quirking a brow at him confused as the demon smirked. "Look at you, trying to talk to me as if you're my Sensei,"

Then he started to chuckle that smirk growing wider and wider. "Too bad for you I'll never truly lose because I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"These mood changes are going to give me whiplash!" 

"Literally no one asked!"

"What do mean you don't know what he's talking about? You were there that night, you said it yourself, you were there!"

"Well, then human garbage, let me tell YOU! Me and this 'Tomioka'" He voices the word with air quotes, "of yours don't share memories! Isn't that fun right?" and just like that, all that previous uncertainty is gone like a snap of your fingers, the only proper way to describe him would be 'predictably unpredictable'.

"As I said bullshit and bullshitter!" Uzui exclaimed while simultaneously throwing his hands up in the air, and Ioka only raised a finger up to this. "Blame the demon lord for it," 

"Yeah, when hasn't Kibujitsu fucked us over?" And there was an over rounding sound of agreement and nodding and Ioka looked around, confused. 

"Excuse me? Is there a person the demon lord hasn't fucked over in this room?!"




"He's kind of a dick,"

"JEEZ. What a scoundrel, I mean I know I'm a degenerate but somehow he's even worse, it's honestly kind of shocking." He said while leaning over with his fists on his hips with a disappointedly natural expression. 

"The fact that Kibujitsu is a dick is not the point! While yeah, he is, but that isn't the point!" Sanemi attempted but it seemed Ioka had decided he didn't like him, therefore he didn't deserve a chance to talk. Shinobu's head was swirling with confusion at this point on who he liked and who he didn't.

"Then what is the point then? Huh? Some bullshit on how I'm some kind of villain or whatever, puh-lease!" The more she listens the more Shinobu starts to like him even if he did try to kill her.

"Listen, I'm a professional so I'm not just going to kill anyone, especially people who I know I'll lose to so your safe," He looks away shrugging animatedly with a grin. "for now! Or who knows, possibly forever!"

"It appears... He can't seem to settle on whether your evil or good but each outcome is somehow worse than the last..." Muichiro finally spoke up after not talking for a while and Shinobu just slowly nodded along, at least someone had gotten over their shock.

"If you don't mind me asking, how are you a so-called, 'professional'." Oyakata-sama inquired, leaning on his hand.  

"Well as a professional it's obviously suited I have a type right? Or at least I think that's what it means, anyway, that's about it, I'm professional so I have a type."

"Demons have types?..."

"We do, people just don't really think about that factor y'know? Y'see that's the thing! Even we demons have our types, and the only people I desire to kill with even the slightest amount of passion are men with my desired characteristics!... With some inclusion of women, of course, can't forget about the ladies! And she certainly didn't even fit a single one of the boxes on that so she was a definite no! God, the more I speak the more embarrassing this sounds... NOT!"

"...Then what is your type you sicko!" Mitsuri gasps, mostly appaled at the statment."

"Woah there lady! If you really want the answer then don't get that attitude with me!"

"Shut up!"

"No you shut up!"

"ANWAY, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I just can't help who my type is! The simple idea of those men and women like that existing makes me want to burn them all at the stake entirely! Men with black hair and red eyes... Aghhh... That's not even mentioning the pink-haired and blonde ones the balds and green fuck's too! They all just make me sick to my non-functioning stomach! And woman?!" Ioka growled, gripping tightly at the edges of his haori pushing it downwards.

"Long black or white hair is a no-go! They have to go I don't care what you say about it! Nu-hu! Evil!" Any hope of getting an eloquent answer was abandoned a long time ago, that point being asserted as he pointed his finger at Shinobu. "So listen up! You have short black hair, I said long, your not that special girl."

"So because Kocho never 'fit' that bill you wouldn't have killed her?"

"Would someone who knows water breathing start washing their house with said breathing style just because water is involved? You're a hashira, right? So stop being stupid!"

"But that didn't stop you from nearly attacking Rengoku-san,"

"Um, Kocho please don't insert me in this con-"

"You almost hurt Kyojuro-san?! You're horrible!" Mitsuri exclaimed, now deciding to put her input on the situation. 

"NO! HE'S horrible! Thanks to him I almost murdered someone who wasn't my type for the first time ever! It's him! He hit me it's his fault if I almost hurt him he should know better!"

"And so you just pretended you never tried to hurt attack anyone because of that?"

"I'm not about to die for just some 'man'!" Ioka scoffed, "If I'm gonna die then I wanna die trying to kill the demon-lord himself!" then, he giggled to himself after he finished his statement. "But I just can't catch a break that's the thing! Someone's really got it out for me! But a hashira like you should be able to dodge any of my attacks no problem if you get hit that's your fault!"

"So you know what the demon lo- Kibujitsu, looks like?" Shinobu asked and he nodded. "Yep!"

"So do you know what Doma looks like then?... Because if you do I want a picture of him, immediately," 

Weirdly enough, Ioka just looked away uncomfortably, tugging at the hem of his sleeve. "Well... How do I explain this... I..." Shinobu just raised a brow at him. 

"Look, I know I'm practically demented walking talking rotting corpse but..."

"Fuck... Even that guy creeps me out, I don't blame you if you have a personal vendetta against him, I have a personal vendetta against him and I never even met him... I think... Look- I dunno! He just gives me weird vibes..."In a loud motion, he throws his hands back, giving up. 

"How do you not know if you've met someone like him? He's obvious to spot!"

"Memories Kocho! Memories!" With a voice full of sudden anger, he glared at her, focusing primarily on her as he moved to grab at the grip of his blade, only unsheathing it halfway. "We don't share memories, basic knowledge, yes however other than that we are entirely two different beings well- not exactly in the long run..."

"I don't quite follow...?"

"Jeez! You still haven't gotten it? Do I have to spell everything out for you." He tucked his blade back into its sheath and looked to the side with folded arm, "Essentially, I'm... I'm an extension of your friend... Although I doubt a downer like him has any what I said is true." then looking back he smirked, slyly. "All his deepest desires... Unsavory ideas or urges... Everything compressed or even repressed all formed into one little ball and made me! That's amazing right?"

"Although that doesn't mean things to translate over because emotions do, memories don't... Kinda... It's complicated,"

"Do you share memories or not?"

"Well yes but actually no! From the moment I was created or a better phrasing is 'released into the world!' we were completely cut off. But the funny thing is everything he doesn't remember I do! So basically I'm just your old 'Tomioka' before any of this happened except not exactly but there are some blanks in there y'know? Just your old friend with a new color of paint as the phrasing goes. Why do you think we're both so marginally different from who we used to be?"

"Memories of people, of events, whatever you can dignify as a memory, having lost it is like losing a part of your personal identity. Memories are the most important factor in determining how someone acts and how it builds them. Losing your memory just makes you nothing more than a shadow of the past, it doesn't matter what it is. Every. Memory. Is. Important!"

Oyakata-sama nodded, hands clasped over his lap with his lips pressed into a thin line, head cocked gently to the side as if he was following everything that was being said. "So every memory Giyuu currently has missing, whether it be from repression or because he has become a demon you now have, correct? The same the other way around?" 

With a please expression, Ioka nods fervently that grin never leaving his face. "Yeah, basically, and you can go figure out the rest for yourselves you got the brains to do it! I'm sick of expositioning all this stupid shit!"

"Hey!" Sanemi rose from his seat slamming his hand onto the table with a scowl, eyebrows pinched in anger. "Don't talk to Oyakata-sama like that! Who the hell do you think you are!"

"Smarter than you apparently, sides', I wouldn't have to say this shit if it weren't true! Go figure out this shit yourself, I'll confirm but I'm tired of explaining! Figure this shit out yourself for once!" As Sanemi continued to fume from the great distracted shown to his master, Oyakata-sama ignored it completely and pushed on.

"So since you have Giyuu's old memories Ioka, you remember working in the corps, meetings everyone, and your time here so you know what you meant to do, you know how to use every single form of water breathing, the one you created included, however, there are certain areas you might blank in, but, in general, you have all of Giyuu's knowledge from his life before becoming a demon. Is that what you are trying to say?"

"Yep yep yep! Bingo! And we have a winner and would you look at that, to no surprise he's right on the money!"

"'Giyuu' came into this world with only the memories Enmu provided him- and if you don't know who that is, it doesn't matter, he's dead anyway- basically, stealing my memories from me, unluckily for him, he stole some of the worst and some of the most pleasant so now I'm just left with all these bland boring ones instead."

"So Tomioka-san knew us, but didn't know us when he first met us?"

"From what I felt, the confusion and mistaking of someone as another person, yes, he did know you but at the same time, he didn't since he hardly remembered you to begin with. So basically, you got it honey! Five years of memories of working at this corps are just gone! Poof! Away with and done with!" Ioka continued on. 

"Which means us meeting right now isn't the first time we've met, you just think it is!"

"So, basically," Uzui started, standing up suddenly and placing his hands on the wooden surface of the table. "you are just an unhinged version of the old Tomioka we used to know who's just missing a few memories."

"Basically, yeah, want my advice? Never get tortured, it isn't fun," Uzui just let out a groan, running a hand through his hair with a stressed-out look.

"You do not understand how stressed out I am right now,"

Ignoring his coworker's clear distress, Sanmei folded his arms over his chest, looking away with an indifferent expression. "Well, now that we have all that figured out it's time to muzzle you,"

The statement shocked Ioka at first, but then shock dissipated into anger and he shook his fist at him. "Muzzle me?! Why I ought to throttle you forever suggesting that, don't you have any common decency?!" He looked away once more, crossing his arms, "'S not like it'll work," then he pointed towards his sharp teeth. "try it and I'll crush it with my teeth along with spit it out at you, maybe it'll work on the other guy but not on me."

"But fine," With a huff, he shook his head, then moved to smooth out clothing then facing towards them, eyes fluttering closed as he fully relaxed his posture. He seemed at 

"Whether you think I'm unreasonable or not, I know when I've actually lost, and I know when I need to stop dragging things on," Sighing off the heavyweight on his chest, he hangs his head low, rolling his shoulders. 

"Goodbye," And just like how this all started, it ends the same way, he tips back, falling to the floor, body contorting with the sounds of crackling and popping of bones, the patterns on his skin disappearing, horns growing back into his skull, shrinking back to his original height and rising back up with an expression of pure desolation. 

"I-I'm gonna die aren't I?" Tomioka now says, no longer Ioka by the obvious change of appearance. The statement is generally greeted with shock but no one protests it, the general consensus being confusion instead of clarity, and Giyuu takes that as his answer. 

"Humor me when I ask you this but..." Despite the situation at hand, his expression is both calm and stoic, exactly how he looked before any of this started. "Can this situation really give you the happy ending you're looking for? I can't say I see it ending that way,"


Cutting them off he looks down at the ground, hugging himself with his arms. "Actually, it isn't that important now that I think about it,"

"Okay, Oyakata-sama, I think I'm ready to begin,"


"Or- no-" His hands clenched around themselves tightly, drawing in a tight breath, "I suppose this is my end. Isn't it?" and his only answer was a deafening silence. 

"Your silence is all the answer I need, very well then,"

With a heavy breath, he looked up, the corner of his eyes shimmering. "take care then, I hope we can meet again in the next life... Hopefully under less dire circumstances..."

A/N: Can this story really give you the happy ending you're looking for? I can't say I ever saw it that way.

Ioka's Type: Ioka, the true demonic form of Giyuu Tomioka, has a type of person he likes to kill, which are specifically men, especially men with black hair, along with red eyes. He also likes to kill men with pink hair, and blonde hair as well, and bald ones of course that depends on what they look like. He's not against killing women, but he only kills ones with long black or white hair.

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