Special Chapter: Extra's

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Because there's a chance I won't be able to get out the next chapter, enjoy these unused segments! Bear in mind, these are not fully written out, so get a taste of how I write things or things that are mostly barebone at best. 

WARNING: Blood, injury, and angst


Kyojuro's and Giyuu's Mission - Before I decided upon the Mugen Train Arc being it.

"Tomioka your leg," The flame pillar urges, trying to protest against the demons pulling but fails. "N-no," The demon vigorously shakes his head, gritting his teeth as the smell of blood reaches his nose and he can feel the drool trying to escape his lips. He can't he can't he can't- "I can go all d-day, I'm gonna get you out of here- I gotta-" He heaves the flame pillar out of the rubble as the younger pillar lets out a groan in response to the sudden change in pressure. His leg hurts, it's broken, no beyond broken, broken into enough pieces that they're splintering out of his leg threatening to split his leg open. Giyuu lays him flat on the ground eyes frantically searching around, looking for something, where is it?! He thought.

Rengoku stares at him in his state of panic as he searches for something. "What are you looking for?" He croaks out.

"The muzzle, where is it?"


"Where is it?!"

"I- It's in my left haori pocket," As soon as the sentence leaves his mouth the demon practically scrambles for it. "Why do you need it?" The look the water pillar gives him a look that explains everything for him.

The flame pillar grimaces up at him as the demon frantically grabs the muzzle and shoves it into his mouth, harshly biting into it with a wince. This was worse than I thought, the human thinks, it's... deeper than I first expected it just what did Muzan do?


His fingers hover over the marks left by the tight cloth tied around the skin, his throat feels tight and he bites his lip so no unwanted criticisms fall out of his mouth. Tomioka stares at him, unblinking, his mouth slightly open as he anticipates for the Flame Pillar to say something in response. Kyojuro's gaze flickers to the side for a moment until he stares back at the demon, a heavy hand finding its way on Tomioka's shoulder. If the Giyuu expected him not to notice the flinch right as he laid his hand on his shoulder, he did and he stopped himself from frowning as a result.

"...Don't do that again, you hear me Tomioka? Don't you dare do that again," The sudden shift to his usual tone is offsetting. Gone is his upbeat, enthusiastic attitude replaced by a solemn, disdainful voice. That usual flame in his eyes has been extinguished and is now just a wisp, a shadow of what it used to be. "I trust you enough that you don't need that muzzle, your not an animal that needs to be detained and you never will be no matter what people might tell you or what you might think. You're a person, just like me, I know you are, you've shown that," He places his hands on his hips with a reassuring grin slapped on it

"As long as I'm around you won't have to wear it, alright? I can't vouch for the others but I trust you, we're fighting for the same cause so it's best we work together!"

Ripples In The Water - A chapter that can't happen due to the next 2 in the making

In the cup is a liquid all too familiar, the tea she had put the wisteria in.

The tea meant to slowly but surely poison her body so she could defeat Doma. Slowly but surely being brought to his lips, to drink.

That would kill him, is the only thought that rings out through her mind, he's going to die if he finishes that drink, maybe even from one sip.

Quick on her feet, she rushes towards him, reaching out her hands to stop him. "Giyuu Tomioka do not drink that! Don't! It'll- !" Her voice is desperate, on the edge of breaking. No no! She can't lose him after everything that happened, after finally getting on their way to recovery it was all about to be lost in just a few seconds, but she could stop it, she-

She was far too late.

Even if he had only taken one sip the effect was immediate, once the taste reaches his lips he immediately lurched back and away from the drink, cup shattering and liquid splashing all over the floor. Tears spilling past the brim of his eyes as he grips tightly at his throat, coughing, wheezing and she can only imagine how much pain that simple drink put him in. How much pain he had already been put in even though he had already been in enough pain as it was.

"Stay with me Tomioka-san, alright? J-just stay with me, I-I can help, I-" She can't, she knows she can't the damage has already been done, she can't help at all.

Cut out dialogue between Giyuu and Uzui

(giyuu look away) "Why?..."

"Hm? I can't hear you, speak louder, speak more flamboyantly,"


"Why what Tomioka?"

"Why are you helping me?"

"Why wouldn't I help you?"

"Because you hate me,"

"No, I don't hate you. Why would I hate you?"

"Don't lie,"

"It's not flamboyant to lie, I hold myself to a higher stand than to do that."

"You're lying,"

"I don't hate you Tomioka, demon or not your still my colleague,"

This... This Scene... It's an OOF-

Shinobu grabs onto his hand and holds it against her chest, a fluttering heartbeat underneath his fingers as a reassurance to him that she was alive and well despite the blood that stains them both.

(put stuff here)

His lips look soft despite their pale complexion, they're slightly parted, a thing she noticed he did when he was on the edge of this seat waiting for something, anything to happen. She has no doubt they'll be cold as the rest of his skin is, but she isn't sure why but something deep down is telling her she should find out. She's not sure what has her lean forward to get a taste on whether or not they are but right as she's close enough that his breath ghosts her lips but a noise sounds from a nearby bush and he looks away from her

Maybe a preview?... Can't see myself using it.

He feebly grips and the taller man's haori, frame trembling as blood drips down his chin. "Sa... Sanemi? What are you doing?"

He scoffs but continues on running as fast as his legs can carry him. "I couldn't just let you die despite how much I want you to, Oyakata-sama would kill me," Despite the bitterness of his words Giyuu can sense a bit of warmth behind the words. He smiles at him and the wind pillar flusteredly barks at him to stop smiling.

He keeps on smiling anyway until his vision goes out of focus and it blurs to darkness.

Chapter - Weight Off My Shoulders - Not true because proven already

Mitsuri taps her finger against her chin as she stares at him from her seat. "I'm afraid you won't be able to sit next to us Tomioka-san, there's not enough room, so sorry!" Her apology is genuine Shinobu tried to scoot over but there's no room.

(giyuu shrinks his size so he can sit next to the two)

"You could have just sat over here," Obanai commented but the love pillar waves her hand with a beam. "I wanted to talk with Kocho-san thoooough! Besides, we just figured out that Giyuu can shrink like Nezuko-chan so we just made a discovery while we were at it!" Shinobu looks over at the serpent pillar and shrugs, ignoring the cooing and poking of Mitsuri towards Giyuu. 

A/N: Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed, and yell at me in the comments about what you thought about these cut scenes!

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