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First I want to tell you who inspired me to do this. MeltedBabybels (Check out her books!)

1. Don't get mad!
2. Nothing Inappropriate!
3. Only warrior cat cursing!
4. Don't bully!

Okay, the roles...

Blood Soakers:

Usually only 1 but their can be 2.
These are the killers, if they are not identified the first night they can chose to kill another the next night or not. Please PM me if you want this role. You also get to chose who you kill the second-infinity time around.


There can be up to 5. These are the ones who witnessed the murder. They didn't see who it was though. Please PM me if you want this role. If you get it then I will tell you what you see.

The Dead:

These are the players who have died, they mostly just sit out and watch to see what happens next.

The Spirits:

These cats are already long gone, I will tell them what happens and they will have to make a confusing prophecy to help The Frightful out. PM me if you want this role.

The Banished:

These are innocent cats who have been banished from the game. If there are 5 or more, you can plan an attack on the clan.

The Frightful:

These are all the innocent cats. You get this role automatically if you are nothing else. If you are a Frightful then at the end of each day you vote for who to banish. You win if you banish the Blood Soaker and you lose if you are all killed, banished or The Tension level gets too high.

Now, Leaders, Deputies and Med. Cats can only be killed if there are only 5 warriors left.


Leader: Leaders control the clan. If they want to they can ignore the clan's votes and banish whoever they want, though this raises the Tension Level if they are wrong.

Deputy: Deputies protect the clan. If they want, they can sacrifice themselves for the clan.
Ex. Narrator: That night, Sootpaw was killed.
Deputy: I intercept!
Narrator: Okay, the deputy intercepts. The deputy dies but Sootpaw lives.

Med. Cat: Med. Cats protect. If they chose to protect someone, they are protected from the Blood Soaker. Though, it does nothing if accidently used on the Blood Soaker. Also receive signs from Starclan.

Warriors: Basically do nothing but vote, sorry.

Apprentices: Threat level: 6. Threat levels are what determine how easy of a target you are. The higher the level, the easier prey you are. They can also vote. Med. Cat Apprentices become Med. Cats after all Med. Cats are dead.

Queens: Usally take deaths the hardest and can run away if they chose to. Threat level: 5. They can also vote.
Ex. Narrator: Lavenderkit has died.
Queen: I can't take it anymore, I run away.
(If you have kits, you can run away with them)

Kits: Threat level: 8. You can't vote but your mom can chose to run away with you.

Elders: Threat level: 7. Can vote and are usally either wise or crazy. You can chose to confuse or teach.

(If you want to be a Spirit, then don't chose a rank or I will get confused and think you are a Frightful. Don't forget to PM me so that I can tell you what happened without anyone else seeing.)

Let's Go!

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