Author's Note

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Author's Note:

And thus, my twelfth story is completed.

This story started out as a trainwreck of ideas being smushed together. I wanted to try one where the dragon picked someone who didn't want to be a rider, but why stop with a regular dragon and rider story? Let's make the dragon a powerful mage who's hampered by low magic generation, and turn the human into someone who secretly generates a lot of magic (a Wellspring). Toss in some inconvenient magic rules, some pride, a few secrets, and see how long it takes them to figure out that they both have a common goal.

At 79,200 words, this story is an average-sized novel that flowed well when I was writing, and it seems to have a nice balance. It is my third book with more than one POV, but I can't imagine this book turning out nearly as well if it had been written from just one POV.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped me catch errors and polish this story into something that flows better (there were quite a few of you who helped as I posted the new chapters - thank you as well!)

Please also give a round of applause to my main editors - Kittychan89IyashiKitsune,  BookWyrm11, CyberWolfWrites, biblxliophilic_, JacksonRop2442, and FireAlwaysReturns - who spent quite a few hours of their time helping me sort out my persistent typos and questionable grammar as we polished it up for posting.

Some statistics on the story:
This was my twelfth book.
It took me about 4 months to write and edit. (This was done before I started posting).
First chapter was posted on: November 15, 2022 (one update a week and a bonus chapter each month)
Completed: August 8, 2023
~72,900 words (Roughly 148 pages in a word document – single-spaced)

Fanfiction & Spinoffs:
I've had a few inquiries, and yes, people may write fanfictions and spinoffs using my story world and magic rules as long as proper credit is given. (Please note that this does not allow you to copy my story.) Please list my story title and username in either your summary and/or Chapter one.
Example: My story was inspired by 'Tricked Into Flight', which was written by @CrystalScherer.

If you want, when you post it, let me know and I can add it to my reading list, which is dedicated to such spinoffs. Some people also add the tag 'CrystalScherer' to their spinoffs so they are easier to find.

Please note that I do not accept offers to translate my story as I would need those language rights if I ever publish it.

Feel free to check out my other books! Here's a link to my Profile:

For a list of my upcoming stories or what I'm working on, feel free to check out my 'What's Up?' book.

Have an Awesome Day!

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