Chapter 40

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*Katerina's POV*

The air was colder than usual due to how high we were flying. I couldn't make out the individual trees, just blurs of green. Thankfully, the dragons landed every few hours to let us have a bathroom break, which also gave us a chance to warm up.

Rakota sideslipped and dropped back as Serepha took the lead. Unlike past flights, Andar, Rakota, and Serepha were flying in a V like geese did when migrating. Distance was clearly their goal, and the formation seemed to help them fly faster.

Diondin had gone a different way this morning, and I knew I'd miss Brandon's casual discussions that always made talking seem so easy. We had already been strapped into the saddles when Diondin told the others he'd meet them along the coast later. There hadn't even been time to try sharing the extra loaves I'd cooked or return the flour that still resided in my backpack.

Despite examining my map this morning, I had no idea where we were. The roads and villages didn't appear to match what I had memorized, but we were flying east, which was the right direction for Emerson City.

Some of the roads might not be visible from this height, although the person who created or traced the maps likely hadn't seen the land from such a vantage point, which was the most likely reason. There wasn't anything else for me to do, so I kept trying to figure out where we were while simply enjoying the view.

Right about the time I started shivering from the cold wind, Serepha partially folded her wings into a shallow dive. I sighed in relief at knowing we'd stop for another short break. The trees rapidly grew closer, and soon I could tell which meadow the dragons were heading to. Our rest stops were always large enough for all three to land, had a good water source, and weren't close to roads or villages.

As soon as Rakota's feet touched the ground, I began undoing the straps. When he furled his wing back and bent down, I climbed off. I rubbed my legs with a wince; they were protesting from sitting in a saddle almost all day in the cold air.

I eyed up the large creek but assumed the dragons would know if naga were hiding in the depths. The dragons drank downstream as Randel and I filled our waterskins. I marveled at the gentle glow within the blue crystals as they purified the water flowing inside.

Such a spell would probably last a decade, maybe more since a dragon had cast it and rumor said their spells were more powerful. Rakota may have made it so I didn't waste their time by boiling water, but I was still grateful for the gift. Most cases of water sickness were mild and just an inconvenience, but sometimes it needed a healer. Even boiling didn't always prevent it, but this spell would.

After tucking my waterskin into a side pocket on my backpack, I rubbed my arms, which still had goosebumps despite the warm sunshine. Rakota tilted his head, glanced at Randel, then back at me.

He stepped to the side and ripped up a clump of grass with his claws, turning it upside down. "I have an idea, but I need some dirt compacted into a ball about the size of your palm. Mind helping me, Kat?"

I came over slowly. "What do you want me to do?"

In an overly patient tone, he said, "Clump some dirt in your hand. I can change it into a crystal and add a spell that will help keep you warm, much like the one Randel has."

This was far too much like being part of spellcasting for me. "Uh, thank you for the offer, but it isn't necessary." I shrugged uncomfortably. "I also don't have any way to pay for it."

"Consider it my way of repaying you for helping me yesterday. Besides, if we encounter any clouds, your clothing will get damp."

I hesitated, then asked, "Can I put the dirt clump down before you cast any spells?"

I held my breath, hoping he'd accept the compromise. If this was an attempt to repay me, I didn't want to offend him or make him insist on flying me to an even more distant city. With a day and a half of flying ahead of us, the trip would be more comfortable if I wasn't shivering the entire time.


I breathed out a sigh of relief and came closer. After a quick check of my shields, which were still as strong as they had been the last five days, I grabbed a handful of damp dirt and compacted it into a ball.

I held it where he could see it. "Is this the right size?"

"It'll work." His voice was bored, as if he wanted to get this over with.

I set it down, and even as I stepped back, faint green light glimmered from inside the dirt. Moments later, it faded, and the black soil crumbled away from a smooth pearly stone.

Then an orange light, almost like a fire, glowed from within. When it disappeared, the stone's surface had faint white and blue swirls across its surface.

"There. That will keep you from getting chilled during our flights. Keep it in a pocket or something and don't lose it."

I gingerly picked it up. The oval stone was roughly the shape of a chicken egg, but only quarter as thick, the surface so smooth it was like glass. It was vaguely warm to the touch.

"How does it work?" I asked, turning it over to examine the swirling patterns. "It's so smooth..."

"It traps a small layer of heat around your skin, particularly in windy situations." Changing the topic, he said, "We'll be leaving in a few minutes."

That was my cue to get moving. I had given some bread to Randel at our last stop, so I didn't have to pull any out this time. I tucked the stone into my shirt pocket and made a quick trip into the bushes.

When I came back, Rakota crouched down for me to climb on. He watched as I did up the straps, almost appearing amused at how easily I slid the straps under their counterparts.

"Perhaps the third time will be the charm," he murmured as his gaze turned skyward.

I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to understand what he meant. This was our fourth stop today, so I doubted he was referring to how I did up my harness. Was it even directed at me or was he talking to himself?

Without any explanation or additional comments, he crouched down and leapt into the air as we resumed our journey.

This chapter was a bit short, but there will be a bonus chapter on Father's Day!

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