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My heart was thudding four times faster in my chest. My eyes scanned the seaside for some sort of cover.

I needed to hide. From what? I wasn't sure. But the sense of impending danger was overwhelming. I could almost feel it coming up in waves over me.

The sea began to foam like it was boiling.

I staggered away from the seaside. No, no, no! I needed to get out of here.

I tried to run, but then I suddenly realized what I was wearing. I was in armor, and it was heavy, very heavy. It was so heavy that I could barely move.

The joints of the armor squeaked from a long time of lack of use. My panic intensified. What was going on? Why was my armor not functional?

Water splashed over my head,drenching me.

The roar that followed made my insides run cold. The hair all over my arms stood erect as a shiver passed over my entire body.

I turned slowly to look, and I was paralyzed by the sight that greeted me.

I had never seen a dragon before, and I wasn't sure they even existed, but if they did, then this is what they would look like.

Terror filled my stomach as it thrashed in the water, heading towards land.

Move! I yelled at my sluggish brain, but I knew it was no use. There was nowhere to run. I had to fight this thing if I was to survive.

If not for my present situation, I would have laughed at the thought. Fight a dragon?And one as fearsome as this?

God help me. I silently prayed, struggling against the fear that was clouding my mind. Please help!

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,
Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,”

The words spoke in my head, a timely reminder.

I swallowed. I remembered these verses. And I knew the weapons that were being referred to. The armor of God.

I looked up at this beast coming towards me.

I wasn't equipped enough to fight it, and that realization terrified me.

I had no sword, no shield. I wasn't even sure what parts of the armor rested on me. Even if I knew, they were basically useless and merely impeded my movement. I could tell they hadn't been maintained as they should've.

The message came to me loud and clear.

My armor was faulty, and it was my fault. I had been lazy with God for a while now, and this was my due.

God! Please have mercy! I’ll do better!

The dragon made it to land, and immediately, its fiery eyes rested on me. Its nostrils breathed out smoke. Its scales were so layered and plated that there was no chink as far as I could see. Its armor was impenetrable. It had no lips, and rows upon rows of teeth made me weak to the knees.

God! I can't fight this thing!

I gave you everything you needed to prepare yourself for battle, but you discarded it all…Came His reply.

I’m sorry!

No answer.

I suddenly remembered something else.

“For the word of the Lord is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword…” As I spoke the words, a sword appeared in my hand. Relief flooded through me, but then it disappeared when I realized I could still barely move.

As the dragon headed for me, I held it ready.

“Piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrows…”

I stabbed into the dragon’s armor. It went in only a few inches.

I knew my sword needed more power, but I was out of verses. My brain didn't vomit anything else.

The dragon retreated, roaring in anger, taking my sword along with it. Then it spat flames.

I knew what I needed. A shield. Specifically the shield of faith, but the fear and horror clogging my brain and heart didn't make room for any faith that I would make it out of this.

This was the end. I was doomed.

“Jesus!" I screamed the name as a last resort, and then woke up in bed, sweating all over.

Therefore put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day…

My armor was weak, and I had a lot of work to do. I got out of bed and began to pray. God had taught me my lesson, and I would be a fool not to adhere.

Many of us Christians do not realize how real the spiritual warfare is😫
Well, this is a reminder of the reality of the spiritual, and if we’re to win any battles, we need to effectively equip ourselves with the armor of God revealed to us in Ephesians 6 🔥
May God help us in Jesus name 🙏🙏

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