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The shrill song of morning birds combined with a nagging ray of sunlight piercing through your eyelids stir you awake. A groan passes your parched lips; disoriented, you blink away the remnants of troubled dreams. Scratching your tangled hair, you remove a couple of dried leaves stuck in it before sitting up.

At first, you can't remember what you're doing inside what seems like an hunter's old hut, but when your eyes fall on the kendo armor resting against the wall by the low entrance, pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Hand flying to your mouth, you let out a strangled gasp while various sore regions of your body remind you of the crazy night you've just spent with an ancient forest deity, and the shameless and damning things you've done with him.

If only Kanako could see you...

Kanako chan! A violent burst of longing brings fresh tears to your eyes; your jaws clench in an attempt to keep yourself under control. Today isn't the day for bawling your eyes out. There's a rescue plan to follow, and everyone needs you to stay strong.

Eyes on the road, chin high.

A loud stomach growl reminds you that you've skipped lunch and dinner. But what can you do about it? There's no fridge or kitchen in this fox lair. With a sigh, you reach out for your discarded clothes and that's when you find two onigiri - rice balls - carrying the brand of the supermarket downtown nested in your hakama.

Somebody went shopping this morning.

This time, another wave of emotions swells inside your chest as you stare at the simple yet mouthwatering food. Of course, your instructor would be thoughtful, but it's still hard to imagine the fox being so mindful of your needs. At the same time, maybe it only makes sense given what you've agreed upon. A shiver runs down your spine, but you force yourself to repress any doubt or anxiety. What is done is done, and you know there's no other option if you want to stay in Kanako's life.

Resolute, you gulp down the rice balls and throw a disgusted glare at your wrinkled clothes reeking of stale sweat. You'd give a lot for a shower right now.

"Ah good, you're finally up! Not an early riser, are you? Looks like you were exhausted." Mori's deep baritone startles you. He stands on the threshold, hands clasped behind his back, wearing a simple brown cotton yukata.

Apologies die on your lips when you catch the glee sparkling in his eyes. "What can I say? Practice was downright brutal last night. Koga san wore me out with his killer skills," you reply, tongue in cheek, while putting on your undershirt over your training bra.

His eyes narrow into a frown, and somehow it feels good to know that even an awesome and frightful being like him has male pride to bruise. It makes him more human and the whole situation more manageable. But just as you throw him a toothy smile and a cocked eyebrow, three tails wrap themselves around your waist and legs, and tug you not so gently until you crash against his chest. You barely keep your balance by pressing your palms against his chest.

When his hand cups your neck and squeezes it, a groan of pain and pleasure escapes you, but you keep silent because his eyes are bleeding gold. The mood is suddenly darker inside the hut, as if the daylight has been dimmed.

"Little warrior, we don't have time for lessons right now, but note this. It's not only in the dojo that I have no tolerance for foolish games."

You inhale deeply; his words don't frighten you, they only strengthen your resolve. You meet his inhuman glare without flinching. "I meant no disrespect, but please don't confuse light-hearted jokes with playing games. If you tease me, I'll bite back. That's who I am, and it shouldn't surprise you."

His chest expand, the vibrations of a low growl make the hair of your arms stand, and for a fleeting second, you wonder if he's going to shift and if you're about to lose your head. His short burst of laugh catches you by surprise. His tails release you, but he still cradles your neck. His eyes are back to a warm chocolate brown.

"That's who you are, indeed. I guess I should get used to be on the receiving end of your sharp tongue - and not only literally speaking," he chuckles. His words paint your cheeks pink; you turn your face until your lips brush his palm, and your teeth nibble his skin. He leans forward until his warm breath tickles your mouth. "Never forget I'm very possessive with what is mine."

Pain shoots from your neck; nails have turned into claws again. Another deep intake of breath, and you gaze at him from behind hooded eyes. "Well, please don't forget that to get that, you need to get Kanako chan out of that house first." An agreement goes both ways, and he shouldn't get ahead of himself. You're dancing a perilous tango and you've got the nagging feeling he's not one to bother with human rules when they don't match his needs.

"I haven't forgotten, little warrior," his voice is lower than usual. "She won't spend another night in there." He lets you go and smoothens his yukata. When he takes two steps back, you find it suddenly easier to breathe. "The clock is ticking. I called her house this morning, talked to her father and requested an emergency meeting. He couldn't deny me given my position in this town. We have only an hour to get ready, and this includes going by your house so that you can change yourself. Let's go!"

"Wait, what about my gear and my bag? Everything is behind the dojo..."

"We'll pick it up on our way to your home. Follow me now."

Not sparing a backward glance, he steps out of his hut and you have no choice but hurry up behind him. You take another way than the one you used the previous night. This time you follow the paved path that visitors follow, going on the other side of the mountain.

A plain white car waits in the parking lot at the foot of Mt. Odake. You know better than pester Mori with practical questions, such as why he needs one in the first place. A day like today shows that even changeling foxes can use a lift. He opens the trunk and takes out a black suit, a white shirt, a silky black tie and a pair of black shoes. 

The parking lot is empty but Mori doesn't even look around before changing into the Western-style clothes. Leaning against the hood, you can't help but steal an appreciative glance at his strong and smooth upper body. You'd like to ask how much time he put into creating that frame of his, and if he can maintain it effortlessly forever, but it's clearly not a good time to start a metaphysical discussion on changeling rules.

The ride to your home is silent. After a quick shower and a change of clothes where you choose a pair of loose-fitting black cotton pants and a purple t-shirt, Mori drives to the other side of town where Kanako's parents live.

When he cuts the engine off, you move to open your door, but a hand on your wrist stops you.

"No, I'll go alone. Even if I introduce you as my resident student, I'd have trouble explaining why you came to this meeting, and let's not raise their suspicions about who you really are. Stay here and keep watch."

"Why bother making me come in the first place then?" you exclaim as a wave of anger seizes you. "I could have stayed home, there's no use for me here."

"Didn't you hear what I just said? Keep an eye on the house!"

"For what? I have no business stopping anyone from coming here."

He sighs and shakes his head. "I don't care about delivery guys or elderly community members. Look out for stranger sights, like animals with odd behavior."

"Animals?..." You remember Toshi the raccoon-cat and gulp down. "Why would... anyone be suddenly interested in this house?"

"Don't believe that anything we've done and talked about can be kept a secret for very long. That's also why we need to move fast, before... other forces move to oppose it."

"Who would do that? And why?" you ask, subdued and anxious again. Your foot begins to tap the car floor.

"Let's have that discussion later." With this, he steps out of the car, smoothen his dark formal suit and walks with confident strides to the entrance door. He knocks, then the door opens and after a short conversation with a woman who looks very much like your darling, he disappears inside.

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