CH. 12 Just do it

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Hey dear all :-)) As my status says...the plan is to update and here it comes :-)))

Hope you'll like this chapter...let me know and THANK YOU so much for your messages, comments, votes..everything, you're the best and make for me a real amazing adventure writing this story..

So...what is going to happen in this chapter after Aspen?? Who knows, read and find out! :-)

On the right, a wonderful banner made my JUURIKURAN and I thank you dear soooo much xox and I thank you Klovis darl, too, because she just made some other beautiful banners I'll use in the next chapter <3

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to xxbdbxxloverxx because know how you like Jasper and Dima and how you feel close to them.

Enjoy xox


Travis leaned his head on my shoulder and played with my fingers, sighing and shaking his head. He wasn’t upset or anything, but just sort of frustrated and I believe we all were feeling the same. We came back from our weekend in Montreal and hoped to find a different situation from the one we left, but it was still the same.

My friend Dima and Jasper were still acting in that funny awkward way around each other, blushing and blabbing stupid things, smiling and grinning and clearly getting on everyone’s nerves for being that obvious but oblivious of their mutual feelings. My best friend came to me after coming back from Aspen and asked me more things about how I realized I had feelings for my Travis, how that happened, what I did and the like. It took all of my patience and affection for him not to snap and bark at him. I wasn’t going to push him into something he was still unsure, but the whole thing was simply moronic. Travis told me that Jasper had no idea how to behave, because he’s afraid of rejection or weird behavior and I’d like to kick their ass so damn much.

To sum it up: they came to an impasse and now one of them needed to take the first step. What I couldn’t understand was my friend’s behavior, because he has never been someone to overly think matters and he was an action type of person. Why was he so unsure? I was going to talk him later, this better stop and soon.

Dima liked Jasper and he had to move his butt to get him.

River and Derek were having fun, figures, but they were getting frustrated as well and River thought whether it’d be a good idea to force it a bit, but I wasn’t keen of forcing nature; I knew Dima very well and he wasn’t just wasting time or being an idiot, he was actually making some deep thinking and believe me, once he’ll reach the solution, his brain will be out of order for weeks. Travis talked to Jasper and after talking another time to Dima, I understood the nature of their constant blushing: they had almost kissed and my friend was having hard time keeping calm and put around the kid. Still…I had to talk to him.

This gotta be a joke.

I mean, they both liked each other to a point that overcame mere physical attraction; that was crystal clear even to someone like Hayden, who pointed out how now also our bear had changed side. So, for crying out loud, just damn do it.

“Baby, I think River might be right. They’re literally stuck because none of them know what to do.” Travis whispered to me.

“I know, but I’m not sure about it. But at this point, maybe you’re right.” I let go of his hand to wrapped my arm around his body and pull him up for a kiss. We smiled and brushed our lips together.

“Love you, Alexi.”

“Love you, too, babe.”

River shot me a knowing smirk and I sent one back, then Kevin joined us and went to sit right beside Jasper, in the intent to piss Dima off and might say it worked very well. I ought to give him credit for that, he had the rare talent to provoke someone like my best buddy and even if he had a strong interest for the kid, he never behaved like a jerk and didn’t say anything idiotic like that other dimwit. I was glad those words were already forgotten, but I had a feeling that little pain in the neck would open his mouth another time. I shook my head and wondered why people never simply minded their own damn business.

“Jasper hottie, are you free on Thursday? I’d like to go watch a game and you like basketball, right?”

“Uhm, yeah, like it. I think I’ll be free..who’s playing?”

And there it was. Dima snapped his head to them and for a moment I thought it would break from the neck. River and Travis exchanged a look I knew too well and my foot kicked my best friend’s chair. He smirked at me and then Derek winked and I rolled my eyes. Whatever, it was pointless to tell them to behave.

“Since when do you like basketball? I thought you liked hockey?” We all knew since day one that Jas liked basket and Dima knew it, too, but now jealousy clouded his memory. So, my friend was as well the jealous type.

“Uhm, well, yes I like, uhm well, love hockey…and like to watch your matches…”

“Aww…my cutie is so cute and adorable…” Travis murmured to me.

“Uhm, but yeah, I do like basket and know you don’t really like it, so…”

“Never mind me. Count us free for this Thursday, cowboy.” I had to cough to not laugh loud like a moron, just like my friends. Dima had just decided to go with them without even bothering to ask Kevin.

“Well, big boy, I don’t remember asking you; as a matter of fact, I only asked Jasper, but let me think about it..To answer your question, sweet-pie, New York Knicks and Dallas Mavericks.”

“Hey Walker Texas Ranger, there isn’t much to think about and aren’t you sucking big time this year?”

“Yeah dude, the Dallas Mavericks are actually going to get kicked by our team.” Figures, Derek had to say something about his idols, no matter what.

“Well Dee, as far as I know, your team sucks big time, too…” Derek went to answer, but he realized the truth of that, but Dima couldn’t care less.

“Whatever, the Knicks will wipe your sorry cowboy butts.” He snorted sprawling his arms wide and letting one of it rest quite territorially on Jasper’s shoulders. God, they were so obvious.

“Man, don’t tell me you are into basketball now?” Hayden snapped out, not able to take it any longer. He worshipped only hockey. “I’m not letting you cross this line, mate.”

“Hey, no worries man, not crossing any line. Hockey forever, buddy.” Our teammate grinned and pulled the kid closer to him, who let him do it and actually leaned on him.

They were acting like a couple, but they didn’t know it or notice it. I was beginning to think that River and Travis were indeed right, very much right.

“Are you sure, Dima? Aren’t you crossing any line for sure? Hmm…interesting now, because I think you already did it..”

“River, you just stole my words. I think your Jedi skills kind of suck, know that?” Travis was terrible sometimes with his teasing, especially if paired to River.

“Err..what the hell are you guys talking about? My Jedi skills work perfectly, master Yoda would be proud of me.” That made Jasper chuckle and Dima poked his side tickling him.

“Boy, stop this..” he tried to escape my friend, but without success and they started tickling each other, laughing and giggling and I swear, we all looked at them with the same expression. They went on until they almost fell down from their chairs. God, it was like looking at a couple of brats, I swear.

The bell rang and Jasper promised to come see the training and Kevin teased more Dima about the game, saying he wasn’t sure he had tickets and the like. He managed to snatch away Jasper and winked at my mate, who stood there visibly fuming and thinking whether do something or not, but I dragged him away and told him in Russian we needed to talk.

“Dima, shto eh-tah?” I asked him while getting inside the changing room. We couldn’t talk during last hour.

“Sasha, o chyom gah-vah-reesh?”

“Tih znahyesh.” I eyed him meaningfully and crossed my arms in front of my chest. He knew he had to answer.

“I know…” He sighed out.


Sasha stopped in front of me crossing his arms and standing all big and tall and I knew he was going to let me go only when I answered him. And I knew what he meant by asking “what’s that?”. He meant Jasper and the whole situation, which was about to make my brain explode and was about to make me beat the light out of that cowboy moron trying every time to hit on my man.

Wait. What did I just say? How did I just call Jasper?

“I’m an idiot, right?” I asked him in Russian, scratching my hair and sitting on the bench. He sat down with me.

“A huge bear-like idiot, but I know it’s not that easy. What I don’t understand it’s why you’re so cautious and why you are still thinking about it...It’s obvious even to Hayden, so what’s the problem? Don’t tell me it’s about him being a guy.”

Man, even Hayden? Alright, I was a colossal gigantic idiot here.

“Oh believe me; I already passed that stage long ago. My buddy down here enjoys it too much to care about the gender thing and I don’t care, too. Man, I like him and I wish to strangle that Kevin guy every time he goes around him.” Let’s leave out the fact my dreams were getting even more detailed and hotter. This morning I had to rush in the bathroom and I almost fell down in the motion; damn, I wondered if he would be like in my dreams or not.

“You’re quite the jealous type, I see.” My mate chuckled, probably finding all of this quite hilarious and he was right in a way. “So Dima, what’s the deal?”

I sighed and banged the back of my head against the locker a couple of times. Good thing no one was around to see my show.

“It’s me, Sasha. I have never been serious about relationships, never wanted one and you know me, but it’s different now and it can’t be like before and what if I screw it? I don’t want to lose him or make him hate me. Man, do you have an idea how many chicks slapped me and called me a jerk? I never really made it on purpose, ok well, maybe few times I did and well, oh whatever. That’s not the point here..ouch.” He had slapped the back of my neck. “What you did that for?” I rubbed it. Man, he could be such a beast sometimes.

“Snap out of it, mate. Just do it. The facts you’re questioning yourself and being afraid of screwing things make clear how much you care for him. You can’t be certain, you have to go and risk it; do you think I never thought about that while being with Travis? I love him like crazy and last month I behaved like an unforgivable asshole, but you know what? Now we are closer and we love each other to a point we both know it will never change; why do you think I asked him to live with me? Because I want to spend my life with him and I know it might be risky, but I don’t care and know we’ll be two happy idiots. I love Travis and I’d never do anything to hurt him or cause him sadness. Dima, you need to figure out your feelings and I think you already did. What if someone comes and snatches him away?”

His last words hit so damn badly that I growled at him and stood up furiously brushing my hair. No one could come and take Jasper away from me, no freaking way, I mean, I wasn’t going to sit calm and let it happen. Sasha casted me a calm and composed glance and smirked on one side of the mouth.

Bastard, he just succeeded in provoking me.

“I won’t let someone snatch him from me.” I groaned. My friend was right, why was I acting like this? It wasn’t me and yeah, I cared for Jasper too much to hurt him. Man, why it took me so long to figure this out? Argh, thank God I had a friend like Sasha.

“Good, it was about time.” He stood up and patted my arm. “Now, let’s get changed, need to slice some ice and burn energies.”

“I thought you did that with Travis.” My best buddy smirked like a wolf.

“I do, but he just found out something that drives me even more out of control. Travis is crazy.” I just furrowed my brows in a question sort of curious to know, but Sasha never really said much about their sex-life. He pulled off his shirt and t-shirt and saw scratches on his back. Man, these two here were a couple of horny beasts. He caught my stare and his eyes gleamed again of that same hungry light.

“Told you, he got me out of mind and so did I.” I was about to ask him what the hell they did in Montreal, but let it go. I could have an idea of my own.

“I think I can have an idea…you two are just made for each other.” I grinned and changed into my uniform.

“I know, we are meant to be together.” He wore the protection and the upper part of the uniform. “Dima, don’t think over that matter anymore. You won’t screw it, don’t worry.”

“Spasiba.” I bumped his arm playfully.

“Nyet zah shto.”

Once inside the rink, I skated a bit around it fast and free, feeling now better and knowing what I was about to do; I bent forward to gain speed and grinned at my teammates. Then I searched for Jasper, but couldn’t see him. That was strange, why hasn’t he come yet? Maybe he got caught in something and was about to come, so I went to skate more and then the corner of my eye saw Sasha at the border talking to Travis. My skates stopped immediately lifting some ice around the blades.

How come Travis was there and Jasper wasn’t? And didn’t Travis have practice today? I chill ran down my spine.

Oh Lord, was Jasper ok? I skated towards them like a fury.

“Travis, why you here? Where is Jas, is he ok?” He looked at me tilting his head on the side.

“I just came to say something to Alexi; I believe cutie left with Kevin after class, saw them walking away together, talking about a date or something like that.”

I froze on the spot and grabbed the stick so damn hard that I was about to snap it in two.

What the hell? He left with that damn Texas moron? A date? No way in hell.

“Are you damn kidding me?” I was almost growling at him and Sasha sent me a warning glare, but couldn’t care less at the moment. “Why hasn’t he said anything? He was supposed to come here and then leave with ME. That Texan bastard, he’s going to pay for this.”

Then it hit me so hard that left me painfully dazed. What if someone comes and snatches him away from you? Sasha’s words replayed in my head and I saw red. I’d be damned if I were to let that happen.

I punched the barrier and had the coach yelling at me something.

“Get back and let’s start with this. You hear me, Dmitri?” Coach Garrison called, but nothing registered in my head.

Jasper was going on a date with that guy. That couldn’t be real. I mean, no...Man, no. We had such a great time in Aspen and we got so close and he said he liked being with me and didn’t find weird my behaviors and actually said it was nice, very nice. Damn it no, I wanted to ask Jasper out on a date once I made up my mind and look at this now?

I skated towards the exit, while the coach kept yelling at me, and sprinted into the changing room, tripping a couple of times while getting rid of my uniform. I tossed everything in the locker not bothering to close or lock it; the hell with that. I tripped a third time and decided it was better to tie my shoes. My heart was thundering in my head with the blood and I felt in a dump haze. What to do now? Crap, he had left already and where could they have gone to? Damn it. My hands ran in my hair while I stared out of the window in my car, trying to think and my brain wasn’t working. Moronic brain.

I then fished my phone out and went to call him, but…it was off. I tried to turn it on, but the battery was out of charged. I threw it in the back cursing at it. Useless piece of technology. I turned on the engine and drove out the parking lot, trying to figure out something. I couldn’t randomly drive around New York, that’d be pointless. Argh…this was driving me insane; I had to find Jasper now and kick the crap out of Walker Texas Ranger if he tried anything.

Where to go? Where? Where the hell? Why I didn’t have R2D2 and his sensors here with me? They would be so damn useful right now. Ok, let’s think. Argh, thinking…Whatever, let’s try the place where he usually skates and then we’ll see. I drove to that park and jogged around, but didn’t spot anybody, not even his friends. I was getting more worried and about to freak out. He talked about a game, but there were no games today, that I knew it, so where could they have gone?

Jasper’s house.

Yeah, let’s try there.

I stopped in front of it and saw a car parked outside. My blood first froze and then erupted worse than a volcano. I jumped out of my SUV and pressed the damn door bell hundreds of times and then knocked the door, not understanding why they weren’t already there opening the door. A woman opened the door and greeted me with a smile; I passed over there and then stopped. She was Maria, their house keeper or whatever the like, so I asked her.

“Is Jasper at home?”

“Hello Dmitri. Yes, he is in his room with…” I didn’t hear the end of her answer, because I ran the stairs and in a blink I was in front of his door.

I heard him giggle and saying something like “stop it; it tickles” and I threw the door open.

“Get the hell off him!!” I roared.

Jasper turned his head and first looked at me surprised and then smiled that usual sweet and brownies like smile. I marched towards the bed and went to grab that bastard’s shirt, but…

“Hello Dmitri, what a nice surprise.” My mouth fell open.

“Nic?” I asked sounding like an idiot.

It was Nicholas, his older brother and not Texas boy.

“Dima, why are you here? And why you look so upset, are you ok?” Jas stood up and stopped in front of me, placing his palm on my side. I chuckled and realized I had been fooled. Crap, Travis played dirty this time. I shook my head and took his hand in mine.

“Yeah, now I’m ok, Jas. I thought you were on a date with Kevin, because I didn’t see you at training and I freaked out and...”

“On a d-date with Kevin? Boy, are you out of mind? We’re friends. I sent you a message that Nic made me a surprise; he came to pick me up at school and then also asked Travis to tell you that. Did you see him?”

I chuckled more and pulled him in a bear-like hug. I have been such an idiot this entire time and it took me to go out of mind to realize how much I liked Jasper and how I felt for him. He first gasped and then returned the hug and man, it felt amazing to have Jas in my arms like this. I snuggled his hair and pressed him tighter.

“Uhm, Dima?” He murmured on my chest.

“Sorry, Jas. I’m a gigantic moron.” His brother stood up and winked at me and left the room. My arms released Jasper from the embrace and I took his face in my hands, just staring at his chocolate eyes. I never saw such sweet and beautiful eyes and now they looked at me wide and almost shocked, while his hands never let go of my jacket and I felt they were shaking. My forehead went to rest on his and I brushed the tip of our noses together, grinning like an idiot. Now, staring at his shining eyes and timid smile I realized how simple it all was. Why I never figured this out earlier? I was gone for Jasper. He pulled slightly back and I stopped him.

“Don’t go away, please.” I whispered to him.

“Uhm..I’m not..just, don’t understand this and..”

“Go on a date with me, Jasper. Right now, I mean, please?” His eyes went so wide that I was afraid for a moment they would explode and then he gasped and moved back to better stare at me, clearly in disbelief. His hands moved from my jacket to my neck and he fixed his glance on mine.

“Wh-what?” He breathed out. Man, he looked too cute and hot for his own good.

I grinned and suddenly lifted him on my arms and let him fall on his bed. I straddled him and grabbed his wrists. Jas first eyed me shocked, but soon after he began to giggle and the sound of it melted everything in me.

“Go on a date with me, Jasper. I like you, I mean, I really like you and not as a friend and I thought you were on a date with Cowboy Dallas and freaked out big time, because I thought I lost you for my moronic stupidity.”

“Why would I go out with Kevin? I told you we’re friends, he likes to mess around and that’s it.. and uhm…I..uhm well” He exhaled and dimples showed on his face. I couldn’t resist and leaned down nuzzling his neck and man, everything in me was about to go mental. When my nose softly stroked his neck, Jas let out a surprised gulp and then a damn sexy moan when I reached the shell of his ear.

Oh crap, I pulled away because I was so about to lose it.

“So, what do you say?” I asked anxious and tense, since he hadn’t answered yet. He smiled and tugged his arms, so I let them go. His fingers went on my hair and for a moment he only caressed them and just looked at me in silence.

“You really like me? Isn’t it just a thing or…uhm well, phase?” His words made me realize many other things. I really had been an idiot.

“Jasper, this isn’t a phase or a thing or whatever you want to call it. I seriously like you and I know I’m a moron for taking all of this time to understand it, but I had to make sure. You are so important for me that I was afraid my moronic and tactless side might do something stupid, even though I’d never do anything stupid with you, Jas, you can believe me, I mean, it freaks me out the idea of you hating me. Man…I” He cut off my babbling and pulled himself up, hugging me tight.

“I like you so much Dima…I-I..have always liked you.” My eyes shot wide open and so did my mouth. I knew I affected him, but hearing these words made it all completely different. Jasper just told he had always liked me.

Alright, I had been indeed a huge and dense idiot.


“Go on a date with me, Jasper. Right now, I mean, please?” I think my eyes almost popped out and rolled on the floor with my heart and ears. Have I just heard well? I gasped and clutched his jacket more stronger, because I felt my knees about to give out. My heart beating got me almost deaf and then my hands found his neck, my eyes glued to his grinning ones.

Oh boy, Dima has asked me out on a date.

“Wh-what?” I exhaled, still in a daze and not sure if now I had already fainted and probably just dreaming about all of this.

Dima’s smile went wider and I found myself lifted from the ground and bouncing on my bed, with him straddling me and pinning my wrists at the sides of my face. My glance went from shocked to overly shocked and then I heard myself giggling and I knew I wasn’t going to stop any time soon; Dima was here with me and had asked me out on a date and he said he freaked out thinking I was with Kevin.

Oh boy, this wasn’t a dream; I could feel his warm and heavy weight on me.

“Go on a date with me, Jasper. I like you, I mean, I really like you and not as a friend and I thought you were on a date with Cowboy Dallas and freaked out big time, because I thought I lost you for my moronic stupidity.” I shook my head and couldn’t stop my giggling and smiling. But uhm, why with Kevin? I didn’t want anyone else aside Dima. Couldn’t he see that?

“Why would I go out with Kevin? I told you we’re friends, he likes to mess around and that’s it.. and uhm…I..uhm well” Now I felt my shyness taking the best of me; it wasn’t that easy to tell him everything and find myself fidgeting with words. Dima suddenly leaned down and his nose softly caressed my neck.

Oh. Boy.

I gulped to contain the sudden moan in my throat and my entire body trembled, stiffening in my lower region and begging, screaming for more. Oh boy, I never expected to be this strong and intense. He hummed in that usual tempting way and nuzzled the shell of my era. I blushed madly when I heard my own moan. Oh boy…He snuggled it more and felt his teeth teasing it, letting out a soft groan. My guts clenched more at the sound of it, stirring millions of overwhelming sensations in me and I bit my lip before moaning more. Dima moved away and I didn’t know if to be glad or not. It felt uhm well, … so incredibly good.

“So, what do you say?” He asked with his voice sounding anxious and tense, making me smile. He could be cute sometimes and so sweet. Did he still doubt my feelings? He should have known already how crazy I was about him. I tried to free my hands and he let go of them; I locked them on his hair and just stared at him.

Uhm, Dima really liked me? Boy, he was so handsome with his strong jaw and chin, his full and plump lips, his beaming and bright eyes, his blonde brows, that ever present warm grin…Dima wasn’t simply handsome; he was more than I could dream of, like an impossible dream now becoming real.

“You really like me? Isn’t it just a thing or…uhm well, phase?” What was I asking? Boy, Jasper, shut up. He already told me, but…couldn’t help it. I mean…look at him and then look at me.

“Jasper, this isn’t a phase or a thing or whatever you want to call it. I seriously like you and I know I’m a moron for taking all of this time to understand it, but I had to make sure. You are so important for me that I was afraid my moronic and tactless side might do something stupid, even though I’d never do anything stupid with you, Jas, you can believe me, I mean, it freaks me out the idea of you hating me. Man…I”

He really liked me and it wasn’t just a silly phase. Dima really liked me. Me. I hugged him tight and pulled myself up, clutching at his neck for dear life, as my mind and heart were a mess of thundering, beating, pulsing, a mess of feelings and overwhelming joy. Dima really liked me.

“I like you so much Dima…I-I..have always liked you.” I confessed, not anymore scared of my own words. “I…yes, I mean, I want to go on a date with you and be with you, because for me it’s only you and no one else.” I inhaled his scent, his mix of his cologne and warm Dmitri-like scent and I squeezed my eyes, hugging him tighter.

He moved and sat on his knees and heels, pulling me up with him. We stared at each other for a long moment, my arms around his neck and his around my back. They felt better than I imagined, they felt stronger. Dima slipped his hands up on my neck grabbing my shoulders; he pressed me closer and hesitated a moment a mere inch from me, chewing his lower lip and when I felt his lips barely resting on mine, I totally melted on him and my shyness evaporated. They weren’t as I imaged, they were so soft, so warm and boy…they were perfect and so..oh boy, I wanted more. My hands drew his face closer and our lips touched now harder.

Oh boy, I lost it.

My fingers went on his hair and I sat on his thighs, shivering and burning all over. We were simply grazing our lips together, it wasn’t a real kiss, but…it was enough to have me forgetting about my shyness and fears, to make me act out of impulse and melt at his touch. He let out a strained groan and that had me softly mewl and I wanted more, but he broke it and pulled away.

“Jas…” He was breathing hard and his pupils were completely dilated. “Give me a moment,, you damn drive me crazy. I now understand what Sasha talks about...”

I blushed realizing how I behaved and went to move, but he stopped me.

“Don’t move, stay here, just a moment to regain some calm, I mean, man Jas, you have quite an effect on me and bet your brother wouldn’t like to have me jump you here.”

Oh boy, I had forgotten about Nic.

“Nic...” I gasped and Dima grinned visibly amused.

“You forgot about your brother?” He asked now smirking in that way he did in Aspen.

“Uhm well, you distracted me and..uhm..yep, I forgot about him.” I admitted, feeling my face going thermonuclear. He chuckled and murmured something in Russian, leaning on my neck and slowly tracing lines with his nose up and down. I shivered and closed my eyes and when he murmured more words in Russian, making his voice sounding rawer and lower, sounding husky and too sensual, I tried to push him away.

“Stop this, it-it’s...” Oh boy, I wasn’t able to even talk normally.

“It’s what?” He was smiling on my neck and softly shaking with chuckle. “You like it? You like this?” He did the same and I whimpered, then blushing.

“Oh boy, Dima…wait, this is…uhm well” I sighed out about to melt and explode. “Yes, I like it, too much and with you speaking Russian..uhm well..that’s..”

He set free my neck and stared at me with genuine curiosity.

“You like when I speak Russian?” He arched his blonde brows and made a comical expression. I laughed and nodded.

“Yep, I like it, but well now it was uhm…your voice sounded more sensual, more tempting and..” Oh boy, what was I saying? Why he had such an effect on me? He beamed at me with an amused glint and briefly pecked my lips.

“I’ll remember it then.” He winked and slipped his hands on mine. “Man, better if we go see your brother. Not that I fear him or anything, but wouldn’t like the idea of having him at my neck.” I laughed at that, because that wasn’t Nic and he already knew what sort of person Dima was, but I nodded, simply because I couldn't wait to tell him and tell Travis, too.

We stood up and he took my hand in his.

“Man, wonder what my folks will say about this.” I peeked at him, but he didn’t look worried or concerned, he was just shrugging his shoulders and smiling.

I already knew what my parents would say about this, especially mother, but I pushed their thought away, not wanting to let it ruin this moment.

Dima told me he liked me very much, that I was important for him and that I affected him sending him crazy. I mean, me, Jasper driving crazy someone as hot and handsome as Dmitri. I pinched my cheek and whined when I felt it; it wasn’t a dream and we sort of kissed and boy…I had been the one almost going out of control here, Uhm well, without the “almost”. And I still wanted more. My eyes searched for his and when they met, he bent down and rested his forehead on mine.

“What would you like to do on our first date? Where would like to go?” 

Words failed me and I shook my head in a silly daze of bliss, just staring at his beautiful eyes.

Author's chit-chat:

So...ready for their first date??? I know you wanted a full make out session, you are like Travis, I swear, but hey, it's Jasper and Dima and well, things go slightly different, but...their first date, you get it??

No you can all go fan-girls :-)))

Ok, as promised, SHOUTS-OUT! Check out "Just don't kill him" by Lover_of_sleep; "Midnight Dreams" by Monster_Cat and then AmeliaFlowers when will post something.

For more, check out the "Dedicated to me" list! Thank you very much!

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