CH. 14 Our families, our friends

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Hello :-) as promised I updated soon this week and here comes chapter 14! Hope you'll enjoy it and as usual, let me know! In this chapter is finally introduced the last character, Shenice Valentine, even though not directly...let's see!

Thank you very much for your comments and for reading, messaging me and fanning: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!

On the right another amazing banner Klovis made for me and thank you darl for that, I love it! xox

Then a call to Purva194, because you'll see...cutie and blondie ;-) I used it, bunny! And I wanted to thank JustDinariz for being such an amazing fan and talking about my stories..thank you sweetheart!

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to yellowbucket2 to thank for always reading and commenting and enjoying my stories, hope you'll like it!



I watched Jasper closing the main door and before that quickly looking at me and sending that super sweet and tempting smile and I swear for a moment I wanted to jump out of my baby and run there and kiss him until dawn. But that wasn’t the best idea and he was nervous about talking to his family, well, he wasn’t actually sure he was going to talk about us to them tonight. I told him to do it together, because the idea of his snobbish and stuck-up parents treating him in that cold and hurting way ticked me off big time, but he said it was better for him to talk alone. It didn’t sound good to me and I insisted, but Jas simply shook his head and said there was nothing to worry about, since they already knew he was gay.

Well, Nic was there, at least until the day after tomorrow according to what Jas told me, and he sure would be there backing him up. Man, I liked his brother and he wasn’t a douche or arrogant or snob, he was easy-going and way more out-going that his younger brother, but hey, I just discovered a new side of Jasper and wow, this new side was going to turn me into another Sasha. I snorted at myself and face-palmed. The hell, not like him; I mean, I love my friend and his relation with Travis was one of the best ever and their love was so intense you could almost smell it in the air, but they were a couple of horny beasts and I wasn’t like that. Right?

I paused a moment and thought about it. I mean, no, I wasn’t like Sasha, because I wouldn’t like to slam Jas somewhere and get him, how the hell he said it? Oh right, senseless. Man, that no. I’d rather have Jasper going out of control on me and…argh. My head hit the wheel and I knew I was like my friend, just not that beasty and kinky. Right, didn’t miss the scratched on his back and he just dropped a word smirking that had me gasping. Handcuffs. I laughed and shook my head. Nah, definitely not me; I wasn’t much into that stuff, even though earlier thinking of Jasper with brownies and cream…oh man, cut it already, will you? I’m getting hard just with that. Argh, what a moron.

I drove back home and decided to talk to my folks and wondered what they’d say about it. Dad has been asking me stuff recently, after our weekend in Aspen and even if you think I’m the most dense person of this world combined with being blonde, well, I got there was something on his mind. I froze realizing something. I never really thought about my parents and how they’d take the fact I’m gay. Wait a moment. Was I even gay? Nah, wasn’t, I was just Jas-sexual, you know, like homosexual or heterosexual. Other dudes grossed me out big time and girls didn’t affect me anymore.

So yeah, I was Jas-sexual.

I grinned at myself and then back at my parents. Right, they were fine with the whole gay thing, that I knew, because they liked Travis and Nichole’s parents and never said a word against them or anything and they actually said how Sasha became less icy now that he was with Travis. Sasha wasn’t icy anyway, he was just the don’t-bother-me kind of person, well, better like get-the-hell-out-of-my-way-before-I-erase-you but he was the best buddy ever. So, ok, they were fine with that, but what about me going there and saying, “Dad, mom, Jasper gets me hard and kissing him drives me nuts.”

Alright, bad choice of words for sure.

Argh, the whole thinking deal was for me a pain in the neck, because I wasn’t a thinker. Whatever, let’s face the problem and see how they react.

I kicked my shoes off and walked to the kitchen where I heard mum singing something; she was in a very good mood and bet it had to do with Anatoly. The bastard was actually being quite the grumpy pants lately and even more sick than before; dad had stuck to him that scary beast of Oleg and bet he was doing his job perfectly. That dude seriously was scaring; I mean, he was even taller and bigger than me and Sasha, so have your idea. But hey, if that meant to make that sick bastard’s life miserable, I was more than happy about it; I never understood what clicked in his head years ago and that got me even more angry with him, because I thought we were inseparable and best friends, too. Apparently, not for him.

I shrugged and let go of that thought and reached mum in the kitchen. She turned around and gave me a hug and kissed my cheeks, smiling and telling me she was cooking one of my favorite. How should I tell her? Argh, hell if I knew.

“Err, is dad at home?” I ventured.

“Not yet, he’ll be back soon. He said there was some urgent business to take care of.” She offered me taste of what she was cooking and I just groaned in joy. Man, she was the best ever. “You came home pretty late, hope you’re hungry and didn’t eat outside.”

Ops. Right, I had dinner with Jasper and I wasn’t that hungry to be honest, well, not for dinner..Oh my God, I just turned into some creep. Sweet. I scratched my hair and sat down and decided to cut the crap and just dish it out. The sooner and faster, the better.

“Well, I had dinner with Jasper and not so hungry, but don’t worry, you know me.” Mom turned her head and smiled warmly.

“How is Jasper? He’s such a sweet and nice kid, I really like him.”

“Yeah, I really like him, too.” I just said instinctively, mostly thinking aloud. She caught my expression and put down the spoon and walked to me, stopping right in front of me.

“I know you like him, I can see that.” I studied her face, but couldn’t understand if she got it right or not.

“Mum, I mean, really, really like him..” I tried to say, but she kept silent looking at me. I sighed out and dropped the bomb. What would happen after that? “I mean, like Sasha with Travis, mum. Man, Jasper is just perfect and I like him in a crazy way and he likes me back and we just had our first date because I thought he had a date with that Texas guy that pisses me off every time he goes around him and flirts with me. Who the hell he thinks he is? Jasper is mine and..”

Ops…I think I dropped a bit more than a bomb.

She kept quiet and stared at my eyes and for that long moment and for the first time in my life, I was afraid of what she could say and I tensed terribly, like I never did in eighteen years. She reached out with her hand and I warily look at it, then she placed on my face and when a warm smile formed on her lips all the tension went to hell.

“Honey, I realized you liked him more than a friend; that was quite clear to all of us and we hoped you weren’t afraid to tell us. You know we love you, we love you and Tolya without any doubts and we will always love you both, no matter what.”

Only a part of speech registered in my head. They both knew.

“You mean dad suspects of something?” I asked gaping like a moron and grabbing the counter.

“Of course, Dima. He’s your father and you know how sharp he’s and how nothing slips his attention. Zhenya will be fine with this, don’t worry, probably he’ll need some time to adjust at the idea, because he never thought about this option, but I assure you he will be fine. Do you want me to talk to him?”

“No, no. I have to tell him myself.”

“Tell him what, ha brother?” I whipped my head on the side to meet my evil twin’s mocking stare and sickening sneer plastered on his face. Damn it. He heard the conversation. Right, better this way, so he knew to back off and leave Jas alone.

“You heard what, so cut the crap.” I snorted.

“Boys, please don’t start a fight now.” Mum had tensed and I felt an idiot, but Anatoly couldn’t care less and stopped a couple of feet away from us and seized me with his twisted stare.

“Ha, so you really turned queer like the mighty Sasha and for that midget? Ridiculous, at least I heard Sasha got himself quite the bitch, according to Sergei, but you? A little pathetic..” I didn’t let him finish insult my friends and most of all Jasper. I sprinted up and before he could realize I grabbed his jumper with both hands and told him to shut up.

“Don’t you dare talk crap about my friends and don’t you dare call Travis like that. Apologize, bastard. And most of all, don’t ever dare to insult Jasper or even think about Jasper, you hear me, piece of junk?” I slammed him closer and when he only sneered, I saw red and went to hit him, but mum stopped me and I let him go.

“Dima, please calm down and you, Tolya. How can you speak like that, don’t you feel ashamed of yourself? Apologize to your brother.”

“Oh please, mother dearest, cut the crap and what? Are you going to say you’re fine by having a faggot for son and hanging around with a pathetic little midget that crawls around like a wh..” That made it and I shoved him on the floor, ready to beat the crap out of him, mum or not. But again someone had to butt in and stop me and that was beyond frustrating. I turned back growling and ready to shove away whomever dared to stop me, but I froze when I saw Oleg and dad there beside him.

“What is going on here?” Dad pronounced every word with cold calm and granitic face and I knew he wasn’t mad; he was far beyond than simply mad. “Get up and explain yourselves, now.” He ordered. Mum went to stand beside him and tried to calm him down, but he told her to leave it to him. Oleg dragged us up without many compliments and pierced us with an impassive and dark glare.

We didn’t say anything for a while and I could hear my dad’s veins popping in harder and worse anger.

“You heard your father, speak and explain yourself.” I widened my eyes at Oleg, who had just spoken without having to answer a request from dad. Anatoly scoffed and the scary dude here sent him such a dark and intimidating glare that I heard my brother gulping.

“So? Are you going to speak or not?” My father’s voice went icier and I felt the worst piece of crap on this world. I sank down another time and let my stupid temper cloud my judgment and act like this bastard here. What was wrong with me? I didn’t want to be like him, because I wasn’t like him, I wasn’t a sick bastard hitting people for no reason.

“Sorry dad, it’s my fault.” I finally said and saw something passing his face. No words were spoken for long moments and then he let out a sigh.

“I want to know what happened, so do tell me and do tell me everything.” When none of us spoke, mum decided to explain what happened, but I stopped her and talked. I was a man for crying out loud, I couldn’t hide behind her forever. Dad listened to me without saying anything, his expression never changing or giving out anything. When I finished, I expected him to hit me, even if he never did it, but that was what I expected.

But he didn’t.

“Anatoly Denisov, do apologize for your words and do it now, or believe me, there will be worse consequences than the one already coming.” The bastard stiffened, because he knew dad wasn’t playing around and his stare and voice said it all. “Dmitri Denisov, do apologize to your mother and to your brother for behaving like a punk and make sure to never repeat such a behavior under my roof.”

Apologizing to mum was damn right and I felt an idiot for losing my temper right in front of her, but to Darth Vader? Was he kidding me? I looked at him and damn it, he wasn’t kidding. I gulped down and clenched my fists and teeth.

“I am waiting.” He simply said. Oleg sent a glare to my brother that could kill even the evil Emperor and he had him took a step back. Man, what the hell happened when we were in Aspen?

“Fine, whatever. I apologize for what I said. You happy now?” He snarled.

“No and I am not done with you. I’m tired to put up with your behavior, Tolya and I think I haven’t been strict enough with you, hoping you would come back to your senses, but it is clear you are far from reaching that point. Oleg, forgive me for always relying on you, but please I will need your help.”

“Sir, it is an honor for me and I will do anything for this family.” He simply said and I knew what dad meant with asking for his help. I wasn’t sure what really this dude here was, if just his personal assistant or more, because let’s face it, who would have a former Spetsnaz as personal assistant for simple secretary work? Dad wanted to have my brother clean from his moronic gang, because he understood things were going too far.

I gulped down and looked at my mum in the eyes and sincerely apologized.

“Mom, I’m sorry, I promise to behave better.” She smiled at me and shook her head as to say it didn’t matter and that she was just glad we were fine. She really loved us very much. “Dad, sorry for behaving like an idiot under your roof.” He nodded and his face relaxed. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. I had to do it for my parents. “Sorry for hitting, well, for wanting to beat the crap out of you, but…I’m telling you, no more words about Jasper or my friends.”

We stared at each other as if ready to tear our throats apart, but then we let go and he grunted something. He wanted to leave, but our father forced him to sit with us and when he complained, Oleg froze him.

“Sit down and be quiet.” He ordered with commanding voice.

Wow, I gasped when I witnessed that sick bastard taking a step back and paling down and you know what? I had to cough to cover the laughter, because I was enjoying that. He did as he was told to and kept silent for the entire dinner. Oleg surprisingly dined with us and well, he sure wasn’t the most chatty dude you’ll ever find; in fact, he didn’t utter a word except for thanking for the meal and complimenting mom’s cooking. After dinner dad called me in his office and we both sat down.

“Dima, is it something serious with Jasper or just a phase or curiosity?” He fired out. I widened my eyes at his bluntness, but hey, I see now where I come from.

“No, it’s not a phase, believe me. Does it bother you? Do you think I’m gross or wrong or..” He stopped me immediately.

“Son, I believe we made clear in our family how we think about same sex relationships and the fact we do respect them and do not see in it any difference. I am just surprised about you, because this never occurred to me and I’d be lying if I were to say I do not care about it. Your mother obliviously is thrilled by the idea and happy you finally admit to have someone serious, but she is a special woman. As for me, I need time to adjust at the idea, but I can say I am proud of you for not hiding it from us and I am proud of you for being open and sincere. I like Jasper and therefore do behave well with him. Can you just give me some time?” I stared at him with wide eyes and my mouth catching flies.

Sure, he needed time, but hey, you blame him? I talked about girls until a couple of months ago, so guess that was fair. But he was fine with that, I mean, he really was and I am not seeing things; saying he liked Jasper and telling me to behave well with him meant quite the deal, believe me.

“Sure dad, I mean, thank you. And don’t worry, I really like Jasper and will take good care of him, he’s…well, Jas is special.”

“That I can tell.” He smiled quickly and I sprawled back on the chair feeling like the world had been just lifted from my shoulders. I hope it was the same for Jas.

As soon as I plopped in my bed, Jasper came back to me and I wished he was here with me. So I sent him a message.

“Hey Jas, how did it go?”

He answered after a few minutes.

“Well, didn’t tell them tonight, ‘cause wasn’t the night.”

I knew immediately what he meant and that surprised me so much that I almost rolled down on the floor in seeing how Jas influenced me. I mean, let’s face it man, I wasn’t the brightest and smartest guy out there, but suddenly I felt I could understand my little kitten just by reading his message. Wow…bet Sasha and the guys would laugh their ass off if they knew it. Err, did I just call him little kitten? Yep I did. Man, this was serious, no kidding, but hey, he reminded me of a kitty when he mewled and sort of purred.

“Everything ok? My folks were cool about it and think mum wants to invite you some day for dinner.”

“That’s amazing, so happy for you!! Everything ok. Oh…sure, thank her for me.” I chuckled and pictured him probably blushing and fidgeting at the idea. Oh God, was he cute and damn tempting. Ghrrr…why wasn’t he here with me?

“I wanna kiss you.” I wrote and sent without thinking twice and then shook my head. For crying out loud, I was getting worse than Sasha, who would be grumpy and pissed during class for not having Travis there with him and then suck the light out of him as soon as they were together.

“Me, too and very much.” I read his message and bam. Damn it, this time I really rolled down from the bed and hit my head. Wow. I loved this new Jasper.

“Then let’s do something tomorrow.” Argh, I couldn’t, because I had practice tomorrow, so I deleted the message and snorted annoyed. Hey, but he could come see me during practice, right? “You free tomorrow? Want to stay over for practice? Btw, picking you up in the morning.” Ha, you bet I will.

“Sure and thank you! See you tomorrow, good night xx”

Man, was he cute and super sweet! Even sweeter and yummier than brownies and cream. Uhm, brownies and cream with Jasper...I rolled my eyes and made a note to punch Sasha tomorrow; ok, not for real, but you got what I meant.

“Night, Jas. xx”


Jasper casually leaned on the seat beside me and I kept peeking at him. Has he always been that beautiful and sexy? Man, I was having a hard time keeping calm and not pulling over and kiss him for hours. When he came out from his house, I had almost stumbled on my own feet just looking at him; he had a pair of those very skinny white jeans that left very little to my imagination and let me tell you one thing: Jas had the best butt ever and no kidding. He had checkered Vans and light winter jacket and I wished to see what was hiding and I cursed in my head. Cool it, damn it. His hair was the usual hazel mess and his eyes that dark and creamy chocolate shade.

The fact he smiled and blushed when he saw me and hesitated not knowing what to do, only triggered me more and I planted a kiss on his lips as first thing. He first reacted surprised, but then he locked his arms around my neck and pulled me closer, melting in my arms and deepening the kiss so damn much that we had to break apart to get some oxygen. Seriously, I understood Sasha more and more. Kissing Jas was addicting.

We reached school and he slightly stiffened on the seat. Hmm, well, he was still a bit nervous and to be honest, so was I. I mean, here I was about to walk to school holding his hands, because if you think I could keep it secret you can kiss my ass. Then again, who cared what people thought, I liked Jasper and what should worry me now was how much my friends were going to tease me. Man, they’ll be on my neck for days, you can bet your ass. So I took a deep breath and squeezed his hand; he turned his sweet and chocolate eyes to me and smile showing me his cute dimples. I melted there and couldn’t resist kissing him.


As soon as we reached school I grew nervous, because I didn’t know what to expect. People got sort of used with Travis and Alex, sure, but uhm, what about me? What would they say or do? Oh boy and what about Dima? Would they call him names or anything? I peered at him and shook my head. Who would have the guts to call someone as huge as Dima names? No one messed around with Alex and in consequence with Travis, remembering clearly what happened in January. And knowing what they would risk. Dima didn’t have that dangerous aura around him and people weren’t that intimidated by him, but I knew for a fact they respected him and wouldn’t dare anyway to have funny ideas.

I felt his hand tightening on mine and all of my worries just dissolved like snow at the sun. I smiled at him and boy, I so wanted to kiss him, but he surprised me again and his lips took mine for a long and sweet moment, our tongues simply twirling playfully, both of us smiling and our hearts beating faster and when we felt it getting deeper, we drove apart and chuckled.

“Uhm, Travis can’t wait to see us and uhm well, you know him.” I beamed thinking about our last night conversation, the stream of questions and exclamations he made and the countless “hell” he said, the whole embarrassing stuff he had fun telling me just to tease me. But then he said how truly he was happy for me and then “I told you so” and I just burst out laughing. I couldn’t wait to see my best friend, because it’s thank to Travis that now I was with Dima.

Uhm well…we technically weren’t together, because we didn’t exactly say anything and he didn’t ask me, but uhm, we went out on a date and he said it was our first date and then we practically confessed and uhm...oh boy, I needed to see Travis and ask him.

“Ready to go and meet the gang?” Dima grinned and I nodded.

Once out of the car, he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me very close before winking at me and there, in front of everyone in the parking lot, leaning down biting my earlobe. Oh boy. I heard gasps that sure weren’t mine and people were staring at us in complete shock. Oh boy…girls were the most scaring one and we still didn’t get inside school. Uhm well, I think in a way I understood them; first Alex and now Dima, bet that wasn’t easy to digest. Nope, sure it wasn’t.

We walked first to my locker and then to Travis and Alex’s lockers and when they saw us, oh boy, I wanted to disappear. It was obvious they all knew and sure walking this close with such silly happy grins proved enough. Travis smiled that dazzling and brilliant smile and after exchanging a quick glance with his boyfriend, he jumped on me and we almost fell on the floor. Good thing Dima was there avoiding that.

“Oh cutie, I’m so happy!! Didn’t I tell you I am always right?” He hugged and nuzzled my head. I giggled at his crazy enthusiasm.

“Uhm yeah, you were right.” I heard Dima chuckling beside me and then my friend let go of me and planted in front of him.

“You better take good care of my cutie or I swear to hunt you down and hell, God knows what I am capable of.” I widened my eyes in shock, because he knew Dima was incredible and amazing and..

“Yeah, got that already man, but no worries, I like Jas and so I’d never do anything to hurt him or to disappoint him.” Travis studied his face for a moment and then cracked his wide grin, pulling him down for a hug.

“I’m happy for you guys but hell, you were so damn dense that it was driving me nuts.”

“Travis you’re already nuts and hey, I wasn’t that dense, Sasha as well..”

“I don’t think so, mate. I claimed my Travis way sooner.” Alex had joined us and wrapped his bulky arms around my best friend and running his nose on Travis’s neck, making him visibly shiver and I think sort of purr. Boy, not sure I’ll ever get used to their openness. “So now you’ll shut up about me and Travis, given you’re in the same position.” Alex smirked and boy, that was quite the evil smirk.

“Dude, so now we have to put up with you two as well? So now we have two couples of horny beasts?” I almost chocked at Derek’s comment and Hayden boomed out in a lunatic laughing, while River shook his head and send me a mischievous smile.

“Now, now Dee. You are not being very delicate and please, let’s not tease Jasper too much.” He smirked like a cat. “Let’s tease our bear.”

“Man, I knew it and who do you call a horny beast? I’m not like Sasha and you guys are not just horny dogs, but also kinky sex-addicted.” Dima declared and then burst out laughing so loud that some students turned around to look at us.

“Not denying anything, right my sexy beast?”

Travis stuck out his tongue to Dima and then grabbed Alex and gave him such a deep and heated kiss that I blushed like crazy. They literally melted the air around them and when they let go of each other you could tell they were eager to be alone.

“Baby, don’t tempt me now, because today we both have practice and have to wait until tomorrow.”

“See, I’m not like them.” Dima waved his hands and I giggled. “What? Ok, I admit kissing you is addictive.” Oh boy. He didn’t say that, right? I stared at him looking like a silly fish and they all began to chuckle, then Dima leaned down and stole a quick kiss. “See, can’t resist you.”

Oh boy, please, dig a very deep hole for me and let me hide in there.

“Dude, what was I saying just a moment ago?”

“So now also you crossed the line. Man, that makes only you and me, Dee, so you better don’t think about crossing any line.”

“You already crossed the line by dating my sister.”

“Man, you know I love and adore your sister, I even endured opera for her.”

“You mean, you endured sleeping through the opera, right?” River crooked his brow and rolled his eyes, while Hayden punched his arm lightly.

“What can I say? It wasn’t for me, but she loved it.”

“That reminds me something. Jas, you don’t like the opera and ballet and all those fancy and boring stuff, right? I mean, if you want to go it’s not a problem, but well..” I giggled at his funny concerned and serious expression and Travis snorted in the intent to make fun of him.

“Could you be more romantic, Dima? Because really, I bet C3PO in Star Wars has more romance in its circuits.”

“Hey, I can be romantic.” That’s true actually, because I think that our date had been very romantic and sweet. Travis winked at me and I knew he was messing around with him.

“Who can be romantic? Hey hottie, how you doing today?” Kevin joined us and went to hug me, but he stop when Dima snatched me away.

“Hey Walker Texas Ranger, hands off. Jasper is mine and got no problem in kicking your butt.” I think my face reached another new degree of embarrassing red. Oh boy, I should make a note to remember his bluntness. Kevin didn’t take the threat seriously, because he realized the guys were all awesome and would never beat someone without very valid reasons. He ignored him and took my hands smirking.

“That’s wonderful, lover boy. So you finally managed to get the dense big boy to open his eyes? About time, but what can I say, a pity because you really are my type, so cute and adorable.” Dima snorted. “Shall we go to class now? It’s about time.”

Here again, almost forgot about school and that just because I was in Dima’s arms, which really felt strong and hulking with tense and bulging muscles and then his cologne mixed with his scent. My head was swinging now and Kevin saw that and shook his head.

“C’mon, let’s walk to class. Travis, I take you are joining us until then?”

“You guessed well.” Alex snorted this time, but let it go and simply gave my friend a kiss, uhm well, if you could call that just a kiss. Travis gave him a quite dark smirk and whispered something to him.

Dima pulled me closer and murmured to me.

“No worries, Jas. I’m not like Sasha and not a beast for sure.” My mouth hit the ground and I heard him softly laugh at my face. “Just saying, even though you quite have an effect on me.”

“Well, that’s enough lover boy, you can flirt later.” Kevin gripped my arm and went to drag me away.

“You’re quite annoying, cowboy. I’m going to walk Jasper to class.”

“Oh please, we can take good care of him, so rest assured blondie.” My classmate smirked in his usual way and wiggled his brows and I giggled.


“Do you see someone else here with such blonde hair? Travis doesn’t count, his hair is white.” Dima simply rolled his eyes and then grinned at me.

“See you later then.” I nodded and after taking a step away, I turned back and surprised him by jumping on his neck and let my lips crush on his. He let out a throaty groan and snaked his arms around my back and pulled me up from the floor. We felt our tongues deepening and I remembered we were in school and in front of our friends. Oh boy, kill me now. What was wrong with me? Why was I acting like this? I pulled away and Dima guessed my thoughts.

“Man, sorry, as I said, you’re addicting. Right, let’s go to class.” He brushed my hair and winked. Uhm, I should be the one apologizing, but I was still quite dizzy from the kiss.

Travis and Kevin gave me quite the look and I blushed tremendously; I heard the other guys joking and teasing Dmitri, but then we all went to class. My friend asked me about the date and said he was truly happy, but too bad I wasn’t anymore available; I knew he was messing around and when I asked who would be his type, he said that aside me, he would like someone like Travis and like River, but said they both were taken and valued his life. I made a face, because I knew River had nobody, but Kevin said he sensed something.

I went to see Dima’ practice and the whole time I was in floating daze; I really liked watching him play hockey and he was slightly different on the ice, because he played seriously and aggressively, but always fair. Their coach sort of chewed his head for leaving yesterday like that, but I could tell Dima didn’t care about it. Travis wanted to stay with me, but couldn’t miss practice for anything, given at the end of April he was going to perform a main role. That was so exciting. He promised anyway to do something in the weekend and suggested we could go on a double date and boy, was he super jumpy and enthusiastic about the idea about us finally together.

Dima drove me home and saw Nic wasn’t around, since his car wasn’t there. He just came over for some documents and a meeting with a client in New York and he was already living tomorrow.

He turned off the car and stared at me smiling, then began to tenderly stroke my cheek with knuckles.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come inside with you? I don’t mind your parents, well, your mother mostly.”

“Nah, it’s fine, really and they already know I am gay.” I sighed; sure, they knew, but they didn’t accept it. He leaned over me and brushed my nose with his full and warm lips. It felt so good to be with him and I felt so calm, serene, warm, at ease and protected.

“I feel so good with you.” I whispered peering at his bright eyes. He grinned widely and gave me little butterfly-like pecks.

“Same for me, Jas. You make me feel like I never felt in my entire life.” His words had my heart jumped loudly and my breathing stop, while my body melted there.

I closed the little distance between us and rested my lips on his, simply wanting to feel them. His hand went on the side of my face and his thumb stroked my cheekbone. I nibbled his lower lip and he let out a low growl, making everything in my body jump and stop at the same time. My fingers went on his neck and he shivered at my touch; I felt then bolder and ventured my lips on my jaw, moving them till his ear. I hesitated a moment and then tried to nibble his earlobe and it was so soft and plump that I began to almost chew it, pulling him closer. Dima started to breathe faster and louder and his other hand clasped my side and pulled me towards him quite strongly. My lips then went on the line of his ear and he growled loud this time, gripping me harder. I tried to move on his neck, wanting more and when he felt my touch he ran his hand in my hair and tugged them.

“Jas…” He breathed out and boy…his voice was so raw and sensual. I softly bit him, wanting to explore and taste more, but then he pushed away. He closed a moment his eyes and I blushed thinking about my boldness. Oh boy, this wasn’t normal. “Gimme a moment, because man, you drive me crazy.”

“Uhm, sorry..”

“No need to be sorry, I mean, your lips and kisses are incredible and you have no idea how much they turn me on and, err, sorry, I mean, damn it, I can be such a moron..” I silenced him with a soft kiss and he jerked open his eyes.

“You’re not a moron and I really like this side of you.” He beamed happy to hear that and we kept there a bit longer, but then I knew I had to go.

Dima walked me to the door and pulled me in a bear-like hug, telling me to call him later. I watched him driving away and then closed the door behind me. I had no idea how to tell my parents, especially my mother and I was afraid about what they could say. Maria was in the kitchen and she greeted me with her sunny and welcoming smile and told me mother and father would be home later; she winked at me and gave me a muffin she had just baked and then juice, saying it was our secret. I really liked her.

Nic came back after a while, but said he had something to do for dinner and left after greeting our parents that arrived around seven in the evening. We had dinner at the usual time and I was fidgeting, not knowing what to do, how to say it and even whether to open my mouth or not. I quickly looked at them and they were the usual, eating without talking and sitting utterly and uncomfortably straight. Father never really talked anyway and I realized I knew very little about him. Then mother said something about a business dinner we were going to have this Saturday and then her words made me almost choke.

“Jasper, an important new partner of your father and his family will have dinner here with us and they have a lovely young lady as daughter. We expect you to take her out for a date.”

My forked hit the plate and she gave me a dark look; I widened my eyes and gasped, not able to find the right words.

“What?” Was the only thing I could say.

“Jasper Lucas, is that the way to talk to your mother? Sit straighter and pick your fork up. You heard me, we invited Mr. and Mrs. Valentine for dinner and we expect you and their daughter to become acquainted, therefore I do not want to hear another word about it; it is business and you shall do your part.” She hissed.

“No.” I almost shouted and she now threw me daggers, but I couldn’t care less. She wanted me to go out with a girl: A girl. Was she crazy? She knew I was gay and anyway, I was with Dima now. “Mum, you know I’m gay and you know...”

“Do not utter such no-sense a second time, Jasper Lucas. This is an order and we are not going to discuss it and this is final.” She declared, but this wasn’t final at all for me. No.

“No, I will not go out with a girl, this is impossible.”

“And why is that impossible?” Mother asked me coldly.

“Because I am with Dima now, we are together, I like him very much and he likes me back.” I had basically yelled out of frustration and anger and I was breathing hard and everything in me was tense and hurting. She eyed about to kill me and dad finally snapped his attention to me.

Oh boy, what was I going to do now?

Author's chit-chat:

So, what will happen next? where you expecting that or not? I guess not. Poor Jasper...

And what about the double date that Travis suggested? I think it's a fantastic idea.

Ok, next chapter coming very soon and we shall meet directly Shenice Valentine :-)

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