CH. 16 Sweet confessions

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Hello dear all :-) I am finally updating and SORRY for taking a week to do it, but had no time.. I explained the reasons in the message I sent you all... but here is comes :-)

We have Derek meeting Shenice and what will happen?? And what will happen after that between Jas and Dima? Well, hope you'll enjoy it, so please let me know!

Thank you sooooo much for fanning, reading, voting, commenting and for your messages, you're all amazing and I'll answer at all of them...but now going to sleep..

On the right a lovely banner of Klovis, thanks darl <3 <3

Dedicated to all of you (and you'll see some of you might really enjoy it) and then in particular to Kellynaz, thanks dear for your messages and support!! xox



That girl, which name I presume was Shenice, really kept her word and right on Sunday she went visit Jasper and told his parents, well, his stuck-up snobbish mother that she had an incredible and fabulous time on Saturday and that she was glad they had become friends; that damn woman still wasn’t satisfied, but Jas told me his father told her to leave it and be happy about that. Apparently, Shenice’s dad was concerned about his daughter having little to none friends and guess her nice temperament and cutting tongue might be part of it. So her dad thanked Jasper and the deal was solved and concluded.

Well, concluded my ass.

My kitty was still sort of grounded, not really, but his mother kept him home for three afternoons with stupid etiquette lessons and crap like that. I’d freak out in no time. Travis saved him last night and took him to sleep at his place and it pissed me off I couldn’t do that, given that idiotic woman of Jas’s mother wouldn’t let me take him for sleepover. Ha, we’ll see about that.

Man, I was about to go crazy here. I swear it.

We saw each other at school and with the fact he was younger and didn’t have PE, we had only lunch together and this was driving me insane. Alright, we talked on the phone or in internet every evening and we planned our date with those two horn dogs, but believe me, it wasn’t enough. I wanted more and wanted to spend so much time with my boyfriend and talk to him, listen to his calm and sweet voice, look at his beautiful eyes and kiss him and more. Man, here I was again, but couldn’t help it and I understood Sasha more and more; inside me was this strong desire to have him completely and if from one side I was slightly nervous and anxious, because let’s face it, I have always been with chicks and never with dudes and sure that was completely different, on the other side I couldn’t wait to jump him. I know, I know, I was being horny and jerk-like, but hey, I am a healthy and energetic eighteen years old guy and sure had crazy needs and desires for Jasper.

Seriously, I wanted more, but didn’t want to behave like an idiot or jerk and mess things between us or push him towards something he wasn’t ready for. I knew little about his past stories and what if I were to do something wrong or stupid? What if at the moment something would go in the wrong way or something else? I still was a bit nervous about the sex part, even though Jas turned me on like … man, I had no idea like what, but that was insane. But I couldn’t simply go there and ask him, “hey baby, how about to get some? I’m bursting right now.” Nah, that wouldn’t do.

I groaned and hit the desk with my forehead and felt more feelings, needs and emotions stirring in me. Sasha eyed me curious and then shook his head, while Derek hissed at me to pay attention because he didn’t have an excuse ready at the moment. The hell with that, for all I cared, they could give me a damn note or detention. No wait, what the heck am I saying? I can’t afford to waste time with detention instead of spending it with Jasper. Fine, I gave him my roll of eyes and pretended to pay attention, but damn, class was damn boring. Dee was edgy for the game and I just remembered Shenice was coming to our school for that. I smirked and suppressed a laugh. Ha, my kitty and I were going to play the cupid role and my friend could thank me for that. Sasha sent me another look and good thing that smartass of River wasn’t there with him. I think he had now class with Hayden and Travis.

School finally decided it was time to end the endless boredom and the bell rang. After sitting around for hours, I stretched long on my seat and my arms in the air; then I quickly picked my stuff up and urged my friend to move his ass. He snorted and told me to cool it, but I couldn’t wait to see Jas and he had a game.

“C’mon man, you gotta a game and we are all going to be there.”

“You just want to see Jasper, dude..”

“That’s not true, I can’t wait to see you guys jumping around with a ball, all sweaty and cursing and throwing the damn ball in a damn basket.” I grinned and patted his shoulder. Dee chuckled and rolled his eyes.

“Idiot. Why on earth all of my friends have to love ice-hockey? At least Kevin is now in the team and he’s quite the badass.” He picked his books and we led out of the room.

“You mean cowboy Dallas? He’s good?” I asked surprised. He just gave me the duh-look and I shrugged.

Alright man, I still wasn’t so peachy around the guy, ‘cause he kept calling my man “hottie”, “eye-candy” and stupid crap like that; plus I knew he still liked him, even though apparently understood to avoid contact and touching. I snorted at myself. Man, I was damn clingy, seriously, but couldn’t help it; being with Jasper made me discover a new side of me. I was a jealous dude and I wonder what he would think of that. Then again, was Jas a jealous kind of person? Difficult to say, he was more calm and composed than I was. Derek quickly walked to Sasha and Travis’s locker, to greet them, while I walked to Jas’s last class. I came just in time to see him stepping out and giggling at something Walker Texas Ranger said; I groaned, but then shrugged.

The moment his eyes saw mine, his face colored in a super adorable way and a gigantic and sweet smile made him look even more adorable and yummy. Argh, look at those dimples! I grinned back and snatched his sides and dragged him to me, wanting to feel his body in my arms and inhale his sweet and soothing scent. He threw his arms around my neck and nuzzled his messy head on my chest and I swear, I felt like a huge blonde tiger ready to purr and roll on the floor to cuddle and be petted by this super sexy kitty. I bent down and brushed his neck with my nose and moved to his jaw, craving to reach his tender and delicious lips, but someone decided well to interrupt us and I didn’t punch the person only because it was one of my boyfriend’s teachers and hitting a teacher would be plenty idiotic.

“Mr. Lucas and …” He looked me with a sever glare and waved me off. “Is it Denirov or..”

“It’s Denisov.” Man, what a pain in the butt, what he wanted?

“Very well, Mr. Lucas and Mr. Denisov please try to refrain from such open and public display of feelings; we are still in school and among other people.” I shrugged to avoid rolling my eyes in front of this moron; I gave him a whatever-look and guess my huge size for once worked, because he glared back and then left.

“Well guys, gotta go now, see you later hottie.” Cowboy Dallas pecked Jasper’s cheek right in front of me and then winked like the bastard he was. “See you later, big boy.” Jas chuckled and I snorted, so he softly elbowed me.

“Later Kevin and all the best, we’ll be there cheering for you guys.” My kitty smiled at him and I smiled just for that.

“Your new friend is coming over?” He asked, meaning the girl.

“Uhm yep, she’ll be here in twenty minutes, thus we won’t miss the beginning, but no time to meet her now.”

“No problem, I’ll meet her later. See you there.”

“Bye cowboy and good luck, but you’ll be fine with Dee and that other clown of Jess.” The Kevin dude thought about something and smirked, and then blew a kiss to MY man and left. “Man, still annoying as always.”

“He just likes to mess around.” Jasper now turned to me and tiptoed to softly kiss my lips. “I missed you in these days.”

Darn it, was he sweet and tempting.

“Miss you, too, kitty and very damn much.” I responded to his soft touch with more passion and felt him tremble and whisper something.

“Boy Dima, we’re in school.” He said that, but he was smiling and liked it.

“I know, but…” Let’s leave it for now. “Alright, let’s go Jas; the gang is waiting for us.”

We sat with everyone right in front row and Travis and Jasper went on talking to Shenice and River and I could tell she liked my buddies and they kind of liked her; for Hayden was pointless, because he saw only Diane and anyway, he was a simple and nice dude. River, well, difficult to get what the heck he was thinking about, it was basically impossible, but guess he was ok with her and Travis, damn, he was like a firecracker and sure you knew what was going on in his mind. Sasha greeted her politely solely because Travis was there with him and because she was Jasper’s friend and then didn’t concern about her at all, but paid attention to his man and then turned to me.

“So you playing the match maker?” He arched his brows and glanced at Derek, who still hasn’t noticed the chick.

“Why not, man? So if things go well, Dee will shut up with me and Jas.” Sasha cracked a one side smirk and shook his head.

“Travis is hooked up and so you know what it means; he’ll help you out.” He glanced at his boyfriend and smiled softly. Wow, he was so gone and in love with him. Then he suddenly turned his eyes on me and studied my face a moment. “Can I ask you something?”

“Do you even need to ask?” He grinned and shook his head.

“That’s right. Well, just one question, buddy. Did you ask Jasper directly to be your boyfriend?” I eyed him confused, because I didn’t get the sense of the question. Jas and I were together and were a couple; he read my face and smirked. “I know you guys are together and everything, but I meant if you actually asked him those few words, like, will you be my boyfriend or be my boyfriend.”

Err, what?

“Man, we are together and I told him I like him and he told me the same and we are dating and..” He shook his head and silenced me.

“You didn’t ask those words, then.” I shook my head.

“He’s a guy, Sasha.” He sighed and passed a hand through his short black hair.

“You’re hopeless in that department, know that? Doesn’t matter whether he’s a guy or not, the fact is that you ask those words and you do it as soon as you understand you want to be with him. You consider Jasper your man, your boyfriend, right?”

“You bet, man and I just discovered that I am pretty jealous.” My best friend chuckled and curiosity hit me. “You asked Travis? When?” Man, was I really that of a moron that I didn’t realize it without Sasha telling me? Wait a moment. Wait a damn moment. Did that mean Jas didn’t think of me as his boyfriend or had doubts about my resolution? Damn it, did I screw something?

“Relax, clearly he thinks the same, but he’s a kind and nice person and yes, I asked Travis, right immediately after kissing him. I wanted him to be mine and only mine and wanted that official and clear.”

“I want that clear and official, too.” I said, glancing at Jas who felt my stare and smiled at me with his beautiful dark chocolate eyes. Sasha gave me look and arched his brow, as to say you-know-what-to-do and he was right.

“I’m a moron, right?” I asked him, scratching my hair.

“No, you’re not and you know that and the kid obviously likes this easy-going side of you. You just need to remember you’re in a relationship now and a serious one and Jasper is someone that needs sweetness, but you know that already.”

Right, my best buddy here was right once again. Damn it, he was always right.

“Yeah, I know that, but don’t know, just thought that since he’s a guy he might not like things like that or think I treat him like a chick, I mean, not like a guy, well, you got what I mean.”

“Just don’t over think, because let’s face it Dima, if you think too much, your brain just short circuits.” He smirked and I chuckled, knowing he was right again. “And you don’t need to worry to treat him like a girl, because you’re not and you can see yourself how different everything is with Jasper than with a girl, right?” I nodded, things indeed were different. With Jas everything felt blissfully natural and easy.

“Yeah man, I can see that, never felt in this way before.”

“I know what you mean.” He glanced at Travis and the guy in question turned his eyes to him and they smiled to each other and man, that sure was an intense smile. “Well, don’t worry anyway. I can see both of you are serious in this and you are obviously crazy about him as much as he’s about you.”

I blinked a couple of time and scratched the back of my neck, then thought about his words and grinned.

“That’s right buddy, I’m crazy about Jas.”

He nudged my side and the game began and my kitty sat right beside me with his new friend, the Shenice girl. He had to repeat me the name few times, just to make sure I would remember it and it worked fine. She was clearly eyeing Dee with evident interest and it was funny because our friend hasn’t seen her yet; basketball sure wasn’t my favorite sport, but it was funny to see him playing and he liked to show off in the court, just like that idiot of Jess, speaking of which, his boyfriend was sitting here with us. After a while, Sasha and Travis left, as he had training and couldn’t miss it and obviously my best friend drove him there and wanted to spend the evening with him. I wanted to spend the day with Jas, too, but not sure he was allowed to do that.

“Uhm, what you think of Derek?”

“Oh my, Jasper, he’s amazing..” in that moment our friend stole the ball, ran for few feet and then passed it to Danny, who passed it back to him while he was jumping in the air, so Dee grabbed the ball and slammed it in the basket. I think he told me how that was called, but forgot it. Shenice jumped up with Jas and they cheered our friend. “Oh my God, he’s simply awesome!!”

“You should have come earlier to meet him.” I told her and she snorted.

“I had that stupid class and couldn’t skip; my hag-mum would bug me even more. Why on earth we need biology?” She rolled her eyes and made quite a face. Jas and I burst out laughing like idiots and she looked at us without understanding.

“This. Is. Priceless.” I said between laughing. She looked between us again without understanding.

“Uhm, you see, Dima cannot stand biology and thinks it’s the most boring thing on this world and most of the times he risks notes and detentions.” My kitty explained and I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him against my chest. He smiled at me and I softly kissed the tip of his nose, wishing to do so much more.

“Awww…you guys are just so cute. You make the fan-girl in me go crazy with cuteness. Probably all the girls in this school think the same.” Man, she was nuts, which meant she was perfect for Derek.

“Uhm well, not so sure, I actually received some crooked looks, but uhm, they don’t say anything.” Jasper said; I knew anybody wouldn’t dare to say a word and do something, first of all because they’d face me and secondly because they all remembered what happened in January very well. “I mean, first Alex and now Dima..” I chuckled at that; I think the fact that Sasha had a boyfriend and was so in love with Travis had been far more shocking than my case.

“Non-sense. They should fund a club and talk about it and worship you guys, making comics and writing yaoi stories and…” She went on talking like a gun-machine and Jas cringed at the idea of a fan-club and cutely retreated in my arms. I liked to have him in my arms so damn much.

“That’s what my baby says every time she sees them.” Hayden said, leaning closer to me. River smirked and winked at me. Smartass.

“Hmm, yes, it took them some time, but at last they managed becoming one of the cutest and sweetest couple here in school.” The smartass teased us and Jas blushed quite a lot, making him look even more adorable. Argh, I needed time alone with him.

“Boy, I think Travis and Alex are even more..”

“Man, they’re not cute at all; those two are hot and rated R stuff.” Hayden joked and I laughed ‘cause he was right.

“Interesting point of view and that’s correct, given the way they love each other, but I bet that in some little time, we might say the same about you two.” River teased again and I just grinned, while Jas eyed him with evident embarrassment.

“Uhm well, oh boy, no..don’t think so at all.”

“Oh really?”

Jasper looked at me and I just shook my head beaming and he rolled his sweet eyes and tried to escape my hug, but I pulled him tighter.

“Not my fault, monkey, you’re addicting.” I whispered to him; his eyes widened and then melted in a brownie and cream smile. He snapped his attention back to the game and I did the same; Derek was playing like a badass today and right now he had just ducked a couple of opponents, passed the ball to Jess and took it back, dribbled and jumped and slam dunk. Show-off, I chuckled. The Shenice girl was staring with wide mouth and eyes and couldn’t care less it was crystal clear she liked him.


Dima said a new friend of Jasper was coming today to watch the game and didn’t say much, aside it was a girl and that she was funny. I asked for her name, but at the moment he couldn’t remember it and I just shook my head; leave it to him and you’ll do just fine in meeting people. But what can I say? The dude was gone for cutie and I am not kidding.

Sure, they were different from Travis and Alex, who would suddenly stop in the middle of a corridor or in the cafeteria and make out without a care in the word; Jasper was shy and timid, but hey, he was showing a new aspect since he got with our blonde bear. He was bolder and more straightforward in showing his feelings and desires; I was surprised when a couple of times I witnessed him jumping on Dima’s neck and smashing their lips together. Travis smirked like the deviated sexy ass he was and exchanged an amused look with River or a whisper with Alex.

They looked great together, though, Dima and Jasper I mean. They balanced one another and their different, but complementary natures completed and matched each other; it was like having two halves making a whole. My friend had finally gotten serious about something and he would pay slightly more attention in class, well, alright, he would pretend to pay more attention in class or at least avoid his usual moronic outburst to avoid detention or similar pain in the neck. And that only to be able to see his precious cuties at the end of school to drive him home.

Dima was totally whipped, just like Hayden with my sister and the funny part was that Jasper didn’t even realize that.

I greeted my friends and then walked to the changing room with Kevin and Jess and it was good we were getting more along with him and his man; well, Alex still gave them the beasty stare and would only grunt at them lovely and sweet words, mind my sarcasm, but Travis was cool with Xander and Jess stopped behaving like an idiotic flirt and concentrated only on his guy. I was happy Kevin joined our team, because the dude was awesome at playing and even if the coach didn’t plan to have him in the game from the beginning, I knew he would be the badass out there.

“Derek, thanks again putting a nice word with the coach.” The dude himself told me placing his bag on the bench.

“Didn’t say anything, dude. He saw you playing.” He shrugged and smirked. Then I thought again about that girl Dima told me. “Hey, do you know something about cutie’s new friend?”

“You mean hottie’s new friend.” Kevin winked and seriously, he had the time of his life messing around with our blonde bear. “Her name is Shenice and her dad is a business partner or something like that of Jasper’s father.” He explained me how they met and I couldn’t stop my laughing and it was too much because I could clearly picture my friend pacing around his room waiting for his call and rotting in jealousy. Yeah dude, Dmitri was damn jealous of Jas.

“She’s coming today, but she was late and that’s why we didn’t see her. Hottie said she’s nice and funny, so it’ll be alright.”

We changed into our uniforms and on the court we exchanged few passes and I shoot few baskets, trying all sort of shoot, even though my favorite was the slam dunk, because dude, that made a helluva effect on people watching you. Jess and Danny were in great form and so was Kevin, but he didn’t start playing immediately. When the referee blew the whistle, I concentrated on the game, but the cheer of the spectators and of my friend pumped faster my blood and gave the right kick to the adrenaline.

The other team wasn’t very good, but nonetheless we played at our fullest, taking it as a free training to face the following game, which was going to be quite the pain in the neck, believe me. I already made ten points in the first quarter and I was satisfied, but figures, our coach had to say something; Kevin patted my shoulder and said I had been amazing and then told me that that girl, Shenice, was there with our friends. So while the coach talked to my teammates and told them what to improve, I tuned my attention to the first row and waved at River and Hayden and then saw Xander, Dima and Jasper.

And Shenice.

I halted everything and just kept my eyes glued to her.

Our sweet Lord.

That was a babe.

She was talking to cutie, so didn’t see me staring at her probably looking like some moron having a black out and my jaws hanging open and catching flies. My sweet Jesus, was she beautiful and I dare say curvy, given how her face had that damn sensual round shape and her lips moved and smiled glossy and yummy like cherries, plump and full and damn, her hair were really long and shining and I liked the haircut. Dima noticed me and grinned waving at me, so the girl turned her eyes on me and BAM, our eyes locked and in that moment the Titanic could have crushed on me, but believe me, I wouldn’t had felt it.

She smiled openly and cheerfully and waved as well and I waved back, trying not to look like a loser. I had to meet her and right after this game was over.

The coached called us back and Kevin smirked at me.

“Should I take it you like Shenice?” He winked.

“Dude, are you telling me you haven’t had any idea about her? If so, you aren’t bi, but totally gay.” He burst out laughing and then shook his head.

“Nah, saw she’s beautiful, but hey, she’s not here for me, believe me. Plus, I might be bi, but have a softer spot for cute and sexy guys like hottie.”

The game resumed and I played even more fired up than before, feeling now her stare on me and wanting to impress her. I know, I know, I was a show off and my friends always told me so, but hey, wouldn’t you be one when such a babe was looking at you? And anyway, what do you think Alex and Dima did when they played hockey and knew their sweethearts were there watching them? Especially that beast of Alex, he would be incredibly fired up.

We won with a wide gap and our coached was satisfied, so we had the rest of the afternoon free; I showered and then wore back the clothes of before, and then waited for Kevin and Jess and urged them to move their butts. As soon as we exited the changing room, Xander pushed himself away from the wall and Jess jumped on him; I rolled my eyes and Kevin sniggered. I spotted our friends walking over there and wow, Shenice was indeed a babe. Look at her and at the sensual and confident way she was walking. I scanned her face and body and I was right, she was curvy in the perfect way, not too tall and not too short, but simply perfect. I never liked skinny girls or the one obsessed with calories and food and sometimes I even teased Travis and gained a dark glare from Alex. Right, never tease his love. Shenice seemed someone that enjoyed a good meal and had the most charming and cheerful smile I have ever seen.

“Hey man, great match.” Dima patted my arm and grinned at me.

“Yeah, that was awesome Dee, a pity your sister couldn’t make it.” Figures, Hayden’s mind was only set on Diane.

I greeted them and exchanged a look with the girl and before Jasper could say anything, I introduced myself.

“Hi, I’m Derek and you are? I hope you’re good friend with one of them, so I’ll have a good excuse to see you often and then ask you out for a movie or anything.” Yeah, I sure wasn’t shy or anything of the sort. What’s the point? It just made things more complicated and frustrating.

“Why hello Derek, I’m Shenice and yes, I’m good friend with Jasper, so you can sure ask me out for anything you feel like.” She beamed at me and shook my hand with energy. I liked her at first; she was self-confident, but not in a vain and empty way and sure she was a friendly and straightforward girl.

“That’s awesome Shenice, so how about we all go get something to eat and then maybe watch a movie?” I leveled the bag on my shoulder and offered one of my widest smiles and she did the same.

“Sounds perfect to me.”

“Uhm, I cannot make it, sorry guys.” Jasper had still some issues with his family and that meant that Dima was going with him. “But I take you’ll be ok, right?” He asked to his friend.

“Sorry you cannot join us, Jas. Can’t you really stay another bit with us?” Cutie shook his head and she pouted, and that looked so cute. “When am I going to see you, sweety? Oh I know, Saturday morning I’ll come over and save you from that snob of your mother.”

Jasper giggled and hugged her.

“Alright man, see you tomorrow guys.” Dima placed an arm around cutie’s shoulders and after greeting everyone they left.

The four of us went out to get something to eat and after a while Diane joined us and I was so going to make it pay to Hayden, because my demon of a sister was going to bug me the entire evening. I peeked at River, now writing a message on his phone and wondered if he’ll ever find someone like Dima and Alex did, but it seemed to me he had someone, but quite difficult to say, he was very hard to read. I turned my undivided attention to Shenice and she wasn’t only a beautiful girl, but very smart, sharp and funny. She was crazy and dude, I loved that.

DMITRI POV   (WARNING, some soft boyxboy action)

I drove Jas home and we talked about the game and about the fact that Derek clearly liked Shenice; I was so going to tease the crap out of him tomorrow. Then we talked about some skateboard tricks and decided to go skateboarding next week, since he hadn’t seen his friends for days. We reached his house, which I should more call a mansion for how big it was, and turned off my baby, as usual, to have few more minutes with him.

“Uhm, Dima, are you free today?” His voice was slightly nervous and I could see a faint trace of blushing creeping on his cheeks; man, he looked even cuter and yummier like that.

“Of course, nothing much to do. Have to finish a paper for literature, but whatever, going to finish tonight.” Not that I really cared about it. He glanced at me chewing his lower lip and I slipped a hand on his side and pulled him closer. “Why you ask?” I leaned on him and stroked his cheek with my nose, feeling him softly shudder.

“Well, uhm, my parents won’t be at home until late tonight, because they have a business meeting outside New York and uhm, I was thinking that maybe you could stay with me for a while, because lately we saw each other only at school and uhm, I wanted to spend more time with you, but only if it’s ok for you.”

Man, if that was ok for me? Was he kidding? That was perfect.

“Jas, couldn’t ask for more, I want to spend more time with you, too. Let’s go.”

But before going, I pulled him closer and rested my lips on his and his arms closed automatically behind my neck and his kiss became hotter, making me groan from my throat. Man, how was he doing that? I felt his tongue slipping inside and rubbing against mine and damn it, I crushed him against me and immediately controlled the twisting of our tongues, wanting to taste more of him; he melted in my arms and let go a muffled moan. My other hand went off of its own and grabbed his thigh. Argh, it was so firm that I dug my fingers harder in his jeans, making him locked his fingers in my hair. Our tongues danced together longer and I slammed him harder on me, having my kitty almost sitting on me; I let go when I remembered we were in my Gran Cherokee and not in his room. Oh my, alone in his room.

“Sorry, you really have a crazy effect on me.” He blushed, but then giggled.

“Shall we go then?” I nodded and we hoped off the car.

Maria greeted us inside the house and offered us a feast-like afternoon snacks and man, her muffins and cherry pie were something to die for and don’t get me start with the Club Sandwich. She wanted to bring the food in Jasper’s room, but we decided to eat with her in the kitchen; then we went upstairs and I discarded my jacket on the chair of his desk, stealing glances at him taking off his checkered flannel shirt, leaving him only with his t-shirt on. Man, was he tempting.

Jas smiled at me and tried to hide a blush and I couldn’t help, so I walked towards him and caged his smaller body in a bear-like hug. Good Lord, I really missed him. He placed his hands on my biceps and snuggled on my chest.

“I missed you, school isn’t enough..” He murmured and then pulled back and his face went red. “Uhm well, I mean..”

“I know what you mean; it’s the same for me.” My fingers rubbed his back and it was amazing to feel his lean muscles and man, this was hot. He smiled and slid his hands up to my shoulders and pulled me down, so to touch his forehead with mine. His lips grazed softly mine and then he giggled.

I suddenly remembered what I talked about with Sasha and yeah, this was the right moment. I slipped my hands down on his oh-so-yummy-and-firm butt and man, had to suppress a loud growl because believe me, I never touched such a solid and round butt and this was arousing me like hell. Jas only shivered and melted more in my arms; I lifted him from the floor and he wrapped his legs around me, staring at me with a sweet and damn sexy look.

“Dima?” He whispered/asked.

“I want to ask you something.” I said, and then I turned around and sat on his bed, having him sitting on my laps. Man, this was insanely hot. I locked my eyes with his and argh, it took quite some effort not to assault his sexy and edible mouth, but hey, my friend was right and I had to ask him that question, because I wanted things official and clear. 

“Jas, will you be my boyfriend?” I asked him, while taking his face in my hands. His eyes widened so much that almost popped out and I cracked a huge grin. He wasn’t expecting that, but it was probably a nice surprise, given the way he stared at me. “I’m sorry, I should have asked you at first, but you know me, I can be quite a clueless moron and lack of tact and everything, but hey, I thought of you as my boyfriend since the day we kissed for the first time and not kidding, but then I realized I probably should ask you clearly.” Ok, let’s leave out the fact that Sasha again helped me out.

He didn’t say anything for few seconds and to be honest, I was beginning to worry, but then he threw his arms around my neck and buried his face on my shoulder. We hugged each other for a tender while and then he pushed himself back.

“Yes, Dima!!! I-I…oh boy, of course I want to be your boyfriend and I…I…oh boy, thank you, this is just so…you’re so…oh boy, don’t even know how to say it, but you’re not a clueless moron, you’re a sweet and caring person and I like everything of you.” He literally jumped on my neck crushing his mouth with mine and he took me by surprise, so we both fell flat on his bed, me on my back and he straddling my legs.

Man, when his tongue slipped between my lips, slowly, but intensely rubbed with mine and his legs brushed my thighs, damn, I felt my control about to turn into dust.

This was so damn hot and man, this was far beyond what I felt in my dreams.

My hands ran hungrily from his sexy legs to his sides and my fingers hooked the belt loop of his jeans and tugged them, having him moan in my mouth; our hips stroked and crap, I was getting so hard. We deepened the kiss and let our tongues go wild and going for more and more, tasting his intoxicating and addictive flavor and craving for more, so I slammed him completely flat on me and I heard my groan echoing in his mouth. Jas mewled when my fingers slipped up and tugged the hem of his t-shirt; he fisted my hair and pulled them wanton and I growled more, beginning to roll up his shirt, but then I tried to stop and regain some control.

I didn’t want to behave like a jerk with my kitty, because I cared so much for him and I wanted to have everything special with him and not force anything he wasn’t ready for or whatever, even if it was impossibly hard to control myself with him kissing me like this and mewling for the way my hands ran on his sexy body. Argh… and I thought I was nervous of getting more intimate with Jas? Was I nuts? It was just natural and my body followed the instinct and desire that right now was burning like hell in my system.

He grinded on me and crap, I yanked his t-shirt up and shoved my tongue deeper making him moan louder. My monkey pulled away a moment and breathed something on my lips, sending me almost nuts.

“Dima..hmm..I love your kisses..”

Oh crap. I wasn’t expecting that and the fact he had this bolder side with me made everything so much more exciting.

“Jas..” I didn’t know what to say or to do, I was like in trance. “I…Lord I…Jasper I want you so much.” I halted and stopped, pushing him a moment away to stare at his eyes. He had wide eyes and his pupils dilated and he was breathing heavy.


“Sorry baby, I didn’t mean to be a jerk or a moron, so please don’t think I am..” He placed a finger on my lips and gave his brownie and extra cream smile.

“You know I don’t think any of that and uhm well, I feel the same…boy, I-I don’t know why, but with you uhm well, it’s like being a different Jasper, less shy and insecure and boy, it’s just that everything is so new for me and uhm, can’t believe you actually want me.” He lowered his gaze and I tilted his chin up to look at his eyes.

“Why can’t you still believe it? Man, I’m totally crazy about you and look at me now, I’m about to burst.” He giggled and closed the distance between us with a soft kiss. “And crap, I love this aspect of you, but it’s quite dangerous for me.”

Jas blushed and smiled together and a question popped in my head and damn it, I wasn’t sure I’d like to hear the answer.

“Hey kitty, can I ask you something?”

“You can ask me anything and you know that.” He rested his chin on the back of his hands, now crossed over my chest and his beautiful eyes beaming at me.

“Right, well, you see, I have to be honest. At first I was a bit nervous about the whole sex things and foreplay and company, but man, it comes just so natural with you and well, you arouse me like hell.” He widened his eyes and literally burnt out blushing. Oh crap, I just wanted to devour him completely. I cleared my throat and shook my head. “Well, sorry baby for the lack of tact, but still wanted to ask you something…How is sex? I just don’t want to do something stupid or wrong.”

Jas sat up and looked away fidgeting and I knew I just asked him something that embarrassed him and I felt a moron, but wanted to know. He chewed his lower lip and looked at the ceiling, thinking about something and then shifted his gaze away, so I turned his face back to me.

“Uhm well, I-I.. I have no idea how is it.” He whispered barely looking at me.

“What do you mean you don’t… oh.” Oh I got it. Oh. Wow. How the hell was that possible I had no idea, because look at him! But wow, this meant he was only and completely mine.

“Uhm, yep. I haven’t had sex before or didn’t do much more aside kissing. Sorry, maybe you’ll think that I am quite clumsy and..” I shut him up slamming his face down on mine and immediately invading his mouth with my tongue. Jasper was completely mine. No other guy had heard his tempting mewling and tasted him. Oh crap, I was getting now very, very hard.

He first reacted surprised, but soon fused with me and let our kiss deepen and deepen, straddling me and grinding on me so damn sensually that  I groaned freaking loud and grabbed his t-shirt and tossed it up. Jas halted and I thought I had gone too fast, but he simply stretched his arms in the air and let me take the t-shirt off. What a view and what a velvety and warm skin he had. I stared at him while letting my fingers ran on it slowly, savoring the softness and the look of his eyes. He laced his fingers with mine and when he leaned down, he pushed my arms over my head. I felt his lips on my neck and I tilted my head on the other side, giving him more access. He was light and slow, but so exciting and when he reached my earlobe and playfully chewed it, man, I tugged my hands from his grip, but he signaled me to stay put.

Jasper pushed himself up and man, he looked so hot. He was being slightly embarrassed and not sure if to do what he had in mind or not, but at the same time, he was craving for that. And I remembered his words.

Everything was new for him.

“Hey monkey, what’s on your mind?” I murmured, pushing myself up and sitting on the elbows. He smiled.

“Can I do something?”

“No need to ask, Jas. You can do anything you want with me.” He blushed furiously, but in a flash he dragged me up facing him and his hands travelled down my sweater and rested on its hem.

Oh crap. I had no idea how long I could keep calm.

We exchanged a silent look and while staring at me, he pulled my sweater up and I lifted my arms, letting him undress me and it was everything so hot. His fingers ran on my arms and studied my muscles, teasing and tickling them and then his lips found mine for a quick moment, while his hand went down and seized the hem of my t-shirt. Man, when I felt his fingers on my skin I yanked him completely pressed on me and then rolled us over, having me hovering over him.

“Kitty, you’re tempting me too much, honestly.” He giggled and challenged me with a wicked and cute smile. Oh Lord, how could someone look so sweet and alluring at the same time?

Soon my t-shirt was gone and now our skin touched and shivers and spasms of blissful pleasure travelled all over my body. Jasper shuddered with me and then skimmed my back with his digits, tracing the lines of my muscles and softly pecking my chin, then my jaw and then my neck. I swallowed down hard and took a breath. I couldn’t lose control right now, not right now, because none of us was ready for much today. It had to be perfect and romantic and not just rushed. But damn, he wasn’t making things easy for me.

“Hmm…I always thought your arms and shoulders were my favorite parts of your body, because they are huge and bulky and make me feel safe, but uhm…your back..” He whispered close to my ear, making me groan and plunge on his neck, attacking it with avid kisses and gaining delicious and inviting mewling and feeling him slightly arch under me.

“I even don’t know which part of you is my favorite…man, you’re so hot and sexy…” But I knew which one was it and now I couldn’t wait any longer to taste.

I slipped lower on him and let my tongue travel down his neck and then his collarbone, enjoying the fact he clawed me stronger and twirled more. Man, he tasted so good. With one forearm I balanced my weight to avoid to crush him, given he was much smaller than I was, and the other hand was stroking his side up and down, while I descended lower and lower and my lips found his nipple. Man, how would that feel for him? How would that feel for me? I peeked at him and his eyes were ajar, so I smirked and decided to satisfy my curiosity.

At first I just softly tried it and teased with the tip of my tongue and he arched slightly, letting out a control-threatening pant, then passed it more decisive and followed the round border, tugging it at last between my teeth. I hoped it felt at least half amazing for him as it felt for me. He arched back more and this time his fingers dug harder in my neck and what came out wasn’t just a control-threatening pant, but a control-blowing moan. One of his legs bent and brushed my side whilst the other tangled with mine.

Man, did he really never have sex or anything of the sort? ‘Cause right now he was damn sexy and driving me crazy.

I keep softly licking it and teasing with my teeth and my hand travelled down on his hip, pulling him against mine and letting our now ready lengths rub together through the jeans. Oh man…he was as hard as I was that excited me even more. So I moved on his other nipple and then slipped down on his stomach and abs and when I let my tongue feel them, they contracted in a very tempting way.

“Well, I guess this is one of my favorite parts.” I mouthed on his creamy skin.

They were lean and so well shaped, just perfect and I let my lips follow every curve and line; his other leg bent up and now both of them were brushing me, while he was arching his back and now sinking his fingers in my shoulders.

Have I ever felt in this way before? No. Never. With Jasper it was everything so much more powerful and intense and so natural, as if he was supposed to be mine and in my arms and me in his arms and his. And I felt great in making him writhe and squirm under me.

I bit his navel and he softly moan and then giggled and when I peeked up oh crap, the way he looked at me sent me to heaven. I pushed myself lower and he gasped, trying to pull me away, but I wasn’t getting any of that; I wanted more. I brushed his bulge with my nose and then lips and damn, he let out quite the loud moan. My fingers went on the waist band of his jeans and popped them open, but he grabbed them.

“Uhm boy, wait a moment … I..I never…” He was blushing like crazy right now, but his voice was husky.

“Well baby, I never went down on someone either, so..” And that was true, not even with chicks. Jas widened his shining and sweet eyes in clear disbelief and I grinned and nodded to confirm it. “No kidding kitty, it’s true and I’m dying to have a little of you, but hey I’ll stop if you don’t want..”

“Uhm no, it’s not that I don’t want it, it’s just so new for me…” He covered his face with his hands and plopped back on the bed, probably going bright red.

So I pulled down his zip and smirked at me; Jas gasped and then gulped and then just rested down. Hmm, so I had permission. I let my fingers hook the sides and slowly pushed the jeans down along with his black boxers. I felt my mouth water for the anticipation and I savored every second. Man, he was just…perfect and so damn hard. How would it feel? Would I be able to do it decently? I had no idea and couldn’t care less. I leaned down and slowly tempted the entire length and wow, he arched sensually back and mewled so invitingly, then locked his fingers in my hair, but never really pulled them. I drew the length again and it felt amazing, so hard and soft, and making me feel so damn good in hearing him. I wanted more and so teased the tip.

“Hmm…Dima…” He breathed out.

I teased more and then completely engulfed it in one deep go. Man. It felt incredible and this time he tugged sexily my hair and bucked his hips up, and so slid up and then back again taking him entirely and now joining the fun with my tongue and making him twist and mewl more and giving me complete access and control. I pulled up and then down again and this time I let it go deeper, wanting to try that and had to control my gag-reflex, but man, that was worth it, given the way he yanked my hair and jerked his hips up. I bobbed my head up and down more and more, until I felt his breathing going more erratic and raw. Man, I loved to hear that. How would Jasper feel and taste? I slipped down more and twirled harder on the head and he began to push me away. Hmm, my kitty was close and no way Iwas going to move from here.

“Dima… please…just hmm…move…I’m..hmmm…baby..”

Oh Lord, he just called me baby and that made it. I went faster and blocked his wrists on the sides and man, he arched crazily and moaned to send me insane and then I felt him. I won’t say he tasted sweet and crap like that, because that wasn’t the case, but man, he was intoxicating and addictive in a very unique way. He twisted more and breathed out my name, and then collapse on the bed. Wow…I couldn’t believe at what I had just done, but wow, I loved it. I hope he did the same, because I had no idea whether I did something right or not, but given how he reacted I guess it wasn’t that bad.

I tilted my head to peek at him and he was breathing hard and deep with closed eyes; so I pushed myself up and loomed over him, grinning like a dofus; he suddenly flashed open his chocolate eyes and blushed, but then chuckled and shook his head.

“Oh boy…I can’t believe you…you….uhm well, you know, boy…”

“I can’t believe it either, Jas, but hey, I loved it. How was it? Hope not too bad and sloppy, I mean, it was my first time, so if you give me more time and practice I’m sure it can be better.”

He first stared at me with his mouth wide open and then burst out laughing and giggling.

“What so funny?” I asked.

“Oh boy, you Dima. You need more time? Oh boy, this had been amazing and uhm, you are actually incredible at this and uhm well, it was my first time, too.” He smiled and I grinned feeling my ego boosting at his words. He said I had been incredible and awesome.

“Will it gross you out if I kiss you?” I asked him, not sure he’d like that. My kitty tilted his head on the side and shook his head.

“Nope, because I want to kiss you so much.” His hands went on my hair and soon our lips met.

Man, now I knew I was definitely and irrevocably gone for Jasper.

Author's chit-chat:

So, aren't they really sweet and cute as Shenice said? Hope you enjoyed the whole chapter and the last part ;-)

Next is the double date with Alexi and Travis and what will happen, what will they organize? Hehehe))) I'll update very soon, really!

Until next time!

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