CH. 17 Crazy and sweet, guess who's which (Part 2)

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Hello dear all :-) Finally I'm updating...sorry for the long wait.. but here it comes and hope you'll enjoy it, let me know! Thank you very much for your wonderful and lovely messages and comments..I'll answer later to all of you, promise!

We have also a final POV that many of you were waiting for and something more is revealed.. you'll see.

On the right a perfect banner azer90 made for me for the special occasion in this chapter! Thank you honey, I love it! <3

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to Jazzstardust as a thank you for your messages and for being so nice and for dedicating me a ch :-)



I was nervous and sort of down because I had the nth discussion with mother and lately it seemed I couldn’t really hold my words and mouth and so talked back to her and boy, she sure didn’t like that. It was good though that father didn’t mind it and sometimes I could see a thin and hidden smile on his lips. I talked about that with Nic and he said that probably dad was appreciating the fact I was standing for myself and learnt to answer to mother’s constant controlling and imposing manners. Uhm well, it wasn’t like last time, I mean, I sure wasn’t yelling at her or being rude, uhm nope, since it wasn’t my nature and that would only complicate things, but I was tired of always having to listen to same things over and over.

Now I was staring at my reflection in the mirror and hoping Dima would like how I was dressed. I asked Travis for advice, who let go little to nothing about tonight and I was so eager and giddy to know about it. I tried to ask, but nothing and I knew it was pointless to ask Alex. Dima knew nothing, too, but he didn’t care; he just shrugged and grinned, saying we were going to have great fun anyway. It was so good and easy to be with him, because nothing ever annoyed him or made him troubled; he would brush off most of the things and don’t mind them, unless it concerned his friends, family and uhm well, me. I got to see that my tiger, oh boy can’t believe I’m calling him like that, but uhm it suits him, well, he was an extremely loyal person and … jealous. But he wasn’t oppressive or controlling, simply jealous and to be honest, I found that absolutely cute.

Uhm, would that be ok? Travis said I would need something to go out, but didn’t say for what, so had no idea. He said not to worry, in case I could use one of his shirts, but uhm well, not sure they would fit me. I had skinny light-blue jeans and a striped white and blue polo t-shirt over a white long-sleeves t-shirt. I had leather black Converse at my feet and let’s hope this was fine, but had a feeling my best friend would make me change.

Dima rang the door bell and I ran to open the door, but mother popped out from somewhere and I almost yelped. Boy, was she some kind of ninja? She liked to sneak around like that and it was sort of scary.

“How many times do I need to tell you not to run in the house like that? And we have Maria or Thomas to open the door.” And right in that moment Thomas calmly walked to the door and opened it staring at my boyfriend with an impassive and cold glare.

“Good evening. May I help you, sir?”

I peeked at Dima, who saw me behind him, and I giggled at his funny face, because it was clear as day he was trying his best not to laugh out loud and hard.

“Evening, I’m here for Jasper.” His voice was about to crack, then he stepped in and saw my mother and gave her a polite smile. “Good evening Mrs. Lucas, I’m here for taking Jasper to Travis’s. I think our friend already explained everything and then my parents invited Jasper for breakfast tomorrow morning outside New York, so guess he’ll stay over my place.”

I looked at mum and I knew she wasn’t going to agree with that. I had already asked her and she had been adamant on the “no, it is not appropriate and please, refrain from addressing the Denisov’s son as you boyfriend.” Urgh, she was so annoying.

“Good evening Dmitri, it’s a pleasure to see you. Is your family well?” Dima shrugged and said they were great. “About the staying over, I must disagree with that and also, Jasper has a curfew and you shall respect it.” At her words my heart sank and he rolled his eyes, trying his best not to grunt something.

“Good evening Dmitri.” Dad walked over us, probably coming from his studio and he took me by surprise, because hadn’t seen him around all day.

“Good evening, sir.” They shook hands. “I’m taking Jasper out and promise to take perfect care of him.”

“I know that and hope so because he is my son.” I widened my eyes and stared at him in shock. He had never ever displayed such emotions and affection to me in my entire life and most importantly, never in public. Oh boy. “I think my darling we can trust our son to him and his friends, we know they have very good families behind them and I think it would nice to have Jasper joining breakfast with the Denisov. We shall work again together; apparently Dmitri’s father is developing a new business and required a financial advice from our company.”

“Oh yeah, dad told me about that. I think he’s expanding to the Baltic regions or something like that.” I smiled at the way he briefly explained his father’s business and wondered if one day he’ll take care of it. I think he would be good, because he told me he found economics and trade market interesting, at least not boring and useless as what we studied in school. Boy, he was priceless.

Mother was refraining from twitching her face in a grimace right in front of our guest and good for us that Thomas had already left and she eyed him. She gave a surprised look at dad, but then quickly composed her expression and displayed that super fake smile of her to Dima. Oh boy, I was so glad he didn’t mind that.

“It seems that I must follow my husband’s guidance and Mrs. Henderson reassured she will be with you this evening.” Dima almost chocked in his suffocated laugh and I had no idea how I managed to nod seriously. This was a huge lie and I felt sorry for not telling the truth, but it was true we were going to Travis’s house and we would probably see Michelle for few minutes, so uhm well, technically it wasn’t a complete lie. “But you must call me or your father and we already know the rest, am I understood with you, Jasper Lucas?”

“Yes mother, understood.” I crossed my fingers behind my back. Dima was my boyfriend for crying out loud.

“Well, I still have papers to overview, enjoy your evening and behave well. Dmitri, give our kind greetings to your family and … separate bedrooms.” I think I almost chocked in air at hearing that and Dima probably repressed a sudden fit of loud laughing.

“Thank you, sir and sure, separate bedrooms.” My face fell down, because I wanted to spend the night in his same room and see what it felt to sleep in his arms and..Jasper! Travis is affecting you too much, what are you thinking about right now with your parents here looking at you?

I hope nobody noticed what was going on in my mind.

After getting mother’s permission I walked back to my room and packed few things in a small bag and just shoved them inside; Dima was downstairs with mother and couldn’t wait to be out of here and just with him and my friends. When I was back, I said my byes and as soon as the door closed behind me, I jumped on his neck and hugged him for dear life.

“Hey monkey.” He chuckled. “Your mother sure is a pain in the butt, but your dad seems way cooler than I remember.”

“Uhm yep, he changed a bit.”

“Anyway, you sure aren’t going to sleep in another bedroom, the hell with that, I mean, you think I could calmly sleep in my room knowing my boyfriend is in another one? Right, that’s sure going to happen.  What I said doesn’t count, since I crossed my fingers.” His grin looked more like a smirk and made him look so tempting. Oh dear me, I was really going to sleep in the same bed of Dima. Again. Yep, we shared a bed in Aspen, but then the whole situation was different. Oh boy. Sharing a bed with Dima. “And you didn’t say anything, so we’re not going to break promises.”

“Uhm, that’s true.” I barely blabbed, still thinking about the fact I was going to sleep in the same bed of my boyfriend.

We drove to Travis’s house and we spotted out Alex’s huge black pick-up and I grinned; now I was really edgy to meet my friends. We rang the door bell and my best friends greeted us with over excited voice and then we heard Michelle behind him giggling and saying something. When we reached his apartment door, he jumped on my neck and we both stumbled against Dima’s hard and broad chest.

“Man, don’t destroy my boyfriend, will ya?” He chuckled and steadied us back.

“Don’t worry, I won’t…that’s your job, am I right?” Oh boy, I knew it. I was going to strangle him at the end of the evening, well, not seriously, but you got me. I rolled my eyes and he kissed my cheeks. “Don’t be mad cutie, you can’t expect me to say nothing at all…”

I smiled and kissed him back.

“Sure, you’re right.”

“Hello Jasper, hello Dmitri, such a pleasure to see you. Don’t worry; I am just staying over for few minutes so our lie to your mother won’t be that bad. I know I can trust you guys and anyway Alex promised to look over you and take care of everything.” Michelle smiled like a mother should do and hugged us all. It was so clear and obvious she loved Alex and trusted him with everything and I thought Travis was lucky indeed.

“Yeah, my love is in charge.” He winked at me and I blushed, getting his double meaning.

“Ma’am, going to take care and look after, too, no worries.” Dima assured Mrs. Henderson and I felt his hand on my back. I knew I could trust him the same way Travis did with Alex.

“Thank you. Now, make yourself comfortable and if you’ll excuse me, I need to get ready.”

“She has a meeting and then dinner with that client of Detroit I was telling you about.” Travis explained us.

Alex joined the group and boy, they look amazing together and both were dressed perfectly. My friend looked dazzling as always, wearing torn skinny jeans of a particular pearl-grey shining material and black tight shirt, revealing the shape of his muscles and the chains he had as belt. He wore also several bracelets and saw the one he made for himself and his boyfriend. On his nails he had black and silver nail-polish; I knew he liked the contrast of black clothes and his white hair and pale complexion. And I knew very well Alex loved that, too.

“Jasper.” The guy in question smiled at me warmly and I reciprocated. With strangers he was another person and would only glare them with cold and intimidating icy eyes, but with us he was different and with Travis…well, any time they looked at each other you could feel the time stopping for them. “Hey buddy, ready for tonight?”

“Man, have no idea what you and your crazy mate have planned.”

“It’s very simple.” Travis cheered. “We will cook dinner together and eat it here, even if it’s going to be a bit earlier than usual and then..”

“Then we go watch a game, since it’s New York Rangers versus the Chicago Blackhawks.” Alex continued.

“Man, love you for this.” They both grinned and Travis and I exchanged a look. What to do? Our boyfriends were crazy about hockey, but uhm, so were we, even if just because of them.

“And then…we go dance to my friend’s club.” At that Alex snorted and Travis tiptoed to kiss his jaw. “Oh baby, I think he won’t dare to utter a single word, you already scared him off enough.”

“He won’t say a word, but he will stare at your butt.” He groaned annoyed.

“Hmm, I love when you’re like this, hmm…so possessive and jealous.” My best friend laced his finger behind Alex’s neck and I could tell they barely refrained from jumping each other.

“Spare me from you flirting, seriously.” Dima joked shoving his friend’s shoulder away.

“Oh shut up buddy, you constantly flirt with Jasper.” Alex smirked at him and winked at me and I blushed.

“Nah, that’s not true..alright, it’s true, but hey, my kitty is impossible to resist.” At that my ears went purple and I thought I would see smoke coming out from them. “Are you serious when you talked about cooking dinner? Man, must warn you, I suck at that big time.”

“Oh well, Alexi has basically no patience when it comes to cooking, but he brought a Russian dessert and whenever he makes something it’s delicious.” I had no doubts about that and uhm well, I was sure he would have found anything delicious if made from Alex. Travis took my hand and dragged into the kitchen. “You like to cook, right?”

“Yep and it’s funny.” I smiled remembered we did last week.

“Hey kitty, you cook? Are you good at that?”

“Uhm I like it, but not sure if I’m so good at cooking..”

“You’re fantastic.” Travis cheered and I spotted Alex softly smiling while looking at him. “So, my idea was to combine Italian cuisine with Spanish and we got all the ingredients.”

He explained he wanted to make bruschetta with fresh tomato and basils and then mini-pizza snacks and gazpacho with baked and toasted little pieces of bread; then he had in mind spaghetti with sea food and confessed Michelle already made the sauce with the fish. Not enough, he had planned tortilla made with potatoes, guacamole and nachos and some other spicy sauce and then a salad with veggies, sea food and salmon. And then chicken cooked according some Spanish recipe I couldn’t remember and that was already done and ready. Uhm well, also roasted potatoes. You must remember Travis was a super healthy eater and apparently Alex was the same, or at least he went along with that. Uhm, surely Dima wasn’t one and the idea had me giggling.

I was worried about the amount of food, because my best friend had planned to do much more, but then he said Alex always ate a lot and thinking about Dima…yep, the amount was going to be fine.

“Have you ever seen my love eating?” He asked while preparing all the ingredients on the large counter of his kitchen. I realized I never really paid attention to that, so I shook my head. “Well, think of two Godzilla together and maybe a King Kong and yep that wouldn’t still compare with his appetite and I’m talking about food, not the different one.” Travis winked and I saw he shot a wicked glance at his boyfriend. “For that well…we never reach the bottom, if you catch my hint.”

Oh boy, he was terrible, but I loved him very much.

“Well, I guess Dima is about the same.” I realized only after hearing my last word what I had just said and my friend chuckled and began teasing me non-stop. I had just dug my own grave in crazy-Travis’s wonderland. “Boy Travis, you know I talk about food.”

“Sure Jas, food…sure…” I rolled my eyes and he passed me some utensils to start making our dinner.

Travis and I concentrated on making the sauces and gazpacho and left to toast the bread to my tiger, because well, he wasn’t kidding when he said he sucked at cooking. Dima was so funny in his complete clueless, but wanted to be useful and help out. Alex followed my friend’s directions and made sure he had all he needed: it was heart-warming to see them working or doing something together, because they were in such sync that made me wonder whether they were able to communicate with their thoughts.

“Hey crazy buddy, what should I do now?” Dima asked Travis, having Alex looking at him with crooked brows and shaking head. “What’s next? Bread is toasted and proud to say didn’t burn any of it.”

“You won a golden hockey stick.” Travis teased him and I giggled.

“Man, didn’t know your mate were so much into cooking.” He was talking to his best friend.

“Me into cooking? That’s only for my love; don’t have much patience for it. I’d rather eat...” I didn’t miss the smirk on his face and the way he eyed Travis.

“Same for me, rather eat, but no worries Jas, if you ask me to cook something, I’ll manage it, somehow.” How can someone be that sweet? I had no idea. “But if you let me eat you, let’s see..oh I know, you’re going to taste super yummy with cream.” At that I wished to disappear and hearing Alex discreetly chuckling didn’t help.

“Dima..” I whispered feeling my face going bright red.

“What kitty? You are going to taste so damn good, no kidding.” Ok, now would be the perfect time to make me disappear, so please??? “Don’t chew your lips, you look too cute and tempting when you do that.” He dragged me in his typical bear-like hug and nuzzled my neck.

“Stop flirting with my cutie, get your ass moving and let us cook.” Travis playfully pulled me away and stuck out his tongue.

I think I never had such fun in my life with just cooking and eating; my friend was right about Alex’s appetite: he and Dima were bottomless pit. My boyfriend, uhm well, I really liked calling him like that, well, my boyfriend enjoyed stealing food from my plate or exchange things; the more time I spent with Dima, the more I realized we were really similar, because both of us took joy and happiness from little and simple things. The food was delicious and not so surprisingly we almost ate everything. What Alex made was really yummy, but he confessed his step-mother helped him with that. We cleaned the kitchen and placed all the dishes and cutlery and pots in the dishwasher machine, because Michelle had been very nice to let us use her kitchen and leaving a mess would have been bad and rude. I was sort of full, but Travis told me we would feel better once dancing; he scanned my clothes and so I found myself dragged in his bedroom staring at a mountain of shirts, long-sleeves t-shirts and more piling on his bed.

“Uhm well…you want me to change into something like you?” I stared at him quite worried. That style looked perfect for him, but sure not for me with my body. He snorted and pushed me sat on his bed.

“Keep quiet and let me dress you up. Dima will love it.” He winked and I blushed. “You off course look stunning and sexy, but I just want to give a personal touch for our dancing night. You need a different shirt and hmm…let me see..”

“They won’t fit me, Travis.”

“This will do.” He handed me a white shirt that sure was very tight and with a translucent shining material. Uhm, where did he find such clothes?? “In special shops in Manhattan.” He answered my mute question and I gasped. Oh boy, he read minds? “Nope, don’t read mind cutie, but your question was there flashing on your forehead. You’ll look absolutely fantastic in that one and it’ll fit you perfectly; it’s too short for me and wait…will your mother mind if I do something to your jeans?”

“Something like what?”

Travis smirked and produced a pair of scissors in front of me. Oh boy. I sighed and let him do whatever he had in mind; it was pointless to resist him and I knew he wouldn’t do anything too strange for me. Actually, the final result left even me speechless. Boy, he was right and I liked it: it kept my original style, but with a touch of glam-rock, that’s how he called it. He had ripped my jeans at the knees level and behind, but not right below my buttocks, slightly lower that. The shirt indeed fit me perfectly and he arranged better the mess of my hair.

“Oh cutie, you look so hot.” He said jumping satisfied.

Alex knocked at the door and opened it, saying it was time to go for the game. Dima followed him and he sort of froze when he saw me; Travis smirked at me and left the room with his boyfriend and I fidgeted not knowing if he liked what he saw or not.

“Jas…wow, you look damn…err, I feel like skipping the whole night and just take you home.” I gawked at him hearing my jaws hitting the floor and he scratched nervously his hair. “Sorry, not so romantic, I know. It’s just that man, you’re dangerously hot.”

He stepped towards me and in half blink I found myself being devoured by his hungry lips and my knees gave in and I needed to grab him not to fall on the floor. The more he kissed me, the more I felt my desire growing and so my tongue began to fight with his and mewls left my mouth and reverberated in his. His hands slipped from my back to my butt and oh boy, I lost it and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his strong waist. Dima leaned on the wall and groaned loudly when I pushed my tongue deeper in his mouth.

Someone cleared his throat and I broke the kiss wanting to disappear from embarrassment. Why I always behaved like that with Dima??? I had no control over my emotions and feelings.

“Err, not that I mind having you guys making out in my bedroom, but we should go.” Travis winked at me and Alex chuckled.

I think my face talked enough for me.

“Sorry man, but couldn’t resist it.” Dima set me free, but still keep his arms around me and I felt his grinning lips on my neck. Right, he sure wasn’t someone that would easily feel embarrassed and I should remember that very well. He casually took my hand and we all walked to the living room to retrieve our jackets; it was still amazing the fact how all of this felt so natural and normal to him.

Alex drove us to the stadium and Travis sat in front with him and played a CD from one of his favorite rock band; Dima kept one arm around me and began to explain me about the game and the fact the other team was sure to be kicked and you know how he was with hockey. We met as well Ivan and Nichole at the game and boy, Alex’s brother was another clown and enjoyed to tease everyone and began to say something in Russian to Dima and I just looked at them not getting half words. Uhm, good thing his girlfriend told him to behave and Travis shrugged probably used to that.

“You’ll get used to that Jasper.” Nichole was really beautiful and nice. “You are so cute together, isn’t that right Travis?”

“Hell yeah, they’re perfect together. The sweetest and cutest couple ever.”

“Boy, you can’t call someone like Dima cute…” I protested and both of them chuckled.

The roar in the stadium was impressive and the players were already warming up on the ice. Dima was fired up and already edgy and probably it was the same for Alex, but quite hard to say; he looked composed and calm, having my friend in his firm and protective arms. When the game started, the whole crowd cheered and boomed with excitement and the match soon became a tough and rough one and Dima was cursing and jumping on his seat whenever a player of the other team made a foul or did something wrong.

“Those idiots..” He sat back snorting and then shot his handsome face at me. “Sorry baby, you ok? Am I being a pain in the butt?” I giggled and shook my head.

“I’m actually having fun.” He grinned happy to hear that and planted a loud kiss on my lips right there in front of everyone.

“Me, too.”

He and Alex exchanged comments and sometimes they did it in Russian and uhm well, Dima sounded so sexy when he spoke his mother language and I just stared at him in a daze. He caught my look and crooked his brows in a comical way, not understanding my expression; I told him and boy, that probably hadn’t been the smartest idea.

“Hmm, you like when I speak Russian?” He huskily murmured in my ear making me shiver and gulp. I felt his hand on my knee slightly slipping above that, tasting my thigh and its muscles. “Maybe I should teach you something, monkey.”

“Uhm, sure.” I barely breathed out. I wasn’t exactly aware of my actions and thoughts right now and his proximity only messed me up even more.

I leaned on him and he welcomed my body with his arm; I had no idea whether people saw us or what they thought about seeing us like this, but in that moment I didn’t care, because I felt his relaxed and easy-going aura engulfing me and telling me just enjoy and don’t pay attention to the rest.

When The Rangers made a goal, oh boy, we all jumped up and cheered, because my boyfriend’s enthusiasm had already rubbed off me completely. Travis and Nichole jumped up too and my friend even whistled. I glanced back at the rink and observed the players, thinking about Dima. I was sure that one day he would be there playing and I would be here cheering for him. He told me himself how much he loved ice-hockey and that his ultimate dream was to play for the Rangers with Alex and the other guys. Oh well, that wasn’t an impossible dream, because he played incredibly well and you could taste his passion for it once on the ice or looking at him playing. I loved to watch him playing. Oh boy…what didn’t I love about Dima? I think nothing…I loved everything of and about my boyfriend.

Boyfriend…the word sounded still surreal and dreamlike on my tongue and had to remind myself almost every day that he asked me those few words. I sighed in blissful content and he peered down at me and I wondered how he heard me over this booming roar.

“You ok, kitty?”

“Uhm, more than ok, tiger.” I beamed and quickly pecked his jaw and he softly groaned/purred, just like a huge blonde tiger, so I giggled and scratched him behind his ear and he leaned on my touch almost closing his eyes. See? A funny and sweet blonde Siberian tiger.

The Rangers won the match and this time Dima sat in the front with Alex and they talked no-stop about it and about the imminent game; Travis shook his head smiling and so we chatted about his role as Puck in the ballet he was going to perform at the end of next month and I was excited just hearing about it. He asked me then about my friends and sadly had to say I recently had some clashes with Steven.

We didn’t exactly saw each other, but we talked over internet and the phone and Stevie didn’t like the idea of me being with Dima and asked me what I had in mind, because I deserved more and because he couldn’t be serious and that he was dumb. I almost never get angry in my life, but that time I snapped at my friend for calling my boyfriend in that way and then felt bad about it. Dima wasn’t dumb, he was only lazy and extremely easy-going; he was actually were smart and caring, always making sure I was fine and well and concerned about his bluntness, which I obviously loved. Travis advised me to let pass few days and not stress about it, probably Stevie needed time to cope with the fact I had found someone and that meant slightly less time to spend with him and the other guys. Probably he was right, but I didn’t understand why he had to attack Dima that much.

Uhm well, just hope things would change soon with him.

When we reached the club, Travis’s friend was waiting for us and had saved a nice table like last time; Alex was right, though. He didn’t say a word, but clearly stared at my friend’s butt and you couldn’t miss the want in his eyes, thus Alex grabbed Travis possessively and shot to the guy such an intimidating and severe stare that he quickly dashed away. Boy, forgot how scaring he could be. But I noticed Michelle was perfectly right in trusting him with everything and saw he drank only a coke, saying he was driving and anyway didn’t feel like drinking. Same for Dima and Travis and I had promised to behave and so we all went for soft drinks and my friend and I had a Virgin Colada and uhm, that was super yummy!

At first I danced with Travis and boy, did I like dancing with him, because uhm well, he was an amazing dancer and very sensual; he guided my way and moves and taught me few things and we both enjoyed the music and giggled when a couple of girls stopped by and asked whether we could dance with them. Travis flashed them his usual dazzling smile and explained our boyfriends were here with us; the girls dropped their jaws on the floor at hearing that.

“Hell, every time is the same.” He chuckled and in two seconds the guys joined us and it was clear Alex couldn’t wait anymore to be with his man. Boy, the way the danced together…

Dima stopped behind me and I shivered when his arms encircled me and wrapped around my smaller waist. Oh boy, this was the first time I was going to dance with him, since never happened before.

“Hey Jas, you like this music?” He asked on my ear beginning to swing left and right with me in his tight grip. Oh boy…his voice was about to melt me completely, so raw and husky.

“Uhm, yes, I like it. And you?” Oh well, my voice wasn’t very different.

“I like being here with you and to be blunt and finally say it without having to joke, when you were dancing with Travis, you turned me on big hell time.” I widened my eyes and the gulped. “Sorry for my lack of romanticism, but you know me and man, seeing you so sensual and alluring sure didn’t help it.”

He pulled me back and pressed against his hard-rock body and I had to concentrate deeply not to let out a mewl when his muscles and uhm well, you know what, pushed on my back and butt once he bent lower on his knees. His lips travelled my neck and my head plopped on the side to give him complete reign of it and let me savor his touch. My hands went on his forearms and gripped them strongly, because the mix of the music, having a slow but deep sound, the tricks of the lights, Dima’s hot and muscular body stroking mine intensely and his lips on my neck were quite my undoing and I felt dizzy, my head spinning with overload of emotions and sensations.


I breathed out when his hands slipped on my front grabbing my thighs and dragging me even closer than we already were. They stayed there and my heart raced crazily along with my breaths, since his thumbs almost brushed my groin. Boy…I was about to melt and evaporate here. He was so physical right now, so intimate in his touch and uhm, I loved it and never thought I could feel anything like this.

My body and mind followed the captivating rhythm of the music and began to sway my hips and upper part on him, now trailing my moves. I think the time stopped and our surrounding disappeared and I was only aware of Dima’s presence and rumbling and throaty growls. I turned around because needed to see his bright and warm eyes and when they met mine, I gulped again at their intensity and at how the pupils were dilated. He saw that and shook his head, giving me a shy and worried smile.

“Sorry Jas, I’m behaving like a sex crazed wolf…I don’t mean doing anything bad or hasty, it’s just that you’re so sexy..and so open and carefree now.”

“Shh.. you’re not behaving like a sex crazed wolf, tiger. I love dancing with you and I have been waiting to do it for long..” Oh boy, being with him sure was a cure to my shyness and my mouth just spoke at its own will. He first widened his eyes in surprise, but then smirked and oh dear, that smirk turned me into jelly.

“Really? Why you never asked me then? I’d have loved dancing with you and oh man…your butt is just so damn perfect and edible and … crap, sorry Jas, don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight.”

Why he kept apologizing? Sure, I was shy and timid, but hearing this was something that turned those traits of me into dust and somehow fired me up. I liked hearing that and knowing I affected my boyfriend so much, that he couldn’t hold his thoughts and uhm well, desire. I felt his desire for me and it gave me courage and boosted my boldness. The little insecurities I still had little by little disappeared when they heard such words.

“Stop apologizing silly…tell me everything and whatever is in your mind, please…” We stared at each other while following the music and his hands slid down on my butt and he pushed his leg between mine, making me gasp and almost moan.

“Thank’s perfect with you and you just like everything of me, even my tactless side.”

“You are not tactless, just lazy sometimes.” I smiled and he grinned amused, nodding at that. “I…uhm well, I..I like to know you want me, uhm because you have been with such good looking girls and uhm well, you know what I mean and I still feel insecure sometimes and..” Dima silenced me with a deep and breath-taking kiss and this time the mewl and moan escaped my lips.

“Shut up, cutie.” He teased me and I slapped playfully his neck. “Seriously, Jasper. You are you and not sure I have made that clear enough or being able to explain it well, but Jas, I never felt in this way, here with you, with anyone else before. Kick to hell your insecurities, baby. This is new for me as much as is new for you, believe me. And man, you remember those dreams, right?” I nodded remembering, my face now slightly blushing. “Well, never had such dreams before, so you got what I mean? Jasper kitty, nobody has been, is and will be like you, no kidding man.”

Uhm, and he said he wasn’t romantic and that he was tactless? To me he was perfect and his straightforwardness was what I needed. My fingers slipped in his soft blond hair and not anymore master of my own actions, I crushed my lips on his, because this was the only way to tell him how his words made me feel.

“Dima, I like you so, so, sooooo much..” I murmured on them.

“Well, I like you so, so, crazily much, too.” He grinned and we both chuckled.

Yep, we were a couple of silly and happy dofus and for us it was perfect.

The double date with our friends had been wonderful and I had a great time and that’s why we decided to have more of them. Travis told me to keep his shirt and now I was folding it in my bag and pulling out my pajama t-shirt and shorts. Dima was in the bathroom and when he got out it was like seeing again that moment back in Aspen, only this time I knew it wasn’t a problem to stare at his incredible body. He smirked and openly stared at me, clearly having fun in making me blush under his roaming glance.

“This time I don’t need a stupid pair of sweat-pants.” He joked plopping large on his bed.

“Uhm, what do you mean?”

“Last time we slept together, in Aspen I mean, I was so afraid of sporting right in front of you a raging hard-on that I had to wear something more than just my boxers, but now who cares. Right kitty?”

Oh boy, his blunt and straightforward sides sure were what I needed, but they also surely almost killed me from time to time.

“Boy Dima..” I flustered tossing at him my t-shirt. He caught it and laughed.

“C’mon, you’re not going to sleep with this right? I like to feel your skin on mine.” My eyes widened to crazy extent and he laughed out loud, then covered his mouth and cursed.

“Damn, need to keep quiet. This house is big, but don’t fancy waking up my parents or having them to hear us.” I gaped and he chuckled. “Gotcha.”

I rolled my eyes and sank on his bed beside him suddenly tired. He chucked on the floor my t-shirt and I gave up, going to sleep only with my shorts; we climbed under the cover and my heart began to race crazily and something popped in my head. A question that depressed me. Why did I have to think about it now? Why? I silently sighed and tried to think about something else, when he rolled on his side and his arm pulled me towards him.

“You mind this? I promise to behave well, just want to feel you close to me.”

I closed my eyes and shook my head.

“Nope, I uhm, sure don’t mind it.”

Had he ever slept in here with a girl? Oh boy, the idea depressed me. Stupid Jasper. Stupid and silly, why you had to think about it now? Was I silly!

“Hey Jasper?”

“Yes?” I asked feeling my voice unstable.

“Probably is stupid asking you this, but it somehow bugs me…” He exhaled and felt him rubbing his hair. “Did you ever sleep, like just sleeping, with another guy?”

Errr…what? Boy, we thought about the same thing.

“Does Travis count?” I asked still bewildered by his question. Dima was really jealous. Oh boy…I liked that too much. Was that normal? I mean, to like your boyfriend being jealous?

He chuckled and shook his head.

“Nah, he doesn’t. You guys are like brothers.” He was right about that. “So you didn’t?” I just shook my head. Should I ask him or not? I had no idea what to do…I feared the answer. “You know what Jas? Same for me.”

I gasped and pushed myself up on my elbow to better look at his face and my expression amused him no little.

“Why so surprised? I’m telling you the truth. Sure, I had sex and hate to tell you this, but can’t change the fact.” He scratched his hair and sighed. “But never spent the night like this or shared my bed. Actually, never brought a girl at home or for sleepover. So you see, same for me and I like it’s the first time for you, too.”

Dima smiled in the dark of the room and pulled me flat over his body.

“Can I kiss you?” He asked me running softly his hands on my bare back.

“You really need to ask?” I surprised myself in answering that, but he liked it and soon I found myself rolling on his large bed and then lying under his massive weight while his lips trailed butterfly-like paths on my neck.

Boy, I was nervous, sure, but not because I was scared or tensed. This was a complete different being nervous; it was a nice and pleasant and tickling being nervous.

We rolled over again and now I was straddling him and stroking his warm and smooth skin with my lips and fingers, he felt so good and loved to feel his hands caressing me softly and carefully, not wanting to pressure me or making me uncomfortable. But I think I would never feel uneasy with Dima.

I was nervous because I was edgy.

I was nervous because this was new for me, but I realized somehow it was the same for him.

I was nervous because I understood many fears and barriers had crumbled away and now I wanted more. But we both knew tonight wasn’t the night. We just enjoyed kissing each other quite intensely and deeply and then not resisting, uhm well, we kind of went a bit over simply kissing. Uhm well, yep, sure, just a bit over.

Oh boy… did I love this with Dima and did I love sleeping with him, cuddling on his side and letting the sleep take us to a blissful and sweet dream.


We travelled to our house in Long Island and had to tag along, no matter what I said or tried, they had me coming and guess what? That scary bastard of Oleg was there with us and keeping a close eye on me. It pissed me off so much you couldn’t believe it; I wasn’t a damn brat and I sure didn’t need a damn babysitter, but apparently my father had another idea. A sighed left my mouth and dad’s dog lifted his impassive stare on me and scanned me as if burning holes in me. It annoyed to admit it, but he intimidated me, because I had directly experienced what he was capable of and sure didn’t have much scruples in inflicting me pain.

I think he enjoyed that.

Ha, I sure was the one to talk about that. I shook my head and sank back in my seat, pretending I was invisible and probably that’s what my parents wished, too. Mom was serving brunch to all of us and had a wide smile and was singing something and I had no idea why she had to be in such good and irritating mood. What was that great? She was here with a son she couldn’t stand and the other being overly clingy on that midget of his boyfriend.

Boyfriend. The word made me cringe. Seriously, my twin sank really low in coming out as probable gay, if he even was gay. Maybe he was bi or just curios, because had to admit it to my great annoyance, that little thing was quite the interesting bite and his chocolate eyes had something that attract your attention and smile, but not for me. And what about my parents? They just accepted it as nothing, as if introducing your gay boyfriend was the most normal thing on this world. Ha, wonder if they would think the same about me…right, they would hate me and throw on me holy water. Yes, because that wasn’t normal; it was repulsive.

And I cursed and hated myself even more.

The moment I let my barriers go down and open up my mind and memories, that was still there and I realized it was hard to kick it away. What I had to do about it? It wasn’t like years ago, but seeing that, having to withstand that and his cold behavior towards me, while he gave his best and huge grins to that little pathetic thing…well, it all annoyed me and had me boiling inside violently, wanting to smash something and hit that midget. Pathetic little thing… what are you saying Anatoly?

The only pathetic one here is you and you damn know it.

You f*cked up your life big time and there was no turning back, no matter what my oh-so-wonderful parents said or what that scary bastard did. I had no way to cancel what I did and the past couldn’t be changed. No, that was impossible. Period. I sighed again staring at my plate and feeling like throwing it against the wall and shout to all of them how pathetic and sickening they look…but it was only anger and disgust for myself, not for them. The same applied to that little kid; I didn’t exactly hate him, even if seeing him like that, so clingy and smiling and blushing for every little thing that idiotic brother of mine did or said ticked me off dangerously.

What the hell was wrong with me? I was disgusting.

Right, pathetic and hypocritical.

Wonderful, isn’t it? Let’s just forget about it, soon I’d leave their house and everything would be left behind me forever.

Author's chit-chat:

So, did you enjoy the double date? I think Travis had a great idea and they all sure had fun :-)) Our sweet Jasper is getting less shy with Dima and that's good..

What do you think of Anatoly? Soon he'll be more protagonist, you'll see about it.

I promise to update not so late, but it's only about lack of until next time!!! xox

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