CH. 22 The Denisov twins

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Hello dear all :-) As promised I am posting today and hope you'll be happy to read a rather long and intense chapter with something like 4 POVs ... it took some time to fix all of them together, but you'll see about it.

Hope very much you'll enjoy it, so please let me know what you think of it! I want to thank you all for your messages and comments and for reading the interview! You are super sweet just like Jasper!

A special shout-out to Kellynaz as two days ago it was your birthday, right? HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Then, look at the shout out at the end of the chapter!

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to meli0099 for being such an incredible fan and thank you sweetheart for your warm and supporting comments! <3 <3

On the right a lovely banner Klovis made for me which perfectly fit the first part of the chapter, thanks darl! xox

Now ... Enjoy!


I woke up very drowsy and my eyelids seemed to feel overly lazy and couldn’t get the idea of going up; I grumbled something then felt the light of the sun coming from the window on my eyes and so my eyelids squeezed shut, but then my entire body registered a warm and smooth presence right beside me and it all went completely clear.

And I was wide awake.

I mean man, completely wide awake.

Jasper, my incredibly sexy and sensual and stunning and sweet and cute boyfriend, was there on his side, his sleeping face looking at me and resting between our pillows, snuggled on my shoulder and one hand resting on my back. I was partially laying on my tummy facing his super cute messy head and inviting lips and had my arms securely snaked over his waist. Man, I could really get used to this, I mean, waking up every day beside my kitty. Wow … no kidding when they say that love changes people. I mean, look at my best buddy and at how he changed with his crazy boyfriend, and look at me: I had completely changed mentality about relationship the moment I realized my feelings for Jasper. What was extraordinary to me was the fact that it didn’t even scare me, not in the least, because it felt natural and only giving me a great and warm feeling of being complete and loved. Man, my kitty might be shy outside, but wow, last night had been wonderful and right now my buddy downstairs was telling how awake he was. But aside the physical attraction, Jas made me really feel loved and necessary for him and I loved to feel in this way, because I knew he felt the same.

I kept staring at him and my hand took to softly caress his side and back, tasting his velvety and vanilla-tasting skin and his muscles slightly reacted to my touch and when my caresses went a bit harder, my monkey let out a darn tempting muffled moan and crap, I wasn’t now completely awake. Now I was ready and set to win the gold medal for the Olympic Games of Sex. I groaned at my being that much horny and turned on, and probably groaned too loud, because Jasper opened his eyes studying my face and with a brownie plus double cream and cheery on top smile he wished me good morning. Thank God, he hadn’t yet realized my state of mind and of hormones.

“Good morning, Dima.” He murmured with a to-die-for super cute pair of dimples.

Oh man, look at his skin and his messed-after-sex hair … argh, stop it dofus and greet your sweet boyfriend.

“Hey Jas, morning. How did you sleep?” Crap, my voice clearly betrayed my state of mind.

He crooked his brows sensing something in me and then decided well to snuggled closer and pressed his tempting and firm body on me. I swallowed pretty loudly and tried to roll on my side to avoid having my kitty feel me completely, but darn it, he sort of smirked and pressed closer.

His hand began to trace lines on my back and his nails teasingly scraped it, making me shiver and growl in my throat. His fingers travelled on my front and up and down studied my abdominals, with his eyes fixed on me and still smiling in that apparent innocent way. Right, I got to see that my baby could be not so innocent in certain moments and damn it, I loved that. His fingers and nails slipped up and teased right my now hard nipple and when I closed my eyes and groaned out not so quietly, my kitty giggled and snuggled closer, my hard and pulsing length now pressing on his thigh.

Oh man, he was going to have me completely gone in a matter of two seconds. I was about to drop on my knees at his feet and tell him to do whatever he wanted.

“I slept very well, tiger…” He nuzzled my neck and heard him inhale. Good God, was this the same Jasper I fell asleep with? “You smell so good.” His lips brushed on my neck and my eyes jerked open.

I took a sharp breath and in a blink pushed him flat on his back. I was now hovering over and for a moment I feared I did something too hasty and harsh, but when his eyes met mine, there was no tension or uneasiness. Only love and desire and that cute and tempting trace of shyness, as he was blushing with wide eyes.

“Baby, you need to realize the effect you have on me, seriously. Feeling you like this is a damn turn on Jas and makes me want to jump you right here, right now.” Oh that sounded very romantic, you moron.

He widened more his eyes and then chuckled in a relaxed way, slipping his hands in my hair. He gave me another tempting smile and pulled me closer and I wanted so much to attack him with a mind-screwing kiss, but remembered we had just woken up. Ok, my kitty still tasted of chocolate and cream and I had no idea how he managed to do that, but not so sure about myself.

“Really? Uhm…it seems you have quite an effect on me, too, tiger.”

I froze there a split of a second to let his words and the tone of his voice sip deep into my brain. Alright, and into my buddy. Then I gulped down and felt like burning.

“You are such a teaser, monkey.” I said with husky and restrained voice and you know what he did? He just pulled me down completely and gave my lips a soft peck. Oh crap, with that I felt him completely, I mean, completely man and believe me when I say we were on the same page. I pulled back and closed my eyes because it was getting too hot. “Give me a sec, baby.”

“Dima, why you always try to restrain yourself? You did that last night, too. You held back, so tell me why? Is it because of me? Because I am a guy and maybe..”

What the hell? Was he nuts?

“What the hell Jas? Are you nuts? I.. I don’t hold back because you are a guy or whatever crap might cross your mind, but simply because I don’t want to behave like an insensitive and horny jerk. Jasper, you turn me on crazy hell time, but we had our first time just last night and it was your very first time and I mean, I am worried to hurt you and want to take it easy and give you the right time to adjust and feel..hmm..” His lips had silenced me with a hard and grazing kiss, his tongue slipping inside my mouth and having me grinding on him and groaning in his mouth.

Alright, I guess he couldn’t care less I hadn’t brushed my teeth, given the way he deepened the kiss and actually took control over it.

Oh man, was that insanely hot and arousing.

When he broke the kiss looking all flushed and blushing, his eyes wide and sparkling with that sexy determined light, I was a pool of melted Dmitri.

“I don’t want you to hold back, Dima. Uhm well, not saying I am for really wild and hard things..” When he said that he terribly blushed and stuttered on a couple of words and he looked away a moment and couldn’t help finding that damn cute and adorable. I loved his boldness, but I loved in the same way his sweet shyness. “Oh boy, can’t believe I am saying this, but uhm well, ok, maybe, but well, boy no, not sure about the really rough and wild uhm actions, but…” He closed his eyes a moment and took a long, deep breath. “But I want you to be yourself completely…I want all of you.”

Believe me when I say that was as much as a love confession as the words “I love you” were. Someone as shy and calm as Jasper was now telling me that wanted all of me, I mean, he wanted me not to hold back. God, as I said, he made me feel so special and loved and I adored my kitty.

“Jas, you know I love you like crazy? Man, you’re just a continue surprise, a wonderful and stunning surprise and love you so much. Well baby, I won’t hold back if you promise to do the same.” I winked and he blushed to his ears, but then shook his head and giggled.

“Oh boy…sure, promise.”

“Awesome and Jas, no need to worry with me, I am not into wild and hard actions, for sure not like those two horn dogs of Sasha and Travis.” With that he began to softly laugh and his fingers tangled in my hair. “It actually arouses me the idea of you riding me, oh man, that’s a real and damn crazy turn on.” And with that I bit my tongue because I had just talked without thinking first. Jasper stopped laughing and widened his eyes sort of blabbing a “what” and playfully slapped my neck.

“Such a bad and naughty tiger.” He said now giggling. Oh Lord, I loved when he giggled and what he said actually turned me on even more.

“Jas, I might actually like dirty-talking.” I blabbed out again without thinking first. Man, I was hopeless, I just knew it.

“You are terrible, Dima.” He gasped now going thermonuclear, but he pulled me down again and our foreheads touched. “But I love you like crazy, too and I love this easy-going and blunt side of you, it makes everything so easy and natural for me. But uhm well, not so sure right now about the dirty-talking..” Oh man, with those words I knew he would really think about that.

“What about riding me then? Last night you looked so damn sexy, Jas and …” Alright, let’s shut up before saying something not so romantic and sweet.

“Oh boy, well, uhm..must confess I liked it, too. Uhm well, very much..I felt it was me driving you in that way and not the other way, so it gave me a strong feeling.”

Man, Jasper was indeed perfect for me; he was my other and complementing half.

“Hmm, baby…give me a sec and how about we already try to make you feel that strong feeling again?”

I had a super moronic grin on my face and couldn’t care less to wipe it away. We were making breakfast now, me pancakes and Jas coffee and I believe scrambled eggs and wow, it felt the best. Damn, we just had a super hot love-making and oh man, my monkey could be such a daring and sexy teaser and the way we just … argh, snap out of it dofus, and concentrate on the pancake you are making right now, the only thing you know how to decently cook. I just hope it’s going to taste not too bad.

But hey, cut me some slack, k? You have no idea how terribly arousing and sexy my kitty was. Err, I knew for a fact last night had been his first time, but well, trust me when I say that it was quite impossible for me to believe it, if you catch my words. Man, Jas had a talent for that, no kidding dude and good God, did he know how to tease me and have me going insane. Argh…snap out of it dork, you’re seriously turning into some sex-addicted. No, wait a moment, wait a damn moment. Let’s make a clear point here. I wasn’t turning into a random sex-addicted, hell no. I was turning into a sex-with-Jasper-addicted, yeah, that was. I grinned and chuckled and then cursed at my own idiocy. Man, I was so far gone.

I grunted and shifted stance when my own moronic and turned-on thoughts had my buddy going happy; Jee, Jasper in the shower was about to kill me. Ok, we didn’t do anything in the shower, simply washed and it’s been already amazing he agreed to shower together, so only hot water went through, but damn it. Water dripping down his lean and sexy body was enough to have me going on full power and I think I controlled simply because we are at the beginning of our physical relation and wanted to savor it bit after bit.

Jasper’s body completely naked and water-dripping, his hazel hair wet and brushed completely back with his head tilted back to enjoy the shower…argh…I was going to burn and err..what’s this smell? Oh shoot, the pancake! Damn, I didn’t burn it, right? Is it going to taste fine? Oh I so hope it’s not going to taste complete crap, given how I sucked at cooking.

“It’s going to be super yummy, tiger.” Jasper out of the blue purred in my ear, handing me some butter and I almost jumped out of my skin. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t hear him approaching me.

“Err, you passed on a new stage of the force and now you read minds?” I asked him furrowing my blonde brows. He giggled in my ear and then pecked my cheek.

“Nope, still at the same level as you, but somehow I can guess what’s on your mind and you were staring at those pancakes with such a funny and concentrated expression, almost mumbling something probably in Russian, that uhm, it was quite obvious. They smell delicious and I am honestly very hungry.”

“Wonder why, baby.” I offered him a wicked smirked and winked and he blushed. Ah man, how cute was he when acting all shy and timid. My fluffy and sweet kitty.

“Oh boy, not my fault, it-it is you affecting me that much and uhm well..” He surprised me with a quick kiss on my lips. “I loved it, you are amazing tiger.”

Now dudes, you have no idea what means for a guy to hear from his sweet half that they loved it and that we are amazing and great in bed. It boosts our ego and pride and as well our hormones to no end. And my man just said that not just one time, but three times. Damn right, I counted them and not because I was a moronic jerk with a larger than life ego that lived to hear that, no. It was because for me it meant everything hearing that from his lips and knowing that he loved our love-making and the way I went around. I wanted to give to Jasper everything and make that everything perfect for him.

“Hmm, Jas I loved it, too…you’re incredible and you sure know how to drive me crazy. I mean, I seriously never felt like this before.”

And that wasn’t the same and sappy crap you dish out to a chick for the peace of mind’s sake. Those were sincere and honest words. I truly never felt so much pleasure before and so damn hot; and I wasn’t someone like Sasha that always said how boring sex was and how he never really enjoyed it. I did; well, right now I should say I thought I did, because man, sure it had never been like now with Jasper.

“Uhm, really?” He asked studying my eyes with his chocolate and scrutinizing sweet candies. My man could be quite darn mesmerizing when setting his eyes on yours. I blinked a couple of times like a moron and smiled at him.

“It’s the truth, Jasper. Not saying for the sake of it and you know that. I mean, I suck big time at pretending and putting on a poker face and anyway, wow kitty, can we do it again?” I was mostly joking and he pulled my earlobe gasping and blushing.

“Dima, bad tiger, bad tiger.” He chuckled and shook his head. Err, he didn’t exactly say no, right? “I am hungry now and you’re about to burn that pancake.”

“Oh shit.” I turned off the flame and turned around the pancake to see whether I messed up or not, but lucky me it was intact. “It’s still edible.”

He brought a plate and I dished the pancake there with the others and sat them on the table and then realized the eggs smelled so yummy that my stomach began to growl like a really pissed off Chewbacca. Jasper placed the pan on the table and my mouth watered at the sight of it: scrambled eggs with cheese, ham and a bit of veggies we didn’t use last night. My man could kick ass with his cooking.

“Man I am starving.” I grabbed the maple syrup and jam and finally sat down to enjoy breakfast. My first breakfast alone with my boyfriend. I poured coffee for him and myself and then we dug in our food. Hmmm … so yummy.

“Hmm, baby I love your cooking, so please, make more breakfasts for me, k?” I said after gulping down a huge portion of eggs. He giggled and nodded.

“Uhm ok, if you make for me pizza again and pancakes.”

Oh I actually knew what I could try to make for him.


Oh yeah, man.

Brownies with cream.

Oh they are going to taste so damn good on his smooth and vanilla-chocolate tasting skin and then…err, Dima, you’re worrying me, seriously. I shook my head and offered him an idiotic grin and we continued with our breakfast. Jasper then stood up and went to look for an extra spoon for the jam and out of impulse I grabbed his wrist and jerked him right on my laps.

“Dima?” He asked me eyeing my curiously.

“Just sit here with me, if it’s not too uncomfortable.” I told him. Jas looked at me a moment and then beamed.

“Boy, it sure isn’t uncomfortable for me.”


I parked the bike outside the garage and then stretched my arms in the air. It had been a damn long night and the police almost caught us a couple of times, but we were faster and just left them behind. Ha, my gang won the races and it was all because of me and it gave me such burning pride to know it was my doing, my ability in touching the limit and actually surpass it, putting the bike down with my knee and elbow scraping the concrete, the rear wheel slightly disheveled, because I loved to sideslip and feel the chill of adrenaline going down my spine and irradiating in my veins.

In those rare times, I felt alive.

I spotted my brother’s jeep inside the garage, as I decided to use the back entrance to avoid annoying meetings and sure as hell that loser was still in bed right now with his pathetic little b!tch. A sigh left my mouth and my feet stopped in front of the door, while my forehead banged it.


Why it couldn’t be over? Why I had to have those feelings and emotions all over again? They were wrong, disgusting, revolting and utterly sick.

But again, they were howling into me.

And it was his entire fault. Their fault.

F*ck it. Who was I kidding? It was MY fault for being this pathetic and sickly wrong.

With caution I opened the door and looked around to see whether that scary bastard of Oleg was around, since haven’t seen him creeping around for a couple of days and sure didn’t see him last night. Right, he probably was with my father and mother, away for some business trip or whatever the like and of course, that came first. So see? I was soon forgotten and left aside. But who cares, I was used to that and so even Oleg wasn’t different, even despite his words and talks. After assessing the bastard wasn’t around, I made it upstairs and when I managed to cross the living room, I heard voices in the kitchen. My skin irked and I felt sick.

It was that loser of my twin brother laughing like an idiot with his “boyfriend” and that little dimwit just giggled like a sissy. What he saw in him? What the hell?

Pathetic Anatoly Denisov, utterly pathetic.

You knew what he saw in that kid, Jasper, perfectly well, because you realized that, too. Sure, I beat the crap out of him and of his friends, but … there was something in him and it pained me to admit how Dima actually changed since they got together.

Yes, it pained me.

And it enraged me insanely.

The door was left open and my body stood there petrified at the scene in front of me and felt a slimy and evil grimace rise on my lips and face, making my eyes twitch. They didn’t obviously see me, as usual, as they were lost in their disgusting fag world and occupied with giggling at each other like a couple of retard idiots. What a revolting view. What an enraging view. Dima was sitting on a chair with Jasper on his laps and the little thing there was actually feeding that retard of my twin. I felt like vomiting. Dima gulped down the food and gave Jasper a kiss on his cheek and the little b!tch blushed. For crying out loud, why he had to always blush like that? It was so damn irritating.

“So, enjoying a lovely breakfast I see. Anything for your brother?” I decided it was about time to break their pink and rainbow bubble and give a good kick to their stupid unicorn asses. I spoke in English so that also his toy could understand me.

My brother froze and so did Jasper and from the expression of the pathetic little thing and the way he grabbed one of Dima’s arms, I could tell my twin wasn’t very pleased to hear my voice.

“It’s alright baby.” I heard him and another violent chill of rage went down my spine. Baby. He called that kid baby. He set him up and then stood on his feet and turned around to face me. Our light-blue eyes met and none of us said a word for few seconds. He was breathing heavy and trying to control his temper. “What the hell are you doing here? Weren’t you out with your moronic gang?”

“I live here, so I can come back anytime I feel like or did you forget it? Forgot I am still part of this pathetic family?” I hissed clenching my fists at the burning rage howling inside me.

“You probably forgot you’re part of this family and don’t you dare call it pathetic, you f*cking bastard.” He was growling now and I saw how Jasper eyed him worried and for a moment I thought he was afraid of him and I almost exulted in evil joy, but then I realized it was pure worry and concern, not fear. He actually placed a hand on Dima’s bicep and my brother visibly calmed down. “I don’t want to fight with you today, so get the hell out of here and let us have breakfast in peace. Get something from the fridge and disappear.”

“Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me like that?” I groaned annoyed at his words, at the pain they caused inside me. He was shoving me away and was clear he couldn’t stand my presence, the presence of his identical twin brother. “Who the f*ck do you think you are for always acting so high and mighty, ha? You are just another pathetic fag. A loser, that’s what you are.”

He snorted and rolled his eyes.

My brother hasn’t changed at all, still the same in these years. You could throw on him everything, every sort of insult and he would just brush it away. They didn’t touch him, but if you said a wrong word about his friends, family and now about his precious pet, well, that would trigger hell.

And I deserved hell, right?

Yes I did.

When you love your own twin brother you deserve to rot in hell. No damn doubts about that.

“Whatever Anatoly, get lost now. I am your brother for some bad luck, and so can tell you whatever is on my mind, now piss off.”

“Or what?” I strode towards them and Dima immediately changed stance, pushing his “boyfriend” behind him. “Protecting your precious little b!tch?” I snarled.


I almost heard a click in my brother’s mind.

He growled and in a blink he grabbed my leather jacket and yanked me an inch from his face, a face that was identical to me, but much better and brighter than mine. Yes, we were twins, but I always thought that Dima was the handsome one.

“What did you just say?” He roared.

“Dima, let it go.” Jasper went between us and tried to pull him away, but he wasn’t moving of an inch, almost eye-murdering me. I almost gulped at the intensity of his stare and realized it wasn’t just that I insulted a friend or boyfriend; I insulted someone he loved and with that realization I felt more pain.

“Listen to your pet, let me go or we might end up in destroying the kitchen.”


“You just shut up.” We froze and stared down at that little pathetic thing. Did he just dare to tell me to shut up?



“So, enjoying a lovely breakfast I see. Anything for your brother?”

I froze when I recognized that hard and rasping voice.

He was here.

At his words Dima straightened up and closed his eyes, probably to regain some composure, because the moment he heard his voice, his face went stone-like and his wide grin retired in a thin and tense line. I placed a hand on his arm trying to calm him down, because I could feel his tension, his anger, his confusion … his pain. This whole situation pained my tiger so much you have no idea. He missed his brother, the way they used to be and it pained me to see that, to see his always grinning and warm face turning into that granitic and pain-struck grimace.

I wished I could do something, but didn’t know what.

It’s not that I could just go and talk to … uhm, to-to A-Anatoly. He would not let me and I did not know how he would react and oh boy, if he reacted badly, uhm well, that would only worsen things.

Dima gave me a thin and forced smile and touched my hand. His hand was shaking and I knew it was because of the anger going through him.

“It’s alright baby.” He said, pulling me up and setting me on his feet while he stood up. He closed again his eyes and then turned around. “What the hell are you doing here? Weren’t you out with your moronic gang?”

At the sound of that word I shivered, remembering that day. Dima felt it and squeezed my hand. Oh boy, I was being silly and pathetic here; I shouldn’t feel scared of his brother, he wasn’t going to do anything and it pained Dima to remember that, too. So man up, Jasper. You hear me? Man up. I squeezed his hand back and he relaxed.

Anatoly stood there wearing a typical biker leather jacket and had ripped jeans and combat boots. His face said he was tired and felt empty, but he couldn’t be honest with his words and kept proving his brother.

“I live here, so I can come back anytime I feel like or did you forget it? Forgot I am still part of this pathetic family?” His brother clenched his fists and I fought hard not to cringe. I didn’t want them to fight, Dima hated that. Oh boy, he really thought that Dima forgot he was part of their family? His mother and Mr. Denisov who clearly cared for their son to a really touching point?

“You probably forgot you’re part of this family and don’t you dare call it pathetic, you f*cking bastard.” My tiger growled and feeling his anger and confusion growing stronger, I touched his bicep and he let out a sigh that said he trying to calm down. “I don’t want to fight with you today, so get the hell out of here and let us have breakfast in peace. Get something from the fridge and disappear.”

Boy, never heard Dima so harsh, but guess he was fighting not to lose his temper.

“Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me like that? Who the f*ck do you think you are for always acting so high and mighty, ha? You are just another pathetic fag. A loser, that’s what you are.” The way he accused and hissed at his brother was about to have me in pieces, so much hatred in his voice, so much venom, so much anger and … uhm well, so much remorse and regret. Yes, I felt that in his voice and his eyes were wary, tired, like his pale skin, his tense jaw and raw breathing. They were eyeing and staring at each other like two pacing huge wild animals. But Anatoly didn’t remind me of a tiger.

Dima shrugged at his words and something flashed in his twin’s eyes. Something strange, something so impossible to describe. His grey blue-eyes widened a moment and flashed harder and his face went like stone. What was going on in his mind? I thought I saw pain flashing in his eyes, but uhm well, maybe I was wrong.

“Whatever Anatoly, get lost now. I am your brother for some bad luck, and so can tell you whatever is on my mind, now piss off.”

“Or what?” He took few steps towards us and Dima pushed me automatically behind his broad and reassuring back. “Protecting your precious little b!tch?” Anatoly barked.

Oh boy.

That was something stupid to say and he ought to know that, because I knew that was going to piss Dima off. Oh boy.

And I was right.

He gave me a push to have me going on a safe distance and in a flash grabbed his brother’s jacket and almost lifted him on his toes.

Oh boy, why he had to take that seriously? I didn’t care how he called me, he could say whatever he wanted about me; I knew it was only to provoke his brother and anyway, uhm, who cared!

“What did you just say?” He groaned.

Oh boy, he was so angry.

“Dima, let it go.” I stepped forward and gripped his arm, trying to pull him away and ease his mood, but it was impossible to move him. They exchanged again a hard and feral look and both were breathing now raw and heavy, their nostrils flaring. Then again something crossed Anatoly’s eyes and in that moment I understood it was pure pain. Uhm, I didn’t understand him. Why he behaved like this if he felt such heartbreaking pain? Uhm, it .. it was almost palpable in the air.

“Listen to your pet; let me go otherwise we might end up in destroying the kitchen.”

How could he be so silly? Why he kept provoking Dima?


“You just shut up.” I snapped.

Boy, I was fed-up with his attitudes and his apparent calm and annoying sneer, which only tried to conceal evident hurt and pain.

I froze and gulped down nervously when his cold eyes landed on me and saw hatred flashing in them. Oh boy, did I just do something stupid?

“What?” He barked out.

“I said, shut up. Stop provoking Dima. This is all so silly.” Oh boy, what was wrong with me? The only silly thing here was me that instead of calming down the situation I was probably spilling fuel on it. But couldn’t help it, I was so fed-up with his attitudes and the way he always provoked my boyfriend and made him suffer.

“You little pathetic piece of..” He went to snatch me, but Dima shoved him away from me.

“Hands off, don’t you even dare.”

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

“Or what? Why are you always defending him, ha? What’s so special about him?”

“What the heck are you talking about? Jasper is my boyfriend and he IS special, no questions about it and I love him, so get lost.”

They stared at each other like two animals about to get at each other throat.

It was almost eerie.

“Of course, you don’t give a damn about your brother, right? Like our oh-so-perfect and oh-so-hypocrite parents that just displayed their fake worry to wash their hands, when in fact you all don’t give a damn about me.”

How could he think like that? How?

“What the F*ck are you talking about? You are the only not giving a damn about us and about our family. You are the one that changed in one day turning into a complete twisted bastard. You did it and why the hell you did it? Just tell me why?” Dima exploded and grabbing his brother’s jacket back.


Jasper acted faster than I expected and I froze at the intensity of his words and glare. My sweet kitty was furious for how this bastard here was provoking me and I knew that even if scared of my brother, Jasper felt sorry for our situation.

But that twisted prick just made it and overstepped the limit by daring to threaten my man.

I saw red when I caught his eyes glaring hard and cold Jasper.

“You little pathetic piece of..” He even dared to try landing his hand on him, but I shoved my good-for-nothing brother away.

“Hands off, don’t you even dare.” I warned him with a booming growl. Man, good thing our parents weren’t around to witness such a scene.

“Or what? Why are you always defending him, ha? What’s so special about him?” Anatoly must be stoned or something the like to not understand how moronic his questions sounded.

“What the heck are you talking about? Jasper is my boyfriend and he IS special, no questions about it and I love him, so get lost.” I roared.

We stared at each other with evident anger and pulsing blood about to explode in our veins. I was keeping under control only because Jasper was here with me.

My twin sneered and threw at us a disgusted look. Why on earth he had to be such a pr!ck, why? We used to be so close, such great friends and not only brothers. Right, he was as well one of my best friends and I trusted him. Why he turned out this way? Why? What the hell happened? I mean, was he really only a twisted and sick piece of crap?

“Of course, you don’t give a damn about your brother, right?”

What the heck was that supposed to mean? He was the one not giving a damn about me as brother. He was the one that suddenly woke up and decided to play Mr. evil twin character, behaving like a douche bag to everyone, insulting and hurting everyone, even our friends. I felt my blood now boiling more.

“Like our oh-so-perfect and oh-so-hypocrite parents that just displayed their fake worry to wash their hands…”

What? How could he dare to say that? Mom and dad were about to grow white hair for how much they worried for him, not knowing exactly what to do, always afraid of pushing him too far away. They even set that scary dude after him. God, right now my head was whistling and my blood had almost blurred my vision.

“When in fact you all don’t give a damn about me.”


The control just freakin went to hell.

“What the F*ck are you talking about? YOU are the only one not giving a damn about us and about our family. YOU are the one that changed in one day turning into a complete twisted bastard. YOU did it and why the hell you did it? Just tell me why?” I grabbed his jacket again and angrily shook him. I so wanted to punch some freakin sense in that twisted head of his, see if he still had a crumble left of his brain.

“We are not giving a damn about you? Is that what you think? Have you ever heard mum crying when she thinks nobody is around? Or dad sighing in worry? Did you ever think about how much you hurt them with your sick behavior? A gang. You freakin joined a gang, what’s wrong with you? You even had the guts to beat kids with those shitheads. God, I wish to punch you so much, but you don’t even deserve it.”

I shoved him away and took few deep and long breaths. I needed to calm down, because I sure didn’t want to go berserk right in front of Jasper and I had promised my dad to behave and damn it, I was going to keep my word.

Jasper carefully placed a hand oh my shoulder and it was like as if a secret channel opened in me and the poisoned anger washed away. Anatoly stared at me with a hard and granitic grimace and I knew he was about to counter debate, but didn’t give him the chance. I had reached my limit and I be damned if I wasn’t going to tell him whatever was popping in my mind and man, it was quite a huge deal of crap.


“Just shut the f*ck up, haven’t finished with you, got that? You think it’s easy for all of us to put up with your attitudes? As if the whole world is against you? What the heck is that about? What happened? Even our friends didn’t understand that..”

“Oh right, as if they care about me. The mighty Sasha now cares only for his toy and that other fag of River..” I tightened the grip and warned him with a glare.

“Don’t you dare insulting them. You think River never asked me what happened with you? And Derek? And Sasha? Only because he seems made of ice doesn’t mean he has not feelings..”

“Oh please, trying to make me puke, dear brother of mine? Nobody gives a damn if I were going to die. I could die tomorrow and you would only celebrate it.”

I saw red and it was only because I felt Jasper pulling my arm with all his strength that stopped from hitting my brother in his stupid and bastard-like face.

“Shut. Up. They miss you, our parents miss you, you stupid dickhead… I miss you.” I fired out. He widened his eyes in complete shock.

“I miss my old brother, my best friend and the person that was smarter than I was and helped me with tests, but that sucked at talking to girls. Where is he? Just freaking tell me. Where is the old Anatoly, the old Tolya? I want him back. I miss that Anatoly and I don’t know this twisted bastard here in front of me that goes around with a gang, acts like a delinquent and beats kids for fun…that beat my man for fun.”

I shoved him away because my anger was about to cloud my judgment and didn’t want to behave like him. Jasper was looking at me with a crazed expression and wide eyes and for a moment I feared I went overboard and scared him, but he gave me a smile, his sweet, understanding and melting smile and took my hand in his. I felt immediately better. My eyes shifted at my brother and he was looking at me as if looking at a ghost. He had paled down and was almost not breathing. He gulped a couple of times and went to rest his back on the wall, staring at the ground.


 “Shut. Up. They miss you, our parents miss you, you stupid dickhead… I miss you.” He snarled gripping my jacket harder.

My eyes went as wide as possible in complete shock.

What he had just said? That couldn’t be possible. No, that wasn’t true…it couldn’t be possible.. no. It was a lie, Dima was telling me lie; that was the only explanation, but no. Wait a moment. Dima never lied, because he was a huge idiot that didn’t know how to put up a decent poker face.

Was that the truth then? How was that possible?

“I miss my old brother, my best friend and the person that was smarter than I was and helped me with tests, but that sucked at talking to girls. Where is he? Just freaking tell me. Where is the old Anatoly, the old Tolya? I want him back. I miss that Anatoly and I don’t know this twisted bastard here in front of me that goes around with a gang, acts like a delinquent and beats kids for fun…that beat my man for fun.”

He jerked me away because he was about again to lose his temper and Jasper took his hand and smiled at him.

I wasn’t sure of what I had just heard. I didn’t know what to do, what to say, what to think. I was so … I didn’t know a damn thing. Not sure I was even breathing.

Dima, the person that without knowing caused all of this, the person that I missed the most in those years, had just told me he missed me.

My body went cold and limp and suddenly felt like falling down. I let my body rest on the wall and kept staring at the floor, because I couldn’t bring myself to face my twin brother, who I knew was now looking at me.

My brother missed me. Right, I let out a dry and humorless chuckle and almost sneered. Yes, he missed me, but what would he say if he knew everything? If he knew of how I felt for him? Not so sure he would still say those same damn words.


I kept silent and simply observed the whole scene, ready to intervene if things took a worse path, but somehow words were the only issues going around.

But could be worse than fists and words apparently were what that immature brat needed.

Mr. Denisov ordered me to stay at home since he did not need my assistance during his business journey and said to keep an eye on his son and act as I judged right. Therefore I kept distance and made him believe I was not around and sure I knew how to handle such a ridiculous job, but for Mr. Denisov and his family I would do anything.

It was almost laughable to see a couple of police cars losing them in the night streets of New York and for a moment I considered how it would be annoying to have to pay the bait for him, but Anatoly was capable with his bike and left them behind without problems. I made sure some other members of the gang got caught, but not all of them, because it would only smell bad for that immature kid and my order was to keep him out of trouble.

I do not understand why he changed so much in few years.

I could force the truth out of him if I wanted, but that would mean hurting him and sure that was not part of the order of Mr. Denisov. Yes, I made him taste his own medicine sometimes, because he needed that and because he had to learn what felt like being helpless. But that was not real pain. Real pain was something excruciating that drove you out of mind and made you pray for you death.

No, I was not going to hurt Anatoly in that way.

Dmitri had just shouted at him many strong words and when I shifted my gaze on Anatoly I saw how those words affected him. Dmitri’s partner stood beside him and my eyes studied his short figure a moment. He might seem fragile and looking like a scaredy cat, but I had the chance to see it was not the case. His words and his outburst led to this situation and it was about time something stronger than my methods hit Anatoly.

He needed to hear those words.

Now I had to keep observing from here and see how the situation will evolve and make sure everything went on without casualties.

Author's chit-chat:

SHOUT-OUT to VARSITYGAL1987 and the story "SHE'S A GUARDIAN"  !!!! you were not expecting this and sure were not expecting Oleg POV, am I right? Well, you won't have it anymore in this story,  at least I think so, as I'd like to elaborate better his personality in order to have a story concerning him and Anatoly.

What you think of this chapter? It was intense, wasn't it? Believe me it was to write it.. but hope you enjoyed it!

What will happen next? How will Tolya react to such words? We'll see about that.. and we'll see then how Jasper and Dima' friends will welcome them to school ;-) Updating very soon!

Until next time xox

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