CH. 29 Into the wild

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Hello dear all :-) So as promise today comes CH. 29 and won't say much, aside it's quite long and well, you'll see, few things will be touched in this chapter, let's see what you think of it.

Hope you'll enjoy it so let me know through your comments, which I absolutely LOVE to read: THANK YOU! And big THANK YOU for your messages, you're fantastic!

AH! Look at the SHOUT-OUTS in my author's chit-chat, ok?

On the right a super sweet banner that Klovis made for me and I totally love it, perfect for this chapter, thanks darl <3

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to LadyMiwok as a super thank you for always reading and commenting! xox



I have been in quite a moronic daze the whole morning and a couple of times I had teachers stopping right in front of my desk and planting their eyes on me with a clear annoyed face. What they wanted from me? Couldn’t care less about their tedious and useless subject, I had things more important in my mind and they were all connected to my amazing boyfriend and to fact that in few hours we would be driving to Wenchester county for our weekend of camping. Man, can you just see what I’m talking about here? Camping and weekend with my kitty! Oh man, I couldn’t wait for school to be over. I was going to spend almost three days just with Jasper and we could do whatever we felt like and oh crap, couldn’t wait to jump him. I mean, he was just incredible and Wednesday he totally surprised me and wow, so intense and controlling…wow, that was so hot. Hmm, my kitty basically undressed me and drove me out of my mind with his…argh, stop it, stop it now because your jeans are getting damn tight and not so comfortable.

“Mr. Denisov.” The teacher suddenly called and I sort of snapped my head at the blackboard, trying to think what the hell I have done of wrong this time, considering I was trying my best to pretend to pay attention. Man, it was biology.

“Err, yes?” I just said, hearing Derek and Hayden sniggering right beside me.

“Your test, Mr. Denisov, but I shall hand it to you only if you explain me how you managed to do it.”

I furrowed my brows not understanding what the hell he meant. Have I failed big hell time? Oh whatever, get over with that and give me the damn test already, as if I am going to die for failing in biology. Useless subject. I didn’t even need to know all the crap about reproduction and the like, since Jasper and I were going to adopt and sure we had no problems about knowing how birth control pill worked. We didn’t need it for sure.

“How I managed to do what? Is it that bad?” I asked and from his face I took that wasn’t the issue here. So what the hell was with that test? Oh for crying out loud, just spill it.

“You got a B, Mr. Denisov.”

Err…I got what?

I opened my mouth to say something, but then shut it and my eyes blinked few times trying to process what I have just heard. I got a B in biology? Was he kidding?

“Is that a joke?” I blabbed out and this time Derek and Hayden literally burst out laughing, while River kicked my chair as to say to behave. I just shrugged my shoulders.

“This is not a joke, even if your friends seem to find it very amusing. Are you trying to tell me that you did the test yourself without cheating or anything of the sort? Did you actually study? Is that what you are trying to say to me?”

The hell with that? That pissed me off freaking much, and believe me when I say it was hard task to annoy me, but accusing me to cheat really had me snap.

“I had not cheated or crap like that; I freaking spent the whole afternoon studying this boring subject and..” Oh, yeah, right. Jasper helped me and apparently that helped me very much. I grinned like a dofus and the teacher was about probably to throw me out of the class or give me a note for my answer, but he simply sighed out exasperated. “Well, my boyfriend helped me in studying and I guess his methods worked perfectly with me.” I smirked thinking about our quickies and this time even River softly chuckled. Right man, quickies as in plural and not as in singular.

Alright, best study method ever. Gotta remember it.

The teacher just eyed me with a very annoyed and sufficient look and then told me to move and get the paper, so I stood up and walked to the desk. He studied me a moment from behind his glasses and then handed me the test.

“So if you actually study you can get something decent out of that brain and it seems that this…boyfriend,” I rolled my eyes at how he said that word, ‘cause he obviously thought of being gay as something abnormal, but who gave a damn about it. Not his business and not my problem. “he knows how to pull it out. Well, I never thought to see this moment happening with you, but well done Mr. Denisov. Try to apply the same method for your future studies.”

I totally grinned at his words, because he had no idea of what he was talking about, or at least he had no idea about the method Jasper used with me.

“Thank you, sir. Oh man, I sure will do that, definitely.” I smiled wider and stared at the red-written B on the paper. Wow. Never thought to see the day of me staring at a B in biology, I mean, even my Bs were rare, let’s not talk about A. That was only for PE and that’s why I applied for a sport scholarship and it seemed they were super interested in my skills in playing hockey. God, thanks for that.

I went back to my place and beamed to my friends and they shook their heads.

“Dude, not even going to ask you which method he used with you, because I can totally guess it.”

“Hey, don’t say that in front of River, we are practically brothers-in-law, so isn’t freaky to hear that?” My friend stared at me with a rather amused expression and simply smirked.

“No, it’s not freaky, to use your words, since Jasper is not my brother, but my friend, and I am dating his brother and do you find that peculiar and weird? I don’t think so, correct?” I thought about that and yeah, he was right. Didn’t give a damn about what they might do together.

“Alright, it’s not freaky, but it’s cool we are dating brothers, don’t you think?” He just shook his head and smiled.

“Hmm, yes, I would say it is indeed very interesting and I had never thought something like this might happen.” Of course he was never going to say much, that smartass of River, but I knew he was happy with Nic and I mean, they were quite the match, I’m telling you.

“Dima, tell me I can be your best man, because seriously, none of us would have ever bet a cent about you getting so serious about someone, but hey, Jas is pretty awesome.” Hayden punched my arm and chuckled pretty loud, but I guess the teacher had already given up with us, since he was now distributing the papers of the test.

“My kitty is way more than just pretty awesome, but sorry buddy, Sasha is totally going to be my best man, I mean, he endured my moronic side before realizing I was crazy for Jasper and I owed him that much.” Plus, I had to admit he helped in many things and anyway, somehow I have always considered him my best friend, I don’t know how to explain, but the one that better understood me.

“Not fair, I want to be a best man.” Hayden complained and Derek laughed.

“You can be my best man, dude, if I’ll ever marry Shenice, given we are not thinking about that right now.”

“Deal and so you can be mine.” At those words Dee just snorted.

“Please, don’t make me even think about that.”

“But you know I totally love your sister and I totally want to spend my life with her and you know what? We sort of talked about that and she wants the same, so, you better suck it up man.” He grinned up to his ears and well, I guess we somehow all changed because of love. How freakish and cool was that, man? Dee gave up and grinned in his usual way.

“Fine, be my guest and deal, I’ll be your best man.”

I looked a moment at River who hadn’t said a word about that and crap, it was always impossible to understand what he was thinking about, so I just asked him.

“What about you, River?”

“What about me what?” He obviously asked. Damn, he was terrible sometimes.

“You know about what.”

“You mean about best man and so?” I nodded, trying to read his face, but I gave up after a couple of seconds, because my brain couldn’t take it any longer. “Who knows? I have just begun dating Nic, I sure am not thinking about getting married or the sort. I live here in New York and he lives in Los Angeles and we shall see how things will go.”

“Do you miss him?” I automatically asked, because I couldn’t even think of living in a different city from my kitty and I actually wondered how Sasha will do once Travis will be in London. Man, gotta give him even more credit. He sure was a great man. River studied my eyes and then simply smiled on one side of his mouth.

“Yes of course I miss Nicholas, but I already knew from the beginning how this would be between us and so I was prepared to the distance.” He answered with his usual composed and calm voice and it made you wonder many things, but I knew he really missed him; I think he just didn’t like to make it obvious and public. River was a rather complex person and I knew he completely opened up only with Sasha, so you see my point when I say that my best buddy was our centre of gravitation? He really was.

We sort of resumed listening to the last part of the class and then finally the bell decided to ring and I darted out of the room to surprise Jas. He was there in the corridor talking to Travis, Sasha and Kevin and I wrapped my arms around pulling him up from the floor.

“Hey baby, guess what?” He giggled when I stroked his neck with my nose, probably tickling him a bit.

“What tiger?” I put him down and turned him around. I fished the folded paper out of my pocket and showed it to him. He widened his eyes in clear surprise and then cracked a super sweet smile style extra chocolate brownies with extra cream and cherries and smarties, so yeah, super sweet and wide smile. “Oh boy, you got a B Dima!” He took the paper and then suddenly jumped on me, throwing his arms over my neck. “So happy for you! Well done tiger!”

“Man, it’s all thanks to you. You know what Jas; we should study like that every single time.” He stuttered out something and he probably blushed, but he then chuckled and hugged me tighter.

“Uhm well, yep, maybe you are right. It sure worked well with you.” He jumped down and tiptoed to peck my lips. “So we have something else to celebrate during our weekend.”

“So blondie, you really got a B in biology? Amazing.” Cowboy Dallas annoyingly placed an arm around my boyfriend’s shoulders and gave him a kiss on the cheek, smirking at me.

“Hey Walker, hands off.” I pulled Jasper back to me and gave him a rather warning glare, but he just chuckled and shook his head.

“Hell, you really are jealous, Dima. Almost like my Alexi and well done for biology, especially considering you hate that subject, so I guess your methods cutie do really work.” He winked and Jasper gasped at that. “Hmm, I think I well know what kind of methods you used..well done my young Padawan.”

“Boy Travis…”

“Dima, maladyez (молодец).” Sasha said in Russian, smirking like the beast he was and patting my shoulder.

“Spasiba.” I grinned while hauling Jas in my arms.

“Hmm baby, I totally love when you speak Russian…” That horn dog of Travis had slipped his fingers in my friend’s hair and pulled him down to give him a rather intense quick kiss. And there they were: lost in their personal world. Seriously, how was going Sasha to cope with the distance? I had no clue. Oh wait, I’ll have actually to ask Jasper about his future college plans.

“Well love birds, how about we go eat something? I’m totally starving today.” Texas Ranger said out of the blue and must say this time I agreed with him.

“Yeah, I’m starving too to be honest.”

“Surprise, surprise.” Jasper teased me.

“Oh baby, you have no idea…always hungry for you.” He blushed tremendously and slapped my neck, in an obvious playful way.

“Bad tiger.” He sort of smirked while smiling and oh crap, was that arousing.

School was finally over and right now we loaded Jasper’s car with everything we needed for camping. Yeah, he was adamant on the fact this time he was going to drive and we would use his car and I sure didn’t complain; man, he owned a freaking Jaguar, so have your idea. I mean, my parents were pretty rich and no doubt about that, but how can I say? They enjoyed a rather normal life style and didn’t like to show off, but I knew Jasper’s parents were stinking rich and for sure his mother enjoyed to show off and you could tell by the way she ran their life and house.

“We got everything?” He asked studying the bags inside the trunk.

“Yeah kitty, got everything and we’ll just get things for the barbeque and the woods there. Some parks are very strict on that matter.” I scratched my hair and mentally reviewed whether we had everything or not and yeah, we were fine. “Hey, do you think we can swim over there?”

“Uhm well, not sure. There is a beach, but couldn’t understand from the website whether the swimming season is already open or not and they didn’t tell me on the phone, so uhm, don’t know about that.” I shrugged my shoulders and closed the trunk. “Shall we go?”

“Yep baby, let’s go.” He smiled and once inside the car I realized that when driving he looked absolutely sexy.

Jas was confident and calm while behind the wheel and never cursed, at least not like me, his stare concentrated on the road, the GPS turned off because he already knew the way, but his eyes sometimes quickly darted to me for a sweet and brief smile. We talked about different stuff and listened to Green Day and man, this was just awesome. So, if I was going to live with him, we could do this whenever we felt like. Amazing, couldn’t wait for that.

“Do you think we can stop somewhere and have a very super quick quickie?” I blurted out,

Jasper almost chocked in air and shot me a very shocked glare, but then rolled his eyes.

“Boy Dima, you are really terrible, don’t say such things when I am driving.” He said while shaking his head.

“Why? I want you.” He coughed probably almost chocking for the surprise, but then melted in a smile.

“Uhm well, you’ll have to wait until we reach the place, because as you can see, around us we have only completely open road and uhm well…it wouldn’t be nice to get caught. In fact, that would be absolutely horrible.” He made quite a face at the idea and well, he sure had a point.

“Yeah, you’re right kitty, it’s just that right now you look damn sexy and hot and you know, I just blab out whatever crosses my mind.” I scratched my hair and then messed with the radio, changing CD.



“Do you want to drive?” I snapped my head to look at him and crossed my brows. I thought he wanted to drive. He giggled at my face and smiled, then going to pay attention at the road. “It’s just that I can see you’d like to drive and you are not used to simply sit there and do nothing and must admit you are pretty funny when you drive, because you always make very comical faces and curse a lot in Russian.”

“But didn’t you want to drive this time?” I asked studying his face and he just scrolled his shoulders and saw his lips curving in a grin.

“I wanted to use my car and we can switch if you want, I don’t mind that and uhm, I’m sure you’re curious to try this car, right?”

“Oh man, you know me too well, I swear it.” He chuckled and then checked the rear view mirror and after spotting a highway stop, he pulled over and stepped out of the car. I just smiled and pressed him flat against the door and kissed the light out of him, not caring other people were there staring at us.

“Oh boy, Dima…such a bad and naughty tiger..” He half giggled and half gasped. “Uhm well, let’s go now.”

I must admit it felt better to be the one driving because I just loved it and because man, this car was awesome and never drove a Jaguar. This baby could speed up, I’m telling you. I heard a click and when my eyes turned to Jasper, he was there with his i-phone, taking a picture of me. He smiled and took another one and somehow we managed to take one together. Of course I was paying attention at the road, what do you take me for? I realized I had a couple of things to ask him, but it was probably better to wait till we reached the park and we actually arrived after little time and wow, it was impressive and amazing.

“Have you been here before?” Jas asked me.

“Nope, never been here, so awesome.” I parked the car and then unloaded most of the stuff.

We walked to some small office and the man inside gave us a card for the parking space and took us to our spot, where to set up the tent and darn it, we have been very lucky because it was close to the shore of the river, basically we faced the river and the view was spectacular.

“So here is the space you booked and you are Jasper Lucas?” My boyfriend nodded and they shook hands. “Well, you and your friend are quite lucky, because we decided to open the swimming season earlier this year, but we couldn’t do otherwise. It’s really warm and what to do? Plus you are lucky because you have showers and bathrooms quite close.” He smiled, indicating with a finger the direction of the showers, and then quickly explained us few rules, like no alcohol and the like and I just rolled my eyes. None of us was a drinker, so he could rest assured.

“Where can we find woods for the bonfire and all the utensils to make barbeque?” I asked the man and he showed us the way to where get everything.

“If you need to purchase food, we have a nice little market over there.”

“Nah, we got everything with us.”

“Well, I take you young men don’t need a help to pitch the tent, right?”

“Yep, we can do it ourselves, thanks.” I proudly said and so he gave us another smile and left to go back to his office. “So Jas, shall we?”

“Boy, sure, but uhm well, you’ll have to tell me what to do, because I have no clue.”

“No worries, you just get me all the stuff and I’ll do it; it’s pretty funny and you’ll see, the tent we got is super cool and smart, you need to do very little to pitch it perfectly. I told you right that we used to go camping with my family years ago?” He nodded. “Tolya and I enjoyed it very much and we used to stay up till late trying to scare each other with ridiculous horror stories and the point is that I would always fall asleep first.” I stopped a moment and everything that happened in the past weeks came back to me; one of my hands automatically went to my hair and ruffled them. Jasper took a step closer and ran his finger in them and I sighed out completely calm and in peace.

“Hey tiger, you don’t need to think too much over that. Anatoly is slowly getting back I think and uhm well, he is changing from what I can remember, but uhm, I sure never knew the old one.”

“I know, he really is changing, a lot, believe me.” He smiled and stretched up to stroke my lips with his. Man, I was really damn lucky to have Jasper as boyfriend.

“He already did a lot and he told me that once his arm will be fine, he will go and talk to my friends and to me this is something very good. I think your brother is regretting what he did very much and I understand he went through some hard times…don’t be sad baby, your brother will be back like before in no time.”

I let go of the poles to pitch the tent and took my kitty in my hands, pulling him pressed against me; my forehead rested on his and our eyes smiled to each other tenderly. He knew I needed a break from everything and what he had organized for me was simply incredible.

“I love you Jasper and I mean, I do really love you and thank you for this, I know why you did it and you’re incredible, thank you monkey. You know? Whenever I say things like wanting to spend my life with you, adopting kids and so on, it’s not a joke. I’m being serious, kitty. As soon as college is over, I want to go to live with you, well of course if you want that.”

Jas kept silent for few seconds, simply gazing at me and letting his fingers slowly brushing my hair. And then his lips softly smiled and gave me few kisses.

“I know you are serious Dima and I feel the same and uhm, of course I want to live with you.” Man, he wasn’t kidding or anything and the determined look in his eyes said it all. Wow, I was really lucky indeed.

“Jas, I am freaking lucky to have you, seriously.”

He shook his head and giggled.

“It’s me being lucky for having found you, Dima.” In a quick move he pulled my head down and his lips took mine for a really hot and deep kiss. A growl left my throat and my fingers dug stronger in his back, pulling him closer to my body, wanting to feel him completely. And I sure felt him completely and damn it, I just wanted the tent to be done so I could use it right now. But right when I went to assault his mouth back and deepen my tongue further, he pulled back and I groaned. He giggled and offered me a very tempting smile. “We should first finish with the tent, tiger and then…” He slightly blushed. “Uhm well, and then we can well, have a bit of each other.”

“Oh baby, believe me when I say I’m going to have way more than just a bit.” I winked and you know what he did? He could be such a terrible teaser, seriously. He smirked and licked my lips. “Jasper…”

“First duty, tiger and then pleasure.” His eyes widened realizing what he said and I couldn’t help the chuckling. “I meant to say that..”

“Yeah monkey, I completely agree, first let’s pitch this damn tent and then…right, then we can have all the pleasure we want.”


Dima explained me what he had was a tunnel tent because that was more comfortable than just a basic dome tent and my tiger really impressed me before while pitching it, because he sure knew what to do and how to move around and boy, must say it was really uhm well…sexy. Yep, I said it, but well, he really looked sexy and very manly while moving around and making sure everything was fine and well fixed. I thought about what Dima said before, the living together and the like, and I couldn’t stop smiling while thinking about that. Only few months ago I was sure to have no chances whatsoever with him, given he was completely straight and never cared about relationships, and now? Now we were this super silly love-struck couple that planned to have a family together.

I must thank Travis for this, because for me it all began that morning of November when he saved my butt from that a-hole of Collins. Boy, I surely had to thank my best friend, yep.

I quickly peeked at Dima and saw he was intent in taking care of the bonfire, making sure it was all right and in the right perimeter; the day had already set and now it was evening and boy, sure the air was sort of chilly here, but the view was breathless. I was grilling some sausages and veggies, and a couple of hamburgers and well; Dima before tried to help me, but he ended up burning two sausages and so he decided to let me manage the barbeque. Oh boy, I couldn’t stop laughing at his super comical face when he looked at burnt food. I told him he could try later to grill the marshmallows and he grinned enthusiastically.

“Hey, almost done there Jas? I’m sort of starving.” He said stopping right behind and closing his arms around my waist.

“Yep, I think it’s all ready actually.” I forked a hamburger and turned it and uhm, yep, it was perfectly cooked and so the rest of the food. “It’s ready, we can eat.”

“Cool, going to take plates.” He first gave me a kiss and then moved to get plates and helped me with everything. I carefully took care of the barbeque and made sure the gas was switched off; they lent us one of those super fancy portable grills that could switch to charcoal, electricity and gas and boy, it sure grilled very well.

We sat on a big trunk right in front of the fire and listened to the quiet sound of the nature surrounding us; the water of the river was calm and it lazily and slowly strolled in the peaceful evening, while other people were camping and having dinner, but none of them shouting or being noisy. The breeze softly blew between the trees of the small forest on the side and you could hear small animals and insects moving around. It was indeed very relaxing and gave a serene and peaceful feeling.

And I was with Dima.

“You know, I should always let you cook in the future, ‘cause man, this is delicious, but hey, what am I?  A caveman? I’ll get better, I promise Jas and anyway, pizza wasn’t that bad, right?” He asked while chucking an entire half of the hamburger we prepared before. Boy, he sure could eat a lot.

“Uhm, pizza was very good and also the pancakes.” I smiled and stole a piece of corn from his plate and he stole a whole sausage from mine. “I think you just need to better dose the intensity of the flame, that’s all. Alex told me you burned marshmallows.”

“Oh crap, he told you that?” I nodded not able to stop my giggling. He rolled his blue eyes, but then shrugged and began to laugh quite loudly. “Yeah, I actually burned them and well and not just marshmallows. That night good thing we were in my garden, because I sure turned into charcoal a lot of food; then they decided it was better for me to sit quiet and let them take care of it. Oh well, Hayden is just like me and Derek isn’t exactly the master of barbeque, but River and Sasha know their way around, just like you and Travis.”

“Uhm, I enjoy cooking, especially for you.” I admitted, feeling my cheeks slightly coloring. He grinned and bent over me to kiss the tip of my nose.

“Same for me.” He wolfed down the other half of the hamburger and then made himself another one. “Want one too?” I nodded and simply looked at him.

Dima was so handsome, but it wasn’t just his physical appearance. He was such a caring and sweet person, always in a good mood and positive, and very easy-going and super attentive with me; he sure was jealous, but not possessive. Uhm well, he was rather territorial, but not in a bad or obsessed way and for me it was perfect. I observed him placing the hamburger on the bread, then adding some veggies we grilled and obviously squeezing a huge amount of mayo. People normally loved ketchup, but my tiger loved mayo and mustard. He handed me the hamburger and made himself another one.

“Jasper, can I ask you something?” He suddenly asked, placing his food on the plate. Uhm boy, he looked serious, wondered what he had in mind.

“Sure, what is it?”

“Err, well, it’s about college.” I blinked a moment and went to say something, but I closed my mouth and let him talk. I think I knew what he wanted to ask and I should have told him so before. “You know I got a sport scholarship and it went well thanks to my skill in playing hockey and well, I’m going to attend college in New York with the other guys, but I sure won’t do engineering like Sasha or River, too much for my brain. Business management will be fine for me and useful in the future, considering I’ll help dad with his job.” I just nodded and smiled. He scratched the nape of his neck and took a deep breath. “So I’ll stay in New York, but well, I remember you had plans to attend college in L.A., right? And well, I’m not sure I can take the distance, because I know I’m going to miss you like crazy, so if you go to L.A. I’ll look if I can transfer or something like that, I mean, if that won’t bother you or...”

I placed a finger on his lips and put the plate on the trunk, along with his.

“Dima, I am not going to study in Los Angeles. Sorry, I should have told you before, but uhm well, I changed my mind, since last month, when I realized it would be terrible for me to be apart from you. I talked to Nic and he said I should do what I feel best for me and dad told me the same and uhm well…” I bit my lip and peeked a moment at the night sky and at the stars. I exhaled quietly and my eyed shifted back to Dima’. “Uhm, I want to stay in New York with you, but what you said before is really sweet..thank you tiger.” I moved up to go sit on his laps and circled his neck with my arms, giving butterfly kisses to his face, neck and chin. He thought of transferring college to be close to me; he didn’t ask me to stay or change my plan, but he thought of changing his plans for me.

“Are you sure baby of this?” He asked while sitting me so to face each other.

“Boy Dima, completely sure of it. I really want to stay here in New York with you and also the others and uhm well, dad and I finally are becoming closer and leaving in a year would be sad.” He studied my face and eyes for a while and then cracked a huge and warm grin.

“Man, not going to complain, I’m totally happy we are going to go to college both in New York. It’s going to be great and funny.”

His hands sneaked under my jumper and t-shirt and I shivered when I felt them on my skin, slowly travelling my back and resting on my shoulders. We exchanged a silent and deep glance and he pulled me closer, immediately taking my mouth with his and letting his tongue slip deep inside. Oh boy…I couldn’t help the sudden mewl and even though I knew my face was bright red, I let out another moan and when I felt him under me, uhm well, very ready, my fingers dug in his hair and pulled it rather harshly, because in that moment desire took the best of me. Our tongues twirled together with knee-bending passion and he growled deep in his throat and boy, that fired me up more, and so I straddled him closer and grinded on him.

Oh boy, I had no idea why, but couldn’t seem to be able to control my reactions.

I let my fingers travelled on his neck and down on his back until they reached the hem of his jumper and gave it a pull. Dima groaned louder and when I began to quickly tug it up, he suddenly broke the kiss, let go of my shoulders and in a blink removed his jumper and t-shirt tossing them behind him. His lips smashed against me another time and now my fingers ran greedily on his warm and smooth skin. Oh boy…it felt so good that I couldn’t stop my grinding and so I pushed my tongue deeper and my nails sank on his arms.

We both tore apart when we felt about to lose control completely; both of us were breathing hard and loudly and he gulped down keeping his eyes glued on mine, with his pupils dilated and his nostrils inhaling deeply. I could almost hear his heart beat and boy, I bet he could almost hear mine, because it was racing very fast and for a moment I thought it would jump out.

“Wow Jas, you sure know how to drive me completely crazy and out of control. I seriously, need to cool down a moment.” He gulped down again and smirked. “Well, yeah I better calm down right now, because I sure cannot jump you right here; better in the privacy of our tent.”

I should have felt like melting in embarrassment and wanting to disappear, but the thing is, I got used to his complete bluntness and way of saying straight out how he felt and uhm well, I liked it, well, I loved it to be more precise and when we were alone, it didn’t embarrass in the least. So what I just did? Boy…I slipped closer and rested my lips on his, staring intently at his eyes.

“Hmm, I think you are right, tiger..” I slowly traced the line of his jaw with my lips and tongue and reached his ear, tugging his earlobe with my teeth. Dima tightened the grip on my hips and swallowed down and that had me giggle in satisfaction, knowing I was affecting him quite a lot. “We should finish our dinner and then have dessert inside the tent.” Oh boy, I think Travis was really influencing me a great deal.

I felt his warm breath on my neck and he didn’t say anything for few seconds, only gripping my jeans’ waist band as if about to push it down. Then he inhaled running his nose on my skin.

“Definitely going to have my dessert later and man, not talking about damn marshmallows.”

We finished dinner and tidy everything up, making sure the fire was perfectly safe and according the rules and then we lay down a bit over a thick and warm cover to simply cuddle and watch the stars. Dima actually knew a lot about them and it surprised me, because I have always found fascinating learning about planets, constellations and the space in general and so I read some books; he told me that his brother was the one interested in that and it was in fact Anatoly that taught him many things when they were camping.

I snuggled closer to him, in his warm and comfortable hug, and smiled content like a cat listening to every word he said. Dima pointed at some stars and constellations and told me their names and history, maybe some anecdotes inherent to their names, and I just felt in the sweetest bliss ever. Oh boy, I completely understood what he meant about wanting to live together and be able to experience these little things every day; I as well understood Travis when he said that Alex was the love of his life and his everything. Dima was the same for me.

The night was beautiful and the sky so clear, but we were lucky because the moon wasn’t full and so we could see the stars better, with a gentle and chilly breeze caressing us, the quiet swash of the river lulling our cuddling and the sound of crickets keeping us company. We have been lucky to have a spot just for us, even though other people were just immediately around, but it somehow gave us more privacy and boy, I loved it. I nestled in his arms slightly shivering for the air of the night and Dima rolled us over, him hovering over me and smiling with beaming and bright eyes.

“You cold Jas? I think we should get inside the tent.” I simply nodded and pulled him to me for a tender kiss. “Alright, let’s go.”


We rolled the cover up and checked again the fire, but it was about to extinguish, so we snuggled in the tent and I had no time to remove my jumper, because I found myself laying on the sleeping bag with Dima right over me.

“I’ll do it, kitty.” He flashed me that oh-boy-so-tempting smirk and I simply looked at his handsome face. My hand went to touch it and my finger slowly trailed the line from his ear to his chin. I have always loved the shape of his jaws, clearly strong and defined. I lifted myself up to take his face in my hands, simply to look at him. “What is it, Jasper?” He asked smiling.

“Nothing, you’re just so handsome.” I murmured studying his light blue eyes and softly brushing his hair. His eyes closed for few seconds and he leaned in my touch, liking it and breathing deeply, looking like a Siberian tiger enjoying the cuddling.

“And you’re so sweet and damn sensual.” He said with rather low and raw voice. Then his eyes snapped open and mine widened in response. Boy, the look he had in them. “Do you have an idea how gorgeous you are and how incredibly tempting?” I think I blushed, because he chuckled and lifted my arms straight above my head. “No need to be shy with me, baby.” Oh boy…when he was in that mood I couldn’t resist him and somehow it triggered something into me and boy, sure shyness wasn’t part of it. Nope.

“Didn’t you say you were going to have your dessert?” I whispered, biting the corner of my lip in the intent to tease and uhm, it worked perfectly.

Dima took a sharp breath and then in a swift and quick move tossed my jumper and t-shirt away and his lips closed on my neck, nibbling and stroking it and I just bent my head on the side to give him complete reign, purring at his touch and letting my fingers explore under his hoodie and t-shirt, feeling his warm and pulsing skin and hearing his rumbling growls when I sort of dug my nails in it. He moved his full lips up to my ear and bit my earlobe sending me to heaven. I let out a very embarrassing loud pant and I pulled back suddenly. My tiger looked at me confused, but I acted faster, gripping the hem of his clothes and chucking them up; when I lifted his arms and removed his hoodie and t-shirt, trailing his muscles with my hands, he hummed and tossed them away himself, for then caging me in a quite strong hug.

“Hmm, I totally love when you are like this.” Boy, was his voice raw and strained. But I said nothing and simply pushed him flat on his back. “Oh kitty, I think tonight you’ll drive me completely nuts.”

My heart was thundering in my chest and so my blood in my veins; I felt like in some dreamy daze and the desire and need to have my boyfriend reacting at me was now dominating my actions and senses. Oh boy, it was as if each time we made love, something new and stronger grew in me and as if new sides emerged, and now I longed to turn him crazy at my touch. Boy, sure that surprised me, since never thought I had it in me. We exchanged a deep and heated look and I locked his wrists over his head, descending on his neck and teasing it with my teeth and lips, leaving warm and light trails up to his throat and chin, hearing his groans and breaths getting heavier, then down to his collarbone, nibbling the thin skin over his bone and at the same time enjoying the feeling of his side muscles.

He tried to set his arms free, but let me have my way and forced himself to stay still, and so I let go of his wrists to concentrate completely on his chiseled chest. Boy…Dima had such incredible and rock-like body. My lips trailed every inch of it and then focused on his nipple and when my teeth softly nibbled it, following the line with my tongue, my tiger let go of a rather powerful groan and his hands shot at my sides, digging his fingers there and gripping me with evident effort to calm down. I smiled on his skin and sort of giggled, because I liked to see him like this; so my tongue teased his nipple more and then move on the other one, while my fingers were all over his tensed and shuddering body. I felt him under me and uhm well, no doubts about his state of mind, and my hips grinded on him and we both moaned when we brushed each other.

Oh boy…I think we were about to reach our limits and when I began to move down on his abdominals, skin against skin, tracing them with both my hands and lips, he buckled up his hips and he threw his head back hissing something in Russian.

“What is it, tiger?” I found myself murmuring on his contracted muscles, skimming lower and lower, reaching his navel and then lower, finding the waist band of his denim shorts and popping open the button, unzipping them and running my nose on his evident bulge.

“You’re such a teaser…” He breathed out in a groan now clenching my hair.

“Hmm, am I?” Oh boy, I sure was.

“Jasper…you, man, this is..” I interrupted whatever he was trying to say by pushing the shorts down his thighs and stroking him slowly.

Dima growled and tightened the grip on my hair, having me shiver for the force of his desire. I nuzzled him right there and hooked the waist band of his very tight boxers and boy, was it normal to feel this excited in simply doing this? My heart beat sped up along with his breathing and when I chucked his underwear down, I gulped a moment, but not in tension or anxiety. Boy, Dima was so…uhm well, you got it. My tongue took a mind of its own and drew his entire length and I mewled when he groaned loudly and jerked his hips up. Now my heart was thundering faster and I only wanted to make my boyfriend feel good, uhm well, more than just good. So I completely undressed him and bent over again on his length slowly closing my mouth around it and his fingers tugged my hair in a very oh-boy-so-hot way.

“F*ck Jasper…” He grunted when twirled around the head and bobbed up and down, first slowly and then slightly faster, nailing his hips. “Oh f*ck…you are just so…hmm…baby like this…”

I peeked at him and our eyes met and uhm, something flashed in them and a very mischievous smirk formed on his lips. In a blink I found myself a breath away from his face, his hands tightly seizing my wrists and his nostrils flaring in evident desire. He smirked more and rolled us over.

“Kitty, I’m not much for foreplay right now, if that is ok with you, as I damn need a bite of you baby. You just got me insane down there.”

“Dima..” I whispered not able to formulate a coherent sentence. Uhm, you have no idea how his words and stare made me feel.

“Tell me if you prefer to play first and I’ll do it, but if not..”

“Just make love to me, tiger. Now.”

At my words his eyes widened and then closed for a couple of seconds and I saw from his throat that he had swallowed down. His aquamarines snapped open again and in that moment his hands travelled from my face to my arms and then my sides, making me arch at the feeling of his avid but sweet touch and at the force of his stare. My knees automatically bent up brushing his sides and he sat back to undo my jeans and in a blink I was completely naked like him. I felt his hands again on me, travelling up and down my skin and making me shiver and making my muscles tighten in sweet and powerful jolts; my legs relaxed long and stretched and he leaned on me balancing his weight on the elbows at each side of my shoulders.

“Jasper, how can you be so sexy?” I said nothing, simply took his face in my hands and dragged it down for a kiss, and so we lost in a very long and deep kiss; but then he rocked his groin with mine and my moans resonated in his mouth and when I arched my back, clashing my chest with his, his hand sneaked on my back and slipped down, going to squeeze my butt cheek.

“Uhm..Dima..” I breathed out on his lips and when I felt his finger teasing me right there, oh boy, my eyes rolled to the back and my head dropped on the sleeping bag, having me completely in his hands. He gently and carefully teased and prepared me, but uhm well, there wasn’t anymore much necessity for that, because uhm well, I sure got used to it and so I bucked my hips up and threw one leg over his. “Dima, I want you.” Oh boy, I just said that, right? Yep I did and I was really shivering to have him.

“And I want you kitty…very much.” He teased me more, now with more fingers and I couldn’t help my trashing and twisting around, because that was so, so…oh boy, so good and when he stopped I groaned a little frustrated and felt his mouth on mine. “I love you Jasper.” In that moment I felt him entirely inside me and I gasped on his lips for the sudden wave of pleasure crushing in me.

“Ahh…Dima…” I was breathless as he plunged deeper and stopped a moment to stare at me with dilating pupils.

My tiger lifted his body from mine and sat on his knees and heels and seizing my butt, he hauled me closer; I crossed my legs behind his back and rocked around him, as to say to move and smiling the most sweet smile, he began to thrust in a rather slow motion, both of us feeling everything of the other one. I felt him deep in me and then pulling back and then again buried impossibly deep, a drop of sweat rolling down his collarbone. My hands went on his forearms and I followed his rhythm gyrating on him and never unlocking our gazes. We were both breathing hard and loudly. Dima guided more my rocking and began to plunge slightly faster and that had me trashing my head back and my mouth jerked open in mewling and panting. I loved when he did that and so I moved more around him to have him deeper and he growled in response.

Then I felt him shifting and his arms slipping under my back, clutching my shoulders; we brushed our lips together while staring at each other in a daze and my legs wrapped stronger around him. My fingers ran on his hair and tugged them when his mouth claimed mine. And without realizing it, Dima lifted both of us and I found myself sort of straddling and sitting on his strong and muscular thighs, he on his heels, his knees spread wide, and never stopping that incredible thrusting. Oh boy…this was really…uhm well, hot and intense. Yep, very hot and I could feel my tiger more in this way. I broke the kiss and laced my arms around his neck, moving on him at his pace and his hands kept me there when I began to shift more and more, feeling him more in me and feeling those tingles and shivers running wildly over me. When Dima increased the pace and claimed my throat, growling on it and clutching me harder, oh boy…my head fell back and I was a quite embarrassing mess of mewls and groans.

“Tiger…ahhh…more…oh boy…more..” The strength and speed increased and so the plunging and we both felt like falling from somewhere very high. I was no longer in control of my actions and senses and I only felt Dima in me and his touch.

“F*ck Jas…like this baby, move like this…mhh….oh f*ck..” He bit my shoulder and I cried out in blinding ecstasy.

We rode more and faster until I felt it in me, growing and crashing everything, boiling my blood, fastening my heart beat, melting my veins…melting me…my breathing went completely erratic and my eyes rolled in the back.

“Dima…” I could only whisper out before feeling him completely in me and reaching with me the highest peak ever of this overwhelming daze.

I heard him groan something, both of us shivering and twisting more, shuddering in each other embrace, until we completely fell down at the same moment, both of us left breathless and inhaling deeply, still slightly quivering. His skin was warm and sweaty, just like mine.

Oh boy. This had been, oh boy, completely devastating in a very, very, very amazing way.

My fingers let go of his hair and slipped on his shoulders and he pulled back to look at me. We were still breathing rather hard and our eyes were the same; my tiger cracked a huge grin and playfully rubbed my nose with his, his beautiful irises shining with warm and tender light.

“Wow!” He exhaled. “I definitely vote to use this position again and again. Man, I could feel you in such crazy way..” His smile reached his ears and I blushed a bit, but then joined him with my giggling.

“Uhm, I totally agree tiger, well, I felt you too more than usual.” He cupped my face and gave me feather-like pecks on my lips, never ceasing to smile.

“Man, I’m sure you did, since I didn’t even have to touch you this time.” When I realized what he meant, my face went thermonuclear and I hid it on his neck.

“Boy Dima..”

“But baby, it’s true.” He joked chuckling and caressing my back. “So? Was it good?”

I shook my head and giggled and I knew he was probably furrowing his brows not understanding or worrying it hadn’t been good. Uhm well, but in a way it hadn’t been good. I mean, not just and simply good. I leaned back and searching for his hands, I laced our fingers together, locking our eyes.

“Dima, it’s been way more than just good and uhm well, yep, it was so intense that well, you didn’t have to, well, you know what.” He smirked at my slightly embarrassed expression, but then melted in the most adorable beam.

“Jasper, how about we try another position?” He wiggled his brows and my jaws probably hit the sleeping bag, but boy, how could I resist him and his funny but alluring expression? I sure couldn’t.

“And what do you have in mind, hmm?” I asked not caring how extremely bold I sounded.

“I love this hidden and naughty side of you, kitty, know that right?”

Oh boy, the way he smirked and eyed me.

Oh. Boy.


We swam in the river and the water wasn’t exactly warm, actually rather cold, but there was no wind and the air outside was rather hot and sunny. Jasper was a great swimmer and we played like two idiots, me throwing him in the air and he jumping on my back and shoulders, trying to push me under the surface; we sprayed and splashed each other and of course we kissed, but right, since we weren’t alone we had to keep it PG13 and that sucked big hell time, because my monkey was damn sexy with his hair wet and dripping water on his velvety and vanilla scented skin, his body exposed and there for me and his eyes shining bright with excitement and joy. We sure were having great fun and when I proposed the idea of asking the gang to do something all together Jasper flashed me that super sweet and dazzling smile of his and grabbed my neck.

“Oh boy, Alex thought about the same, especially considering Travis will soon leave for London.” When he said that, I didn’t miss the subtle sad note in his voice. Man, he was going to miss him.

“You will miss Travis, right?” Jas chewed his lower lip and simply nodded. “I’m going to miss him too, even though we are not as close as you guys are. I mean, he’s your best buddy right? But hey, I like him very much and I have no idea how they’ll do with that, but well, they’ll make it work, ‘cause they might be two horn dogs, but they are two horn dogs crazily in love.”

“That’s true, I know they’ll be ok, they love each other too much, but uhm..” He let out a long breath. “I will miss Travis and very much. You know? It’s basically thanks to him we are here right now, because he didn’t just save my butt that day, but he became my friend, my best friend, and he dragged me along with you guys and everything…I mean..”

“I know what you mean kitty and it’s true in a way and I know you’re going to miss him, but hey, you guys can still chat on Skype, right?” He nodded eagerly and smiled. “And you know what I believe Jas? That sooner or later we would have met and gotten together anyway, no matter what, I just feel it’s like that.”

And damn, that wasn’t some cheap sweet line you throw there to sound cool. I honestly believed in that, I mean, I believed I was destined to my kitty and he was destined to me.

“Uhm, you really believe so?” I simply nodded and pulled him closer to kiss the tip of his nose.

“Yes Jasper, I really believe so.”

“Boy…that’s really, uhm, I don’t know how to say it, but that’s really, well, romantic and uhm, I think you are right about this.”

We locked our gazes in a deep and lost daze and we simply smiled, because man, what else was there to say? Nothing much.

Jasper and I played and swam another bit and then decided to go back and lie on the beach, to rest and simply do nothing. We listened to some music from my i-pod and watched a movie from his i-pad and then I remembered last night I wanted to ask him something, but he distracted me too much to properly concentrate and formulate a decent sentence and so let it go. I mean, man, he drove me nuts last night and in a very great way. Wow..he was getting more and more bolder and more and more confident and I’m telling you, that was mind-blowing and so I came to think how it would be to switch, I mean, how Jasper felt when I took him, if he ever wanted to switch.

“Jas?” I pulled his earplug away and he arched his brow.

“Hmm? What tiger?”

“Have you ever thought about switching?” He looked confused, probably not getting what I meant, so of course I just blurted out totally blunt and straight. “I mean, to jump me and top me?”

His eyes widened and blinked several times and I saw his face getting redder and redder. Wow, nice reaction.

“Oh boy Dima, what?”

“I mean..”

“I got what you mean; I’m just sort of shocked you asked me.” He blinked more and shook his head.

“So?” I pressed and he looked at me as if studying my face and when he realized I was serious, he pushed himself up and sat crossed legs looking at me.

“Uhm well, to use your words, nope, I never thought about switching because I don’t know, never thought you would consider this and uhm well…I was sure you wouldn’t like it. Why are you asking me this?”

“Well, ‘cause I was curious to know how you feel when I make love to you, how it feels and well, we are both guys, so I guess it might be natural wanting to switch and well, not sure I’d be ready right now to be honest, as it sort of freaks me out, but don’t know, at the same time I find hot and damn arousing, I mean, you in complete control? Man, that’s going to be hot like hell.” I confessed and Jasper just looked at me completely surprised.

“Boy Dima, you sure like when I ride you, right?”

“You have no idea, baby. Don’t get me wrong, I totally love to be in control too and drive you out of mind, to have you in my hands, but don’t know, when you are bold and confident and a little bit commanding, well, that’s a f*cking turn on. So what do you say?”

He bit and chewed his lower lip and rolled his eyes up staring at the sky and then giggled; he moved closer to me and I could tell he wanted to straddle me or something of the sort, but well, we weren’t alone and I knew it was better to behave. He intertwined his hand with mine and gave me a very bring smile.

“Well, you sure are incredible Dima. I have never thought about that and to be honest, right now I like the way we are and I love when you make love to me, because you are so passionate, intense, wonderful, but so sweet and caring, and I just love to be in your arms and hands.” Jasper bent over and quickly pecked my lips. “But uhm well, I guess maybe one day we can try to switch, now that I think about it uhm well, yep…that must be very uhm, hot.” He blushed, but not to some bright red degree and I couldn’t help grinning like a dofus. “But tiger, only when you feel like it and really want it, and not because we have to, just because we are two guys. I don’t care about that, honestly. Dima, I’m with you and I cannot ask for more.”

Oh man…how can he be so darn special and incredible? Without realizing he just made another love declaration to me and damn it, I was about to melt in a pool of far gone and love-struck Dmitri. I sat up and took his hands in mine and rested my forehead on his. If anyone had something to say about our being close, well, they could suck it up and turn to the other way.

“Jas, I say it again: we were destined to meet and be together, no freaking doubt about that. And yeah, I guess you are right and one day we’ll definitely try that, I’m sure you’ll drain my energies completely and you’ll screw my brain out.” I smirked and chuckled, and he gasped at first, for then playfully pulling my earlobe.

“Such a bad and naughty tiger.” He teased in between giggles. I smirked more and he saw what was coming, so he tried to pull back. “Dima...don’t.” My smirk grew more evil and I began to tickle him non-stop, making him twirl around like a fish and laughing at the same time. “Stop it, oh boy, stop it..” He was twisting and giggling and so I scooped him up in my arms and ran to the water. “Dima!!!”

We crashed into the water, drinking quite a huge gulp of it and then spitting it out, laughing like two moronic lunatics.

“Oh boy, you are terrible.” He shook his head and sprayed me with his wet hair. “No dinner for you tonight, nope.”

I made a dramatic expression and he burst out laughing more.

“Baby, you can’t leave me without dinner, but well, it means I’ll have an extra portion of my favorite dessert: you.” His eyes almost popped out and he splashed me with more water.

“Bad tiger, bad tiger.” He giggled, swimming closer. “Fine, tonight I’ll make the special Lucas hamburger and uhm, special ice-cream, since we a small shop here.”

“Hmm, sounds perfect to me, kitty. And hey, I’ll try to improve and grill some veggies.” He smiled and laced his hands behind my neck.

“Sure, but you cannot turn them into charcoal, ok?”


Jasper dazzled me with that brownies plus extra cream and cherry on top smile and quickly kissed my lips.

“What do you want to do now?” I asked him.

“Uhm, I just want to be with you, tiger.”

Author's chit-chat:

SHOUT-OUTS TO: JazzMalik1D and the 3 stories, in particular "HEART ATTACK" and then to SM1129 and the story "BLACK DIAMONDS", so check them out!

Then, back to "Tricks of Love", I think I can say we are almost at the conclusion of the story...yep, do you feel sad for that?

What did you think of this chapter? Were you expecting Dima asking Jasper about college and about switching? I don't think so, right? Well, our tiger is very surprising and incredible. Then, you enjoyed in general the serene and blissful atmosphere or their camping? I had fun in writing it :-)

Next chapter, updating very soon!

Until next time xox

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