CH. 4 Not his type, right?

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Hello :-) So here comes chapter 4 and it's under Dmitri POV...hope you'll enjoy it, because Dima sure is a funny guy :-D We have also a new POV at the end ... I'm sure some of you will appreciate it.

Hope you'll enjoy the chapter, thanks for all of your wonderful messages and comments, you make me smile every single time! Let me know what you think of this chapter, thanks!

Dedicated to all of Dima' fans and in particular to Kam61799, cause I'm sure she'll like it and thanks darling for your message and comments!

On the right an amazing banner/cover Klovis made for me: <3 you!

And now...enjoy xox


Man, that Texas guy…Kevin whatever, he sure chatted a lot and it was quite annoying to see how he wanted to stick so damn close to Jas and didn’t realize how that made him uncomfortable. And anyhow, who the hell was he? He just transferred here in January, if I remember well, and stuck to my friend as glue. Give him some space, will you? It’s not that I was irritated or didn’t want for Jasper to meet and make new friends, it just somehow annoyed me the fact the cowboy here took too much confidence with him.

And “eye-candy”? C’mon buddy, just talk normally.

I wondered for a moment if that guy could be Jasper’s type of guy, because he never really told me what kind of dude he likes and I had no idea. My eyes shifted to Walker Texas Ranger and studied his pale face; how can someone coming from Dallas be that damn pale? He wasn’t anything special; sure he had some muscles, blue eyes and probably girls would like that smirk he continually had on his mouth, but all in all nothing extraordinary. So, nah, he couldn’t be his type, right?

I shifted my eyes back to Jas, now talking with him and don’t know, he was smiling. But he wasn’t his type, right? Or was he? Nah, couldn’t be. They didn’t match at all, right? Right man, I mean, Jas needed someone less annoying and bigger than him. Don’t ask me why, but I always thought he would be good with someone big and protective of him, that would take good care of him. Don’t get me wrong, Jasper wasn’t a defenseless kid and the fact he wasn’t tall or bulky, but cute and sweet, didn’t mean he was weak or frail. He actually had guts and was someone always ready to stick for his friends; I liked very much that side of him.

I asked him a stupid question, to be honest. I just realized after few minutes that it was sort of moronic of me to ask him such a thing, considering how shy and timid Jas was; but somehow I was curious to know and didn’t even know the reason. I mean, I knew already he didn’t have a boyfriend or anyone; since he told me about that bastard of Anatoly, we became really close friends and spent lots of time together, and it was clear he was relaxed around me, so he would talk more about himself or his stuck-up family.

Man, I was so glad my parents weren’t such snotty people; that would drive me nuts.

Somehow it was cool he had no boyfriend, because it meant we could spend as much time as we wanted together. I liked being around him and not just for the fact he was another Star Wars geek and appreciated my jokes, but because he had that quiet and patient air, which gave me the chance to talk as much as I wanted and I knew he wouldn’t mind. Jasper never really talked for hours, but he sure got better since the beginning, when he was sweating bullets whenever I would simply greet him. Yeah, why was that anyway? It’s only recently that he has sort of relaxed down, but sometimes he would still shift his gaze away or suddenly blush.

Man, was he cute when he blushed! I had to restrain from going and pinching his cheeks, which I am sure would freak him out even more. Or his dimples whenever he smiles openly and free. Every time I wanted to poke them and see if his smile would get bigger. I like people smiling, but not the fake ones, and his smiles were always genuine and spontaneous.

It was true anyway what that Kevin guy said and I honestly thought Jas could have anyone he wanted, well, if he’ll ever pass that awful shyness of his. Ok, I didn’t mind it, because I found it cute and sweet; I mean, all of my friends were overly open and outgoing person, Sasha aside, but he’s a great guy, and meeting someone like Jasper, well, that was unexpected. Seeing him nervous or tense always made me want to ease down his mood and make him relax, which was sort of funny at first, and strange now. 

Strange because it somehow threw off balance my usual easy-going and laid back nature; almost nothing pisses me off or annoys me, just like Hayden. Ok, he’d get mad when someone would be able to make a goal, which was anyway a rare event; he really was the best goalie. Man, talking about hockey, couldn’t wait to play the next game and crush the other team down. Ha, Sasha indeed was the best captain ever and it was amazing to play with him and the rest of the gang. He could really knock you out in some occasion, and the way he and River exchanged passes was crazy. Man, I love hockey, seriously love it.

I heard my best buddy chuckle and saw he was now caging Travis in a possessive hug. Yeah, he was extremely jealous of his man and no kidding, together they looked hot and rated stuff, especially when they would give each other tongues. Was it because they were two dudes, so they could go as rough and hard as they wished? Nah, must be simple because they were two horn dogs.

I mean, look at Jasper for instance, would you go all rough and insane with him?

I looked again at him and he glanced back, smiling and softly blushing, which made me smile back. Uhm, not sure he would like it hard and wild. Err, why was I even thinking about that? No idea, but I was going to ask Sasha one day, I was sort of curios about it.

Walker Texas Ranger here suddenly placed his arm around Jasper’s waist and pulled him back, whispering something in his ear, making him fidget nervously. The hell was with that? Give him some space and leave him alone. I went to say something, wanting to tear him apart, but he stood up, greeted all of us and left.

Man, finally.

“Damn, he sure takes a lot of freedom.” I grunted, sprawling back on the chair, relaxing my legs wide apart.

“Uhm, yeah, Kevin is very, uhm, how to say it?” Jasper paused and looked up at the ceiling, probably thinking about the right word. He would always do that.

“Annoying?” I offered him. He glanced back and knotted his brows.

“Well, no, I wouldn’t say annoying, just too, well, too bold and pushy. But he isn’t bad; it’s actually easy to talk with him.” He smiled and I wasn’t sure of what to think of his answer.

The guy wasn’t his type, right?

“Don’t tell he is your type of guy. I mean, nah, he’s not right for you.” I felt suddenly defensive.

“Wh-what?” He stuttered/blurted out, widening his dark chocolate eyes.

“And why shouldn’t Kevin be the right man for Jasper? He sure does have looks, I actually find him quite attractive and he seems to know what he wants.” River asked me, casually leaning his elbow on the table and resting his chin on the back of the hand. He smirked in his usual way and heard Derek chuckling.

“Yeah, the dude is fine actually and he’s into basketball.”

“What? C’mon man, Walker Texas Ranger here isn’t the right guy for Jasper, he’s too touchy and pushy and what’s with the eye-candy? Man, he sure is gay.” I immediately looked at Jasper, feeling an idiot for my remark. “Sorry Jas didn’t mean it in a mean way.” He just shook his head and grinned.

“Now now, does it take to be gay to use some pet names and to be touchy? Hmm, interesting new theory, don’t you think Travis?” The two smart-pants there exchanged a conspiratorial look and sniggered and damn if I’ll ever get what’s on their minds. “And anyhow, Kevin is bi, not gay. Just ignore him, if you don’t like him.” River studied me with his smug blue eyes. That smart bastard, it was a pain in the neck to argue with him, because he would always get the last word.

“I’m not saying I don’t like him; I was just asking Jasper if the guy was his type.” Man, why we even ended up discussing this?

“I think Dima is right; I don’t think Kevin is the right guy for cutie.” Travis said, winking at his best friend. Finally, someone understood me. “I know someone that would be much better for him and probably likes him, hell, I know he does, but …” He rolled his eyes in frustration as to say the person in question must be an idiot. So he really must be a moron.

“But what? Who’s the guy?” I fired back.

I heard Jasper sighing and shaking his head. What? He knew the guy, why he never told me anything? We were buddies.

“Hmm…” Travis tapped his chin with his finger. “Sorry, don’t remember his name, but he’s quite a dense moron.”

“I guess you are right, then.” I shook my head and tried to remember any guy around us or in school, aside the cowboy, who would look suspicious, but couldn’t make figure out a damn face.

“Oh hell, you have no idea how right I always am.” He smirked in his usual quite mischievous way.

“Hmm, another oblivious person? Now, now; this sounds quite interesting and amusing.” River mused, exchanging a glance with Travis. What a couple of smartass they were, but hey, loved both of them also because of that.

“What’s interesting?” Hayden asked out of the blue, looking at all of us with a quite lost expression. Man, the dude was so gone for Dee’s sister.

“Hayden, good morning; great to know you don’t zone out inside the rink.” Sasha joked. Our friend simply laughed and punched his arm.

The bell rang and we all walked to classes, Jas sighing in relief. I kept a bit behind with him, because I realized at the end I didn’t get the answer to my question and that bothered me. But instead of asking him that, which would probably make him feel uncomfortable, I asked something else out of the blue, and the only persons to blame for my question were Sasha and Travis.

They had halted to make out, and make out quite heavily, just like the horn dogs they were; I simply grinned and shook my head. I never saw my best friend like that and man, he sure was hopelessly in love with Travis and same for him; just look at the way they kissed, Travis completely melted in my friend’s arms, pulling him closer by grabbing his short hair, while Sasha clawed his ass and pressed him even closer. Yeah, they both liked it wild and intense.

“Hey Jas, how do you like sex? Hard and rough like those two?” I asked grinning and tilting my head towards my friends.

He shot me quite a bewildered and tense look and blushed like mad, first scanning my face with his wide and chocolate eyes and then shifting them away. Oh crap, maybe I asked him that too directly; hope I didn’t make him uneasy.

“Boy…uhm, well, uhm…not sure I’d be up for something too hard and uhm, rough. At least not like Travis.” He kept staring elsewhere, then he simply giggled at something that was going on in his mind and I arched my brows at him when he glanced back. He shrugged and I let it go. So, Travis had told him something. Why Sasha was so reserved? Not fair. “Well, Travis and Alex have quite a very physical love.”

“Damn right man. I wonder how it would be sex with a guy. Actually, how is it?”

“Boy, are you all trying to kill me today?” He gasped, massaging his temples. “Well, that’s my class. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Right…oh wait.” He stopped and turned. “Are you free this afternoon?”

“Yep, why?”

“Need to buy a new cell phone, told you I destroyed mine yesterday with a punch.” I groaned thinking about that, but he chuckled and shook his head. “You can come with me and then we could play that new video game I was telling you about. It’s awesome, but I still suck at that and you could help me out.” Jasper was actually amazing with games.

“Uhm, your place?” He asked suddenly tense and nervous.

Why was that? Oh right, that damn bastard of my twin brother.

I don’t think he would be home today and even if he would be around, he wouldn’t dare to lay a finger on Jasper, because I already gave him more than once what he deserved. I still couldn’t believe what happened and the fact he dared to beat someone like Jasper.

I remember that when he told me everything, I was fuming with so much anger and wrath that everything inside me was whistling dangerously, but somehow I calmed down when my eyes caught the frightened and tensed expression of Jasper and just realized to let it go and use the chance to finally become friend with him.

Don’t ask me why, but since he began to hang out with us, because of Travis, I thought he would be a cool friend. And I had been right.

Man, to think he actually hated me for what that sick piece of crap did…


My friends were standing around Sasha’s locker, the usual place where we would all meet, because somehow he was like our centre of gravitation. My best buddy was there with Travis and by the look they had, I could tell they couldn’t already wait to jump each other. Jasper was there. Man, the kid literally hated my guts and I had no clue why that was; I mean, I never even talked to him before, but you couldn’t miss the way he looked at me and the way he paled down and tensed. It made me feel bad, but didn’t know what to do about that.

I greeted my mates and he turned towards me, looking at me with his usual big deep chocolate eyes, and smiled the most timid and shy smile while he said hi. I think I looked at him a couple of seconds before actually answering.

Wow, he had just acknowledged me. Man, seriously, couldn’t believe it.

A grin automatically spread on my face and still surprised I greeted him back.

The entire morning passed by in a blur, but I had to stay over and listen to a teacher scolding me for snapping out during an experiment. As if I cared; biology was the most boring and useless subject ever, and I just wanted to get over with it and go grab something to eat. I was starving. Once the tedious and useless speech was over, I ran to the cafeteria and what was there sure was unexpected.

Jasper was standing at the entrance waving and sort of smiling at me, in that usual shy and cute way, making his dimples stand out even more. Man, something indeed really changed and I was damn glad about it; it was horrible to see him cringe and pale anytime we would be close, given I had no idea why he did so. Plus, he seemed such a nice and genuine person that I knew we could be good friends.

“Hey man, are they all inside?” I asked, studying his face and his timid eyes.

“Yep, they are.” He shifted his gaze away a moment, stared at his hands and then looked back. Wow, there was determination in there and it was the first time I saw it and it was pretty strong. “Uhm, can I talk to you?”

A thought flashed in mind immediately: was he ok? Did something happen to him, did he need help? Man, this kid here made me feel like some mother hen.

“Sure Jasper. What’s about? You ok?”

“Uhm, I’m ok, but I need to talk to you. Do you mind, uhm, if we sit somewhere else?”

I just looked at him for a moment, studying again his face and realizing it took probably a great effort for him to come all the way to me and talk like this. That made me like him immediately and proved me I was right to think he was a nice and cool person.

“I thought you hated my guts, man. Glad you are finally speaking to me. I don’t mind to sit somewhere else, but first need to grab something to eat. I’m starving man.” I heard my own stomach grumbling and I rolled my eyes at it, then heard him chuckle. Yeah, he was just as a fluffy puppy, really cute and sweet.

After exchanging few words with that piece of junk of Collins, which dared to call Jas “fag” and threaten him, making me want to really smash that moronic face of him, we sat in an empty class and what came next had me shocked.

He told me, fidgeting out of mind and sweating bullets the entire time, that he thought I was the one beating him and his friends two years ago and then again, threatening them to not utter a damn word. The more he talked, the more I felt like running back home or wherever that good for nothing excuse of a brother was and beat the crap out of him. That bastard that shares my same blood had dared to lay his hands on someone as sweet and gentle as Jasper. Then apparently Sasha explained him how things were and he said it was all thanks to Travis.

Man, did he really mistake me for Anatoly? Was he out of his freaking mind?

Anatoly had stupid tattoos with the name of his gang and other shit, then a stupid haircut and a twisted sneer on his face, which even if we were twin, it didn’t look the same. Damn right.

“You mistook me for that sick bastard of Anatoly, who for some damn cursed luck shares my same blood?” I roared, standing up and squishing to dust the can in my hand, hearing my Russian accent stronger than usual. Jasper paled down and took a step back and I felt like an idiot. Why was I snapping at him? It wasn’t his fault and he was finally talking to me! I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “Sorry Jasper. I didn’t mean to scare you or anything. Sorry I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”

“Uhm, it’s ok. I am actually sorry for everything, but, uhm, I couldn’t tell the difference, I mean… oh boy.” Man, was he cute when he said “oh boy” blushing and fidgeting. How could someone even just think to make something bad to him? But we didn’t look alike, no matter what people always said.

“We don’t look alike, we look completely different.” I defended myself, sitting down again.

“Well, yeah, in a way it’s true.”

“Fuck yeah, it’s true.” And I went on ranting why we were different, seeing that made him smile and chuckle more relaxed.

“Boy, it’s like to have an evil twin, a dark side of the force.” He giggled.

What? Did I hear just well? Dark side of the force? Man, please tell me he likes “Star Wars” as well, please tell me so. If he does, I’ll worship him forever, because none of my friends ever understood me and my love for “Star Wars”. I’m telling you, that’s what we should study in school!

“Man, you like “Star Wars”?”

“Uhm, yep, I love it.”

Wow…he loved it! That’s gotta be my lucky day. I couldn’t contain my laugh and I punched softly his arm and then asked him if he was free in the afternoon and wanted to come with me and watch a movie of “Star Wars” and I had to push him a bit, ‘cause the kid was damn shy, but he finally agreed and couldn’t be happier for that.


Yeah, thinking back then, I was damn glad I pushed him a bit, because we became really good friends and I liked his company, it was quiet, calm, considerate, funny and sweet, never saying something moronic, always smiling in a very cute and spontaneous way and never getting tired of talking about the same things over and over.

“C’mon Jas, let’s go to my place, you don’t have to worry about anything. I’ll be there with you the entire time and I hardly think he’ll be around.” I avoided saying his name.

“Well…uhm..don’t know, I don’t want to disturb you or anything..” Err...why was he blushing?

“Man, what you talking about? I just invited you. Come over, my mum will be probably there and you’ll love her. You’ll see how many video-games I have and DVDs and books…oh crap, I even have a chess board with “Star Wars” characters.” Yeah, I had that.

“You play chess?” He asked curios.

“Nah, that’s too tricky for me, but I like it there.” Jasper chuckled at that and then shook his head. “So, you coming, right? My bedroom is a sanctuary, you’ll love it.”

He shot me quite a strange look, probably thinking about something and then smiled.

“Sure, uhm…ok. So, see you later?”

“You bet.” I grinned widely and winked.

I ran to class and was late of a couple of minutes, so our literature teacher gave me a crooked glare and mumbled something about hopeless jocks. I rolled my eyes at word “jock”, ‘cause never considered myself one, and then sank in my seat, River and Derek smirking at me. I grinned back and tried to pay attention to class, but sure was hard task and the fact the subject was an endless tedium didn’t help much; I may have zoned out a couple of times. Alright, the entire time, but cut some slack, will you?

And why didn’t they take my request for changing this damn class? They agreed with Sasha, so he could spend more time dirty-talking with Travis, but guess they did out of fear. I chuckled, probably loudly, because the teacher sent me another crooked and annoyed glare, before going back to explain something about…about…had no idea, I’ll ask Derek later. Yeah, my best buddy was very good sometimes at using his physical presence and his hard cold stare to get people out of his way or to settle down some issues.


River and I exchanged a look and smirked at each other. Yeah dude, we had already understood one another and we were damn right, as usual. I mean, we had been there already with Alex, but he was a case of its own.

You couldn’t miss the dofus-like grin our friend had on his face right now and how Kevin pissed him off earlier in the cafeteria; but what was amusing was the fact he hadn’t noticed himself. However, it wasn’t totally funny to pick on him, because he was clueless. Plus, he was such an out-going and easy-going dude that it would take forever to annoy him or make him snap. Sure not like Alex.

So, now I had to count another friend passing on the other side? Probably, but not certainly. At this pace only Hayden and I would stay on this side. I mentally chuckled at that. River was right, though; they were the best and worst combination at the same time. Well yeah, super shy and timid cutie and super dense and blunt bear, what a joke. Alright, I didn’t miss the fact Jasper had a crush for the other hockey beast, because his expressions and smiles were too honest, and don’t get me start with his blushing. That was really something to see.

Wondered what Travis and Alex thought about that, because I knew Jasper and Travis were best mates; didn’t even try to figure out what Hayden thought, if he even noticed something, because it was pointless. Nah, he hadn’t. He was gone for my sister, oblivious to anything else aside hockey, and I had already given up on that, well, almost given up; it was still funny to play the brother card.

But hey, Diane was super happy with him, so why should I sulk about that, dudes? No reason.

I remembered then what Kevin said, he wanted to come and try basketball and I bet it’s going to be fun, especially having him around at lunch.

“What are you smirking for?” River murmured beside me.

“Nothing much, just thinking about how funny is going to be this new semester.”

“Oh, I couldn’t agree more.” He turned and winked.

Right dude, this semester was going to rock; I just knew it.

Author's chit-chat:

What will happen in the next chapter? Will Anatoly show his face or not? Who knows...who knows..

Well, sure Jasper will blush and fidget a lot in the next chapter :-)

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