CH. 7 Blame the horny beast (Part 2)

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Hi :-)) So as promised part 2 is out and that was quite soon :-)) THANK YOU soooo much for all your comments on part 1, I know, Dima is terrible...let's see what happens here!

Hope you'll enjoy it, let me know!! Here is introduced the 2nd rival, let's see what you think of him...of Stevie ^.^

On the right a picture of Steven --> Paddy Mitchell

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to azer90 to thank you for the amazing banners you always make for me, thanks love <3

Enjoy xox


I decided to ring the damn door bell and get over with it; I had a date and sure needed it. She opened the door and smiled tilting her head to the side, immediately slipping her hand on mine.

“Hi Dmitri, how are you?” Her voice held that flirty note promising something, just like her short and tight clothes. Hmm, sort of hot.

“Hey.” I grinned at her and leaned down to kiss her, but her strong and sugary perfume stopped me. Argh, it was too sweet for my taste, never understood why they had the necessity to choke you with that. I simply took a strand of her hair my hair. “You ready? I think the movie will start soon, if I remember well.”

“Why don’t we skip the cinema and watch something here? I have many DVDs and a very comfortable couch.” She moved closer to me and slipped her hand up to my bicep. Nice, see? A chick touching was way better than a dude’s. Wasn’t it? Hmm, right?

She sure was straightforward and made things easier, so yeah, let’s skip the cinema.

“Sure, sounds good to me.” I stepped forward and closed the door behind me.

Donna took my hand and winking, she led me to the living room. I sat there and something bugged my head and bit my neck; something was making me restless at the moment and didn’t let me enjoy the view of her purposely bending down to show me her hot tight butt while messing with the DVD player. Man, this wasn’t the moment to think, this was the moment to act and that was the plan for tonight. I mean, look at her legs and ass, they were inviting, weren’t they?  By the way, what were my friends up to, tonight? Forgot to ask them, but guess Sasha was going out with Travis, right…going out, sure man. I chuckled, thinking at them and suddenly remembered Jasper.

He had avoided me the entire day and that was crystal clear by his short answers. I asked him if he wanted to stay over for practice, but said his brother was coming home and went away with Travis and Kevin. Darn it, bet it was his fault, because Jas never left without saying something or wishing me to enjoy the training and today he barely munched out a “bye” and waited for Travis somewhere else. Wait a moment, did I do or say something stupid? Nah, he would have told me.

Donna sat beside me and leaned her head on my shoulder, placing her hand on my thigh. Promising position. I let my arm go around her shoulders and waited for her to move her fingers, needing to feel the touch. They slowly skimmed up and down and I relaxed down, wanting to feel more of it. She moved them up and my body recognized the familiar tingling sensation. I felt her lips on my neck and I breathed hard, liking the touch.

Liking it…who was I kidding? I wasn’t feeling anything. Not a thing.

I concentrated harder on her fingers getting closer and closer to the target, her soft lips teasing my skin and her hair tickling my ear…I wanted to feel it, I had to feel it. My eyes closed to shut down any other distraction and that signed the end. In my head someone else was brushing my hair and teasing my earlobe and it wasn’t … damn, forgot her name. I froze on the couch and shot open my eyes.

What the hell was I doing here? This was … wrong.

I wasn’t feeling anything and it was actually beginning to annoy me, her perfume was too strong, her touch too harsh and clueless, her fingers didn’t send shivers down my spine and I wasn’t getting hard at all, not even if I concentrated on it. Man, what the hell was going on?

I stood up suddenly and breathed hard. I didn’t understand it, this wasn’t normal. I wished someone was there touching me and sure wasn’t this chick here. I swallowed down hard and ran my hands on my hair, wanting to bang my head somewhere. This was all Sasha’s fault, his and his damn physical love for Travis.

“Is everything ok?” She asked widening her eyes and readjusting on the couch her posture.

“Yes…” I blurted out. I looked at her, scanning her exposed and tanned legs, her curvy hips, her upper curves generously showing from her top. And I felt damn nothing. This wasn’t normal. Everything wasn’t ok. “No, no. That’s not ok.” I blabbed, ruffling nervously my hair.

“Dima, what it’s going on?” She stood up and stretched her hand on my hair.

“Dmitri.” I corrected her automatically and moved away her hand. Dima was only for my close friends and family.

“What? What’s your problem?” Her voice went up and she was getting now annoyed.

“Nothing, gotta go.” I turned and went to walk away, but she grabbed my arm.

“Wait a moment, what do you mean you have to go? You just came here and you seemed enjoying it, so I don’t understand. Maybe we should date another day?”

Another date? Was she out of her mind?

“Listen, I’ve gotta go and no more dates, that’s enough.” Her face dropped and her lips curled up. What’s the point in finding an excuse? This was stupid. “See you Dana.”

“Dana?” She shrieked. Ops, guess got the wrong name. “Who on Earth is Dana? My name is Donna and not Dana.” She stomped her foot and pushed me back with her hand. Right, felt nothing, just like a fly. Why getting so over dramatic? Bet she didn’t even know my surname.

“Sorry, just used the wrong name. Donna, Dana...they’re similar.” Why was she pulling out such a fuss? C’mon man, this wasn’t a romantic date, the movie was an excuse. Look at her clothes and at the way she just jumped on me at first, not even needing a move from me. What was she expecting?

And there it came.


“You’re an a-hole.” She cried out, her palm hitting my cheek. It didn’t hurt, didn’t sting, nothing. Just irritated me. Why was the drama always so necessary? She just invited me over to sleep with me for crying out loud and I then realized didn’t wanna it, because it wasn’t right.

I shrugged it off and shook my head. Sasha was damn right; people could really be a pain in the neck sometimes.

“Whatever. I’m going now.”

I left her house and once out my head felt like cracking in two. I turned on some music and drove around a bit, then stopped somewhere and pulled out my phone to call my best buddy.

“Dima, you good?” Sasha asked in Russian.

“Yes, just wanted to talk to you for a moment.” I heard Travis’s voice in the back and realized I probably just interrupted something. I should have thought before calling him. “Sorry man, didn’t realize you were with Travis.”

“It’s ok, we’re watching a movie at his place and he just said hi to you.” He had switched to English and the phone passed to him. “Hi Dima, want to join us? We are watching “Star Wars”, cutie lent us the DVD.”

“Is Jasper there with you guys?” I immediately asked.

“No, he went out tonight.” He sniggered and I froze. Jasper went out tonight? That was a joke right? And with whom he went out? Don’t tell me with Texas guy, no, that was wrong. My heart began to pump faster and my palms to sweat.

“What do you mean he went out? On a date? That’s not possible.” Jasper wasn’t the type of guy to go on date randomly. Travis snorted something and bet what I said pissed him off.

“Hell, you trying to say that Jasper has no chances for dating? Is that what you think, blockhead?” Wow, he got fierce and I should have seen that coming. Sasha told him something and heard him breathing out. “Sorry, didn’t mean to insult you, but you know me. Speaking of date, weren’t you supposed to be on a date tonight?”

“I just left now, wasn’t in the mood.” Yeah and that earned me another slap. Bet Jasper would laugh at that. Jasper! What the hell, was he really on a date? “Is Jasper on a date, man?”

“What’s your problem? You can date and he cannot?”

“I’m not saying that, just wondering…tell me it’s not that guy, he’s not right for him…” Travis burst out laughing and I tried to understand what was so funny here.

“Hell, you seriously are the most hilarious person I know. Jasper went to the airport; did you forget his brother is arriving this evening?” Man, that was right. I sighed in relief and massaged my temples, my head now killing me with a major and splitting headache.

“Right, forgot about that for a moment.”

“Well, I’ll let you talk to Alexi, sorry for snapping at you.” I grinned, Travis was really cool; I liked him.

“No worries, it was called for. Don’t want to interrupt you guys.”

“Dima, told you we are watching a movie and you heard Travis, come over and join us.” My friend understood something was on my mind, but it wouldn’t be right to barge there and bother their date. They had enough crap last month because of that piece of junk and I just wanted to let them enjoy their time together. Then he asked him something. “Where are you going, baby?” Travis said something, but didn’t hear a word and then Sasha talked to me in Russian. “Are you really fine?”

“Of course, just had a stupid night and wanted to complain about it with my best man, but you are with your boyfriend.”

“He went to the kitchen to get something to eat.” He softly chuckled. “That was an excuse to give us time and privacy to talk. So why was the date bad? Told you today you would waste time, as usual. Don’t tell me she slapped you?”

“How did you guess?” He burst out laughing his ass off.

“You’re hopeless, know that? Mate, if you don’t feel like joining us, I understand you, just go home and concentrate about tomorrow.”

“Ha, and you? Sure not going to concentrate tonight, right?”

“I am going to get fired up for tomorrow, getting plenty of energy.” He said that with an evilly amused voice. Right, who said sex wasn’t good for sport?

“Alright, I’ll go home and watch something on TV or play a game; those for sure won’t slap me.”

“Dima? Why don’t you call Jasper?”

“Nah, he’s with his brother, don’t want to disturb him, plus I’ll see him tomorrow at the game.” Damn, he was coming with that Kevin guy, wasn’t he? Who the hell invited him anyway? Crap, Jasper did it.

“I am sure you won’t disturb him, you guys seem to be very good friends.”

I thought for a moment about what he said and decided to call him. To be honest, I still wanted to talk to him since this morning. I let my best buddy go and thanked him; just a couple of his words had me feel less idiotic and restless.

I got back home and saw Anatoly hanging in the living room with a pissed face and bet had to thank Oleg for that. Mum greeted me from the kitchen and asked why I was already home, simply told her the date was cancelled; she smiled and hugged, telling me she just made my favorite. I think she was in a good mood because my twin had spent the entire day here, without messing around as usual. I was hungry, so I gulped down dinner and went back to my room.

Right, let’s call Jasper and let’s hope he wasn’t still pissed at me.


I had no idea how I would have made it today without Travis and then uhm, Kevin. He understood something was wrong with me and then asked me, but didn’t feel like telling him about Dima. Boy, he got that anyway and said to cheer up. Uhm, not sure about the cheering up part. When that pretty girl, so confident and smiley, approached him and touched him I felt like wanting to run away, but when he flirted back and told her he would pick her up at six, I felt like disappearing and wished the ground would swallow me for good.

Travis was mad at him, he didn’t need to say anything, boy, he murmured him with a couple of glares and that somehow made me giggle.

But he and Nic were wrong this time. Dima was straight and there was nothing to do about that. I sighed, for the thousandth time. Uhm, I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t. I behaved like a coward at lunch, avoiding him and keeping hidden behind Travis and Kevin, not able to properly look at him or talk without feeling the pain. Travis told me to go see his practice, but I wanted to skate, so here I was now with my friends, even though I wasn’t here.

“Jasper, for the nth time, will you tell me what’s wrong with you today? You’re not even skating.” Steven stood in front of me, leaning on his skateboard and brushing aside his dirty blonde hair.

“Uhm, nothing Stevie.” He narrowed his eyes and creased his eyebrows. Ugh, he wasn’t going to let it go. “Just had a discussion with mum today.”

“Find another one, ok? Know you too well and I can tell it has nothing to do with your snobbish parents.” He sat down beside me and waited for me to talk, but didn’t want to talk about it, it was too painful.

“It’s nothing, really.” I looked down at my hands and sighed again.

“It’s that huge blonde one, right?” I narrowed my eyes at his word, my face went suddenly hot and red and fidgeting I turned to look at him. How did he know about Dima? I haven’t told them a word.

“Jas, you didn’t need to tell me a word about that idiot, I had to simply see you with him and don’t give me the crap you guys are just friends, because you can save that for Travis. I know with him you really are friends, but with that blonde one? Spare me.” His voice was slightly altered and bitter. Boy, he really didn’t like Dmitri.

“Oh boy, he’s not an idiot Stevie. Why you uhm, dislike him so much?” I was actually curios about that, because he liked Travis.

“I think you’re just wasting time with him, that’s all. You deserve someone that will make you smile every day and that will make you realize what an incredible person you are.” Steven stole my hat and messed my hair. “Jasper you should just look around more carefully and you’ll find someone else.”

I giggled because he tickled my neck and that reminded me of Dima. My giggling stopped.

“It’s not so easy and I don’t want someone else now.” I shook my head and jumped up. I needed to skate a bit. “Bet you can’t still make a proper Ollie Impossible.” I smirked and flipped the skateboard back to skate.

“Is that a challenge?” Stevie smirked back and we bumped fists together. “Bring it on.”

I giggled and pushing with my foot the ground, I sped up on the skateboard and left everything behind me. I slalomed around few obstacles we brought today and then spotted a short handrail and jumped, made a 90 degree Ollie and grinded on the bar with my board, lending them back on the ground. I turned back and my friends joined me. Andy landed and then managed to flip it around in the air and, grabbing with both hands, he sort of stood for a second in vertical.

Mike clapped made some other stunts, while Stevie skated towards me and challenged me in the Impossible. So I placed the tip of my back foot on the tail and pressured it while jumping, the skateboard lifted in the air, I moved the same foot swiping it around and swiping the board, which rotated of 360° in the air and we both landed on the ground.

“Yo mate, you’re always the best in those tricks.” Mike cheered.

“Uhm, thanks.” I shifted my gaze at Stevie and challenged him to do the same.

He playfully scoffed and then smile. He made a very good Impossible, but his landing wasn’t very stable and almost fell back.

“Ah, you’re right Jas, I still suck at this.” He skated around me, took a bit of speed and executed a wonderful Hardflip pretzel, landing with his legs crossed on the skateboard. I couldn’t contain my grinning, boy, he was amazing at that.

“After you.” He winked and I just repeated the same trick. Stevie rolled his gray-green eyes and then we all skated to the half pipe.

With Nic at home everything was different; mother concentrated more on him and questioned him about his job, avoiding any question about his uhm, sexual orientation. They still haven’t digested the news, well, mother for sure hadn’t and father had no much idea. Dad had dinner with us, spared few words, questioned me about school and then surprised me asking about Travis. Boy, I stared at him blinking a couple of times before answering. He actually just asked me about my best friend, and uhm, that was something new.

“Uhm, he is fine, completely recovered, father.” I was sweating bullets under his firm and severe stare and my mother’s observing gaze. I mentally checked if anything was out of place, but my back and arms were stiff, which meant I was sitting super straight.

“That is good to hear; I am sure Mrs. Henderson will take care of everything.” He checked the time on his watch and then stood up. “I shall see you later. Nicholas, well done for the promotion.”

“Thank you.” Nic simply replied.

Once dinner was finally over and I could relax my body, we just walked to my room and both slumped on my bed uhm, exhausted. Oh boy, dining here was a draining experience.

“Boy Jasper, I forgot what it meant to dine with our parents.” He sat up and eased his shirt, opening the first two buttons. I noticed he wasn’t anymore wearing the ring his boyfriend gave him and asked him.

“Uhm, Nic? Why you are not wearing anymore the ring your boyfriend gave you?”

He sighed and shook his head.

“We broke up months ago because I found out he had cheated on me.” My eyes and mouth snapped wide open and he offered me a reassuring smile. “It’s ok, I don’t really care about that, and it wasn’t the first time it happened. When he cheated the first time, he came and confessed and I tried to forgive him just because of his honesty, but then … then he took advantage of it and exploited it. Jasper, I don’t want to depress you with my past story, tell me about your friends, school and … Dima?”

“Nic, why you are still living with him?” He sighed again and stood up, pacing around the room.

“He had some problem with his family and went through a very difficult and bad moment; therefore I let him stay and tried to help him.” Nic sat on the chair at the desk and took a book, reading the title. Oh boy, it was the book Dima lent me. “You really like “Star Wars”, isn’t it?”

“Uhm, yes…well uhm, Dima gave me that book.” Now it was me sighing and he smiled warmly at me. “I think you and Travis weren’t right, because he is… well, he..” I sighed more and plopped on my back, covering my face with both hands. “He is out on a date tonight.”

My brother chuckled and I looked at him. Uhm, why was he laughing at that?

“Jasper, believe me and trust me when I say that men can be more complicated than women sometimes, especially young teenager facing confusion.”

“I don’t think you are..” The phone rang somewhere in the room and I looked for it. Probably it was Kevin asking me something for tomorrow. I found it in my school bag and when I saw the ID, I froze.

“You’re not going to answer?”

“Uhm, it-it…it’s Dima. Boy, why is he calling now?” My voice tremble and my eyes stared at it in confusion.

“So, he should be on a date and he is calling you?” He chuckled more and motioned for me to answer, then left the room.

“Uhm…hi?” I murmured, sitting down on the floor and dragging my knees up and together.

“Hey Jas, how are you?” He sounded his usual self and heard some noise around him. Boy, he didn’t call while he was with that girl right? I didn’t say anything, just stayed in silence. “Man, you there? Jasper?” I didn’t know what to say. “Are you mad at me?”

“Wh-what?” Oh boy, did he figure out something?

“You didn’t talk to me today and you looked sort of pissed, I’m sorry, I can be an idiot sometimes..”

I gulped and closed my eyes for a couple of seconds, not understand why he was calling me now.

“Dima? Why are you calling now, aren’t you on a date?” I surprised myself, for the first time I spoke out calm and confident; uhm well, confident was too big of a word for me. He laughed loud and that made me chuckled with him.

“Nah, I don’t know what happened, but couldn’t stay there; it felt weird and just left after few minutes I was there. And then she slapped me because I called her with another name.” It was mean to do, but right now I didn’t care and simply laughed at my heart content. Boy, it must have been quite funny to see it. “Man, you’re pretty mean for laughing at me. Joking Jas. You know what? I missed out chats today, wanted to talk to you and so I decided to call and oh crap!”

What’s wrong?” I asked.

“You’re with your brother right now and I keep talking no-stop. Sorry. I giggled at that. Right now nothing mattered to me; he had said he missed out usual chatting and wanted to talk to me. Oh boy, I heard that well, right?

“Don’t worry, Nic is resting now.” Which was probably true.

We talked for a while and he told me what happened with his dad and brother in the kitchen and I gasped and paled down at the idea of Dima fighting with…him, and then felt bad for them all, because they clearly had a problem they didn’t know how to resolve. I asked about practice and told him about skateboarding.

“So you really coming with Nic tomorrow? ‘Cause you know I can give you both a lift, I don’t mind that.” He asked.

“Uhm, no it’s ok and you know, uhm, Kevin is coming as well.” He snorted at that and I just giggled. He couldn’t conceal any sort of emotions and when he didn’t like someone, it was all over his face, but why he didn’t like Kevin? “You really don’t like him, hmm?”

“He’s just too…too... too something.” He grunted and then cursed. “Damn, just stepped on the remote control.”

“What are you doing?”

“I was watching a movie, but not so funny alone, you should be here, so we could talk about it.”

I shook my head; he had me back to my good mood and couldn’t wait to see the game. I wished him good night and then rushed into my brother’s bedroom and we talked until I fell asleep.


The school stadium was completely packed today and good thing Derek and Travis were there earlier; I spotted as well Xander and Jess with them and then Dima on the ice, skating around with Alex and River.

We sat right in the front raw and my best friend couldn’t keep still for two second in row. Boy, was he edgy for the game. I looked back to the rink and saw our friends exchanging passes at the light speed, Dima looking so powerful, even bigger and more intimidating with the hockey equipment on, skating fast and uhm, aggressive, attacking the ice with the blades of the skates and swinging the stick precisely and quickly. Then he stopped, scanned the public and when our glances met, he waved the stick in the air and skated to us.

“Hey Jas, how you doing? Ready for the show?” Dima was grinning like a Cheshire cat and his euphoria was affecting me, too.

“Yep, ready.”

Alex and River skated towards us as well and they all had adrenaline in full power, all overexcited and edgy to begin playing.

“You guys are fast.” Kevin said suddenly, standing now beside me. “But Hayden seems a badass goalie, not easy to foul him, right?”

“You bet cowboy, Hayden is the best goalie.” Dima eyed him strangely, but then shrugged his gigantic shoulders and grinned. “Gotta go Jasper, see you later.”

The coached had called them and they all skated back; soon the game began and as Travis would say, it was pure, uhm, hell. The other team was very aggressive and made lots of fouls, losing soon their calm and coolness and starting to just fight. My eyes never left Dima’ uniform, always glued to it and following every single pass; I understood what Travis said once, about watching Alex playing hockey and finding that a uhm well, … turn on. Oh boy, I just said it and felt my face suddenly boiling. I peeked at my sides, to see if someone noticed my reaction, but they were all concentrated on the game, Nic as well, watching it intently.

I turned back to the match and glued again my eyes on Dima. He had just clashed against an opponent and the guy shoved him away, with little success; I gripped my seat sweating cold when the same guy charged Dima with a teammate, tucking him on the ice with incredible violence, making him hit the head harshly. What was that? Get off him! I jumped up and yelled a couple of curses to them, then calmed down and went back to Dima. Oh boy, was he ok? Oh boy, was he injured? Did they just break something? I was so going to kick their butts.

Alex skated there and shoved one away and before things began to get wilder, the referee stopped the game. Alex and another teammate helped Dima up and he shook his head and moved his neck. He stood in front of them and showed them three fingers. Uhm, what was that supposed to mean?

“I bet he’s going to get his personal revenge.” Derek said, now laughing. Oh, so that meant how many goals he wanted to make.

“Hell, they’ll kick their ass.”

And Travis was right. The first goal came from Alex, after a breath-taking and almost impossible to follow exchange with River. The following two came from Dima. Oh boy…was he hot when playing like that. I found myself breathing heavier than normal and at first it scared me, but then I understood it was because of him. Watching Dima playing like a huge bear was … exciting, uhm…hot. Oh boy, I was sure the temperature of my face could have melted easily the ice, but uhm well, that really was exciting. He didn’t care about opponents, breaking through their defense with force and power, pushing them away or down, but always fair. He skated forward and passed to Alex, which passed back, faster forward, stopping suddenly to make a turn, sliding the stick and puck on the ice, then charged and GOAL!!!

I jumped up with Travis and we both cheered and shouted like two lunatics, jumping up and down on our seats. Derek joined us and after the third goal Kevin darted up and cheered, too.

What Stevie told me yesterday came back to my mind and maybe he was right, but there was nothing to do about it, I liked Dima very much and no one was like him.

When the game was over, with their victory, they all skated to us and I could tell Travis and Alex couldn’t wait to be alone. Nic exchanged few words with Hayden and River, complimenting them for the game; my brother had enjoyed it very much.

“Jasper!” Dima called me and grinned at him like a silly idiot. I was so happy for their victory and seeing his shining eyes I couldn’t resist the smiling and cheering. “You free today? We’re going to have lunch and then how about going to the cinema?”

“Hmm, cinema. That’s a nice idea.” Kevin mused and leaned on me, hugging my shoulders with one arm. “And what should we go watching?”

“Hey, I asked Jasper, not you.” Dima grunted. Uhm, it was so strange for him to act like that. Kevin smirked and leaned closer now brushing his cheek on mine and tickling me with his hair. I giggled and poked his side, but he wasn’t ticklish.

“Relax big boy, I don’t have anyway time this afternoon.” He winked at me and whispered in my ear. “Maybe another day?”

“Uhm, sure.”

“Sure, what?” Barked out Dmitri in a question.

“Nothing, it’s secret.” Kevin joked, letting go of me. “It was cool to see you play, you guys are awesome.”

“Thanks man.” Hayden had joined us and so did the others. “How about lunch together? I think Diane will join us soon.”

“Sounds good, I’m starving.”

I looked at my brother, not sure he would feel comfortable to spend time with my friends, because uhm, they all were way younger than he was, but he simply smiled and nodded. He was the best brother ever.

“Hey cutie, did you like it?” Travis jumped on my neck and hugged me tight. “I can’t wait to be just with Alexi…he’s always so wild and beasty after a game, I love him and the way he destroys me.”

I blushed madly for what he said and giggled at the same time, then suddenly thought about Dima and wondered how it would be kissing or anything of the sort with him after a game…would he be as well uhm, wild? Oh boy, what was I thinking about?? And uhm, I don’t even think I am into … uhm, well…you know, hard and wild things. Oh boy! I wanted to hide somewhere now. Travis and his dirty mind were to be blamed for that, but…would he really be wild?

They came out from the changing room and he walked confident and grinning, the bag hanging on his shoulder and his hair still damp from the shower. My mouth dried up and I swallowed down, feeling the same tingling and tightening sensation I felt when his lips accidentally brushed my ear. Dima was wearing a checkered white and black shirt left open over a tight white t-shirt, and dark blue jeans. He...he was…I didn’t know how to say it, but felt the urge to touch him and I shook my head telling me to stop staring at him like this.

He stopped in front of me, his eyes gleaming and beaming wide and warm, then turned to Nic and greeted him shaking hands.

“Great match, Dmitri.”

“Thanks man.” Nic discreetly peeked at me and winked. I slightly blushed and then I felt his big and strong arm going around my shoulders. I froze, uhm well, more likely I melted there and peered up at his smiling blue eyes. “Lunch? I am starving.”

“Yeah, lunch.” I muttered, trying to control my reactions and expressions.

He wore as well cologne, his usual warm and reassuring cologne, and I found my body leaning into his hug. I froze and pulled back, but his arm didn’t let me. He was now casually talking to Derek and Nic and I stared at his face and thought about what could have happened if he wouldn’t have had left that girl. Something gripped painfully my guts and told me to shut the thought away, because nothing happened.

I looked back at him and our eyes met; he smiled and ruffled my hair. Boy, was I happy he left that girl and then called me.

Author's chit-chat:

So, happy for how things went with Dima and the date? He sure needed to realize it...

How did you like Steven and the skateboarding scenes? I had to read stuff to write it, because I don't very much about it, but it's super cool to read about the tricks, they are amazing!!

Ok, next chapter...Dima will meet Stevie? Who knows ;-)

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