twenty two • memory

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Clayton looks completely and utterly freaked out.

I don't really blame him; Hannah and I are both teenage girls with long nails and angry expressions on our face, and we have been cornering him ever since he opened the door. But I have no intention of letting him slip past us this time. Clayton's mouth opens and closes, sort of like a fish, but when nothing slips past his lips, Hannah impatiently snaps, "Are you going to let us in?"

Clayton's thin eyebrows furrow. "Um, how do you know where I live?"

"I have my ways," Hannah says. That only seems to freak out Clayton even more- really, all we did was search it up on Hannah's phone- but I suppose that the more intimidating we are the better, so I don't say anything.

Hannah repeats, "Are you going to let us in?"

"I don't even know who you are-"

"Hannah and Kinsley," I explain quickly. "We've met before."

"I don't remember-"

"Then hello, I'm Hannah and this is my friend Kinsley, nice to meet you. Will you let us in now?"

Clayton doesn't reply, just looks at us with wide eyes, so eventually Hannah gets fed up and pushes past him, her patience obviously at its end. After what we found out about Richard mine is too, so I simply follow her and push past him to make myself. Clayton doesn't even put up a fight- just stands at the door, flabbergasted.

Finally, he snaps out of it. Turning to us, he stutters out, "Uh- what, what do you need? Like, what you want?" Clayton groans, seeming frustrated with his own awkwardness. "What do you want, goddamn it?"

"We need to talk to you," Hannah claims. Clayton looks confused, but eventually sighs- seemingly accepting the fact that we're not going anywhere- and closes the door.

"About what?"

"Did Richard come visit you this morning?" I ask, getting right to it.

Clayton furrows his eyebrows, looking even more confused than before. "Richard? I don't know a Richard. But no, no one came to visit me this morning."

Hannah and I share a look. Of course Richard lied about that; he didn't want us possibly going to Clayton and actually getting the information we need, so he lied and said that he had already done so. However, the whole 'I've never met a so-and-so' before is something that we've already heard before, so Hannah decides to continue questioning, "Are you sure you don't know a Richard? He's tall and lanky, with blonde hair and blue eyes."

Clayton rubs his collarbone, where his 'x' tattoo lays, frowning. "Does he live on Duffer Circle?"

"No, he's from an orphanage."

Clayton just looks even more hopelessly confused. "No, I'm sorry. I've never met someone from the orphanage. Well, I mean, besides..."

Clayton trails off, so I finish for him. "Levi."

He nods. "Yeah. Levi." Clayton rubs his temple, sighing agitatedly. "Is there anything else you wanted?"

Hannah looks to me, just a bit of uncertainty sparking in her eyes before they flood with determination again. She rolls her shoulders back. "We need to talk to you about the night of the accident."

"What about it?"

I ask, "Did Finn seem... kind of strange that night?"

Clayton shrugs, "Nah, not really. We got a little drunk so he was stumbling around a bit but other than that, he was totally fine. Why?"

I ignore the question and continue to press, "And Finn got in the back seat, right?"

"Yeah. Levi's mom was driving, the police said that they switched seats after they stopped for coffee, or something like that. I don't really know the details."

Hannah furrows her eyebrows, staring Clayton down. "How drunk was Finn?"

"Just a bit, really. Nothing serious." Hannah and I share another look, taking in what Clayton had said. So far, nothing seems to be pointing huge warning signs to Finn. Sure, he was a bit tipsy- but according to the police, Levi had been the one behind the wheel, and they had done a test. There was no alcohol influence. When neither Hannah nor I say anything, Clayton groans. "Why?"

Hannah sighs. "We're both fucked, anyway," she tells me. "Nothing to lose." Clayton looks scared at those words, but Hannah simply turns to him and begins to recite the story. Clayton's eyes get wider and wider and his jaw drops as he listens to mine and Hannah's experiences, at Finn's confession and Richard's betrayal.

When she's done, Clayton looks at a complete loss for words. Finally, he seems find his voice and says, "Do you have any leads?"

"We wanted to get into his medical files," I explain. "To see his injuries. The police were a little confused how he got a head injury from where he was sitting. We were hoping comparing Finn's and Levi's medical files could help us figure something out."

Clayton purses his lips, looking extremely hesitant to say something. I don't push him this time, rather letting him take his time to decide whether or not to share a piece of information that's obviously bothering him with us. Finally, he slowly says, "I might be able to help you with that."

My eyebrows shoot right up. "Are you serious?"

Clayton shifts awkwardly. "If what you're saying is true then... I might be able to help. My dad works at the hospital, he has an account on his office computer with access to medical files. I... I know the password."

I stare at him for a couple of seconds. Then a couple of seconds more. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one- from the corner of my eye, Hannah is gaping, her whole face written with shock. "Are you... You're serious, right?"

Clayton looks ready to roll his eyes. "Yes!"

Hannah and I share a look of disbelief before I finally find it in myself to snap out of it. Once I do, I'm quick to say, "Then what are you goddamn waiting for? Show us!"

Clayton nods, pushing past us while gesturing for us to follow. He still looks pretty unsure of himself, but at least he's not stumbling over his words anymore. He leads us down a hallway, with high ceilings and expensive hardwood. We reach the end of the corridor to find two glass doors- the entrance to a huge home office.

Clayton pushes open the door. We follow him in, Hannah and I scanning our surroundings. It's nothing really special- bookshelves, a coffee machine in the corner, a huge desk with a desktop computer, a printer and a stack of papers with a pen laying atop of it. Clayton sits down in the cushioned seat behind the computer, moving the mouse around a little to make the desktop turn on.

Hannah and I make out way around the desk to lean over his shoulder and see what he's doing, but it's no use. Clayton moves so fast that we can't even keep track. It takes a while- sometimes, Clayton leans forward, narrowing his eyes at the screen and looking perplexed before he quickly leans back again and continues typing- but Hannah and I still keep our eyes locked to the screen. This could be it- this could be the answer to everything. We could finally figure things out because of an awkward boy who had been so nervous he gave us a fake name.

Oh, how the world worked in strange ways.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Clayton says, "Here. I got Finn's file."

I refrain from pushing him over and instead lean forward, fitting my body around the huge chair to read the screen. There's a bunch of stuff I don't understand, like blood pressure and stuff, but there is one thing I understand- a broken arm with seven week recovery time. That's it. That's all Finn got in the accident.

But it doesn't even make sense- from the way the car had been positioned and the way the tree fell on the car, Finn should have much worse.

"Okay..." I sigh, running a hand down my face. "Can you pull up Levi's?"

Clayton nods, biting down on his lip as he focuses on finding Levi's. It doesn't take him as long as it took him to find Finn's though, and soon enough my heart is pounding as Clayton leans back, Levi's medical file of the night of the accident up on the screen.

I scan through the blood pressure stuff until my eyes land on what I was really looking for- the head injury. Trauma to the left temple, concussion, six week recovery time and...


Holy shit.

Memory loss of the past twenty-four hours.

I step back so quickly that Hannah and Clayton jump at my sudden movements. I can't help it though- my heart suddenly feels like its in my throat. It won't stop pounding because suddenly I know- I know.

Don't try to remember.

There was a reason Finn was always the good talker and Levi was always the good listener. There was a reason Levi never dreamt about the actual accident. There was a reason Levi got a head injury- something that would've made more sense in the back seat- and Finn only got off with a broken arm. There's a reason Finn drinking that night is a big deal.

Finn didn't just lie to the police- he lied to Levi, planted a story into his head where Levi had been the one to kill his parents. Levi had no choice but to believe it- he couldn't remember the actual accident, and any other witnessed (Levi's mom and dad) were gone. He manipulated Levi into believing it was his fault. But in reality...

Levi wasn't even the one driving. Finn was.


Hooooooly shit I never thought I'd even get to this part of the story but I'm so so so happy I did. There's still a bit more confessions to come so stay tuned c; but anyway, if you enjoyed this please please vote and comment! I love you all so so so much (: xoxo

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