A Date With the Devil

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Y/n woke up to the sound of his alarm clock as the sun shone through the window.

Y/n: "Fuck me, I'm tired."

He stood up and did some stretches before working out. Once he was finished, he applied some deodorant and changed into his running gear.

Y/n's morning runs allowed him time to reflect on what had happened the previous day. He still could hardly believe that, of all people, he managed to land Rias Gremory as his girlfriend.

He then saw the old man that was running a diner with his wife trying to lift some boxes into the store.

He chuckled and jogged over.

Y/n: "Need a hand, Mr. Yajima?"

Mr. Yajima smiled when he saw the six foot four young man walking over.

Yajima: "Ah, Y/n. I was wondering when you'd pass by."

Y/n: "You need any help here? These look kinda heavy."

Yajima: "Oh, don't worry about me. I'm fi- Gah!"

Y/n sighed as Yajima's back cracked. He then walked over and lifted two of the boxes onto his shoulders.

Y/n: "C'mon. I'll lend a hand."

Yajima looked up at Y/n and chuckled as he took in some smaller boxes. Yajima was a relatively short old man. Standing at five foot two. But he had lived a long and fulfilling life travelling the world.

Y/n saw the old photos of Yajima in places all over the world. But one stood out the most to him.

Y/n: "Hey, Mr. Yajima. You've never told me where you took that photo."

Yajima looked at the photograph of him as a boy standing among the ruins of an old shrine.

Yajima: "It was an old shrine in the Hokkaido mountains. Thousands of years old, easily. From what I understand the people there worshipped a kinda bird-like deity."

Y/n felt a chill run up his spine, but he shrugged it off and got back to bringing the other boxes in.

After half an hour, everything was brought into the diner as Yajima and his wife started unpacking the boxes.

Y/n checked his watch and sighed in relief as he still had plenty of time left before school started.

Yajima: "I really appreciate you helping out, Y/n. Next time you're in it'll be on the house."

Y/n: "That kinda works out perfectly then."

Yajima: "Oh?"

Y/n: "I...kinda got myself a girlfriend."

Yajima beamed at the young man before laughing heartily.

Yajima: "Aha! I knew you'd land one soon! I kept telling the missus but she always said you'd keep more to yourself!"

Y/n chuckled as he headed for the door.

Yajima: "So when can I meet the lucky girl then?"

Y/n was about to answer when he heard someone call his name. He looked over to his left and saw Rias running over to him with a smile on her face.

Y/n: "Right now as a matter of fact."

Yajima was confused until Rias ran straight into a hug. He then started to laugh as he could see the bright smile on both of their faces.

Yajima: "Well now! I expected someone pretty, but you've managed to exceed what I was expecting!"

Y/n laughed as Rias kept her arm around his own. Yajima was about to go on, but his wife called him into the kitchen, so he bid the two farewell as he went to go and prep for the breakfast rush and lunchtime.

Y/n and Rias then made their way back to his house so Y/n could get changed and they could head to school. Upon their arrival, Y/n saw both of his parents on the couch watching TV.

Y/n: "Yo, Mom, Dad. I got someone I want you to meet."

Yui and Gorou both looked over and their eyes widened as Rias took her shoes off at the door.

Y/n: "Mom, Dad. This is my girlfriend, Rias Gremory."

Yui: "Y-Your girlfriend!?"

Rias: "Did you not tell them?"

Y/n: "I wanted it to be a surprise."

Rias: "Fair enough then."

Gorou: "S-So that's why you were late home last night?"

Rias: "Pretty much. It was a bit awkward for both of us to be honest since we were kinda in the same position."

Yui: "Oh so it was a mutual feeling?"

Rias: "Mhm, that's right. I'm glad that it was as well."

Y/n: "I've certainly got no complaints."

Rias smiled before leaning her head on Y/n's shoulder.

Y/n: "Now then, where's Issei?"

Gorou: "Issei went off to meet his friends early today."

Y/n: "Okay then, I'll be down in half an hour at most. Gotta go take a shower and get dressed."

Y/n quickly hugged Rias before heading upstairs.

Yui: "Please, come take a seat. I'd like to learn more about the girl my son's fallen for."

Rias giggled and took a seat next to Yui on the couch. The two of them talked for a while about how Y/n was in school compared to when he was at home. Rias revealed to Yui and Gorou that Y/n was actually a lot more chilled out when he was at school. Usually hanging out with her in the library or with Sona in the student council room.

After twenty minutes, Y/n slid down the banister and got ready to head out.

Y/n: "Rias, you comin' or what?"

Rias smiled and walked to the door before pulling her shoes on.

Rias: "It was a pleasure meeting you both."

Yui: "Oh, the pleasure was all ours, Rias. Y/n, I'd look after her, she's a keeper."

Y/n laughed as he headed out with Rias to the school. Upon their arrival at the school gates, there was a variety of reactions. Girls being upset that Rias and Y/n were official, some guys being upset over the same thing. Some girls were even upset over the fact that Rias and Sona weren't going to be a ship that sailed.

There were some who were indifferent and a few that even supported the two, but Rias payed none of them any mind while Y/n just tried to keep a straight face while Rias had her arm around his own.

Rias: "So, you wanna go out this weekend?"

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm free on Sunday. That cool with you?"

Rias smiled up at the six foot four boy next to her and nodded. She then headed off to her first class of the day after swiftly planting a kiss on Y/n's left cheek. Obviously, there were a few jackasses who got jealous over this and made a consensus to try and fuck up their relationship as much as possible.

But we all know that that shit ain't gonna happen. Breaking a relationship requires braincells that they don't have.

When Y/n opened the door to his class, he was met by a pair of fists being thrown at his face. He merely tanked them both and swept his attackers onto the ground before planting one of his feet on Matsuda's throat.

Y/n: "Shoulda known you two'd try and pull somethin' like this."

Matsuda and Motohama both struggled to their feet after Y/n removed his boot from Matsuda's throat.

Matsuda: "You should know why we're pissed, Y/n Hyoudou!"

Y/n: "It's because I'm going out with Rias, isn't it?"

Perverted duo: "EXACTLY!!"

Y/n sighed and walked to his desk before the teacher walked in and began the lesson. It was a basic history class, but History was one of the few literary classes that Y/n enjoyed due to some slight tie-ins with mythology in some cases.

Teacher: "Can somebody name four historical figures from Japanese history."

Y/n: "Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Minamoto no Raikou, Sakata Kintoki and...Senji Muramasa."

Teacher: "Correct, Y/n."

Y/n smirked as he leaned back in his seat. Once school was over, Rias texted him where and when they should meet up.

He then headed to meet Issei at the gate and they headed home.

Issei: "So...how is it? Dating Rias?"

Y/n: "It's certainly something you'll never understand, Issei."

Issei: "Hey! I can get a girl!"

Y/n: "You can get a restraining order from one. Seriously, fix your attitude. Get better friends for fucks sake."

Issei: "Says the guy that literally only hangs out with chicks!"

Y/n: "I hang out with those I consider my friends. If I don't know someone then I'll at least try and be friendly towards them. But nine times out of ten, the guys are more interested in hanging out in their own little pity circle-jerks."

Issei: "Damn..."

The brothers walked home in silence and eventually, Sunday came about after Y/n panicked to get ready on Saturday.

He stood out in the plaza in the centre of Kuoh in a pair of dark grey jeans and a white short-sleeved T-shirt with a black denim jacket over the top.

Y/n: "I'm a few minutes early, so maybe I should take a seat."

Just as he thought that, Rias came into view. Y/n chuckled as she jogged over to him.

Rias: "You're here early."

Y/n: "I could say the same for you, Rias."

The two laughed before Rias clung to Y/n's arm and they started to walk around the town.

The first place they visited was the Aquarium. Rias looked around in awe at some of the rare fish that were kept in the tanks.

Once they were finished in the Aquarium, they moved on to play a round of Mini Golf. The two ended up tying in score and did Rock, paper, scissors to see who was paying for lunch.

Rias won, so lunch was on Y/n. They stopped in to a small café for lunch where Y/n ordered a sandwich and Rias ordered a small burger to keep her going.

As promised, Y/n paid for it, the two then headed to their next stop.

Throughout the day, Rias and Y/n just had fun going into various stores and even beating some high scores in the arcade.

Issei spotted them when they stopped for some Ice cream in the afternoon.

Issei: "Yo, Y/n. How's the date going?"

Y/n: "I'd say it's gone pretty damn good."

Rias giggled as she slowly ate her Ice Cream.

Y/n noticed the look in Issei's eyes and sent him a glare that could freeze hell .

Y/n: "Bitch ass better know his place."

Issei: "Anyway, I'm guessing you're gonna go to old man Yajima's diner?"

Y/n: "That's the idea."

Issei: "Cool, I'll let mom know to just make dinner for the three of us."

Y/n: "She already knows. I told her what was gonna happen today and how long I was gonna be out for."

Issei nodded as Matsuda and Motohama dragged him off. Rias laughed lightly at the scene before the two got moving again.

Rias saw Y/n's eyes lock on to a music store momentarily and she smiled before dragging him in.

She marvelled at the number of Guitars and Basses that were hung up on the walls of the store before she saw Y/n walk over to a deep red eight string.

He then turned to the store owner.

Y/n: "Is it okay if I give this guitar a shot?"

The store owner smiled and got the guitar plugged in for him before Y/n checked the tuning and blasted some Sabaton.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rias couldn't help but laugh at the store owner's reaction as he physically ducked out of fright when Y/n kicked the volume into high gear.

Once they were finished in the music store, they headed off to the diner where Y/n and his girlfriend enjoyed some freshly made Italian food. Mr. Yajima was born in Kyoto, but he lived for many years in Italy, where he learned to cook. Thanks to that, Y/n and Rias were able to enjoy their date to the fullest.

Once they were finished their food, they headed to the park for a walk before heading home.

As they approached the fountain, Y/n spotted Issei with the girl from a few days ago standing in front of him.

Rias' and Y/n's eyes widened as a pair of black feathered wings erupted from the girls back.

???: "I think it's time you died!"

Those words echoed momentarily in Y/n's head until he clenched his fists in anger.

Y/n: "Not today..."

Rias: "Y/n?"


Y/n sprinted forward at full blast as a golden chestplate formed on his body. The rough voice of Rexalian sounded off from the gem in the middle.

Rexalian: "ENHANCE!!"

Y/n's speed was boosted exponentially as he reached them in a matter of milliseconds. He delivered a sharp uppercut to the winged girl and sent her tumbling back until she crashed through the fountain.

Y/n: "Don't you fucking dare touch him, Bitch!"

Y/n didn't notice a second winged person until they jumped out of the bushes. Before they could get him however, they were blasted by a crimson flame.

Y/n's eyes widened as he saw Rias with a red aura around her as she slowly advanced.

Rias: "If you've got half a brain left in those heads of yours, I'd leave immediately."

???1: "tch, devil bitch!"

???2: "We'll be back to kill that one later!"

The two disappeared and the chestplate dematerialised from Y/n's body. Causing all of the energy to leave him and he collapsed to his knees.

Rias ran over and held Y/n as he gasped for air.

Issei: "W-What the hell was that!?"

Y/n: "I-...I don't know myself."

Rias: "...they were fallen angels."

Both Issei and Y/n looked at Rias with wide eyes.

Rias looked at Y/n with a solemn face.

Rias: "I...I suppose I should explain, huh?"

Y/n: "Please. I don't want any secrets."

Rias: "Alright. Then this stays between us, okay?"

Y/n nodded before nudging Issei to get him to agree as well.

Rias then stood up and a pair of wings burst out from her back.

Rias: "...I'm a devil, Y/n. The next head of the house of Gremory, one of the seventy two pillars of the underworld."

Y/n: "A...devil?"

Rias turned away from Y/n in order to compose herself.

Rias: "I know...this changes things for us, Y/n. A-And I understand if you want to end things here..."

Y/n chuckled, causing Rias to look back at him with wide eyes.

Rias: "What's so funny?"

Y/n: "I fucking knew it."

Issei: "I'm so lost."

Rias: "You knew I was a devil?"

Y/n: "No, not exactly. But I always had a feeling that they existed."

Rias was slightly dumbfounded, but she found herself laughing soon enough.

Issei: "So...are you gonna kill us or...?"

Rias: "No. I'm going to erase your memories of this event. I don't want you two getting caught up in devil problems."

Y/n: "It's a bit late for that, Rias. Those things already know we're connected so there's only really the option to keep us around or get rid of us."


Issei: "...I think I just pissed myself a bit."

Y/n: "Then what other option is there?"

Rias: "There's...turning you both into devils. It's not something I want to do, but..."

Y/n: "Too bad, that's the option I'm taking."

Issei: "I'll take that option too!"

Y/n: "*sigh* someone's gotta keep the idiot safe. I suppose this works out."

Rias clenched her hands into fists before she felt Y/n's hand on her shoulder.

Y/n: "We'll be fine, Rias... Promise."

Rias smiled gently before bringing out eight pawn chess pieces. She implanted one of them into Issei's body and the other seven into Y/n's.

The three then returned to the Hyoudou residence where Rias decided to spend the night with Y/n.

Meanwhile, a small flame flickered nearby.

???: "I see...so this is what it's come to. I suppose this is good for me then. We'll see each other again soon, Y/n. I promise you that."

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Devils Next Door

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