First Light

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*Beep* *Beep*

The alarm was swiftly silenced by a S/c hand slamming down on top of it.

The owner of said hand lifted his head off of the pillow and stretched his muscular body before walking to the mirror and fixing his H/c hair.

He smiled as his E/c eyes flashed in the sunlight pouring through the window. He then quietly exited his room and walked downstairs after pulling on some training clothes.

He then headed into the basement, which he had turned into a makeshift gym for himself and for the next hour and a half, he worked out before heading back upstairs and pulling his shoes on.

His mother, Yui Hyoudou, had just woken up and she saw as he ran out of the door with a smile on his face.

She smiled softly knowing how happy her son was with his life.

After another hour, he walked back through the door drenched in sweat.

Yui: "You have a good workout, Y/n?"

Y/n smiled at his mother before taking his tank top off.

Y/n: "Yeah, mom. Managed to work up a good sweat. Imma hit the shower, want me to wake Pervy McPerv-face up?"

Yui: "Yes please. He's got to get ready for school as well."

Y/n chuckled before running upstairs and knocking on his brothers bedroom door.

Y/n: "Yo, Issei! Time to wake up, pervert!"

Issei: "Zzz...Go away..."

Y/n's eye twitched in annoyance and he walked into Issei's room before grabbing a notebook and slapping him over the face with it.

Y/n: "The time for sleep has passed, the lords work must be done!"

Issei jumped and fell off of his bed.

Issei: "The fuck, dude?"

Y/n: "It got you outta bed, didn't it?"

Issei: "...Shit. I got nothin' for that."

Y/n: "Good. Go downstairs and get something to eat. I'm goin' for a shower."

Issei sighed and did as he was told as Y/n headed into the shower.

After fifteen minutes, Y/n emerged, clean and dressed in his school uniform.

He then slid down the banister of the stairs and sat at the dining table once he had made his breakfast.

One he was finished eating, he said his goodbyes to his parents and headed out the front door with Issei after he had gotten ready so they could head to school.

Issei: "Hey, did you finish making that fence replacement for Ms. Yamamoto?"

Y/n: "Yeah, had to work late in the forge to finish it on time, I'll take it over to her once we get back from school. You finish that history assignment yet?"

Issei: "Nah, haven't even started it yet. I mean, how the fuck am I supposed to know half of the shit it's asking me?"

Y/n: "It's explained in the fucking assignment, you cockadoodle cunt."

Issei rolled his eyes, earning a slap upside the head from his brother.

The two walked in relative silence after that point until Issei brought up a subject that had been bugging him.

Issei: "Hey, you don't have a crush on Rias Gremory at all, do you?"

Y/n: "What gave it away?"

Issei: "No hesitation, huh? Damn. You sure you should be telling me this so openly?"

Y/n: "I'm fine telling you because I know if you say anything, nobody's gonna believe you."

Issei: "Okay, first. Fucking ouch. Second, you're not wrong."

Y/n chuckled and the two kept walking until Issei saw his friends waving him over.

He ran over to them as Y/n continued into the school gates.

He walked towards the lockers at the entrance of the school and switched to his indoor shoes before walking into the main hub of the school.

He didn't have much to do so he just decided to head to class. On his way up the stairs however, he was stopped by a girl he had been friends with since Junior High.

Y/n: "Hm? Oh. Hello, Sona."

Sona Shitori smiled at him from the top of the stairs as he walked up.

Sona: "Long night?"

Y/n: "Yeah, I had to do some forge work so I was a few hours late to bed."

Sona smiled as Y/n leaned his arm on the banister.

Sona: "I've been hearing some rather interesting rumours lately, Y/n. They revolve around you."

Y/n: "Hm? Do tell. So I know who's jaw's getting snapped."

Sona: "I won't say where I heard them. But apparently a certain someone has a crush on you."

Y/n: "...I-I see. Who might that 'certain someone' be?"

Sona: "Oh, you know...Rias Gremory."

Y/n's heart skipped a beat and he went to take a step back, but he forgot that he was at the top of a staircase. He managed to catch himself at the last second and he merely stumbled a bit. But he stood up far too quickly and the blood pressure in his head went into the negatives, causing him to go temporarily blind. He felt a few thuds before his vision returned and he found himself at the bottom of the staircase.

Sona ran down after him and other students tried to help him. One of the girls offered her lap as a pillow to rest Y/n's head on as one of the guys rushed to get the school nurse.

Sona crouched next to Y/n with a worried expression.

She was clearly saying something, but Y/n couldn't hear anything as his eyes closed and he passed out.

He was surrounded by a void of black until he opened his eyes in a forest. The grass was lush and green while the leaves on the trees varied in colour. He walked forward a bit until he heard heavy footsteps nearby him.

Y/n: "Who's there!?"

???: "He cannot see us?"

???2: "In time, he will. He's actually here after all, so he's starting to awaken."

???3: "I'd give it another few days or so before he can actually see us."

Y/n: "Who is that!?"

???: "You can hear us? Then you're closer than I imagined."

???3: "Not bad, Brother."

Y/n: "I asked a question! Who the hell are you!?"

???2: "That is something you will find out in due time, Y/n. Just know that we've always been here."

Y/n's eyes widened as he felt himself become weak in the knees. He looked down and saw that his legs were vanishing slowly.

He then bolted upright in bed and looked around to see that he was in the infirmary.

Y/n: "Wh-...What the hell just happened?"

He then heard someone coming and looked to the door. Sona walked in and smiled when she saw him awake.

Sona: "Oh, thank goodness. You're up."

Y/n: "Sona. What happened to me back there?"

Sona: "You stumbled a bit and the blood pressure dropped in your head. You stumbled a bit and fell down the stairs."

Y/n: "I see..."

Sona: "Have you been eating properly?"

Y/n: "Hmm...I suppose I have lost my appetite lately. I've been eating less and less every day. Mix that with my workout routine then, I can see how that could cause issues to arise."

Sona: "At least you understand that. Now then, I want you to cut down your workout time. Clearly your body can't handle it anymore so cut down and slowly build yourself up."

Y/n smiled before Sona hugged him out of nowhere. The two were close, but Sona had never shown any signs of affection like this before.

She then stood up with a slight blush and left the infirmary to go to class. The nurse then walked into the room and did some quick examinations on Y/n's head, which was covered in bandages.

Chisato Hasegawa, the school nurse was an unbelievably attractive woman with a silhouette that most women would commit genocide for. She had long black hair and wore a green sleeveless shirt with a black skirt that just showed a bit of her thighs.

Once she finished examining him, she changed his bandages.

Y/n: "Hey, Miss Hasegawa? Does Issei know what happened?"

Hasegawa: "Yes, we told him right after we got you here. He was very worried, but we convinced him to head to class."

Y/n: "Good. Can't have him slackin' off even if I'm hurt."

Hasegawa giggled as she passed his bag up to him.

Hasegawa: "You need to eat something right now. It's lunch time after all."

Y/n nodded with a smile before digging out the bento box that his mother had made for him. Y/n could cook perfectly well on his own, but his mother refused point blank to let him make his own bento.

Meanwhile outside the old school building, Issei and his friends had just ran over after being chased with bamboo swords by the kendo club.

Issei: "Damn. I still think the whole beating us with wooden swords thing is overkill."

Matsuda: "I have to agree."

Motohama: "Yeah. We weren't doin' much, just havin' a peek."

Issei: "And Y/n's probably gonna beat my ass when Katase inevitably tells him about this."

Motohama: "Yo, what the shit happened to him earlier anyway?"

Issei: "I think it was something to do with the blood pressure in his head tanking, causing him to stumble and take a nosedive down the stairs."

Matsuda: "Yikes."

Motohama: "Damn, I was startin' to think that guy was, like, invincible or some shit, y'know?"

Issei: "Yeah, I get that. He trains for a crazy amount of time every day."

Matsuda: "How long?"

Meanwhile, in the ORC, Rias Gremory was playing a match of chess against her friend, Akeno.

Koneko was listening in to the perverts conversation by the window.

Issei: "He trains for about two and a half hours or something without any breaks."

Matsuda: "WHAT!?"


Akeno: "Ara? What's going on out there?"

Koneko: "The perverts are talking about Y/n."

Akeno: "Oh, I saw what happened to him earlier. Poor guy, maybe I should pay him a visit to cheer him up?~"

Rias: "Don't you dare."

Everyone looked surprised at Rias, who realised what she had just said and her face turned a shade to match her hair.

Rias: "Uh...I mean...shit..."

Akeno: "Ara ara. The president's in love with the king of kuoh?"

Rias: "Shut up! It's embarrassing!"

Akeno giggled while Kiba had a small smile on his face.

Koneko then decided to go and pay Y/n a visit since the two were pretty good friends.

Akeno: "Oya? Going somewhere, Koneko?"

Koneko: "I'm gonna go pay Y/n a visit. I'm just making sure he's okay."

Rias kept her voice low as she spoke.

Rias: "L-Let me know how he is, okay?"

Koneko: "Will do, Rias."

With that, Koneko made her way to the infirmary. When she walked in, she saw Y/n sitting upright on the bed with bandages around his head and a bento box in his lap.

Koneko: "That box is in my spot."

Y/n looked over and smiled when he saw her walking over.

Y/n: "Sup, Neko. How ya been?"

Koneko: "Bored, mostly. More importantly, how you holding up?"

Y/n: "Eh, I'm doin' okay. Can't move as quickly as usual though otherwise I'll get dizzy and end up at the bottom of a flight of stairs again. Hopefully not with an umbrella through my throat."

Koneko: "Don't remind me of that show."

Y/n laughed as Koneko took a seat on his lap once he moved his bento box to his side.

Koneko: "Everyone's really worried about you, y'know."

Y/n: "Thought as much. There's no need for 'em to be worried though. I'll be shitposting as per usual by tomorrow at least."

Koneko: "I still don't know how you manage to recover so quickly."

Y/n: "Heh. Neither do I. I'm damn thankful for it though, it's helped me out in the past after all."

Koneko looked at Y/n's solemn smile with surprise. He never really talked much about his past and if his brother even thought about saying something, he'd be bonked over the head without mercy or remorse.

The bell then rang for next period and Y/n smiled at Koneko.

Y/n: "You should head to class, Neko."

Koneko nodded before Y/n gently patted her head. She then walked out of the infirmary while Y/n finished his lunch.

He then scrolled through the photos on his phone until one caught his eye. It was a picture of him and a girl he once knew in Junior high.

Y/n: "Whatever happened to you, Asuki?"

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Emotional Encounter

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