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The congregation below the large throne upon which the fallen angel sat chanted loudly to try and bring the shards of Excalibur together into one blade. Kokabiel looked down upon them with a smirk, he had earlier dispatched one of the exorcists from the church. Though she wasn't dead, she was taken out of commission, that much would have to suffice until he got his war started.

He saw a barrier being erected around the school where the ritual was taking place and chuckled.

Kokabiel: "Heh, they're trying to keep me contained."

Kokabiel laughed as the devils converged outside. Rias' group met up with Y/n's as Xenovia and Kiba arrived on the scene.

Issei: "So, we're about to fight a fallen angel boss?"

Rias: "Yes. Needless to say, you'll need to give it your all out there. That goes for all of you. You've all been training so hard lately, so I want all of you to come home in one piece, okay?"

Everyone nodded before going in, however Sona called out to Y/n as she held the barrier up.

Sona: "Y/n!"

Y/n: "What's up?"

Sona: "... Don't die in there. Okay?"

Y/n smiled before nodding and he rushed in after the others. They stopped on the track field as a laugh echoed overhead.

Kokabiel: "Is this all that's been sent to deal with me? Ha! Sirzechs sends a bunch of children to defeat me!"

Y/n: "Shush your face, crack elf!"

Rias: "Kokabiel! What you're doing is only going to lead to your defeat!"

Kokabiel cackled maniacally while Y/n and Issei nodded to one another.

Kokabiel: "Oh, this will be fun. Once the war starts back up then I can REALLY let loose. I think I'll start on that traitorous bitch, Kalawarner."

Y/n: "You even think about it and I'll tear those wings off your back and shove 'em down your throat!"

Rias: "Kalawarner is a valued ally of my household. I'll see to it you never get your slimy hands on her."

Kokabiel cackled once again before throwing a light spear at the gymnasium. It was instantly engulfed in a massive explosion, leaving only a crater behind.

Kokabiel: "You see!? You can't possibly win like this!"

???: "Perhaps not on their own, however we're with them."

Kokabiel grunted as Uriel descended with Bartzabel and Gadreel at her sides.

Bartzabel: "You've taken your obsession too far now, Kokabiel. Return to Grigori and await your sentence."

Kokabiel laughed again before throwing more spears at the ground, this time the explosions opened into portals, releasing a few three headed dogs.

Rias: "Cerberus!? Bringing him to the surface is forbidden!"

Issei: "Then we send 'em back!"

Y/n: "Kiba, you and Koneko handle that one by the crater. Issei and I'll handle the one closest to Kokabiel. We aren't gonna kill it though, I want a dog."

Issei: "THE FUCK!?"

Rias: "Akeno and I'll handle the last one then. Xenovia, can I trust you to look after Asia?"

Xenovia raised her sword.

Xenovia: "Nothing will get past me. I swear it."

With a final nod, everyone split into their respective groups and started fighting the Cerberus'.

Issei transformed into his Balance Breaker before Y/n summoned Nerolyth's armour.

Nerolyth: "Feels good to stretch all my limbs like this!"

Y/n: "Well, let's just focus on what's ahead of us."

With that said, Y/n shot off at unimaginable speed. Even Kiba was shocked by how fast Y/n was able to run.

He crashed into the Cerberus before Issei delivered a dropkick to it's middle head. The two then flip-kicked the remaining two heads and followed it up with two jabs to the chest.

Rias and Akeno managed to dispose of their Cerberus quickly with their magic while Koneko broke one of the Cerberus' jaws while Kiba slashed it up the middle, sending it howling back to the underworld.

Y/n and Issei shrugged with a chuckle before the two simultaneously charged up energy before releasing it in a powerful burst of energy, knocking Cerberus out. Y/n then used holy chains made by Nerolyth to restrain him.

Issei: "So, what? We counting that as one or half each?"

Y/n: "Half each, keep it even."

Issei laughed as the priests started to charge at them with light swords and holy guns.

Xenovia fought them off and protected Asia as best she could while Y/n went around beating the priests with one of the most powerful weapons in the known universe.

The Penetrator.

A giant pink dildo on a stick. Y/n ran around beating priests over the head with it before he stole one of their guns and fired a few rounds at some of the others.

Akeno blasted a few lines of rogue exorcists with her lightning which was followed by Rias using her power of destruction to wipe put a few more. Kiba and Koneko held their own against the priests while Kokabiel watched from overhead while trying to avoid Uriel.

Kokabiel: "I'll admit those children are rather interesting. OH WELL, LOOKS LIKE I GOTTA TAKE THEM ON MYSELF!!"

Uriel dove to try and stop Kokabiel, however he swooped down and grabbed one of the Gremory peerage and held him by the throat.

Y/n: "ISSEI!!"

Issei struggled under Kokabiel's grip as the fallen angel cackled.

Kokabiel: "Come anywhere close to me and this boy dies!"

Issei tried to lash out at Kokabiel. Only for the fallen angel to use his wings to break both of Issei's arms. He screamed in pain, causing Y/n to get even angrier. His fist clenched hard enough that Nerolyth's armour was cracking at the gauntlets.

Nerolyth: "Y/n, you have to remain calm. You don't want to know what happens when your anger mixes with Trinity's power."

The others were frozen, unable to help as Issei dangled from Kokabiel's crushing grip.

Kokabiel: "Good. Now then, Valper, how is the sword."

Kiba's eyes widened in fury as a priest stepped out of the shadows.

Valper: "It is nearing completion. I estimate another few minutes and it'll be ready."


Kiba rushed at the priest with furious intent only for Kokabiel to throw a light spear between them.

Kokabiel: "Now, now. No need to go getting mad at him. Unless... wait, YOU WERE PART OF THE PROJECT, WEREN'T YOU!?"

Kokabiel cackled maniacally as Kiba gripped his sword even tighter. Valper smirked as he saw Kiba.

Valper: "Yes, I'd heard one of the subjects had escaped disposal."

Kiba: "So even now, my friends and I were just trash to be disposed of!?"

Valper: "Of course. I needed them dead so I could harvest their essence and refine it into one of these."

Valper held up a small blue crystal. Xenovia's eyes widened as she knew what it was.

Xenovia: "That's- The church uses those to bestow the power to wield holy swords upon certain exorcists! Irina was given one!"

Valper: "Typical. They call me a heretic then use my work anyway."

Kiba's anger grew with each word while Y/n glared up at Kokabiel.

Y/n: "You'd better let go of him, shitbird!"

Kokabiel: "Oh? The silver dragon emperor, eh? Be careful what you wish for!"

Kokabiel held Issei up before throwing him to the ground. Y/n rushed over and caught his brother just before he hit the ground. Kokabiel continued to cackle before he produced a light spear and threw it at the two.

They were soon both engulfed in a bright light. Everyone stood, shell shocked as the light died down.

Issei had used the last of his strength to roll on top of his brother and use himself as a human shield. Y/n lay motionless with an expression of shock on his face as he saw Issei's expression.

His eyes were shut, he wasn't breathing. But he had a smile on his face nonetheless. Tears started to well up in Y/n's eyes as the others watched in horror.

Within Y/n's mindscape, the three dragons fused into Trinity, who stood silently with closed eyes.

However her eyes soon shot open, revealing fury unmatched in heaven or hell as they burned crimson. Her scales then turned from their usual white and gold to pure black. As her fury fused with the fury of her wielder.

Kiba watched as Y/n slowly got up and tried desperately to wake Issei up. Despite that, his brother never opened his eyes.

The others shed tears as they saw Y/n's desperation turn to anger.

Kokabiel continued to laugh overhead as he watched them cry.

Kokabiel: "Hahahahahaha!! You're crying over one boy! How pathetic! He'll find no peace in the afterlife!"

Valper: "Indeed. With the death of God, no peace will await him."

Both Asia's and Xenovia's eyes shot wide open with that. Uriel snarled at Kokabiel.

Uriel: "You told him!?"

Kokabiel: "Ha! He figured it out on his own."

Xenovia: "The god I've adored since childhood... Is dead?"

Kokabiel: "Yes, he is! He was killed in the great war fighting the devil kings after he sealed Trihexa!"

Nearby while all this was happening, Kresus watched with a smirk. Her eyes locked onto Y/n.

She then snapped her fingers and time froze around her before she walked over and leaned into her nephew's ear.

Kresus: "Now is the time. Your fury shall bring around the end of this world. Allow it to overtake you."

She smirked before vanishing as time resumed. As Kokabiel's laughter echoed overhead and as Y/n's tears dropped from his face as he held Issei in his arms. Something finally snapped and an eruption of black flame surrounded him. An existence of pure hatred.

The true form of the antichrist burst forth into the mortal realm.

Kokabiel flinched as he saw this. A burning, broken halo hovered behind Y/n as his wings burned a furious crimson. The pupils of his eyes had become inverted crosses. The ground beneath him cracked open and fire swirled up to him.

Then he finally spoke, his voice heavily distorted by his fury.

Y/n: "Mortem ad patrem. Mortem filio. Mortem ad spiritum sanctum."

Kokabiel then realised just what he had released upon himself.

Uriel: "Dear god..."

Bartzabel: "Dammit! I'll go find Samael!"

Gadreel: "I'll try and keep him at bay."

Uriel: "No. while Y/n has revealed his true form. His anger is directed at Kokabiel, not the world. We just need to calm him down when he finishes with Kokabiel. Still, call Samael and Allia to be safe."

Rias looked up with fear plastered on her face.

Rias: "Y/n..."

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Evil Awakened Through Rage.

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