Open House Antics

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Open house was in full swing as Y/n took his seat in class. His adoptive parents stood at the back of the class, both had smiles on their faces until the door opened and Samael's hulking frame entered the room.

The other students were in physical shock as they gazed at the eighteen foot tall super-devil. Allia walked in with a smile as Samael shook hands with Dantalion.

Dantalion: "Good to see you again, Sammy."

Samael: "Dantalion. Call me that again and I'll rearrange your skeleton... AGAIN!"

Allia: "Now now, Sam. No need to get violent."

Samael: "Fuckin-... Screw it, I just can't win with you people."

Y/n: "Come on, you're arguing with Dantalion and Mom. You knew you were losing that argument."


Y/n laughed while the rest of the class processed that interaction. A few people did a double take and looked back at the Hyoudou's before looking at Y/n, then to Samael and Allia.

Matsuda: "Oi! Y/n! Aren't those two your parents!?"

Y/n: "My adoptive ones, yes."

Murayama: "So those two are..."

Y/n: "My biological parents, yes."


Samael: "Clearly you aren't trying hard enough if you aren't my height."

Y/n sighed before Dantalion's eyes flashed blue as all the humans in the room froze on the spot.

Dantalion: "That'll buy us a few minutes. Samael, you may want to readjust your height. You're clearly in some form of discomfort."

Samael: "*Sigh* Yeah, I probably should. Gimme a sec."

Xenovia and Asia watched as Samael stretched his body before it compressed into an eight foot tall frame.

Asia: "D- Don't you think that's still too tall?"

Samael: "Eight feet's my limit."

Dantalion: "Yes, Samael is naturally extremely tall. His minimum height is eight feet. Any shorter than that then his whole body would have to rearrange himself."

Y/n: "So where does the extra body mass go?"

Samael merely unfurled his gargantuan wings, considering he had fourteen pairs now when he usually had twelve pairs in his usual height, it was clear why eight feet was his limit. He folded them away again however as Dantalion rewrote the memories of the humans in the class so Samael being eight feet tall was how they originally saw him.

Samael and Allia walked to the back of the class, with Samael having to stay at the back of the large group of parents due to his height.

One mother saw fit to try and cop a feel. Allia didn't see it, but she sure as shit heard it when Samael started yelling.


Y/n's head slammed against his desk as he burst out laughing at his father. There was a follow-up chorus of laughter that followed his father's antics. Dantalion then gave out blocks of clay to the students and gave them the assignment to make something by the end of the period. Y/n looked around and saw the girls making some pretty normal things. Katase was trying to make a figure of herself and Murayama was trying to make a kendo sword. Y/n turned to his block when his father placed a hand on his shoulder.

Samael: "What're ya thinkin'?"

Y/n: "I'm thinking maybe trying to make a Phoenix. But the detailing would take too long for the feathers."

Samael: "damn, you really got your mother's perfectionism, huh?"

Y/n: "I like completing things is all."

Samael chuckled before Allia pulled him back to the back of the room.

Y/n then got an idea and started to mould the clay. He took off some large chunks as he rolled it into a cylinder and formed it into an S-shape. 

When the class was almost over, Dantalion stopped everyone and asked everyone to present their figure. 

When it was Y/n's turn, there was a collective gasp as they saw the hyper-detailed dragon in his hands. Samael chuckled as he knew exactly who that figure was meant to represent. 

Following that class, Y/n met up with Rias and the others outside. They sat and chatted for  a while with the club members praising how detailed the dragon was. However, their pleasant conversation was cut short by one of the other guys in second year.

Arataki Shinji; a skinny guy who thought the world owed him everything purely because he existed. Ever since first year, he had been trying to get Rias and Akeno to pay attention to him. However even they knew how much of a creep he was.

Shinji walked over and attempted to slap the dragon out of Y/n's hand, only to completely fail at that task.

Y/n: "*sigh* I already know why you're pissed, Shinji. But I'll humour you anyway. What the fuck is your major malfunction? Y'know, aside from your existence."

Nearby, Y/n could hear Samael do a spit-take and burst into laughter. Meanwhile Shinji just glared at Y/n.

Shinji: "Tch, the hell is with you actin' all buddy-buddy with Rias and Akeno!?"

Y/n: "Did it not reach your filthy ears that I'm dating Rias? Seriously, get a cue tip in there and do some deep cleaning, count cuntula."

Akeno and Rias both tried not to laugh at the casual roasting that Y/n was hitting Shinji with. But they were doing a bad job as Y/n prepared to deliver a verbal murder.

Shinji: "You're just some fuckin' casual bum! How the hell are you dating Rias!?"

Y/n: "I may be a casual bum but I've got more going for me than you, Shinji. I mean, just look at you. You're built like a mosquitoes leg and you have a face that not even the most down horrendous creature in this universe would  want you. You could enter a beauty contest with Cthulhu and lose by a landslide. Or even better. A formless tenticular horror-spawn could still win a beauty contest against you. Or maybe I'm dating Rias because I have enough self-confidence to try and keep a relationship going, unlike yourself. Or perhaps it's because that crippling self doubt that you seem to have is what's fuelling your ego even though your parents are probably incredibly disappointed in you and you will no doubt amount to nothing, why? Because you're that fucking stupid."

Shinji: "I'll have you know-"

Y/n: "You'll have me know that your breath is fuckin' hummin'. Get a fuckin' mint, seriously. Smells like something crawled in there and fucking dumped a log down your throat. Saying that, it'd explain why you spew so much shit. Not to mention you'll have me know that I'm pretty much right in assuming you're just too dumb to know when to give up. Persistence is a good trait in the right contexts. In this one it makes you look like some kinda fuckin' creep. To be fair, your default look is downright fucking creepy anyways."

Shinji physically recoiled before the annihilation kicked up.

Y/n: "I mean, come the fuck on. You walk around like some sort of scheming gremlin. It wouldn't surprise me if you turned around and started saying 'My precious' or some shit. Well, you sound a bit like Gollum. Anyway, that's not the point. My point here is that you're likely never gonna get with anyone with your current existence. I mean, as I said, you're more like a gremlin than a human. In fact, I'd say that might be insensitive to gremlins. At least those things are entertaining. You're just... annoying."

Shinji: "H- HOW DARE YOU!?"

???: "What's going on out here?"

Everyone looked over as Kalawarner walked out and adjusted her glasses as she addressed the two.

Kalawarner: "Well? Am I going to get an answer?"

Y/n: "I'm just explaining how Shinji's a creature that got left in the oven a bit too long."

Shinji: "The fuck did you just-?"

Y/n: "I mean, just look at him! He looks like God left a slug in the oven and put a human in with it! Fuckin' sounds like it as well."

Kalawarner sighed to relieve herself of  the very loud laugh that was threatening to boil to the surface. Samael was gone by this point. He was on the ground holding his sides.

Y/n: "Or, no. Even better. He was originally going to be alright, but then god stepped on a fucking LEGO brick and dropped him so now he looks like Sid the sloth with downs syndrome."

Shinji: "Can you not!?"

Y/n: "Your eyes have two different post codes, ya dipshit!"

Kalawarner: "That isn't any reason to start-"

Y/n: "Also, he tried to destroy the dragon I made in class and tried, and failed, to insult me. So I chose verbal violence."

Kalawarner: "*sigh* Is this true, Mr. Arataki?"

Shinji: "No. He's lying."

Rias: "I can confirm, Shinji's trying to shift the blame here."

Akeno: "As can I."

Asia: "So can I."

Xenovia: "I can also attest that Y/n was telling the truth."

Kiba: "Shinji's the one that's lying. Very badly I might add."

Koneko: "Shinji's being a little bitch."

Kalawarner: "I see. In that case, Shinji, I'll ask that you come with me. We're going to have a chat with Mr. Danta."

Shinji spluttered for a second before hanging his head and following Kalawarner.

Y/n: "Force him to take a fuckin' shower as well. Headass smells worse than a fucking sewage plant. Saying that, he'll probably melt since he's a salty shit boot."

Shinji: "Oh fuck you, Y/n!"

Y/n: "I'd rather not get every infection rolled into one so you can stay well fuckin' away from me, ya fuckin retard."

Y/n chuckled as Shinji walked away, the others seemed to have enjoyed the verbal murder as well as they were all laughing.

Y/n: "Seems like you lot enjoyed that."

Kiba: "Well I'm gonna have to report you to the cops. I just witnessed a fucking murder."

Now it was Y/n's turn to laugh before he noticed a large congregation of male students going into the gymnasium.

Y/n: "The fuck is goin' on in there?"

Rias: "They should be setting up the concert in there right now. But, let's go see what all the fuss is about. Though I have a hunch I know what, or rather, who it is."

With that, the group headed to the gymnasium where they saw a woman in a magical girl uniform up on the stage as the male students all clamoured to get a photo.

Saji was also there, struggling to make himself known. So Y/n thought he'd help out.


With that, every student in the hall turned tail and bolted. Y/n then turned to Saji.

Y/n: "Better?"

Saji: "Yeah, thanks for the help. Hey, you're performing in the concert, right?"

Y/n: "Yeah. I got two songs."

Saji took a look at the set list and, sure enough, Y/n was on there with the sings "Jenseits der welt" and "Bratva."

Saji: "One in German and another in Russian, huh? Sounds like they were tough to learn."

Y/n: "Meh, they'll work out. Speaking of working though, you might want to deal with her."

Saji sighed before going to talk to the woman in the magical girl outfit when Sona stormed in.

Sona: "Saji! What's going on in here!?"

Saji: "O- Oh, prez! I was about to escort this woman out."

???: "Sona!"

Sona: "Gh! H- Hello, Serafall..."

Y/n: "I'm lost, who is she?"

Rias: "That is Sona's sister, Serafall Leviathan. One of the four devil kings."

Y/n did a double take as Serafall talked with her sister in a very cheerful and peppy tone while Sona was clearly not in the mood.

Y/n then walked over to save Sona from her own sister.

Y/n: "Yo, you good, Sona?"

Sona didn't respond, she merely turned and rested her head on his chest. Y/n just chuckled before petting her head. Serafall then tilted her head before she saw Samael's hulking form walking in.

Serafall: "L- Lord Samael!"

Y/n: "Sup, dad?"

Samael: "So you're gonna be performing in here?"

Y/n: "Nah, I'm one of the lucky ones that got the outdoor stage. Meaning I can play with the flamethrowers."

Samael: "Haha! It wouldn't be a good concert without flamethrowers!"

Y/n: "Exactly!"

The two shared a laugh before Serafall cut in again.

Serafall: "Wait! You're the Trinity Dragon Emperor, aren't you!?"

Y/n: "Hm? Oh, yeah. That's me."

Serafall quickly inspected him before lifting his shirt and taking a look at his abs.

Sona: "*sigh* Sister, must you do this now?"

Serafall: "Of course I do!"

Y/n just chuckled and allowed Serafall to do what she had to. He had no real room to tell her to stop anyway, she was a devil king and he was just a regular devil. Even if his father was the true ruler of all of the underworld, he wasn't about to try his luck with Serafall.

Sona: "Y/n, your concert is going to start within the next hour. The outdoor stage is set up and the first act is going up right around now so you'd better get going."

Y/n nodded and walked towards the door before turning to look at everyone for a second.

Y/n: "Try not to go too crazy while I'm up there."

The others laughed as he walked out to get ready.

When he was gone, Sona lead everyone to an area where they could get the best view of the stage. They watched multiple acts even as the indoor stage was set up and the acts started in the gymnasium.

When it came time for Y/n though, the lights cut out before flames shot towards the sky and the first of two songs started.

The song got people hyped up as a pit got started in the middle of the crowd. Even some of the parents who had younger kids were enjoying themselves. 

When the song ended, Y/n smiled as the crowd cheered him on for Bratva. He then put his guitar down and opened another case. The new guitar he brought out was much bigger than the other one. What especially captured the attention of a few people in the crowd was the presence of a seventh string. Y/n then took the mic for a second.

Y/n: "Just before I get started here, I want to warn you that this might traumatise any younger kids in the audience. Just a heads up before Bratva."

He smirked before a dark synth bass line pulsed through the speakers.

The crowd visibly recoiled as Y/n's voice turned demonic. Sona even spotted that Y/n was using his antichrist powers to make himself even look more demonic. There was no burning halo, but the aura, the voice and the fact that his eyes were a bright crimson colour were dead giveaways.

However when the initial shock passed, the pit got even rowdier. It felt like there was an earthquake with the combined headbanging of so many people. As a final fuck you to the crowd. Y/n went so far as to put his face directly into the path of a flamethrower as it went off. There was some shock, but Y/n emerged with naught but a few singed hairs.

Allia: "Well, immunity to fire has its advantages."

Samael: "that was metal as fuck though, you have to admit it."

After the concert was finished, Y/n met up with the others outside the school as both his biological and adoptive parents prepared to go home until a voice called out to them.

They turned and found Sirzechs and an older version of Sirzechs walking towards them

Samael: "Zeoticus!"

The older man was surprised, however he smiled.

Zeoticus: "I'm honoured that you remembered my name, lord Samael."

Samael: "You're basically my son's father-in-law at this point."

Rias: "L- Lord Samael!"

Y/n: "Dad, can you not?"

Samael: "Haha! My bad. But the way things are goin' for you two..."

Rias: "While I'd love nothing more than for that to be a reality, I'm not ready just yet."

Y/n: "Nor am I. We'll at least wait until graduation before thinking of anything like that."

Samael: "Fair enough. You got shit to deal with in terms of this shitfest called school."

Zeoticus: "Indeed. I would have had Rias learn in the underworld, however she was adamant she learned in the human world. I'm thinking that was a smart decision for her to make."

???: "I'd say so as well."

Allia smiled as the walking embodiment of back problems walked towards the group.

Allia: "Quetz."

???: "Oh, please, Allia. I've told you to call me Lucoa before, right?"

Both Kiba and Y/n froze up as the woman giggled. They then turned around for a moment.

Kiba: "If it looks like I'm staring, elbow me in the side."

Y/n: "Only if you do the same for me."

Kiba: "Agreed."

The two nodded before turning back to tune back into the conversation. Meanwhile, Nerolyth and Cykran were having a blast watching Y/n's thoughts race across the sky of his mindscape.

Allia then turned to the others with a smile.

Allia: "I should probably introduce this woman. This is Quetzalcoatl. The feathered serpent."

Lucoa: "Lucoa is fine with me though."

Samael: "Been a while, Tits McGee."

Lucoa: "I see you're as vulgar as ever, Samael. How's Belphegor?"

Samael: "Apparently he's been fuckin' two thirds of all the high class women in the underworld. I caught him in the act with Lady Phenex a while back."

Y/n immediately did a spit-take and burst into laughter. He also elbowed Kiba because he was getting mesmerised by the sheer gravity of Lucoa's chest.

Y/n: "You never mentioned that part!"

Samael: "Didn't I? Oh well, now ya know. Lady Phenex has been takin' Belphegor's dick for the past few years."

Lucoa: "I always knew he was into that sort of thing."

Samael: "To be fair, most of the men those women are married to are unsatisfied."

Zeoticus: "I may need to check something when I get home..."

Samael: "Belphegor personally assured me that Venelana's off his radar. She was for a while, then I told him that Y/n's potentially gonna be her son-in-law."

Zeoticus: "Phew."

Sirzechs: "Mother did mention he'd tried to hook up with her in the past, but she cares too much about the family to pull that sort of stunt."

Zeoticus: "Oh good. At least my worries are somewhat alleviated."

Samael: "He may be the progenitor of lust, but he has standards."

Lucoa: "That reminds me, Samael. I recently found out something rather... interesting."

Samael: "What's that?"

Lucoa: "Baphomet, Modeus, Zdrada and Malina are alive and well."

Samael went pale. Y/n could tell that Baphomet was someone that his father had history with.

Y/n: "Dad, wanna explain that lot real quick?"

Samael: "They're... difficult to explain. They're primordial demons like me and the others, but they were the first ones actually born in the underworld."

Lucoa: "There's another three of them as well. Each of these girls represents the same seven sins that your father and his crew represent."

Samael: "Baphomet of Pride. Zdrada of Gluttony. Malina of Sloth. Modeus of Lust. Sathanas of Wrath. Mammon of Greed and finally, Valefar of Envy."

Y/n: "And all of them are female?"

Samael: "Yeah. They're like polar opposites in all but intentions to the primordials that fell from heaven."

Lucoa: "Indeed. None of them except Mammon, Modeus and Sathanas actually act like their sin suggests."

Rias: "So Modeus is Akeno on aphrodisiacs?"

Akeno: "Ara~ Sounds like we'd get along just fine."

Gorou: "Hey, let's save the rest of this conversation for back home, eh? I got booze!"

Zeoticus: "Well I'm not one to turn down such a polite invitation."

Samael: "I'm down for it. Let's go get fucked up!"

Allia: "I'll accompany you. Just to make sure you don't do something stupid. Like trying to pass through all nine layers of hell again."

Samael laughed nervously as everyone headed towards the Hyoudou house. Zeoticus and Sirzechs both entertained themselves and Y/n's adoptive parents by showing videos of Rias in class. To which the red-headed devil hid her face in her hands. Y/n smiled at her and lead her up to his room so she didn't have to be so embarrassed.

Upon entering his room, they found an unfamiliar face having a look through Y/n's books.

Y/n: "And whomsteth the fuck might you be?"

The white haired woman perked up and turned around, revealing that she had a pentagram on her head as well as the eyes of a goat and a pair of horns atop her head.

Y/n: "I'm seeing a goat theme here. But going by that logic, you must be Baphomet."

The woman was still for a while before sighing.

Baphomet: "Well, you're certainly more perceptive than Samael."

???: "Actually, I knew the whole time."

Y/n turned and saw Samael in the doorway with a smirk.

Samael: "How's my least favourite goat doing?"

Baphomet: "I've been well, Samael. I see you've went ahead and spawned the antichrist for us. So when does this world end?"

Samael: "Not any time soon, I'll tell ya that for free. Y/n may be the antichrist, but ultimately I don't think he'll destroy the world so devils and demons can take over. Besides, he never met his gramps. He's never seen heaven at it's worst."

Baphomet: "You have faith in Michael?"

Samael: "He's doin' the best with what he has. At the end of the day, we're brothers. We may not act like it, but brothers will always be just that."

Baphomet: "How sentimental."

Samael just chuckled before turning to Y/n.

Samael: "Baphomet's a bitch of the highest degree. She's always had an instinctual hate for heaven since she was born in hell. From what I heard though, the others have since forgotten their hate of heaven."

Baphomet: "Why do you think we never talk? They and I are fundamentally different."

Samael: "Oh well, it's too bad that you were born to serve the antichrist, ain't it?"

Baphomet paused for a moment and she looked up at Samael.

Baphomet: "Y- You don't know that."

Samael: "I actually do. It was my sister, Azrael that told me about it after all."

Baphomet: "... Fuck."

Samael: "Essentially Baphomet's your first servant, Y/n. The other six are as well since it's what they were created for. Now that Kresus has awakened your antichrist power, they'll start making their way here. So if you're planning on saving your V-card then I suggest forgetting that notion and hurry up if you want Rias to be your first."

Baphomet: "For once I agree. Modeus WILL want a piece of you. So that virginity of yours, get rid of it fast."


Samael laughed as Baphomet sighed again.

Baphomet: "Well since I've been caught out here. I shall reintroduce myself. I am Baphomet of Pride. As I was created to serve the antichrist, I will carry out your orders whenever you may need me to."

Samael: "Awesome. Now that that's outta the way, Baphomet, let's give these two their privacy."

When the two demons left, Y/n and Rias breathed a sigh of relief before Rias flopped down onto Y/n's bed. She buried her face in the pillow to hide the furious blush on her face.

Y/n took a seat on the bed next to her before she spoke up.

Rias: "Y/n? Are you glad you met me?"

Y/n: "What kind of question's that? Of course I am."

Rias: "It's just... If you and I had never met... you'd still have Issei."

Y/n: "On the other hand, because I met you, I was able to meet mom and dad. If I had remained as a human, mom would likely have remained as an impartial observer."

Rias: "..."

Y/n turned to her before lying down next to her and putting his arm around her.

Y/n: "Hey, thinking like that's not gonna help anyone. Just think of something more optimistic, like how our parents can already see us getting married."

Rias: "...Marriage, huh?"

Y/n looked at Rias before pulling her into a hug.

Y/n: "It's not something we need to worry about at this moment in time. We can save it til a later date."

Rias slowly nodded before closing her eyes and cuddling into the crook of Y/n's neck. He smiled before leaning his head over and resting his chin on her head. 

After a few minutes, Rias was fast asleep, however Y/n was still awake. However he didn't want to move due to how comfortable Rias looked. Samael and Allia had gone back to the underworld, as had Zeoticus. Sirzechs and Grayfia were staying in Issei's old room for the night though. Baphomet was crashed on the couch. The others from the ORC had all gone home as well. The only person that remained was...

Lucoa: "She seems quite content there."

Y/n: "She's got a lot on her plate at the moment."

Lucoa giggled before taking a seat at Y/n's desk.

Lucoa: "I'm quite surprised. Allowing you to be raised as a human didn't bring about the prophecy at all."

Y/n: "The antichrist is more of an empty title than a prophecy to be entirely honest. Had Allia and Samael raised me, I'd likely be going down a different path entirely. In that sense, I'm glad that they decided to have me be raised as a human."

Lucoa laughed lightly before looking out the window.

Lucoa: "Having a view like that reminds me a lot of when your father was still an angel."

Y/n: "He rarely ever talks about his life as an angel. Mostly just post-rebellion stuff."

Lucoa: "Samael was a very different person back then. However it's not for me to speak of things he's better off telling you. In that sense, we'll leave this discussion here for now. But, before that. You should know that you're technically the rightful heir to the throne of the underworld. You can cash in that claim at any point."

Y/n: "I'd rather not. It'd make me look like a pompous asshole to the rest of the underworld. Besides, I'm no good with politics."

Lucoa laughed again before standing up.

Lucoa: "Fair enough. But you still have your own territory in the underworld. Samael had it set aside for you upon his return."

Y/n smiled and nodded before Lucoa teleported away in a flash of light.

As he lay himself to sleep, he couldn't help but feel as though the next few days were going to be huge for, not just the underworld, but the entire supernatural world as well.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Eyes That Stop The World.

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