Purity Given Form

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Rias and the others stood in awe as the three dragons addressed them. Having one Longinus gear was rare enough, but this was Trinity.

Y/n: "Rias? You know anything about Trinity?"

Rias: "Yes, actually. She was born from the dragon mother, Tiamat. Trinity was probably the strongest dragon in existence for a time. In fact, she probably still is."

Nerolyth: "That's about right, only difference is that Trinity was split into three shards. The three of us being those shards."

Rexalian: "Black Order, Golden Chaos and Silver Judgement."

Cykran: "Technically I used to be bronze, but I lived in a volcano during life so my scales were permanently stained black."

Issei: "My head hurts."

Y/n: "*sigh* Fine, let's get you home, dumbass. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Rias: "Alright. Text me in the morning, will you?"

Y/n just smirked before planting a kiss on her cheek, causing her to turn as red as her hair as steam rose from her head.

Y/n chuckled as he left with Issei.

As the two walked home, Issei looked down at his left hand.

Cykran then appeared on Y/n's arms and started speaking.

Cykran: "Your sacred gear is still dormant, Issei. I suggest training with your brother in the mornings. It'll help to awaken Ddraig sooner."

Issei: "Ddraig?"

Cykran: "The Red Dragon Emperor. You'll come to know him soon enough."

Y/n: "Welp, looks like you're training with me from now on. No, you get no options."

Issei sighed before Cykran disappeared. When the two arrived home, they didn't notice the two fallen angels from before watching them from above.

???: "Raynare, must you be so salty just because that boy stopped you?"

Raynare: "Oh, I don't know. Maybe I'm pissed because all of our efforts were in vain!"

The other fallen angel giggled before flying up.

???: "Asia's arriving tomorrow, yes? I'll meet her at the station and bring her to the church."

Raynare: "Very well, just don't be late. I don't want you getting hurt by Dohnaseek."

The other fallen nodded with a smile before vanishing. Raynare took another look at the Hyoudou house with a sad expression.

Raynare: "...Y/n, huh?"

She had a flash in her mind of a young man breaking into the church and getting into a fight with Dohnaseek before managing to dodge around him and free both her and her sister.

Raynare: "So that's why I know you..."

A smile formed on her face before she took off after her partner.

The next day, Y/n had dragged Issei out to train with him. Despite all the complaining, Issei kept trying to keep speed with his brother.

Issei: "Hey...How long do we...gotta do this?"

Y/n: "Another five minutes, Issei. Hang in there, you're almost done."


Y/n just laughed before speeding further ahead. Issei raged and tried to catch up in response.

Five minutes later, the two had arrived home, Issei called first dibs on the shower, so Y/n made breakfast before laying his uniform out.

Rexalian: "Not a bad workout, partner. Maybe see what you can do with weights on your legs."

Y/n: "Hmm... I'll think on it. While we're waiting, what kinda powers do you guys give me?"

Rexalian: "Well, in my case I enhance your body. Strength, speed, senses, magical power. I can enhance all of it or individual elements."

Cykran: "My ability allows you to warp space around you. Teleportation, distortion, I control that sort of thing."

Y/n: "Huh, nice..."

Cykran: "You're thinking of teleporting behind Rias and yelling to scare her, aren't you?"

Y/n: "Yyyyyyup."

Nerolyth: "Calm yourself, Y/n. While your powers are great, you still have to learn how to use them. Cykran's teleport will be only short range for now, but with some training, you'll be able to teleport farther and faster."

Y/n: "What about your power, Nerolyth?"

Nerolyth: "I hold the power of creation. anything your mind envisions, I can make it as long as it's non-living."

Y/n: "Guns?"

Nerolyth: "Yup. Real and Fictional."

Y/n: "HONHONHONHONHON! My weewee goes oui-oui!"

The three dragons started laughing before Issei got out of the shower."

Issei: "Y/n! Shower's free!"

Y/n: "Cool, I've left your breakfast on the dining table!"

Issei: "Thanks."

Y/n then felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, he took a look and saw that it was Rias.

Rias: [Y/n, I had a conversation with Sona this morning. She wasn't very enamoured by the fact that you're in my peerage, so we came to a compromise. I hope you don't mind, but we found a way to have you in both peerages.]

Y/n smiled and texted back.

Y/n: [No problem, I'll have a chat with Sona when I get to school so we can work out the details. I imagine you'll want to be there as well?]

Rias: [Yeah, i'll be there.]

Y/n then smirked in a mischievous manner.

Y/n: [You didn't capitalise the I there, Rias.]

Rias: [Shush, you.]

Y/n chuckled before heading in for a shower. Fifteen minutes later he was out and dressed before he and Issei headed to school. As they walked, they heard someone fall over. Issei's face immediately turned pervy evoking a slap from his brother.

When Y/n turned to look however, his eyes widened.

Y/n: "A-Asuki?"

The black haired girl that was currently helping a blonde girl that had just fallen froze in place before slowly turning to face them.

???: "D-Do I know you?"

Y/n walked forward before moving his hair away from his face, the girl gasped as she didn't recognise him from a distance.

Asuki: "Y-Y/N!"

Asuki threw herself into a hug from her former schoolmate.

Issei: "Wait, isn't that the chick that attacked us the other night!?"

Asuki's eyes widened again before parting from Y/n.

Y/n took another look and realised Issei was right. She was the second fallen angel that had tried to attack them.

Y/n: "Asuki..."

Asuki: "I...Y/n, I."

???: "Umm... Lady Irael? Who are these people?"

Y/n's eyes widened as his fist clenched by his hip.

Asuki: "...Asia. This is Y/n Hyoudou and his brother, Issei. You can trust Y/n, Issei's a perv so I wouldn't even go near him."

Issei: "Says the bitch that tried to kill us!"

Irael: "That was out of necessity! Besides, I haven't seen you idiots in years so how the hell was I supposed to know!?"

Y/n: "...Issei. Go to school. I wanna talk to them."

Issei: "Y/n, I'm not gonna-"

Y/n sent his brother a cold glare, Issei reluctantly walked away before Y/n slung his bag over his shoulder.

Y/n: "C'mon. We'll talk on the way. I imagine you're heading to the church."

Asuki: "Yeah. This is Asia by the way."

Asia: "Nice to meet you, Y/n."

Y/n: "Nice to meet you too, Asia. Anyway, Asuki. What the H. E. Double fuck?"

Asuki: "First off, my real name's Irael."

Y/n: "Irael, huh? Okay then."

Irael: "Second off, as you know, I'm a fallen angel. I've spent the past few years in Grigori in lord Azazel's service. Mostly I keep fixing the toys he breaks. *sigh* I swear, he may be the biggest man-child in the underworld aside from Kokabiel."

Y/n was silent before a sigh escaped his lips.

Y/n: "So you've been safe?"

Irael: "...Yeah, I've been safe. I only got into town a few days ago. I was sent by Azazel to infiltrate a group of rogue fallen angels. Dohnaseek's at their head. My sister, Raynare's also involved. That's the one that tried to kill Issei."

Y/n: "Yeah. Wait, didn't I break into the church to save both of you at one point."

Irael: "Y-Yes. How do you remember that? I used a memory wipe spell on you."

Y/n: "It might have something to do with the fact that I'm a devil now."

Irael: "Huh... Yup, that'd do it."

The two were quiet for a second before they started laughing.

Asia: "I'm confused."

Irael: "Oh, Y/n and I go way back, Asia. That's why I know you can trust him."

Asia: "Oh, okay then."

Irael smiled at her as they arrived at the church entrance.

Irael: "We're gonna have to leave you here, Y/n. You should head to school."

Y/n: "Yeah. You two take care, alright? I'll maybe see you in town at some point."

Irael: "Hopefully. C'mon, Asia. We shouldn't keep the others waiting."

Y/n smiled as the two headed off. He then started making his way to the school when he saw a pair of black, feathered wings poking out from behind a tree.

Y/n: "I know you're there. You aren't fooling anyone."

???: "..! T-There's nobody here."

Y/n deadpanned before walking around the tree so he was at the fallen angel's side.

Y/n: "I can see you."

???: "...Shit."

Before she could escape, Y/n managed to grab ahold of her arm.

Y/n: "Well if it isn't Skanky McBigtits."

???: "it's Raynare!"

Y/n: "and I thank you for that information you bumbling buffoon."

Raynare: "I...You...Fuck you."

Y/n: "When and where?"

She sighed in annoyance whilst Y/n stifled a laugh.

Y/n: "let the shenanigans commence, bitches."

Y/n: "so what? You looking for my brother again? Because I have Rias on speed dial."

Raynare backed up a bit and Y/n could see the fear in her face.

Y/n: "Meh, doesn't matter to me much, I'm warning you now though. If any harm comes to Asia, Imma pound you six feet into the dirt."

He thought about what he said for a few seconds whilst Raynare's face turned red.

Raynare: "W-Watch your phrasing."

Y/n: "Wow, and I though my brother was the biggest pervert I know. Congrats for somehow having an even dirtier mind."

Raynare: "I-I'm not a pervert."

Y/n: "Yeah and I'm Waldo. Try and find me, Cunt Fuckula."

This seemed to piss her off and Y/n then started to walk away.

Raynare: "The hell are you going, pussy!?"

Y/n: "Stop rubbing yours to thoughts of me and I'll tell ya!"

With that, he casually strolled to school though he was having some random thoughts.

Y/n: "Huh...Raynare's got surprisingly soft skin."

Upon his arrival at the school, his head started to sear with pain and he supported himself against the main gate as a voice echoed within his mind.

???: "Be careful on the road ahead, Y/n. Should you need me, I shall be here."

Y/n shook his head and his dizziness wore off. He noticed that a few people had gathered to help him out. They helped keep him steady as he walked inside the school building. His classes wouldn't start for another while, so he could go annoy Sona. One though permeated within his mind however.

Y/n: "Just who the hell was that?"

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Rekindled Flame

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