The Blueberry Comes Home

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The two exorcists were standing inside of the ORC clubroom as Rias sat across from them. Xenovia's glare was evident as Uriel had a softer gaze.

Uriel: "I see my brother is as fashionably late as usual. I also don't see Bartzabel yet."

???: "I just got here, Uriel."

Uriel turned to the doorway and saw the Angel of Annihilation standing with his arms crossed as his hair covered half of his face.

Bartzabel towered over everyone else present at seventeen feet tall. The door was then opened by Y/n and Issei as they walked in with Asia and Koneko.

Koneko: "Sorry we're late. Sona and Y/n were arranging a study session."

Y/n: "I kinda need it. Haven't been able to focus on my studies as much as usual."

Rias: "It's fine. I suppose that's partly my fault for keeping you so busy as of late."

Xenovia's eyes widened as Y/n hugged Rias with a smile. He took a seat next to her before relaxing.

Rias: "Anyway, Y/n. This is Uriel and Bartzabel. The angels of War and Annihilation respectively."

Y/n: "Nice to meet you both."

Uriel: "At least you devils aren't complete savages like those of the Old Satan faction."

Rias: "Yes, we've since gained four new devil kings. My brother is one of them. However since his return, lord Samael has been given a measure of power."

Bartzabel: "Makes sense. Where is the smug bastard anyway?"

Y/n: "Hold on a sec."

Y/n brought his phone out before Dialling Allia.

Allia: "Hello, Y/n. You need something?"

Y/n: "Is dad down in Kyoto with you?"

Allia: "Yes, why?"

Y/n: "Put me on speaker for a second."

Allia did as her son asked and put the phone on speaker before Y/n spoke again.


Samael: "OH SHIT!!"

There was an audible laugh as Samael teleported away from Kyoto. The crimson circle appeared in the middle of the ORC and Samael appeared in a burst of flame while Bartzabel stifled a laugh.

Y/n: "Thanks, mom."

Allia: "No problem. I'll be in town again in a few days, just need to sort things out with Yasaka. So we can catch up then, okay?"

Y/n chuckled before saying goodbye and hanging up. Samael at least had the decency to look embarrassed.

Uriel: "I'm surprised, Samael. Wasn't it you who said not to be a stranger?"

There was a knock from the door and Freya and Evelyn walked in. Both of them unnerved by the Archangel, Primordial Fallen and Primordial Demon.

Rias: "Everyone's here now. Good. We can begin."

Uriel: "Alright. As was mentioned, I am Uriel. I and these two exorcists will be representing the church."

Irina: "Lady Uriel, Can I do something before we begin?"

Uriel: "Go ahead."

Irina smiled before walking over to Y/n and hugging him.

Y/n: "I'm confused."

Xenovia: "Irina. Do you know him?"

Y/n's eyes widened both at the voice and the name.

Y/n: "Wait, Irina Shidou?"

Irina pulled her hood back and smiled up at her old friend, who then returned the hug by lifting her off of the ground due to his height.

He then looked at Xenovia and his smile faded slightly as Irina sat back down.

Xenovia: "I see you recognise me, Y/n."

Samael: "Problem, kid?"

Y/n: "Xenovia and I grew up in the same orphanage. Freya and Evelyn there were our carers."

Xenovia: "I didn't think it possible for you to fall any further. But now I find out you're a devil."

Bartzabel: "Did nobody hear what the kid said on the phone to Allia?"

Uriel: "Hm? Problem, Bartzabel?"

Bartzabel: "Am I the only one here that pays attention here!? Uriel, He just called Allia and referred to her as his mom!"

It took a few seconds, but eventually the penny dropped and Uriel realised who Y/n really was.

Uriel: "... Oh."

Xenovia: "What does that have to do with-"

Bartzabel: "Quite a fuckin' bit considering Uriel's Y/n's aunt!"

Irina and Xenovia jumped to their feet in shock as Uriel stood with a blank stare. She then walked over to Y/n before grabbing Samael's face.

Uriel: "... Holy. sh- I mean, this is rather... Surprising."

Y/n: "Nice save."

Uriel: "Technically we have no restrain on swearing and the like, but it's seen as a more devilish thing to do so we avoid it."

Y/n: "That your fault, dad?"


Uriel: "For once, it wasn't Samael's fault. It was actually Gadreel's."

Everyone: "... Eh?"

Uriel: "He stubbed his toe on the corner of a door."

Everyone: "Ah, right that makes more sense."

Xenovia and Irina were still in a state of shock as everyone took a seat on the couches.

Uriel: "First thing's first. The fallen angels seem to have stolen some shards of the holy sword Excalibur."

Bartzabel: "Yeah, we know. I did some diggin' turns out that Kokabiel's working with a man names Valper Galilei. The former head of the holy sword project."

Uriel's eyes widened with furious hatred as that name was mentioned.

Uriel: "I see... Very well, I'll see to it that he gets what's coming to him. As for the devils, the church would like you to stay out of their way."

Xenovia: "We don't need-"

Uriel: "However, I believe this way of thinking is foolish. While it would make sense for the devils and fallen angels to side with each other. That is since in the past."

Rias: "Yes, and believe me. I have no intention of besmirching the Gremory family's name by siding with a maniac like Kokabiel."

Bartzabel nodded in agreement before Irina and Xenovia stood up.

Xenovia: "I believe this meeting to be a waste of our time. I shall return to the church for the time-being."

Y/n rolled his eyes before Xenovia turned to leave. However she stopped and looked at Asia.

Xenovia: "... Aren't you Asia Argento?"

Asia froze in her place as Raynare and Irael stood next to her. Both of them were ready to throw hands if needed.

Xenovia: "I should have known a witch would be here."

Asia's eyes widened in shock as Rias stood up to confront the exorcist. Bartzabel however, stood between them while Samael stood in front of Asia.

Samael glared down at Xenovia, who tried not to show how nervous she was, facing the Primordial demon like this.

Y/n: "Let me handle this. I know Xenovia better than most of you."

Y/n stood up before walking to Xenovia until they were face-to-face.

Xenovia: "What? Will you try and defend her?"

Y/n: "Of course. Asia's a valued member of this peerage. She's also my friend, I won't tolerate anyone insulting her. I once thought the same of you unless you forgot in your zealotry."

Xenovia backed up out of shock. Y/n was right, when they were in the orphanage he would defend her fiercely where it was warranted. She always looked up to him for being able to smile after fighting others for her.

However now she saw that she was treading a thin line that could end up in Y/n hating her.

Irina: "Y/n, you're not gonna hurt her, are you?"

Y/n: "If she persist down her current path, I'm going to make her regret even showing her face around me."

Xenovia said nothing, instead opting to lower her head and turn to leave.

That was when Kiba scoffed from the corner he was standing in.

Kiba: "Never thought I'd see an exorcist too weak to stand up for herself. Pathetic."

Xenovia clenched her fists before Y/n stepped in.

Y/n: "That's enough outta you, Kiba."

Rias: "Y/n's right. Kiba, you've been acting oddly for several days now. I want to know what's going on."

Uriel then spotted the wrapped up sword that lay in the corner of the room.

Uriel: "Lady Rias. May I ask what that is?"

Rias: "Oh, Y/n brought it. Said it'd serve as some kind of peace offering."

Y/n nodded before walking over to it and unwrapping it, revealing the shard of Excalibur.

Y/n: "A stray priest that was attacking Kiba had this. I promptly yoinked it."

Uriel was about to accept the blade when Kiba rushed forward to try and destroy it. However Samael caught the knight by the shoulder. His crushing grip keeping him constrained.

Uriel: "Judging by that reaction to seeing Excalibur. That boy was part of the holy sword project, wasn't he?"

Rias: "He was. I brought him into my household after he escaped."

Uriel: "That project was detested even in heaven. I'm glad that one survived however."

Kiba's eyes widened as she said that. Uriel then accepted the sword from Y/n.

Bartzabel: "Freya and Evelyn will help scout around for more stray exorcists."

Rias: "I'll have my devils on nightly patrols."

Samael: "I'll stick around as well. If Kokabiel's involved, he's probably looking for a war to start."

Uriel: "Yes. So long as we have this temporary alliance however, that war will not come."

Xenovia: "... If that is all, we'll take our leave now."

Uriel noticed that Xenovia's voice was much quieter and more subdued than it had been. She said nothing to Asia as she walked out of the clubroom. Irina said goodbye in a much friendlier manner and chased after her.

Uriel: "I think you may have gone too far, Y/n."

Y/n: "She wasn't gonna listen to anything else. She's always been behind me when I've fought others for her. She's never been on the receiving end."

Freya: "He's right. Xenovia's hardier than most others, but if even Y/n's going against her, she'll back down."

Uriel: "I see... I'll keep that in mind."

Rias: "I was going to offer them some tea before they left, but I guess not."

Uriel: "If it's all the same, I'm parched at the moment."

Rias smiled before turning to Akeno.

Rias: "Akeno, would you mind?"

Akeno: "Of course. Give me a moment. Would anyone else like any?"

Issei: "I could go for some."

Asia: "Yes please."

Bartzabel: "Nah, I got booze."

Samael: "You tryna share!?"

Bartzabel: "Fuck off. This bottle's mine."

Y/n: "You have two bottles in your jacket, don't think it's easy to hide. It's pretty obvious."

Bartzabel: "Cunt!"

Samael: "Cough it up, jackass. Gimme."

Everyone laughed as Bartzabel rolled his eyes and passed Samael the other bottle of vodka.

Akeno giggled as she went to make the tea for everyone.

Later, in the church, Irina was consoling her partner as Xenovia was still registering what had happened. Y/n had just shut her down and had she made a move towards Asia, it would end up with her likely being knocked unconscious.

Xenovia: "... should I have kept my mouth shut?"

Irina: "Probably. While I agree with your notion that it's surprising that Asia became a devil, I still think you could've come off a bit nicer. I mean, she looked happy as a devil, right?"

Xenovia: "Yes... I suppose she did. Very well, Y/n said she lives with him. I'll go there tomorrow to make amends."

Irina: "I think that's for the best. Still, to think Y/n's the antichrist..."

Xenovia: "He's oddly friendly for being the embodiment of evil, huh?"

The two laughed before going to bed.

Back at Y/n's house, things were getting... Hilarious.

He and Issei were currently screaming at each other while arm wrestling...

With their sacred gears in effect.

Rias and Asia were both in tears as the two were at unreal levels of power and yelling at each other, trying to make each other laugh so the other would falter.



Irael: "... Should I make 'em both fail?"

Raynare looked at the two as they ree'd at each other like a pair of gremlins.

Raynare: "Do it."

Irael smirked before producing a helium balloon out of nowhere. The then inhaled some of the gas before speaking.

Irael: "Issei! You love big, fat dick in your throat!"

Immediately the whole house erupted with laughter as Issei faltered and Y/n slammed his hand on the table.


Rias physically started wheezing and coughing for air before falling off of the sofa completely. Tears ran down her face as she laughed.

Asia wasn't much better while Raynare slapped the table a few times out of laughter.

This was one of the many memories Y/n would hold close to heart going forward.

Especially with what was coming.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Holy Hunting.

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