Training for Familiars

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Y/n and Issei were both out on their usual morning run as the rain poured around them.

Issei: "Why the hell do we hafta run in the rain!?"

Y/n: "Stop complaining! It's more fun when there's an actual storm involved, haha!"

Y/n laughed as he ran ahead of his brother, who groaned before running to catch up.

Eventually the two came across an abandoned warehouse. Both of them could immediately sense the intense malice from within as they got closer.

Issei: "Yo, not gonna lie. I don't think we should go in there."

Y/n: "It's likely a rogue devil. The Archduke's probably already put an order out for its annihilation. So let's do just that. It'll be good training for both of us."

Rexalian: "He's right, Issei Hyoudou. This might be the push you need to unlock your sacred gear."

Issei: "And then I'll be on my way to being the harem king, you're right! LET'S DO THIS!!"

Y/n: "Well, his heart's in the right place."

Cykran: "Debatable."

Issei: "I heard that!"

Cykran: "Good."

Y/n chuckled as he walked in with Issei not too far behind.

Y/n: "Rexalian."

Rexalian: "On it, Brother."

Y/n closed his eyes as his sense of hearing was shot to unbelievable levels, he could hear Issei breathing quietly and he heard something scuttling around nearby.

Y/n: "Okay. Tone it back now. I've got an idea of what I'm dealin' with."

Rexalian reduced the hearing enhancement before putting the excess energy into Y/n's athleticism.

Issei: "What are we dealing with?"

Y/n: "A bug. From the sounds of things, an arachnid."

Issei: "Can we take it?"

Y/n: "That's for us to find out."

Y/n smirked at his brother before speaking loudly enough that his voice echoed around the warehouse.

Y/n: "Yo! We know you're here! Come out and say hello!"

???: "What's this then? Two little devils creep into my web?"

A series of quiet clicks echoed around the two as Issei got ready to fight.

Issei: "Come on, sacred gear. Do something!"

???: "You want to fight on even terms with your brother. With the disparity between you it is impossible. But you can be given a BOOST!"

A green light shone from behind Y/n. He spun and saw a red gauntlet on his brothers left arm.

Issei: "Holy shit it worked!"

Y/n: "Attaboy, Shitsei!"

Issei: "Ya fucking ruined it."

Y/n: "I know."

The two chuckled as something leapt at them from the shadows. Y/n caught it and found it to be a young woman with a splitting jaw and the lower body of a spider.

Issei ran forward and delivered a nasty left hook to the stray's face.

Y/n followed it up with a right cross punch before both sacred gears' voices echoed.

Rexalian/???: "ENHANCE/BOOST!!"

Both Y/n and Issei then spent five minutes bullying the stray devil until it wasn't able to move anymore.

Issei: "It's too bad. Apart from the splitting jaw thing, she's kinda cute."

Y/n: "We have to have a chat about your kinks, brother."

???: "That's not all you'll have to have a chat about."

Both brother froze and turned to find Sona and her peerage at the door.

Y/n/Issei: "Ahhhh, shit."

Ten minutes later, Y/n and Issei were both in the student council room too nervous to look up, but very much aware of the piercing glare that was being sent their way by Sona.

Sona: "Any time you boys want to start explaining yourself, I'll be willing to listen."

Y/n: "Okay. So... We were minding our own business."

Sona: "That's a lie."

Issei: "We were out training and decided to take a detour before we found ourselves at the warehouse. Then we went in, I unlocked my sacred gear and we kicked ass."

Y/n: "... Wow, you cannot shut up when you're scared, huh?"

Issei: "I think I pissed myself."

Sona: "Let me get this straight. You were training and somehow found yourself at the warehouse?"

Y/n: "... Yes."

Sona: "Somehow I doubt that."


Sona raised an eyebrow before walking over and rolling up Y/n's trouser leg. Sure enough there were ten kilogram weights on his calfs.

Sona: "How did you-?"

Nerolyth: "*Ahem*, yeah. That's my doing."

Sona: "Your sacred gear? *sigh* I suppose that makes it plausible. Don't forget though, Y/n. Due to our arrangement, you are part of my peerage as well. Acts like this can negatively affect me."

Y/n: "You're just jealous that I got the kill before you."

Sona sighed before a ball of what looked like ice appeared at the window.

She got into a defensive stance before Y/n put a hand on her shoulder. The ice expanded and took on the form of a woman. The silhouette then shone with a bright light and Amera appeared in place of the ice.

Sona: "You again!"

Amera: "Hello, Sona. Ah, Y/n. Just the person I was looking for!"

Amera walked over and quickly hugged her nephew. Y/n still wasn't entirely used to having his blood family around, but he returned the hug nonetheless.

Amera: "Before I get too carried away, Y/n have you thought about your familiar yet?"

Y/n: "Familiar? Oh, like a summoned creature that can support me in battle?"

Amera: "Yes. Well, kind of. There's support familiars, errand familiars, combat familiars and cute familiars that some beings keep for the sake of having something cute."

Issei: "Are there really hot girl familiars!?"

Amera: "Hmm... I'll have to check with Zatouji about that one. I don't think so, but ya never know."

Y/n: "How 'bout cute combat familiars?"

Amera: "Oh yeah. There's a lot of those."

Sona: "Of course you would go for that."

Y/n: "Oi! Don't act like you didn't see it coming from ten miles out!"

Sona sighed before letting Y/n and Issei go. Amera went with them to help them progress their training.

Amera: "You two have dragon gears, right? You've gotta learn how to fully control that power. Issei, test how far you can use your ability."

Issei nodded before holding out his left arm.

Issei: "Sacred Gear!"

???: "BOOST!!"

Issei: "Further!"

???: "BOOST!!"

Amera: "You can do better!"

Issei: "Come the fuck on!"


Amera: "That's enough for now. Eight's your limit so far. We can work on that. Y/n, your turn."

Y/n: "Right, REXALIAN!!"

Rexalian: "You want power? I'LL GIVE YA POWER, BROTHER!! ENHANCE!!!"

Amera's and Issei's eyes widened as Y/n's power skyrocketed.

Amera: "Well then. One enhancement's equivalent to... ten? Maybe eleven boosts of the Red Dragon."

???: "Ddraig's power simply can't keep up with Rexalian's enhancement. It's the reason he lost to Rexalian during the scorched earth massacre."

Amera froze up as Allia appeared behind her. Rias was with her.

Rias: "I was just about to look for you two. I see you've been keeping up with your training."

Issei: "Yes ma'am!"

Y/n: "Hey, Rias, did you need something?"

Rias: "Yes actually. Sona told me about you two and your escapade with that rogue devil."

Y/n: "No regrets on my end."

Issei: "A few on mine."

Y/n: "Shush your face."

Allia: "I hope you haven't been pushing them too hard, Amera."

Amera: "Not at all, sis."

Allia: "Good. Y/n, I imagine you have a few questions regarding our family. As such, I'll answer what I can."

Y/n: "Yeah. Then I'll start with this. Why the hell are there only four of us if we're immortal?"

Allia: "Okay, starting with that one are we? Right. So... Basically your grandpa was a fucking hornball. However he could only have three children. Myself, the oldest. Amera, the youngest... And Kresus. The middle child."

Y/n: "You hesitated. There's something up with aunt Kresus, isn't there?"

Allia: "It's best not to get involved with her."

Y/n: "I'm a member of this family too, I deserve to kno-"


Everyone physically flinched as Allia raised her voice. Three pairs of wings emerged from her back and burned intensely.

Amera: "Sis, calm down. It's best to do as she says, Y/n. You don't wanna get involved with Kresus. Trust me on that."

Y/n: "R-Right..."

Allia: "M-My apologies. I don't usually lose my composure like that."

Y/n: "It's fine. If it's that big an issue then I'll steer clear."

Allia: "That's all I ask. Anyway. Your grandfather is technically dead. He was the first phoenix and his flames have died away."

Y/n: "So we can die?"

Allia: "It's next to impossible. But there is that slight chance. However, he was unfortunate enough to fall victim to that tiny chance and had his flames doused."

Y/n: "So, I'm the spawn of the second Phoenix?"

Allia: "And- Well, I'll let your father talk to you about your lineage."

Y/n: "Right. That brings me to my next point. You seemed to be on good terms with that fallen angel."

Allia: "Gadreel and I go waaaayy back. Thousands of years back. He, Bartzabel, Belial and I used to hang out behind my fathers back. Hell, we were so dumb back then."

Rias picked up on the fact that Allia specifically said "Hell" rather than "God."

Rias: "Is it possible that Y/n was already a devil. It would explain how difficult it was to implant those pawns into him..."

Y/n: "So, you used to hang out with fallen angel royalty then?"

Allia: "Azazel's still fuckin' terrified of me. More so of your father, but he still doesn't say no to me."

Y/n: "Why do I feel like you've asked several favours of him?"

Allia: "Oh, no. I haven't cashed in any of the favours he owes me. By the way, if you need anything from Grigori then I can cash in one of those favours for ya."

Y/n chuckled as his mother held a devious smirk.

Rias then cleared her throat.

Rias: "Family hilarity aside, Y/n, Issei. We need to get ready to get you guys familiars. With your current training you should attract some pretty strong ones."

Issei: "Strong ones are what we're after, right?"

Rias: "That depends on what you're after. The peerage mostly has benign familiars. Akeno's imps are pretty good as magic support. Koneko's cat's good for laying traps stealthily and Kiba's eagle is how we do a lot of scouting."

Issei: "So we don't have a lot of combat familiars..."

Rias: "We haven't needed them thus far. However it may come in handy to have at least one."

Y/n: "Right. I'll look for a combat familiar then!"

As he said that, in a forest in the underworld, a pair of large ears popped up from a ball of white floof.

???: "Mas... ter...?"

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Sitri/Gremory Sports Tournament.

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