Chapter 1- Administer and Third Selection

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Scene 1

[JP is asleep in his room and is having a dream where he is surrounded by a group of seven girls. He sees in his hand a tiny little book with a note that says, "Don't trust anyone." He screams and is shook awake by his childhood best friend Hijri Kasuga]

Hijri: JP, are you okay?

JP: I'm fine. Thanks.

Hijri: Another nightmare?

JP: Yeah. This one was very strange though.

Hijri: Hurry up and get ready. I have breakfast prepared. We must eat quickly to get to school on time.

JP: (Nods) Okay.

[Hijri leaves the room. JP feels something in his pocket. He looks to see what it is. He pulls out the same little book that he saw in his dream. He opens it up and sees the note that says, "Don't trust anyone." He quickly gets ready and puts the tiny book in his pocket. He heads downstairs where Hijri is serving pancakes]

Hijri: (Smiles) I made your favorite!

JP: (Smiles) Thanks. You're the greatest best friend ever!

Hijri: Well, I obviously know what you like best because we've been best friends our whole lives.

[JP and Hijri eat breakfast and head to school. They walk past a girl. At the same time JP hears a mysterious voice]

Voice: Master, you must remember who you are! The fate of the world depends on it! It is your destiny.

[JP stops, and Hijri stops too. JP looks around for the girl and to see where the voice came from but see no one. The two sit on a rooftop]

Hijri: What a great view.

[JP looks at Hijri as she glimmers in the sun]

JP: Sure is.

[JP stands up. The little book falls out of his pocket. Hijri stares at the book as it hits the ground. JP notices her reaction and quickly picks it up]

Hijri: JP, where did you get that?

JP: I don't know. I just found it.

Hijri: Can I see it? I can help you find out what it is.

[JP remembers the note]

JP: It's okay. I can figure it out myself.

Hijri: You can trust me, JP. Just hand it over. We're best friends. You can trust me.

JP: (Thoughts) I can't trust anyone. (Out loud) No.

Hijri: (Sighs) I asked nicely. Very well. I will have to use a different tactic.

[Hijri's appearance changes. JP is shocked by the change in Hijri's appearance. She fires a blast of magic that hits him directly. He falls hard to the ground]

Hijri: This is nothing personal. I am actually very surprised and very sad to find out that it's you. You thought you could hide forever, Paladin Demon Lord, but that has come to an end. JP, I'll give you one last warning. Hand over the grimoire or die. You might as well give it to me or other people will do the same but won't be so nice in asking.

[Before JP can answer and blast of magic is shot at Hijri which she easily blocks. JP turns around and sees the girl from earlier. Her name is Lilith Asami]

Lilith: Stay away from him! I will not let you harm him!

JP: Who are you?

Lilith: I am a mage that was sent to find you!

JP: Please don't shoot at Hijri. She's my best friend.

Lilith: She isn't the Hijri that you knew.

JP: Hijri, what is she talking about?

[The Hijri clone laughs]

JP: Who are you?

Ilias Fragment: If you must know then just know that I'm not the Hijri you knew. You're also not who you think you are either.

Lilith: JP, you must help me fight her. I can't defeat her on my own.

JP: I don't know what to do! I have no idea what's going on!

Lilith: What?

Ilias Fragment: (Laughs) That won't work, sweetie! He's had his memory erased. There was no way anyone would be able to capture him if he still knew who he was.

Lilith: Then I'll have to kill you myself!

Ilias Fragment: You will try.

[The Ilias Fragment shoots a blast of magic at Lilith and it hits her directly. She falls hard to the ground. JP runs to her side]

JP: Whoever you are, please stop!

Ilias Fragment: I'm very jealous, JP. You're going to protect a girl you just met? I've been your best friend your whole life!

JP: You've said it yourself. You're not Hijri! Tell me. Where is the real Hijri?

Ilias Fragment: Hand me the grimoire and I'll take you to her!

JP: Never!

Iliad Fragment: (Sigh) So you choose to die? How sad. Well, it was nice knowing you, JP.

[The Iliad Fragment prepares to shoot a blast of magic. Time suddenly freezes. The grimoire starts to glow in JP's hand. A voice is heard]

Astral Codex: Master, you must remember who you are!

JP: Who are you?

Astral Codex: I am the Astral Codex. I am someone you can trust. If you want to get out of this mess and save the girl, you must remember who you are!

JP: How do I do that?

Astral Codex: Let me try something!

[A large flash of lightning blinds JP. He is having a flashback of a memory of who he really is. He holds the grimoire in his hand]

JP: Connect to the Superbia Archive! Execute Thema!

[JP's appearance changes. JP snaps awake and sees that his appearance has changed]

Ilias Fragment: So, the Astral Codex helped you remember a little bit of who you are. Doesn't matter. That won't help you anyway.

JP: (Whispers) What do I do?

Astral Codex: Draw your weapon, Master.

[JP reaches behind him and pulls out a sword. The Ilias Fragment's eyes widen but return to normal]

Ilias Fragment: (Laughs) You don't know how to use that do you?

JP: I guess I'll swing it around a few times and see what happens!

Ilias Fragment: You can't defeat me with a weapon you don't know how to control!

JP: (Shouts) Watch me! (Thoughts) Here goes nothing!

[JP swings his sword and a large blast of magic comes from it. The Ilias Fragment puts up a barrier, but the blast of magic easily destroys it]

Ilias Fragment: (Shocked) That's impossible! Without your memories you shouldn't be that powerful! I must retreat! We will meet again, JP!

[The Ilias Fragment vanishes. JP runs to Lilith's side who is now awake and who saw everything. She looks up at him and slightly blushes due to his handsome features, but she refocuses herself]

JP: Are you okay?

Lilith: That was very impressive! How did you do that?

JP: I don't know.

Lilith: Let me take you to a place where we can help you find out who you really are.

JP: Okay.

Scene 2

[JP is taken to a large building and is led to an office where he finds the Headmaster and his assistant]

Headmaster: Welcome. It's an honor to be in your presence.

JP: Where am I?

Headmaster: You're at the Royal Biblia Academy.

JP: Okay.

[Lilith walks in]

Lilith: I'm here as you requested, headmaster.

[Lilith looks over and sees JP. She gives him a slight smile]

Lilith: So, this is JP Poole.

Headmaster: Yes. I'm deciding to what to do with him. We shall start by trying to get information out of him first.

Lilith: (Concerned) Are you sure? He really doesn't remember anything!

Headmaster: I understand your concern Miss Lilith, but we need to know what we're dealing with here. We were alerted that a Paladin Demon Lord was spotted but vanished. According to sources it is this young man here.

Lilith: I understand.

JP: (Winces) Ow. My head hurts.

[Lilith runs to his side]

Lilith: It's going to be okay. Do you remember anything about yourself?

[JP is confused by the question]

JP: (Shakes head) I'm sorry.

Lilith: (Worried) So you really don't know who really are.

[JP thinks hard again but still can't remember anything]

JP: (Shakes head) No. Still nothing.

Lilith: You need some rest.

Headmaster: That's probably for the best but he should get introduced to the school first.

Lilith: I can do that.

Headmaster: Very well. Treat him like a king. This truly an amazing mage we have here.

[JP looks at the Grimoire]

JP: (Whispers) So you're attached to me, but I don't know how or when. Is there anything you can tell me? Like who I really am?

Astral Codex: I'm sorry. The memory I gave you was all I had. You'll have to remember everything else yourself.

JP: (Surprised) I forgot. You can talk.

Astral Codex: Yes. I am the Astral Codex. Pleased to be speaking to you again, master.

JP: But if you've been with me for a while shouldn't you know more about me.

Astral Codex: I could tell you who you really are but not in front of the people here.

Headmaster: Who gave you that command?

Astral Codex: I am forbidden to say.

Headmaster: Crap. Okay, so there is only one thing to do. We must make him as comfortable as possible. Although he's a legendary mage, he's also very dangerous.

Lilith: Yes, Headmaster.

Headmaster: You have the potential of becoming a very powerful mage. Well, we already know that you are. So, on behalf of the students and faculty, I welcome you to Royal Biblia Academy, JP Poole. This is a top-secret school funded by all the governments of the world for mages to practice their magic. Whenever there is something that has to do with magic that the world deems dangerous and unable to handle, we step in.

JP: Okay.

Headmaster: Hopefully we can help you remember who you really are.

JP: (Nods) Thank you.

Headmaster: Miss Lilith, you oversee taking care of him. He will be in your care. You may not tell anyone but the Trinity Seven of his true nature. They will help him remember who he really is.

Lilith: (Nods) Yes, headmaster.

[The headmaster and his assistant leave the room]

JP: My head hurts.

Lilith: You need to get some rest but that will have to wait. We must get to class.

JP: Okay.

[JP and Lilith head to class]

Scene 3

[As JP walks, he has flashbacks. He sees himself faced off against a powerful mage named Last Trinity]

JP: You won't get away with this, Last Trinity!

Last Trinity: I already have, and I have for centuries. It's a vicious cycle. I am the Demon Lord after all and it's my duty to destroy this world and then the cycle will repeat.

JP: I cannot let that happen.

Last Trinity: Try to stop me all you want but you won't prevail.

JP: I can, and I will.

Last Trinity: You've been saying that for centuries and each time you fail. You may be powerful, but I am more powerful still for I have the Trinity Seven at my side.

[JP sees seven mages hidden in cloaks walk behind Last Trinity]

Last Trinity: I, along with them, will destroy you and the cycle will repeat.

JP: That may be true, but I am Paladin. The most powerful mage a person can be. I will fight with everything I got!

[JP closes his eyes]

JP: Connect to the Superbia Archive. Execute thema!

[JP is now dressed in the black armor of a Paladin]

Last Trinity: This should be fun. So, tell me how does it feel to die repeatedly?

JP: Well, when you've been doing this for a while you get used to it.

Last Trinity: Well, I can assure you that this is going to hurt.

JP: I don't doubt it.

[JP whispers to his Grimoire]

JP: Sora, if I fail you know what to do.

Astral Codex: Understood, master. Good luck.

JP: No going back. No regrets. No holding back. This is for the world!

[JP begins to fight off all seven of the Trinity Seven. The battle lasts for a long time. In the end though he is near defeat and is on his knees]

Last Trinity: You fought well. A lot better than all the other times you've gone against us. But you have failed just the same. Better luck next time.

JP: I may have failed this time but next time I will defeat you.

Last Trinity: You've been saying that forever but who knows? You might get lucky next time though I seriously doubt it. Trinity Seven, let's send this mage back to his death.

[All of the mages nod and together along with Last Trinity they send a large blast of magic towards JP]

JP: Sora, if you please.

Astral Codex: Yes, master.

[JP closes his eyes and the giant blast destroys him]

Scene 4

[JP opens the classroom door and walks in. Everyone is surprised to see him. All of the girls start whispering to each other and pointing at him. JP looks around and sees Lilith teaching]

JP: I'm sorry. I was just...

Lilith: It's okay, Mr. Poole. Please join us.

[A girl named Selina raises her hand]

Lilith: Yes, Selina?

Selina: Would you like to introduce us?

Lilith: (Surprised) Of course. Class, this is a new student. He is a transfer. His name is JP Poole.

JP: Thank you for the welcome.

Selina: (Raises hand) Excuse me! I have a question.

Lilith: Yes, go ahead, Selina.

Selina: So, JP, the question everyone wants to know is do you have a girlfriend?

JP: (Shakes head) No. I am currently single.

[All of the girls start giggling]

Selina: You heard him, girls. He's on the market! Next question, what type of girls do you like?

JP: I like any type of girl. Each girl is truly special in her own way.

[All of the girls blush and giggle]

Selina: So, you're a romantic?

JP: (Nods) Basically.

[All of the girls giggle louder. Lilith gets very jealous]

Lilith: (Shouts) Ladies, please! No more questions!

Selina: One more. There is word going around that you're a Paladin Demon Lord. Is that true?

Lilith: Well...he can neither confirm or deny that.

Selina: So, it's basically true. He is a Paladin Demon Lord. Not just a Demon Lord. He is also a Paladin. That is the most powerful mage a person can be.

[All of the girls start talking very loudly to each other]

Selina: (Smiles) No more questions.

[JP looks over to Lilith]

JP: (Whispers) I'm sorry.

Lilith: (Slight smile) It isn't your fault. Go ahead and take your seat.

[JP sits down at his desk]

Scene 5

[JP walks with Lilith by his side]

Lilith: You were very quiet earlier. Are you okay?

JP: I'm fine.

Lilith: Just thought I'd ask. If you need anything just ask.

[JP feels as there is someone watching him from on the ceiling. He looks up and a face of a girl reveals herself. The girl's name is Levi]

Levi: You noticed I was up here. I'm impressed. My ninja skills might need some working on.

[Levi comes down from the ceiling]

Levi: Well, aren't you a looker?

JP: (Confused) Thanks?

Lilith: Levi, I'm trying to take him to his room. Please let us through.

Levi: Well, at least let me introduce myself.

[Levi turns to JP]

Levi: Hello, my name is Levi Kazuma and I study ninja arts.

JP: So, you're not a mage?

Lilith: She's a different type of mage.

Levi: Yes. I'm a fighting mage.

JP: So, you study the ninja arts?

Levi: Yes, I know everything from assassination to the sexy technique.

Lilith: (Shouts) Levi, stop with that!

JP: (Slight smile) Okay. Well, that's cool. You sound awesome.

Lilith: JP, Levi is one of the Trinity Seven. The group of people who will help you with your problem.

JP: So, if you're with the Trinity Seven then that means there are seven of you.

Levi: Yes. If you look outside, you'll see two more.

[JP looks outside and sees Mira and Akio]

Levi: Mira Yamana and Akio Fudo. Two more of the Trinity Seven.

JP: So, all of them girls. I'm very tired. I need rest.

Levi: Well, I guess all good-looking guys need their beauty sleep.

Lilith: (Shouts) Levi! Girls shouldn't say such things! (Walks away)

JP: What's wrong with her? She is a very emotional person.

Levi: Not really. I've never seen Miss Lilith have this much fun with a guy!

JP: Really? Never would've have guessed.

Levi: If you have that effect on her then you must be someone truly special.

[Lilith returns and leads JP away from Levi and leads him to his room. He walks in. He sees a pile of clothes laying on the bed]

JP: Are those for me?

Lilith: Yes. You only had the Grimoire and the clothes on your back when we arrived. You'll need other things to wear.

JP: Understood.

Lilith: You should get some rest. I'll come by tomorrow to check in on you.

JP: Thanks, Lilith. You're a wonderful person.

[Lilith is a little caught off guard by JP's compliment]

Lilith: (Coughs) Good night.

[Lilith walks away but smiles slightly. JP closes his door and lays on his bed]

JP: Grimoire...I mean, Astral Codex, are you awake?

Astral Codex: Yes, master.

JP: I think I had a flashback unless it was a dream. Can you tell me who I really am?

Astral Codex: Yes, master. You are a powerful mage. You are called a Paladin. That is the highest rank a mage can have. You have for centuries tried destroying the White Demon Lord, Last Trinity, but have failed each time.

JP: So, I guess it's my purpose to try to stop him?

Astral Codex: Yes, master. Just on how do you plan to do that?

JP: I don't know. Any ideas?

Astral Codex: Last Trinity's power doesn't match yours. You are more powerful. But he has the Trinity Seven by his side and that gives him the edge.

JP: So, it's best to try to get the Trinity Seven on my side.

Astral Codex: That would be a good idea that you haven't tried yet.

JP: Why haven't I?

Astral Codex: I'm not sure, master.

JP: Well, starting tomorrow I'm going to make it my sole purpose to get them on my side.

Astral Codex: That is a good plan, master, but you should really get some rest.

JP: Thanks, Astral Codex. I think I can trust you.

Astral Codex: Good night, master.

JP: Good night.

[JP closes his eyes and goes to sleep]

Scene 6

[JP tries to fall asleep but is unable to do so. He has too many thoughts going on in his head]

JP: Astral Codex?

Astral Codex: Yes, master?

JP: I can't sleep. Do you have any ideas on what I could be doing right now?

Astral Codex: Well, you could take a bath.

JP: Okay. Well, that might be hard with you on my arm.

Astral Codex: I can switch positions if you want.

JP: Can you be around my neck?

[The Astral Codex disappears from JP's arm and reappears around his neck]

JP: Okay, what if you get wet?

Astral Codex: I'm waterproof. And don't worry about privacy. I've already seen everything.

JP: (Nods) Okay?

[JP leaves his dorm and heads to the bathroom. He walks into the shower room wearing only a towel. He walks in and sees a girl who completely naked just standing there. Her name is Arin]

JP: (Embarrassed) I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was in here.

[Arin speaks in a completely monotone voice]

Arin: Are you a boy?

JP: (Nods) Yes.

Arin: Okay... (Monotone scream) Ahh!

JP: (Confused) What are you doing?

Arin: I was told to do this if a boy was ever around.

JP: That makes sense.

Arin: You're different. Most boys would react differently. Interesting.

[Lilith walks in]

Lilith: (Screams) Arin, I told you not to be in here!

Arin: I screamed like you told me to.

Lilith: You already know that you don't do it right.

JP: I'm just going to leave.

[JP starts to leave]

Lilith: (Embarrassed) I'm so sorry, JP.

JP: It's okay. (Leaves)

[Lilith meets JP outside]

JP: Was that Hijri?

Lilith: No. That is Arin Kannazuki. She's one of the Trinity Seven.

JP: She looks so much like Hijri.

Lilith: Well, I think it's Hijri that looks like Arin and not the other way around.

JP: Well, I think they must be connected somehow.

Lilith: I think you're thinking too much into it.

JP: Uh...Lilith?

Lilith: Yes?

JP: I'm glad you're helping me out, but can you please put on some pants?

[Lilith looks down and sees that she isn't wearing pants. She screams and runs away. JP just laughs]


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