Level 2:parad and liselotte joruney

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Parad began waking,he touch something soft he look and he were shock that he touch lieselotte breats he jump and scream make lieselotte wake up

Lieselotte: "good morning parad!"

Parad:turns aways becaues lieselotte is naked "why are you naked ah"he shout as he were shock

Lieselotte: "oh well becaues i fell comefortable when i naked sleep and beside make me fell warm when i huggs you"she wearing her clothes and smile to him

Parad:realize why he fell comefortable becaues lieselotte naked sleep with him,he shake his head "next time you want to sleep you don't have to take off your clothes"

Lieselotte: "aw what a party pooper!"she smile at him

Parad:get out of the bed go outside to find something for him and lieselotte to eat
The result parad don't find anything to eat,he back home and see lieselotte is cooking

Lieselotte: "oh you come back now sit down"she greet him and told him sit down

Parad:have no choice he fell hungry so he sit down as lieselotte place the food for him and her and she sit down,he eat the food,he fell the food normal "how did you know to cook"

Lieselotte: "well i use magic then creative a food so that you don't have find a food"she eat her food

Parad: "why you not said that soon!make me find the food like the crazy man in the disater place"

Lieselotte: "becuase you don't asked me!"she giggle

Parad must admit that she really cute when she giggle,he back to eat his food
After the breafeast parad is on the roof as his face is seem to be boring as he look at the sky even black sun too he wonder what happend to this place

Parad: "uh so boring man i wish something make me excited"he remember the yesterday the meet of him and lieselotte make him fell something about her that he never fell it,he keep looking on the sky he is wondering how are his friends was after the events of dangerous zombie chronicel by kamen rider genm,he stand up and go back the house and he see lieselotte that are taking her clothes in fornt of him make him turns aways "why you taking clothes in fornt of me"he blushd

Lieselotte: "what does matter you shy when you see a naked girls"she tease him

Parad: "what no!i just...ugh!could you pleased wear you clothes back"he really annyoing with her

Liselotte: "i can't do that,becaues i have to shower"

Parad: "then shower in yours bathroom"

Lieselotte: "oh really!"she teleport him to a bathroom but parad see the bathroom were destroy then get him back "now you see why i can't go bathroom becaues is be destroy"she lick into his ears

Parad: "okay!you can shower here!i go outside to take a breaths",he stand up opened the door and go outside leaving lieselotte

Lieselotte: "parad you make fell something about you"she touch her heart "and i just want be with you"the she began to shower
Parad is outside as he are punching the wall in his rider forms knock out fighter

Paradox:punching the wall,like punch the bag "what did she think,she are doing ah,bring me to her home so that she can secuditive me"he keep punching "well here some news lieselotte i not easy to be secuditive"he was anger he accident punching throught the wall he breath deeply he dehenshin turns back his human forms and lay on the ground but his mind is still thinking about lieselotte he wondering why he still think about lieselotte after everything she did to him,but maybe she cooking a food to him,and huggs him when he are sleep,he never forget about lieselotte giggel how cute she is despite she doing her secuditive "maybe she not that bad"he stand up and walking to his and lieselotte home but before he walking he hear something,he intervetatino and he see that have a lot people that are wearing a hood and their are do a ceremory as they take something is a ball that have a dark magic,parad wondering what is that then someone touch his shoulder make him jump he see lieselotte as she get get fingger likes said him silent "what are you doing here ah?

Lieselotte: "becaues i miss you duh and beside i here to take that magic"she point the ball that have magic

Parad:wondering why she want to get that magic "why you want get that magic ah"

Lieselotte:look at him "i have hear about this magic is have a dark magic very powerfull,i really want it!i going get now"she be stop by parado

Parad: "you crazy,that have a lot people if you go there you will die"he look at her as he is worry to her

Lieselotte: "i don't care i die or not the point is i will have that magic"

Parad: "i sorry to do this to you!"

Lieselotte: "Eh!"she be punch in the gut by parado make her fall on the ground

Parad carry her in bridal styel and walking to the his and her house
Lieselotte slowly opening her eyes she see that she are in the bed and she remember who punch her in the gut is parad,she get out of the bed to find parad and asking why he punch her gut,she have found parado and he is siting on the couch,she slowy come to him and close his eyes

Parad: "what the!"he wondering whose close his eyes

Lieselotte: "guest who!"she whisper into his ear

Parad:know who is close his eyes "oh is you lieselotte"he grabs her hand and look at her "what do you want!"

Lieselotte: "i want a answer!why you punch me"

Parad: "becaues you want that dark magic,and i just save you from those hood man,and i....!"

Lieselotte: "i what!"she cross her armr

Parad: "i were worry to you beside  both of us owe each other,i save you and you get me a house,but i wondering why you want get that magic ah i know that is yours habbit must have some reasons"he look at her

Lieselotte:turns aways "that is not yours business"

Parad: "if that is yours habbit!then i will help you"

Lieselott:look at him "what do you mean?,why you want help me"she wondering

Parad: "becaues i have a habbit too that is when everything seem boring i just want to fight,the fight make me more excited get me think that life like a game and i also play a game too"he have a habbit just like her but different that she want magic and he want to fight and play a game

Lieselotte: "oh so that,i didn't know that you have a habbit like that"

Parad:stand up "so if you want get that magic so much i will help you fulfil yours habbit"

Lieselotte:look at his eyes and see that she can truth him "okay then lets go"she walk to the door as parado also walk to the door too
They have come the locations of dark mages,and parad must said that those mage is pervented when lieselotte try to take her clothes off they knock out by her and parad,and they have come a place where those dark mage keep the dark magic

Parad: "this must be the place"he look around the room that no one guard this place

Lieselotte: "yep!and now come to mama"she come to the dark magic but when she touch is a illusions "what!"then she be chain of

Parad: "lieselotte!"he come to her but be stop by dark mages that grabs his hand "lets me go!"

Lieselotte: "parad!"she said his name

Then a hood man coming to boths of them is seem likes he is the leader,he take his hood out reveal to be a dark mages

Dark mages leader: "so the colleter of magic is here how wonderfull"he smile look at lieselotte "how gorgeous you are"he touch her body and her chin

Parad:look disgusted "hand her of!"he shout at dark mages leader

Dark mages leader: "then who are you ah"he come to parado

Parad: "i'm her friends!"he look at dark mages leader as he are anger

Dark mages leader:laugh "hahahaha hahahahahaha"

Parad: "what so funny ah?"

Dark mages leader: "that mages over there she don't have friends she only think about herself and only think magic,and now!boys bring the ball of dark"he order his dark mages fellow,they go and they have bought a ball of dark "now witness boy as i going get yours friend magic"he laugh like the madman

Parad:know that magic is really dangerous and it will kill her,he use his bugster power push those dark mages "i will not lets you hurt her!"he bring his dual gashat and twist it (Perfect puzzel!what's the next stage!what's the next stage(x2)!)"henshin!"he press the gashat (dual up!get glory in the chain!Perfect puzzel) he become kamen rider paradox level 50 perfect puzzel,he charges to the dark mages leader but be block by the dark mages and they charges to paradox,paradox dodges one of they punch and blocked he push them punch them and kick them he raise his hand founding a perfect coin he have found it (muscels up!metal up!speed up) he move fast as his body armor is in the metal hit every dark mages make them fall on the ground

Dark mages leader:were shock but lieselotte is not "how can you do that,don't tell me you also a mages too"

Paradox: "no i'm not a mages i'm kamen rider paradox,and you know what that i'm exciting to fight you,to see you what you can do"he get his gashat twist again (knock out fighter!the strongest fist!round 1!rock and fire!the strongest fist!round 1!rock and fire(x2)!) "dai henshin"he press the gashat(explosion hit!knock out fighter) he changes his forms from perfect puzzel to knock out fighter,he come to the dark mages slowly and run to him but dark mages block by using his magic and push paradox into the wall

Dark mages leader: "i don't have time with you"he look back and see that lieselotte is gone "what!"

Lieselotte: "hey!"she kick him "thank to watch time for me parado"she look at paradox and thank him

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Paradox:stand up "you welcome,how do you fell when we have a uperhand ah"

Dark mages leader:look at his hand that he don't have the ball of dark

Lieselotte: "looking for this!"she show him a ball of dark

Dark mages leader: "so you going get that dark magic into you ah"he look at lieselotte

Lieselotte: "actually no!i not going use this magic"she began remember about the convertations between her and paradox
Parado: "what do you mean,you not need that dark magic?"

Lieselotte: "becaues i know the cost of that dark magic,i don't want become a evil i just want to be a powerfull mages,so that i can protect my sister"she turns back look at parado

Parado: "if you said so then i will destroy that dark magic"
(End flashbach)
dark mages leader:seem angers "i can't believed i be trick by two of you"

Lieselotte: "yep!now parado do it"she throw the ball of dark on the sky

Paradox: "okay!"he throw his fires fist and the ball of dark be broken "look like we win the game"

Dark mages leader: "then i have no choice about use my last magic"then he began transforms that have a powerfull wind make paradox and lieselotte crover then he has completed his transformations as he is a monster motif of the grasshopper human figues

Paradox: "what the!he can do that!"

Monster grasshopper jump to lieselotte but be punch by paradox,make him fall on the ground,he stand up and charges to paradox and lieselotte as two of them dodges and round house kick,lieselotte use the whip to attack him but he have slash and be upercut by paradox make the monster grasshopper fall on the round

Paradox: "lets finish this now"he twist the gashat twice (kimiwaza!)he put the gashat where belong (dual!perfect critical smash) his fist is fire and preepare to finish monster grasshopper,he come to him throw the punch but be block then the monster grasshopper slash him many time the monster use his energy and slash paradox make him rolls on the ground and turns back as parad

Lieselotte:come to parad "you okay parad"

Parad: "yeah i okay"he look at her that she are worry

Lieselotte: "lets me take care of this"she about to fight monster grasshopper but be stop by parad

Parad: "no!lets me handel"he stand up and face the monster grasshopper

Lieselotte: "you can't handel!you're hurt,and i don't want you fight for yours safe"she worried to him

Parad:look at her "don't worry i not going die easy beside you only see the half of my power,you not see my full power yet"he bought something is a gamer driver

(Ingone the gashat migthy action x)
He get the driver into his waist and bring his dual gashat "my heart are exciting of this game now"he put the dual gashat into the driver
(Dual!gashato!the strongest fist!what's the next stage!(x2 of knoch out fighter and perfect puzzel)) "max dai henshin"he doing his henshin pose

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He has become kamen rider paradox level 99

Lieselotte:were shock that parad can combine his two forms "parad what is that forms you have it"

Paradox:look at lieselotte "this is the forms where two game combine together,perfect puzzel and knock out fighter combine them is will be perfect knock out"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Lieselotte:realize something that two of his forms is level 50 "so that mean you level is..."

Paradox: "my level is 99"he face the monster grasshopper,as the monster try to slash paradox but he have block it "uhm is that you got ah"he punch the monster and the moster try to slash him but paradox dodegs and punch him again paradox sumomond his weapon (gashacon parablaygun!)

In his hand is parablaygun axe mode

He charges to the monster and slash him make him stumbles,the monster have enough with this he use his magic and throw it to paradox,paradox roll aways he press A buttons
(Zu-GAAN) he turn his weapons from axe mode to gun mode

He fire the monster many times

Paradox:laugh becaues he is exciting and happy "Man is really long time i play this game and now my heart is dancing"he keep fire the monster and press B button
(1,2,3!) and fire agains make the monster stumbles,the monster about to escape but be stop by the whip of lieselotte "thank lieselotte!"he thank her

Lieselotte: "you welcome beside you help me to fullfil my habbit and now is my time to fullfil yours habbit"she use the whip chain the monster

Paradox press A buttons as the weapons come back axe mode
(ZU-GOON) he come to the monster and slash him three time make him roll on the ground the monster was trying to get up,paradox throw his weapons and close the driver
(Gashacho!umiwaza!) he doing his rider kick pose(likes he do in the movie of him) and open the driver
(Gashacha!perfect knock out!critical boomer) he jump and doing his rider kick make the monster expolsions he land safely as he were smile in his helmeted

Lieselotte:see that paradox really powerfull then her heart beat up again but this time is really fast "not this felling!did i fall in love of him"she touch her heart

Paradox dehenshin turns back as parad he come to lieselotte

Parad: "come on lieselotte lets go home"he smile to her becaues he are happy that he can fight and he also that have her assist too

Lieselotte:nod yes "lets go home!"
They have come to their home and now parad were about to sleep but he see that lieselotte is watiting to him on the bed

Lieselotte: "what does matter you not come here to sleep with me"she charm him

Parad: "uh yeah i about going to sleep but i can't sleep with you,i rather sleep on the floor"parad know that she will sleep naked again

Lieselotte: "oh don't worry beside i'm wearing my clothes"

Parad: "fine!"he come to her and get on the bed as he about to sleep but he fell something about lieselotte "you must be kidding me now"he shout becaues he just be trick by her,he about get out of the bed but lieselotte huggs him make him blush becaues she is naked but he have admit that he really fell comefortable when lieselotte huggs him make him fell warm

Lieselotte: "do you fell better if you said yes then good night"she were sleep

Parad:look at her that he know that she is a good person she make him remember himself "you too lieselotte!"the he sleep as everything is peacefull,but no thing not that easy
In the dark place that have a portal of the game and appear that have four persons one and reveal to be ex-aid,genm,lazer and snipe as the new game star now
(Game star!)
Next time
In the ground that have a persons he stand up is none other than dan kuroto

Dan kuroto: "i have returns BWha ha ha ha"
(The god have back)

Then have a young woman is akio fudo

Akio: "who are you?"she look at somone is dan kuroto in his rider forms

Genm: "i'm kamen rider genm also know as KAMI DA"

( the love between of god and the mages)

Dan: "i will show you what is true kami da"he facing a enemy,and he bought buggle driver become kamen ridet genm level x

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