Chapter 2

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I walk on the brick walkway,  I'd first met Hoody here. It's where I got the scar on my cheek from but I can't feel it at all anymore. Sally and Zarri were playing hid-n-seek together,  I am playing to but I practically quit. When I rediscovered this my curiosity got the best of me and now I'm adventuring around. I turn on my flashlight due to my fear of the dark. The whole family knows about my fear and trys to keep the lights in the hallway on but usually they forget. I end up peeing in the bed when I have to go really bad but I keep flashlights where ever I go. I walk around and I then see a stuffed animal. Its a puppy... My grey puppy! I pick Yukon my stuffed animal and clutch her in my arms. It starts to grow dark and I get lost of where I'm at. Yea I know what your thinking "why does this girl keep getting lost". Its because I have a terrible sense of direction and I'm only a little kid. It starts to rain again and my flashlight battery dies. I sit under a tree crying because of how scared I am. A few hours go by and I'm hungery, tired, scared, and wet. I hear a twig snap and I scream bloody murder.  "Shhh its okay Tessa" a familiar voice says. I look up to come face to no face with Slendy.  He pulls out a lantern with a flame already burning and gives it to me. My favorite red hoody is soaked which makes me even more colder. Slendy wraps his tentacles around me to keep me at least a little bit warm. I'm so tired Slendy has to carry me back ohome as I fall asleep in his arms.

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