2. Children

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It was after dinner. Vienna was in the TV room on the ground floor, drinking a glass of wine and watching a programme. She was alone. But she could see through the windows what was happening outside. Her children were laughing and playing games outside. It was still nice and sunny outside during this typical hot summer night. She smiled as she thought back to her own childhood. She always used to play outside until late when she was the same age as her children.

It was just like yesterday when she had fallen pregnant with Nicandro. She smiled at the memory of finding out for the first time she was going to be a young mother. It had happened very shortly after their marriage. They were still in college back then. It did not matter. She managed to handle her education and her motherhood. It was easy because she had plenty of help. Her mother and Tristan's mother had helped plus nannies. Well. Her and Clarisa had decided to get married and have kids early. It was so bizarre how they had their children around the same time. The twins, Nathan and Natalia had just turned five years old. Her older son Nicandro was going to turn six years old very soon.

Vienna knew these children were going to grow up soon and then their beautiful innocent moments was going to be a distant memory. She wanted the children to enjoy themselves. But sometimes they really tested her with their defiance and attitude. They could be innocent angels but also could be a handful too.

After she finished drinking her wine, she went upstairs to see what Tristan was upto. She hoped he was not plotting too hard to bring down her brother for his stunt. Tristan and Viggo were at each other's throats ever since she remembered. Tristan never crossed a line though in hitting Viggo where it hurt and neither did Viggo. There was no ceasefire in sight for now. Both sides did try to get on each others' nerves when they could.

Vienna reached his office door and opened it slowly. When she entered she found him on the phone. He was writing with one hand and was holding the phone at his ear with another hand. He was nodding and listening. His eyes went to her and he raised an eyebrow but then he looked down and carried on. She walked to him and realised he was talking to Trent as he addressed him. So she decided to tease him like how he did to her when she was on the phone. Why not test the waters while he was having a conversation with a family member. She stood behind his chair and put her hands on his shoulders. She started slowly moving her hands up and down his arms.

Tristan smiled as he was still writing and listening. He was talking to his younger brother Trent on the phone. He stopped writing and said "Alright. Now Give me some details about your hotels in Las Vegas..." He then nodded and wrote some information down.

She leaned close and kissed the side of his head. She planted kisses up and down his face.

That did it. He said "Hold one moment."

Vienna quickly let go and took a few steps back.

Tristan held the phone away and turned around looking at Vienna. He mouthed "Stop."

Vienna smiled sweetly, and put her hands up and mouthed "Ok."

Tristan gave her a warning look. He then turned around put the phone at his ear again"Go on..."

Vienna walked slowly towards Tristan. She sat on Tristan's lap and put her hands in front of her as she looked at his expression that had become unreadable. He raised an eyebrow as he was nodding at Trent "Ah huh..."

Vienna smiled sweetly at him. She reached her hand to his cheek and stroked it as his eyes went back to the paper and he carried on writing as she was seated on his lap.

Vienna leaned closer and planted kisses on his cheek and side of his face.

Tristan chuckled "Yes. Trent... I would like to stay partners with you in that business... No. I do not wish to sell my share to Vincenzo.... Yes... He wants to be major shareholder in that business... But he can't have it... Yes. The price is good. And that company is not one of our key investments in that area but no we do not sell... Rosarios can try... They won't win..."

Vienna narrowed her eyes and hit his chest with her hand as she got up. She walked away.

Tristan said "Yes... Rosarios can be persistent but the O'Neils are resistant..."

She turned and then walked to his desk. She grabbed a stationary holder and picked it up. She reversed the contents on the desk. The pencils and pens fell out making sounds.

Tristan said "Everything is fine... Do not worry about the sound... I will deal with the source in a minute." He then stood up.

That was Vienna's cue to run away. She walked away fast towards the door. She put her hand on the handle. She tried to open the door but the door did not budge. Damn it... She did not see the remote control of the door on his desk. She had made sure there was no remote in sight.

Where had he hidden the remote that day?

She turned around and saw Tristan talking on the phone as he was standing and was looking at her with an expression that gave nothing away. She still tried to open the door but the handle did not budge.

Tristan said "Yes. Trent..."

Vienna looked around the room. She could escape to the other room... But he would have locked it. There was no escaping her fate. She could only delay it. This was the second floor. She could not jump out of the window. There was only one way out. The emergency route she was not allowed to use unless in an emergency like in a fire or gas leak or anything like that. She knew she was going to pay for it once Tristan caught her, but she did not want to face this frustrated Tristan.

She made her way to the emergency exit as she heard Tristan say on the phone "Oh. Of course...Actions have consequences. They always do..."

She knew his words had double meaning. She exited his office through the emergency route and took a sigh of relief. She smiled to herself. She was the only one who could do that. She was the only one who could test Tristan's limits while he was doing business and leave his presence like that. No one dared to try and then tell the tale. No one.

Vienna had to find a hiding place. She managed to make her way to a room she was sure he would check last. Their master bedroom. There was no way she would hide in there because it would have been too obvious. So she went to their master bedroom. She walked to one of her walk in closets and hid there. The walk in closets at their mansion were huge. She looked at her shoes collection that was so big going all the way to the roof. And her jewellery collection. Maybe she could try some shoes and jewellery on while she was hoping her husband cooled off and calmed down. If he did not not find her, hopefully he was going to have an ice bath to calm his frustrations at what she had done. She chuckled to her joke that she had played on him. It was nice to take exact revenge. His tactics of annoying her while she was on the phone to the Rosarios had varied over the years. But recently he had become meaner. Tristan had done something similar to what she had done recently. Only he had made her sit on his lap while showering her in kisses. It had been so embarrassing and she did not have the option of hanging up because the conversation was important.

Just then as she was smiling to herself she heard the door to the closet open and Tristan appeared at the door.

She gulped.

Tristan's eyes narrowed "Outside. Now. You have three seconds..."

She had no intention of defying him. He started counting out loud. She walked outside quickly and the before she knew it, she found herself carried to the bed bridal style and pinned down to the bed.

Vienna looked into Tristan's eyes who was hovering above him as she had her arms pinned to the bed. "Tristan..."

Tristan leaned close and kissed her lips. The kiss was so possessive and deep. She closed her eyes. She kissed him back.

Once the passionate kiss was over, Tristan pulled away leaving her out of breath.

She was panting as she was looking up at him as her heart was beating fast in her chest. His dominant presence was overwhelming. He was looking into her eyes possessively. She had teased him. She was there to make her pay. She had no where to run.

Tristan leaned close and whispered in her ear as he kissed her neck "You have so much to atone for..."

Vienna bit her lip "I know..."

Tristan said as he planted kisses on her neck "You broke so many rules there..."

Vienna whispered back as she was unmoving "I am fully aware of it..."

Tristan said "You should pay... Do you have anything to say in your defence?"

Vienna said defensively knowing this could be the only chance he would give her to defend herself "You did the same to me Tristan when I was talking to my family. We are even now..."

Tristan stopped kissing her and pulled away slightly and looked into her eyes "You just added to your offences darling. I am your family... You are my wife. An O'Neil..."

Vienna said "You know what I mean... I meant when I was talking to ... the Rosarios... I am a Rosario too..."

Tristan said "You are an O'Neil as my wife..."

Vienna said "I am a Rosario too..."

Tristan said "Oh... I need to remind you who you belong to." He attached his lips to hers.

Once he pulled away Tristan said "I need to teach you a lesson so that you remember not to run away from your husband and not to use the emergency exists to do so of all the routes..."

Vienna said "I told you Tristan. We are even... You did the same..."

Tristan said "We are even when I say we are even... By the way your mother called when you took the kids outside after dinner..."

Vienna gasped "What?" She tried to get up but she could not move her husband had her pinned down still "Tristan. I need to go call her..."

Tristan said "There is no need to call her. I told her you were busy... She asked me to give you a message."

Vienna asked "What was the message?"

Tristan said "I am not telling you... You need to learn a lesson..."

Vienna sighed "I know.. I know.. I should not take you on unless I am ready for the consequences... I know it all. Please. Give me the message."

Tristan said "Fine... I tell you... Only if you repeat ten times the following sentence "I am married to Tristan O'Neil. I should not dare forget it..."

Vienna said "Tristan... You can't be serious."

Tristan said "You are right. You need to repeat it fifteen times..."

Vienna knew she was fighting a losing battle. She gave a defeated sigh and did as he asked as she was laying down. Tristan was kissing her as she was saying her sentences and was even counting the sentences for her. He was that merciful in theory not making her keep count while she was being kissed. But he was only trying to prolong her torment taking his time pausing in between while counting making her wait.

After it seemed like forever for Vienna she managed to say fifteen times the sentence he had asked.

Tristan pulled away slightly "Good girl. Now... I tell you the message... Well. She was calling from somewhere nearby. I do not know where. Some random place. Church or charity base of some kind. She said she was in the area and she was dropping by to visit."

Vienna gasped "She is coming over... I need to get ready... She could be here any minute now..."

Tristan chuckled "Well. While you were too busy running away and hiding from your husband. She arrived here and I greeted her of course..."

Vienna said "What?"

Tristan said "You are welcome darling. I told her you were busy with some household duties... She understood and she is now busy hanging around with her ground kids in the front yard... So do not worry. Our kids are keeping the company of their grandma Rosario.

Vienna tried to get up but Tristan did not move. She sighed "My mother is actually here. Tristan. Please let me up. I want to go see her..."

Tristan said "Well. You should have thought of it before you messed around with your husband while he was doing business. The last time I disturbed you was when you were on your phone for non business talk... You disturbed me when I was doing business today. Wrong move. You have to pay up... So I think I need to make you very sorry for your offence..."

Vienna said "OK...Ok... I am sorry. Tristan. Can you make me pay after my mother is gone... Please..."

Tristan said "Maybe... If I feel like it..."

Vienna asked trying to hide her frustration at her husband "Tristan... How can I make you feel like letting me go and deal with me after my mother is gone... I need to see her..."

Tristan said "Let me think..." He pretended to think looking away.

Vienna sighed "Tristan. Please..."

Tristan looked at her "Ok... There is something you can do so I postpone this punishment session you have earned yourself by being a disobedient wife to your husband... Do you want to know what it is you can do?"

Vienna knew he was doing this on purpose. He was delaying her. She had to play along. She could not move when he had her pinned down. She knew she deserved this treatment. No one messed with Tristan and walked away. She expected retaliation and it would have been worth it because she wanted to make them even because he had annoyed her when she had been on the phone before. But she had not anticipated her mother dropping by to visit.

Vienna said "Tristan. Please. Tell me..."

Tristan said "Ok... Repeat what I say... Tristan O'Neil is my king. I am his queen... I should never forget it..."

Vienna said "How many times?"

Tristan said "As many times as I want?

Vienna said "What do you mean?"

Tristan said "You heard what I said... Oh. And I will not count. You won't need to keep count... You say the sentence out loud. I will kiss you while you do it... When I am satisfied, I let you leave the room to greet your mother...."

Vienna said "What if you won't let me go until after she leaves our home? How do I know you will let me go early enough not to miss her. She does not stay long when she visits and you know it full well..."

Tristan said "Well, then you know what to do to make sure I will let you leave early enough for you to see your mother..."

Vienna knew full well... She had to say each sentence very clear emphasising on each word and very slowly like she meant it or he was going to prolong her torment. He liked hearing her confess who she belonged to. Their marriage was a tug of war some days when they played their games. She found it to be part of the sweetness in their marriage to be a couple who were so close in their marriage and liked to show power and intense love at the same time.

Vienna smiled sweetly at Tristan and thought to herself "Alright... Bring it on Tristan. But I will get you back for this... I will try..." She then started saying the first sentence as clearly and slowly as she could.


Vienna was sitting with her mother on bench in the gardens. The children had eventually disappeared to a different play area to try their new toys.

Adele Rosario said with a smile "You look so great today... Your cheeks are so red... You are looking very healthy."

Vienna did not want to say she had been blushing and had been having intense moments with her husband before coming to see her. "I am ok mum. I have told you everything is fine..."

Adele nodded "Why don't you come visit me more often?"

Vienna shrugged "Mum. I am busy with work. You know how it is..."

Just then Tristan walked towards the mother and daughter as he left the mansion.

Adele's expression turned hard "Oh. Here is your husband... He has the same arrogance and authority about him as always."

Vienna could not help laugh. She then shook her head with a smile "Mum... I love him...I always have. I always will... He makes my life an adventure. He is a good husband and good father... I assure you... He makes me happy. You do know he is now the father of my children. The father of your grandchildren. Please try to like him..."

Adele said "What do you think I have been trying to do all these years?..."

As Tristan was approaching his wife and her mother, he found himself face to face with his sons who suddenly jumped in front on him in his path and he found himself soaked up with water within seconds before he could react. His sons had water guns in their hands that were very life size machine guns. What on earth? He did not remember ever buying those for him. He looked at his sons who laughed.

Adele and Vienna were both trying to suppress their smiles. Neither dared laugh. Vienna was covering her mouth and Adele was trying to keep a straight face.

He asked with narrowed eyes as he said "Who gave you these water guns." He was looking between his sons with a hard stare.

The boys were not laughing now. Nathan looked at Nicandro for help and Nicandro said "Grandpa Rosario sent it for us today. Grandma Rosario gave it to us today and said grandpa wants us to use it..."

Tristan asked "Oh. And did grandpa Rosario ask you to use it on me? Is that what your grandma Rosario said?"

Nicandro nodded "Yes. Grandpa told grandma you like it.... Grandma told us you like water... because grandpa told her".

Nathan nodded " You like water... Grandpa says, dad likes water..."

Tristan nodded "Right." He knelt down to make his height to his kids level. He said in a serious tone with meaning behind each word "I like water... But I do not like to be soaked by water... You will never use your water gun on me... Ever... It is not allowed... Do I make myself clear?" He looked at both his sons as he issued the warning.

The boys nodded quickly and said in unison "Yes dad..." They always knew how to respond when their dad said "Do you understand or Do I make myself clear". He did not like repeating himself and even the kids knew that.

Tristan said with half a smile "Maybe your grandpa Rosario likes to play games like this... I do not... Now. Go play... " The kids complied and walked away to play games elsewhere. Adele did not want to stay to endure his reprimanding stare that she knew was going to come her way. So she followed the kids. "I go make sure the kids put the water guns away for now... I wonder where Natalia went. She was busy with her new toys too." Adele disappeared with the kids escaping Tristan's intense gaze that would have been targeted on her which was now on Vienna.

Tristan looked at Vienna with his piercing stare who still did not dare laugh and was glued to the bench and did not even dare move. After a few seconds of silence He said with a smile "I will go get changed."

Vienna nodded and watched him walk away after he gave her one last look that promised action. His eyes promised some kind of retaliation. Heaven only knew who was going to feel his wrath for this and how. She knew she would best be quiet in that moment so she did not end up on Tristan's hit list.

As Tristan walked away, she could not help it and decided to test the waters. She commented with a serious face "Yes... You should go get changed... My father likes to send his regards I guess through thoughtful gifts for our sons. How nice of him? Water guns are such harmless toys. They are fun..." She said the statement as though she had not been in enough trouble already. But she had been in a playful mood that afternoon. She wanted to tease him.

Tristan stopped walking, turned and looked at Vienna "You are right. What a thoughtful gift for our sons?... The kids are just playing with water. It is not like they are playing with fire... unlike their mother..." He whispered the last part and smiled at her. This made her swallow hard.

Tristan then walked away smiling to himself. His wife was asking for it with her rebellious streak that day.

Vienna watched him leave and as the intense moment wore off, she took a deep breath. She even managed to let out a laugh once he was out of ear shot when he disappeared inside the mansion. Vienna shook her head. Her father, Francesco Rosario obviously had a special way of dealing with his son in law.

Vienna stood up and made her way towards where her children were playing and her mother was standing. Her family was truly blessed in every way. She had a loving husband and happy marriage. Her husband at the end of the day was a powerful man. A man who no one could witness his loving side like how very few close to him did. None of the maids or guards had even seen this recent exchange that had just happened. The personnel stayed away when there were family reunions unless requested. Family moments happened and it was mostly for her eyes only and her children's. Her sons had guts. Soaking their papa like that. She chuckled at the memory.

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