Chapter 16

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Hana was doing her job at her desk when a loud noise jarred her from her concentration. She gasped and stood immediately as she saw Ryu Mirae on the floor with files scattered around her. Many heads went up as Hana as they heard the noise but no one went up to help as they saw who it was. Mirae was an intern and most of the time, she had to do a lot of jobs that involves carrying and copying documents.

Throughout the short weeks she worked at the company, Hana learnt something about the work culture there that she never knew about. Just like how the people are really particular about the difference of age – who is older and younger as such, the company has a really clear hierarchical structure. The positions may sometimes be confusing but they have to know who is on the top of the food chain. If you're a newbie, you have to be prepared with the menial task that would be assigned to you until you get promoted or another newbie comes in.

Interns were even worse as they were in the limbo of being hired or fired if they didn't fit in the performance level that the supervisor set them. Working as an intern at an entertainment company meant that their working hours are much longer and they have to get ready to be called in at all times. Until they were officially hired, they can say goodbye to their personal life.

Both Hana and Mirae were the same age as to why Hana found Mirae easier to befriend. Hana first met Mirae when she landed in Seoul as she was the one who waited for her and her team at the airport.

"Are you okay?" Hana helped Mirae collect the content of the files that went out.

"I'm okay. Just tripped on my own foot. Clumsy of me," Mirae sighed as she quickly collected the papers on the floor. Just then Mirae's face turned red as someone crouched down and helped. Hana knew in an instant who that was.

"Here you go, intern," said Ko Min Gu as he passed the papers to Mirae with a smile. "Be careful next time. We don't want you to be suing the department for hard labour."

"I will, Ko sunbaenim," answered Mirae.

"You will what? Sue us?" he replied with a pretend shock.

"No, no. I mean, I'll be careful. Thank you Ko sunbaenim," Mirae stuttered as she bowed.

Hana hid her smile at the obviousness of Mirae's response as Min Gu left. Mirae had a huge crush on Ko Min Gu and she was trying hard to hide it.

Mirae then blinked at Hana, "Was I that obvious?"

"A bit," Hana put up her thumb and index fingers indicating the obviousness by a few degrees.

"Of all the people around here, why do I always have to look stupid in front of him," Mirae sighed. She then looked at her watch and gasped. "Shoot. I have to get moving or the Lion is going to slay me for being late. I'll see you at lunch."

The Lion was the name the department had for one of the senior managers, Roh Gi Woong. It was apt as he usually had to tame his mane of hair with a hair band if he was too busy to use his hair gel. He was precise and could be surly as hell if things were not to his liking. He's the epitome of a perfectionist to the T.

"Go go go!" cheered Hana as Mirae walked quickly with the files.


"Can you please put a bucket on my head?" Mirae brooded miserably as she was picking the grains of her rice on the tray.

"Come on. It wasn't that bad," comforted Hana as she ate her side dish.

"Wasn't bad? You've got to be kidding me. My klutz mode is on autopilot whenever 'he' is around. I am a dancer and I have worked as a barista before but boy... when he's around, I spilled coffee, I trip and fall. Why now?"

"You do know what they say about people and their crush – they would always know when to turn up at the most inopportune moment," comforted Hana.

"Does that happen to you? I mean I don't know if a girl like you would have a crush or anything. Guys would surely be lining up for your attention. You don't have to try."

"You're exaggerating. You don't see anyone doing that right now."

"I got eyes. Some of the guys were definitely interested," Mirae nodded in a direction not far from their table.

Hana turned her head and true enough, there were some guys looking at them as they were talking. Two of the guys pretended as if nothing happened and the other two held their heads and smiled at her. Hana smiled back and nodded her head in respect before turning back to her food.

"Darn girl, you're confident."

"I just smiled. Nothing wrong with smiling back. And for your information, I do have a crush or two."

"Did you turn into a klutz in their vicinity too?"

"Well... I don't know about that but I do know that I did catch him in his inopportune moment quite some time."

"Whoa, maybe he likes you too," Mirae deduced. "Did it work out for both of you? Does he know you have a crush on him?"

"I don't know if he knows. If he does, he didn't say anything. Besides, it's complicated," Hana replied heavily.

"I feel you. I wasn't that obvious just now, wasn't I?" Mirae asked Hana worriedly. "Do you think he knows?"

"Mirae-ya, I could see that from the moment you picked both of us up at the airport. I don't know if he does, though."

"I'm so dead if he does."

"But hey, you've seen the idols here all the time. Don't they have the same effect as Ko sunbaenim?"

"Absolutely not."

"Really? I don't believe you. I'm sure the reason you're here and not anywhere else is because of BTS."

"Did not," Mirae objected. "I'm here because Big Hit Entertainment is one of the leading entertainment agencies in South Korea."

"Oh really? Then why did I see that RM bookmark in your organizer?"

"Darn, I was trying so hard to cover that one out. I made sure no one saw that."

"Well, I did."

Mirae whimpered, "I have to keep that one at home then. It's different when they know you're ARMY and I really want to work here even after my internship ends."

"It's not that bad. I bet you're not the only ARMY here in the company."

"For your information, the managers keep their eagle eyes on newbies if they have any inkling, the newbies are fans. Then, they make sure you have the least contact with them. They make you glued to the office sharpening pencils and make copies of documents 24/7."

"You're not serious, aren't you? What's wrong with being a fan?" Hana looked at Mirae in disbelief at that new discovery.

"It's because there are just too many who applied, got the job and leaked information to the fan cafe and social media. Not to mention there are anti-fans who took advantage to do such to create scandals. I tried to stay out of the radar – not because I have bad intentions. After a while, I thought that working here would look good on my resume. I can get better jobs. How about you? Do you work here because of BTS too?"

"You know I don't work directly under Big Hit. The company I'm working with was hired by this company for a 6 months period. I had no idea until I was told to go to Vegas. So, you like RM huh?" Hana fished.

"I do but he's a megastar. Ko sunbaenim is a hot shot. One is way up there, hot and unreachable for us mere mortals. The other one is among us and within the reach."

"Both are hot," Hana waggled her eyebrows.

"I have to correct myself. Both are beyond my reach."

"Why don't you just confess to Ko sunbaenim?"

"Are you crazy? I'm just an intern."

"You're a girl who likes him. He's nice, why don't you try?"

"If he turns me down and pats me like a puppy because of pity, the rest of my internship is going to be as awkward as hell."

"Then do that on your last day. That would solve your problem."

Mirae looked at Hana as if she grew horns on her head at that moment. "That's like until the end of the year. What if I want to work here permanently?"

"You'll have enough time to think about the contingency plan. Does this company have a policy against couples or spouses working together?" Hana asked, suddenly curious.

"I don't know. It wasn't in my contract."

"Maybe they don't. Do you see any couples here?" Hana looked around the cafeteria and her eyes were locked on a table in the corner of the room. "There. Are they in a relationship or something?"

Mirae turned and looked back at Hana. "That's the top managers in the design and performance department. They're husband and wife."

"You have hope then," Hana then groaned appreciatively as she bit into her food. "God, I got to love the lunch food they serve here. This will be one of the things that I would miss a lot when my time ends here."

"Hey, you could always apply for a permanent post. The company would always need translators' service."

"And my loyalty would be for the lunch food. That's great," Hana joked.

Just then Mirae's phone rang and she picked it up quickly. "Yes? On it, Ko sunbaenim!"

"Speak of the devil."

"He's not a devil, mind you," Mirae sniffled indignantly.

"Handsome devil," Hana corrected.

"Heh, I got to go. Will you be going to the company dinner tonight?"

"I'll be there."

"Cool. I really need you to be there to save me from turning into a complete buffoon in front of him. See you later!"

"I'll even bring in the restraints if anything goes haywire tonight," Hana teased.

"You're my lifesaver," Mirae grinned at Hana.

"Hurry up and go! He's waiting!" Hana watched Mirae zooming to return her food tray and she was gone in a flash.

P.S: Sorry I've been away for so long. I've got my writer's block and everything I wrote was gibberish and didn't make any sense. I had to get my act together by binge-watching dramas and reading my favourite books all over again. So here I am back again hoping for a smoother writing flow. No matter how late I would be or how long it will take, fear not, I will always finish my story, haha. Hope everyone have a great day and don't forget BTS in Busan next week 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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