Chapter 40

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Namjoon had just finished a meeting with the song producer when he received a call from an unknown number. The number that appeared was from the US. He rejected the call as he didn't make it a habit of answering unknown callers due to the phone number leak that he faced before and kept his phone in his pocket. Not long after, his phone buzzed again and the same number appeared. Being cautious, he answered the call without saying anything. If it was some crazy fans, he would block the number off afterwards.

"Hello, I am Meredith Bennet calling on behalf of Mr Henry Joo of Quintessence Capital. Is this Mr Namjoon Kim of Big Hit Entertainment?" said a female voice with a Californian accent at the end of the line.

"Yes, this is him," Namjoon answered. It wasn't a common practice for him to be addressed as such. He was always asked if he was a part of BTS, not as Big Hit and the way she said it was too formal. Namjoon racked his brain thinking if he had any business with Quintessence Capital before, or if he knew any Henry Joo.

"I am instructed to contact you and arrange an appointment between you and Mr Joo today if that is possible with you?"

"May I know what is this about? Pardon me, but I have never heard of your company before or even Mr Henry Joo for that matter," Namjoon said politely.

"We're a venture capital firm based in Los Angeles, California. I was not told of the reason for the appointment other than it's a personal matter between you and Mr Joo."

"Mr Joo, you say?" Namjoon could hazard a guess from that remark that Henry Joo is Hana's grandfather.

He had found out about them.

It was true that the rumour that surfaced was about Taehyung and Hana, but to have her grandfather track the real person she was in a relationship with took a lot of work when only their close friends knew about it. It just showed that her grandfather was not someone to mess with. She told him that her grandfather was quiet when the rumour broke out. He probably went to investigate it himself. How he pulled that out was a mystery to Namjoon.

"I apologize for the abrupt request but is it possible for you to meet up with Mr Joo today either during lunch or dinner?" Meredith asked again.

"Is he in Seoul now?"

"Yes, he is. What time is convenient for you?"

Namjoon started to go through his schedule in his mind. It was tight for the day but he had a couple of hours to spare in the afternoon. "I would be free between noon to 2 p.m."

"Would 12.30 be okay with you?"

"Sure. Where will that be?" Namjoon asked again.

"Are you at your office building or are you elsewhere?"

"I'm at the Big Hit building," Namjoon answered. He would only need to go out later in the afternoon.

"Noted. I will send the location for the lunch meeting to you after this call," Meredith said.

"Fine with me," he said.

"Thank you for your time, Mr Kim, and have a good day," Meredith said before ending the call.

Namjoon was in awe of the efficiency of the assistant's work that he didn't know what to say. Some people believe that an assistant is a mirror of the person they were working with. If Henry Joo's assistant was that sharp and fast, he could only imagine how Henry Joo's mind works. Hana always likened her grandfather to Yoda. He wondered how true that was when it was viewed by a person who was dating the person's granddaughter. From what he knew, Hana didn't want her grandfather to even find out about them. He didn't know if it was due to her fear of her grandfather or because she didn't want her grandfather to disapprove of their relationship. Namjoon didn't want that thought to cloud his first meeting with her grandfather. It would be better if he turns up with a clean slate and decides for himself.

First impressions matter.

Namjoon looked at the casual clothes he was wearing that day and decided that will not do. He made his way to his studio and changed into the semi-formal clothes that he kept in the closet in his studio as he didn't always go to work wearing formal. Those were usually prepared for him by the stylist if his work required him to do so. He knew he would have to go straight to the photoshoot studio after the meeting. He informed Manager Lim about the appointment and everything was set.

Namjoon looked at his phone and started to type a message to Hana. He then paused before sending the message. He then switched his phone to silent mode before putting it in his pocket. It would be better if he meets up with her grandfather straight away and know what that was all about. He would tell her after. She would be angry when she found out but it was something that he needed to do by himself.

This was between him and her grandfather.

He was welcomed by the maître d and was led to a private dining room. He thanked the maître d before entering the room with cool composure. He kept telling himself there was no need to feel jittery and anxious. He had to keep his mind straight.

Inside the room was a handsome-looking man in his 70s who was drinking his cup of hot tea. Hana's grandfather didn't look scholarly. His stern patrician face showed that he was not someone that anyone would want to mess with. His appearance in his crisp formal suit and his well-styled hair emanates power. The lines on the edge of his eyes and mouth showed that he was a man who wouldn't waste any time on something fatuous. His sharp eyes turned in Namjoon's direction as Namjoon stepped into the room.

"Good afternoon, I'm Kim Namjoon. Pleased to meet you, sir," Namjoon bowed as he neared the table.

Henry Joo placed his cup on the saucer as he sized Namjoon up. He then stood and gestured Namjoon closer. "And I'm Henry Joo. I believe that you are well acquainted with my granddaughter, Hana Joo Anderson. Come and have a seat," he said cordially.

"Thank you, sir," said Namjoon politely. "This is for you. I hope that it is to your liking," he said as he gave Henry a small paper bag with the name of an exclusive dressmaker written discreetly on it before sitting down. He hoped he didn't look like a try-hard in front of Hana's grandfather. No one would want to entrust their granddaughter to a simpering person.

"For someone who received an impromptu meeting request, this shows that you're always prepared," Henry commented as he took the bag. "If the person who seeks you happens to be a woman, would the gift be the same as this?"

"No, sir. It would be different," Namjoon replied. "I was taught to always bring something for the host to show respect."

"Does that apply to a business meeting, too?"

"No, sir. Just for the personal ones."

"It's considered as a bribe if you do. Personally, this could also be considered as one. Did you bring this with the same intention?" Henry looked at Namjoon as if he was trying to gauge his reaction to his question.

Namjoon didn't know how to react to that statement when the man in front of him looked 100% business. It didn't even sound like a jest. "No, sir," he answered.

Henry took out the content of the bag and inspected the tie and the cuff link in the box. "Is this your favourite brand?"

"Yes, sir. I like the quality of the pieces made by them and I wish to share their craftsmanship with other people."

"Isn't it because it's expensive and gives the impression to the receiver that you're rich?"

"In my opinion, spending a sum of money, may it be high or low depending on the price of a certain item shows our appreciation for the crafter's work so that they would be able to maintain their quality. It makes their business sustainable. Some may look wealthy without even having to wear clothes with a hefty price tag. So, no, sir. I didn't purchase it to make myself look rich."

"You have a good eye for the workmanship for the tie. Thank you," Henry said appreciatively as he put the tie back into the box. "So, I gather you know the reason I call you out to meet you."

"I am not a person who forms my thoughts based on assumption, but I could deduce that this is about Hana," Namjoon replied.

"Are you in a relationship with her?" he inquired.

"Yes, sir," he replied firmly.

"The rumour that went out said she was with your band member, but I know they had the wrong person. How long have you known her?"

"I've known her since her visit to Seoul in 2012. We have been in touch ever since."

"And how long have you been romantically involved?"

"We've been together for a couple of months."

"That's good. It wouldn't be that difficult for you to break the relationship off."

Namjoon felt a heavy thud in his chest at Hana's grandfather's statement. "With all due respect sir, that wouldn't be possible."

"With your career and status, it would be easier for you to find someone else other than her," Henry said as he laid his back in his chair. "Break it off."

Namjoon was trying to keep his cool with Hana's grandfather's thoughts about his accessibility to other people would make it easier for him to be with someone else. "With all due respect, she is not just any random person that I could find elsewhere. There's only one person I'm in love with and that person is Hana."

"For now," Henry commented. "You're too young to know about love," he scoffed. "From what I know, you didn't come from a wealthy family and what you have now comes from your hard work. Are you prepared to lose it all for the sake of one woman?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your success relies heavily from people's support and opinion. People, who I believe would love for you to stay in their image of an idol – single with no romantic commitment with people other than themselves. When the news breaks out about you and Hana, how long do you think the support that you get is going to last? It could be gone in an instant."

"I have no illusion that the attention that I have now is going to last forever. Other than my career as an active singer, I have ventured out into other businesses to sustain myself even after my work in this industry dwindle down. Singing is not the only job that I could do," Namjoon answered firmly.

"There's also the matter of Hana's birth," Henry stated. "Adopted people are treated differently here. Time may have progressed but Koreans still have a bad stigma for them."

"It doesn't matter to me that she is. I believe that a person's merit is based on the present and their own effort, not on the past, and definitely not because of which family she comes from. It was her birth parents' loss and your family shaped her into who she is today."

"And what of your family? You may talk big about accepting her for who she is but your family would have a say in your choice of a partner. It would be interesting to see which side you would be taking when that day comes."

"My family knows about her and had no trouble with her background."

"I will reserve my judgement for that later. If you lose everything you have today just because of your relationship with her, what will you do?" Henry tested.

Namjoon exhaled before answering him calmly. "I don't come from a wealthy family and I am used to hard work. If I happen to lose everything overnight, I'm not afraid to start over and build everything back again."

"Are you going to drag Hana down with you in that situation?"

"She is a person of her own and I respect whatever her choice that comes out of that."

"Even if she leaves you in that situation? Or are you going to resent her if she stays?"

"Mr Joo, I may not know her as long as you do, but my relationship with her over the past years cemented my opinion about her that she would make the best decision for herself. Both of us decided if the relationship ends, it would only be because of our own accord and not due to other people's influence."

"I also found out that she is now living in your apartment. Are you planning to keep her there like a kept woman like everything is just an affair?"

"It's not just an affair. It's a relationship based on our mutual trust and feeling," Namjoon stated. He was really in awe of Hana's grandfather's skills and resources to find out about his relationship with Hana and the fact that he knew where Hana was residing at that moment was mind-blowing. Only Yoongi and the security personnel who accompanied Hana knew about that. "I'm sorry sir, but I really want to know how you found out about that when not many do."

"I have my own ways. It's just a matter of where to look. The trail is all there for me to pick up."

"She lives there while I stay with my fellow band members at another residence. Her being there is essential for her protection," Namjoon explained.

"From your own fans," Henry inserted that in. "Imagine the reaction when the real news breaks out."

"She agreed that the security personnel that I hired for her is detrimental to her safety."

"Something must have happened that made her agree. She's stubborn, values her independence too much, and is not easily swayed," Henry guessed.

"She faced some of the unscrupulous fans herself," Namjoon explained.

"That figures," Henry just nodded, "How far are you willing to protect her when the time comes? I know some delusional people would harm their object of obsession's loved ones if they hear about your relationship."

"I would do everything in my power to protect her," Namjoon promised.

"I don't easily get convinced by words. Those could flow out of any mouth without any actions or convictions behind them. As I said before, I reserve my judgement and I would only believe it when I see it," Henry said as he looked at Namjoon sharply. "What is your intention with Hana? Is what you have a temporary thing or do you plan to take the relationship up further?"

"We may start out as friends years ago, but I do hope to have a future with her if she would have me."

"You're still young," Henry repeated the comment again. "Are you sure that she's not just a curiosity that you needed to fulfil? An itch that you need to scratch?"

Namjoon's hands turned into fists as he reeled in his temper. "Pardon me, sir, but that comment about your granddaughter is highly disrespectful. She is someone of high esteem, not someone to be looked down upon. You know more than I do that she's more than intelligent as not to let herself be an object of curiosity fulfilment. I love her and the feeling is mutual."

Just then Namjoon felt his phone in his pocket buzzed. It had been buzzing before but he ignored it knowing that he had ample time before he had to go for his next appointment. He took it out and Hana's name popped out. He knew it wouldn't be long until Hana found out about his meeting with her grandfather. The buzzing on his phone stopped. Not long after he saw Hana's grandfather take his phone out.

"That was Hana," her grandfather said casually as he looked at his phone without accepting the call. "Did you tell her about this lunch meeting?"

"No. My band member and my manager did but I didn't plan to keep this from her anyway," Namjoon admitted. He bet that Taehyung would somehow tell Hana about the meeting as she was scheduled to have a class with him.

"Why didn't you tell her about the meeting before you came?"

"I honour the fact that you asked for a meeting with me, not both of us."

"Wise choice," her grandfather looked into Namjoon's eyes straight away. "I applaud your stand about your relationship with my granddaughter. I don't wish for her to be in a relationship with a Korean man because of the acceptance towards people of her background, and because of your career as an idol. This does not mean that I'm approving your relationship. I'll step back for now and see how it goes. Mark my word. if you do as much as make her cry, I will come and make your life hell."

"I understand, sir," Namjoon accepted the warning in stride. He then sent a message to Hana with the restaurant location. "She's already halfway here. She called up my manager to know about this place," he said to Henry.

"She's very resourceful and I didn't expect less of her," Henry said proudly.

"She spoke highly of you and told me that you're the one who's responsible for shaping her views and opinion of the world in general."

"She's been a bright kid since the moment she came into our life. Always questioning and always keeps me on my toes," and for the first time since their meeting, Namjoon could see a hint of a smile forming on Henry's lips. "Let's order the food. It would be ready by the time Hana gets here," Henry then paused. "You're going to need all the energy to answer to her anyway."

Namjoon didn't say anything and just smiled at Hana's grandfather in return.

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