Chapter 56

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Hana woke up in an unfamiliar room. Every single piece of furniture in it was colourless and spotless. It was so white and pristine that it was giving her goosebumps. She was still drowsy but she knew she had to get up and move if she wanted to save herself.

She scrambled up as fast as her throbbing head allowed her to, trying to find her bag but was not to be found. That was to be expected in an abduction. She bet that her phone would be turned off and her wrist was devoid of her watch. They even took away her jewellery pieces which were her earrings and ring. She was indoors so her shoes weren't even in the room. She hoped that they didn't throw it away either. That was making her angrier. Was her abductor that paranoid to think whatever she wore would be fitted with a tracker of some sort?

Hana calmed herself. Being angry was better than freaking out but she needed to keep her mind to function better without any emotions that would cloud her judgement. She's alive now so it would be better if she stays that way.

She looked around her. The room was windowless and she couldn't tell where she was. She didn't know how long she was out and what time of the day it was. One thing she knew, was if the abductor wanted her dead, she wouldn't be there in that room, still very alive. She wasn't even tied or gagged which made it even more puzzling. She didn't know what was the plan and she hoped that she would come face to face with the person behind it. She loves playing with puzzles but she needed the right pieces to solve it.

She stood up slowly and made her way to the door and turned the knob. Surprisingly, it was not locked as she expected. Hana went out of the room surreptitiously and yet again was puzzled by what she saw - or what she didn't see. She was expecting to see people but she saw none. There were other rooms near her and they were connected through a corridor. It felt like she was in a hotel somewhere but the corridor wasn't that long.

She made her way to the end of the hallway and it led her to a flight of curved stairs that went down. From there she could see the outside of the house through the windows nearby. She saw a garden with trees outside. Judging from the angle of the sun, it was nearly noon. She hoped that she was still on the same day that she went to work. Namjoon and her family would probably go nuts by now when she didn't come out of the subway stairs. She looked back to the room that she was in and weighed her options to escape. She had none as the stairs were the only way available.

Hana went down as quiet as her bare feet would allow. It brought her straight away to a majestic-looking living room and Hana was startled as she was greeted by a voice.

"The mistress is waiting for you in her studies," said the woman in her 30s who looked like she was a staff in the house.

Hana didn't respond. She turned her head to the main door, calculating her escape route.

"I would advise you against running away. There are security people outside and they would bring you in the hard way. You might as well save your energy from doing something futile."

"Who is this 'mistress' that you're talking about?" Hana asked.

"You may follow me," the woman said as she walked away. She didn't even turn to see Hana's response and Hana would be damned if she would actually believe what the woman said.

Hana turned the opposite way and went to one of the windows near the door and true enough, there were some people dressed up in suits outside. With a sigh, Hana traced the woman's footsteps which led her to a study room. The woman opened the door for her and saw another woman sitting at the desk across another set of sofas, reading a newspaper with her glasses riding low on her nose.

"You're awake," said the woman. "Come here and sit," she ordered.

Hana knew that person. She had only met her once but she knew the woman disliked her at first sight.

"Where are my things?" Hana asked.

"They are all here. I'm just making sure there's no tracker in it," replied the woman.

"You sure are a paranoid lady," Hana commented. She knew she sounded rude. She planned to appear as an airhead in front of the woman.

"I prefer the word safe," she corrected. "It's funny to see kids nowadays who wear rings to show off their relationship when it was just like a race to show who would get hooked first when they usually won't end up with the same person they thought they were in love with."

"Where am I?" Hana asked, avoiding the comment on the relationship.

"My house. Now sit," the woman said sternly.

"You're breaking the law by bringing me here without my consent," Hana said, still not moving from her spot.

"Who would you like to report that to? You could try to report to the authorities when you go out and see how that goes. Don't bother running. I have my own security team. You're on my turf, you might as well listen to what I say. Sit."

"I'm not a dog that you can order to sit," Hana replied.

"Funny that you said about a dog when we know you're just a mutt that someone picked up at a pound," the woman said degradingly.

Hana knew the woman was trying to rile her off with the reference to the mutt. She was angry the first time she heard it but now, it felt like a weak attempt on a playground insult. "Why do you have to go through this length to get me here? Can't you just call me up and set a meeting like a civilised person?" Hana finally sat down opposite the woman with poise. It would be best if she showed the woman that she was unaffected by what happened.

"Your decision would determine your future," said Lee Sun Jung, her grandfather's sister-in-law.

"Is this something to do with your nephew, Hwang Dong Min? Whatever it is, I'm not interested."

"I know you were bad news the moment you stepped into the manor. You should take responsibility for what's going on. My mother-in-law would have given everything back to me and him for everything that I have done for the family. You showed up and she suddenly wanted you to be a part of our family. You're a no one."

"So, your nephew wanted me dead because of that? Where is he? He should be man enough to have this talk with me instead of you."

"He's around, but that's not why you're here. Sign this," Lee Sun Jung took out a document in her drawer and handed it to her.

Hana looked at her suspiciously and read the top of the document. She guffawed as she realized what that was. "Are you seriously telling me to sign a marriage registration form? Just who do you think you are?"

"Sign it or regret it," warned Lee Sun Jung.

"Let me guess, you're going to use someone close to me as collateral. Just who? My family? You do have the guts to go against them, huh?" Hana smirked. She knew her parents and grandparents had gone to great lengths to make sure the whole family was safe. She also knew the security team would have to take the heat for her abduction but that was only because of her stubbornness.

"I don't think you would want your friend to be harmed because of you," Lee Sun Jung smiled slyly. "I don't have to go far to know that you have a close friend by the name of Ryu Mirae who works at the Big Hit Building. From what I know, she would be getting off from work now. It would not be hard to get her involved in a small accident. Like I told you, this is my turf and it wouldn't be traced back to me."

That information hit Hana hard but she refused to react to it. She knew there was a 50/50 chance that it might be true but she didn't know how crazy the person in front of her would go. And she didn't know how long would it be before she would finally make her escape. Showing her weakness would be something that her adversary would want to see. She did what she thought was best at that time.

She laughed. "You're just so hilarious. You can't even get your hands on my family members in the US for you to resort to aiming at people who I work with? You might as well set your target on your nephew. He's my colleague. Wait, what about BTS? You can target them too because they work with me too. Oh, wait. Their security could rival Fort Knox's security at any time. Is this the best you got?"

"Shut it! You're just a nobody! An orphan."

"Come on, lady. That insult doesn't work with me. You might as well let me go before my family would get back to you," Hana returned the threat to Lee Sun Jung as she leaned forward. "I'm sure you'd know how dangerous my family could be. My grandfather isn't just a boring businessman and my lawyer dad isn't just someone in a suit. When you work with the law, you would know a lot of people, if you get what I mean," she said, pretending as if her family was some sort of a mafia when she was just actually bluffing. She just had to make sure she sounded convincing to get out of that house.

Hana saw the woman's composure begin to falter a bit when the door to the study room was slammed open. It was none other than Hwang Dong Min, going straight to her like a madman. He looked like one too. His used to be long and neat hair was all over the place and Hana swore she could smell alcohol from her distance. He grabbed her hair roughly so that her head was snapped back that she swore she could see stars.

"Hello, future wife. Sign the paper," Hwang Dong Min said with his breath full on her face that Hana wanted to gag.

Was this the person who planned to get her killed? He looked too intoxicated to even make one. But then again, you don't have to be sane to hire someone for murder.

"You really want to marry me that bad, huh?" Hana prodded. "You do know that as an American I have to get my affidavit of eligibility for marriage from my embassy before I get married in Korea, right? You don't even have all the documents needed for this. This won't do."

"I know people," Lee Sun Jung said.

"Sign it," he repeated.

"After this is done, then what? I know that you have your two-year period for this but the matriarch has to die first before you can get your hands on the inheritance. From what I can see, she's going to live forever."

"That's for me to worry. She's old. No one would suspect if she suddenly died in her sleep sometime soon," Lee Sun Jung smiled creepily.

"Does your husband know about this?"

"He knows nothing. That stupid womaniser will be next. The business would crumble if it wasn't for me."

"My eomonim has everything planned so well," Dong Min smiled through his drunken haze.

"And you would let her control your life forever, huh?" Hana tsked.

"Shut up and do as you were told!" Dong Min went mad and grasped her hair harder.

"Get your hands off me," Hana tried to get his hand off but that just made him angrier as he started to hit her.

Hana raised her arms in defence and stood up from the chair, but that was after he managed to land a punch on her cheek. He was strong but he was drunk and she intended to take advantage of that. She wasn't trained in any martial arts but she had enough muscle courtesy of countless gym hours and a sound mind to fight back. She would not cower without a fight. Hana twisted her body and landed a kick squarely on his groin. That skill was basic enough to keep him on the floor in pain.

Just then a bullet was shot, hitting Hana on her arm. She turned in surprise to see Lee Sun Jung with a mouse gun in her hand. Blood started flowing out from the wound and Hana held on to it to stop it.

"I wouldn't have done that if you would just listen. Now sign," Lee Sun Jung indicated Hana to the document. "You may not value other people's life but I know you would value yours."

It wasn't just in Hana to just give in, she just kept on doing what she knew best. Making Lee Sun Jung angrier to make another mistake for her to get that gun in Lee Sun Jung's hand and making her way out.

"Lady, you just shot my writing arm. I can't sign," Hana replied, trying to not show that she was in pain and she got the reaction that she wanted. Lee Sun Jung started to swear and went on a tirade of blaming Hana for everything that happened.

Just then Dong Min went up haphazardly and held Hana down in the chair. He took the pen and put it in Hana's left hand. "Sign it."

"I can't and I won't," Hana said stubbornly.

"Damn, bitch," he responded.

Hana couldn't help but started to scream in pain as he squeezed her injury. Just then another commotion broke outside. Lee Sun Jung and Hwang Dong Min looked up in surprise as people streamed in. They were her security personnel, her grandfather and even Namjoon.

"Take your hands off her!" Namjoon shouted.

The cavalry had arrived, thought Hana. The tracker wasn't in her earrings or her ring. It was in one of her suit buttons. Dong Min's hold on her lessened and she took the opportunity to smash his nose with her good arm. He stumbled from the punch and knocked the gun out of Lee Sun Jung's hand. At the same time, her head started to spin from the blood loss. Not now, Hana said to herself. Namjoon went to her quickly to stop her from going down. The security guys had Lee Sun Jung and Hwang Dong Min restrained.

"Lady, I can't marry your crazy nephew," said Hana. "I'm already married. Meet my husband," she nodded to Namjoon.

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