Friends again

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Barb:...Yeah it's me...

Sparky: And what do you want? *crosses arms*

Barb:..*sigh* You might not believe me but.....*sheds tear* I'm sorry...

Harper: Wait...what?

Barb: I-I want my childhood best friend back...

Poppy: *smiles* Me too! *runs up to and hugs*

Barb: *hugs back*

Lily: And that's how best friends work *crosses arms and nods*

Sparky: Stop -_- just ...just stop 

Lily: Wow -_- how rude 

Poppy: Anyway we have a even harder situation 

Barb: Which is?

Poppy:...Someone is after Branch

Mal: Oh my troll

Barb: *crosses arms* So what are we gonna do?

Bella: How about call the police?

Sparky: But that sounds risky...

Mal: How?

Poppy: Well for starters it'll end up on the news

Moxie: Then whoever the hell this person is, is gonna go after us too. me the number..

Poppy: Okay? *goes on phone and shows her the number*

Bella:...I think i know how to stop this! But this is gonna take us the whole day!

Moxie: Dang it....

Barb: But we have school...

Ben: We'll get it done!...some how ;-;

Sparky: How much hours do we have until we get to class?

Barb: 3 hours

Bella: Okay i think we should split up? The number looked very familiar...It might be someone here at this school...

Moxie: Yeah...okay So Barb you go with Poppy, Mal and Lily, Ben and Sparky and me and Bella got it?

Everyone: Yup! 

Moxie: okay lets go! 

Everyone split up in their groups. They searched and asked people questions. 

*At Poppy's locker*

Barb: Ugh this is so hard!

Poppy: I know! I swear I can't ask these girls ANYTHING without them screaming

Barb: Or just walking away -_-

Poppy: Then when it comes to guys they get all mad thinking that we think they aren't good enough

Barb: I mean that was all you cause i already have a boyfriend so 

Poppy: Wait...whooooooo 

Barb: Riff...

Poppy: That's what i thought 

Barb: *blushes a bit* Whatever anyway we should really get back to-

Suddenly two random girls shut Poppy's locker.

Poppy: Uhh...hi?

Random girl: Hi....

Barb: You need something?

Random girl 2: Yeah we have a question for you Poppy...

Poppy: Uh..heh fire away?

Random girl: Are you Branch's girlfriend?

Poppy: *blushes* *plays with charm bracelet* Well it's um...heh..uh we..I...

Random girl 2: YES OR NO?!

Poppy: Well I mean... not exactly...but-

Random girl: GOOD!

Random girl 2: Let me make this clear: HE'S NOT YOURS 

Poppy: Wait what

Barb: She never said that he was hers! 

Poppy: A-and you cut me off


Poppy: Cause he's my best friend...?!

Random girl 2: *rolls eyes* whatever... What were you gonna say before we "Cut you off"

Poppy:...I..I was gonna say....we are best friends but....

Both Random girls: BUT WHAT?!


Random girl: WHAT?! *shaking with angry*

Poppy: He calls me Princess 

Both the random girls: WHAT?!

Random girl 2: I don't believe you!

Poppy: *bring out phone and shows texts* He might not be my boyfriend, but i love him very much! And even if he doesn't like me that won't stop me from caring about him! All you guys care for is his money! Unlike you I actually care about his feelings! You might think he has a PERFECT life when really he's unhappy! So why don't you girls just leave!

Random girl: UGH I HATE YOU! *storms off*

Random girl 2: You really are a FAT UGLY RAT! *storms off*

Poppy: What is with people and calling me that! I'm not even fat!

Barb: yeah 

Poppy: huh hold up *takes out phone* Hello?........I-I......*hangs up*....We have to leave...


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