The beat down...

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It was Venus, Creek, Lora, and poppy's old friends.

Venus: Where do you think you two are going?

Poppy: Away from you guys...

Creek: Aw why?

Poppy:..*looks away*

Lora: Aw the little baby just can't come up with words

Branch: *steps in front of Poppy* Just leave Venus!

Creek: Wow you still protect her? 

Venus: I think it's time we teach you two a lesson


Poppy: But-

Branch: Just go! I'll be fine..

Poppy: *nods and runs away*....*thinks* I hope you'll be okay...

*10 minutes later*

Poppy: Okay...hopefully they aren't there...*walks back down alleyway* H-hello..? *gasp* BRANCH!

Branch was lying on the ground all bloody, he had a  bunch of bruises and a black eye.

Poppy: *sis next to him* Branch!...Oh why did i leave?!...I should have stay with you! ..*sheds tear*...Please..if you can hear me....i just wanted to say that I'm sorry....I was being a jerk...

Branch: *opens eyes slowly* P-poppy..?

Poppy: BRANCH! *hugs* Oh my troll i thought i lost you! I'm so sorry that i left you! I should have stayed! 

Branch: Ouch..

Poppy: *lets go* Oh..sorry I was just afraid...

Branch: It's okay..

Poppy: I really should have stayed with you..

Branch: No! I didn't want you to get hurt!

Poppy: But you got hurt!

Branch:  That' know i would walk through hell for you..

Poppy: *eyes start to water* R-really...

Branch: Of course! Even if it means going through so much pain to keep you safe...

Poppy: *started to cry* T-thank you...*wipes tear* You're the best...

Branch: I know...*smiles a bit*

Poppy: Now what are we gonna do about your bruises?

Branch: *stands up* I-It's fine

Poppy: *stands up*...No it's not!...Come on lets walk to my house okay?

Branch: O-okay..

*Later at Poppy's house*

Poppy: I'm home!

Peppy: Oh no what happened?!

Poppy: Branch got hurt...

Peppy: take him to the guest room

Poppy: K dad...

*At the guest room 'cause I'm tired*

Branch: *lays down on bed* Poppy really I'm fine......

Poppy: No you're not! *bandage's up bruise* You might need to stay here...I don't want them to find you..

Branch: ..okay I'll call my grandma..*gets phone and calls* Hello...? Hey something kinda happened so i might have to stay at Poppy's house....okay thanks......bye..*hang ups* Okay so I can stay...

Poppy: Okay...*sits next to him* to be actually kinda saved my life...

Branch: Yeah..i guess i did *smiles*

Poppy: *smiles*...that was..really sweet of you Branch..

Branch: No prob princess 

Poppy: *blushes* D-don't call me that...

Branch: I'm sorry I just can't help it! You just remind me of a Princess 

Poppy: Well then you remind me of a Prince 

Branch: *laugh* That's what my family called me when i was younger..

Poppy: My family too...

Both: Woah *laughs*

The two looked into each others eyes and leaned in ( Like every time -_-) And kissed (Like every time but they're STILL NOT A COUPLE?!?!?! HOW?!?!?!) But after like 45 seconds Peter came in. (btw the "It's not what it looks like meme is coming" UwU)

Peter: Hey Poppy do you know where the stairs to the attic ar- oh 

Poppy and Branch: *lets go* U-uh

Peter: Oops Sorry..

Poppy: I-It's not what it looks like!

Peter: I won't tell anyone

Poppy: Believe me!

Branch: *blushes*

Poppy: *blushes* You idiots!! 

Peter: I'm just gonna go *closes door*

Poppy: *sigh* ;-;

Branch: *laughs*

Poppy: *phone rings* Huh who is this..? *answers phone* Hello..? did you....*hangs up*...Someone is coming for you...

Branch: Uh oh...


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