Chapter 4

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"You Want Us To Do What?!"
Hickory Asked.

"You And Dickory Are Gonna Go Around The Whole Village And Give Out Trollsmas Chocolate"
Delta Answered.

"._______. Ain't See That Happenin"
Hickory Said.

Delta Groans.
"Why Can't You Be More Like Ya Brother?!"

Hickory Scoffs.
"Why Would I? He's Eating The Chocolate-"

Dickory Was Sneakily Eating The Trollsmas Cookies.

Delta Saw.
":O! Dickory! What In The Squirrel In The Desert Are Ya Doin?!"

"......Havin' Breakfast?"
Dickory Ate Another Chocolate Bar.

Delta Snatched The Bag.
"No! You're Giving This Out To Everyone. Me And Poppy Agreed It Would Spread Holiday Cheer"

Hickory Bit On His Wheat. 🌾

"Can't See That Happenin"
Dickory Shrugged.

"Fine Then, I'll Just Get Out......The Whip"
Delta Smirked.

Both Boys Gasp.

"The Whip ;)"
Delta Said.

"Fine Darnit"
Hickory Crossed His Arms.

"Good, Now I Gotta Scurry To The Troll Leader Meetin"
Delta Said Picking Up Her Bag.

"Have Fun Cousins!"
Delta Shut The Door.

"Ain't No Way I Wanna Do That-"
Hickory Said.

Dickory Ate Some More Chocolate.

Hickory Slapped The Back Of Dickory's Head.


Poppy And Barb Head Over To The Lagoon.

"Shouldn't We Be Getting To The Leader Meeting?"
Barb Said.

"Yeah, But We Gotta Pick Up Trollex First. Remember He's A MerTroll Fish"
Poppy Said.

"Ugh, Can't He Just Like.....GROW LEGS!"
Barb Said.

Poppy Rasied Her Eyebrow.
"Hey, If You Wanna Talk Leg Growing, Talk To Her 👉"

Legsly Bounced By Growing Her Legs.
🎵 That's right i heard this story over and over again. Gee it's great to finally meet her other friends. Na na na na na na na🎵

Barb Shivers.
"Always Creeps Me Out"

Chaz Ran To Them.
"Excuse Me! Excuse Me! Poppy! Barb!"

Barb Sighed.
"Oh Gosh, Here Comes Mr. Smoothlicious Boi"

"Hi Chaz!"
Poppy Waved.

Chaz Waved Back.
"Good Morning! Ya Know I Was Just Wondering Since At The Meeting This Morning.....Maybe I Could...."

Poppy Answered Immediately.

Chaz Begged.

"Dude No, Not Happening"
Barb Said.

"B-But Why?!"
Chaz Asked.

"Chaz, We're Not Letting You Make A Slow Jam Enterance Into The Meetings! You Know What Happens When You Do"
Poppy Said.

"But I-"
Chaz Said.

"No -.-"
Both Girls Reply.

Chaz Sighs And Turns Around.

Poppy Said.

Chaz Smirked And Turned Back Around.
"Heyyy Girlsssss"

"What Is It Now Bro?"
Barb Asked.

Chaz Started Playing A Jazz Melody.
"🎺 🎺 🎺"

Poppy And Barb Blinked.

But The More As Chaz Played, Both Got Tipsy.

Poppy's Eyes Went Weary.
"oH nO.....i tHiNk hES pArAlYzInG uS inTo lEttIng hiM slOw jAm"

Chaz Played Around The In Circles.
"🎺 🎺 🎺"

"pOpPy?.....i cAn'T....fEeL mY.....aReA"
Barb Felt Around Her....Yeah There.

Chaz Played More And More.

Until Delta Face Kicked Chaz Into A Rose Bush.

Chaz Yelped.

Poppy And Barb Get Out Of Their Trance.

Poppy Shook Her Head.
"Phew, Thanks Delta!"

"No Problem Gals"
Delta Waved.

Poppy Waved Back.
"See You At The Meeting!"


Down Below, Trollex Was Fixing His Underwater Coffee.....Somehow.

Techno Beat (Drop) Button Swam By.
"Uh....King Trollex?"

"Moring Buddy!"
Trollex Greeted.

"What Are You....Somehow Drinking?"
TBB Asked.

"It's This Amazing Liquid Material Called Coffee ☕! It Apparently Keeps You Awake With Energy! Branch Told Me About It Last Week"
Trollex Said.

TBB Looks At The Coffee Mug.
"Hmmm......Should I Be Concerned?"

"Not At All. Cause We're Gonna Use Alot Of Coffee At All Our Next Parties FOR MORE ENERGYYYY!!!! YEAH-YUHHHH!"
Trollex Cheered.

TBB Looked Up.
"But It's Floating Away"

Trollex Looked Up At The Coffee Floating Away.

Trollex Frowned.
"Awe....It Floated Away-"

Squidward Swam By.
"Like My Hopes And Dreams-"

A Bucket Connected To A Rope Came Down Underwater.

"Ooh! There Goes By Transportation To The Meeting!"
Trollex Said.

Trollex Hopped In The Bucket.
"Got In Poppy! 👍"

Poppy Nods And Started Pulling Him Up.

"You're In Charge Okay?!"
Trollex Said.

"As Always!"
TBB Replied.

Trollex Came Up To Shore.

TBB Just Stayed There.

"Welp.....Imma Go Watch Fat Celebrities Drown Underwater"
TBB Swam Away.

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