Becoming part 1

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Jenna Lake's life was great, when her dad left her and her mother on her 5 birthday, to be with another women. She took karate and gymnastics, she was super smart she get straight A in everything in school. She was the most beautiful girl at Arcadia Oaks High school. She winnings alot of talents show. Her best friend in the whole wide world is, Taila Domzalski.

She lost her parents when she was 2 years old and was rasied by her Nana.
Present time.
Jenna woke up to her alarm clock. It was 5am in the morning. She got up and got dress and started doing chores around the house and make shack lunches and breakfast. She carries the breakfast tray to up stairs to her moms room. On her moms door was a note. And on it, it said "Late night at work, sleeping Mom."
She then opened the door slowly to see her mom, a fast a sleep. Jenna put the tray down on the nightstand,removes her mother glasses from her head and puts them away.
She then kisses her mother's cheek. "Love you mom." Jenna softly whisper.
Then she went to the garage and got on her bike. The garage door opens and she started to wait for talia. "Hey girl, how was your morning." Talia said to Jenna. "It was good and I got your lunch made." Jenna said holding out a bag. "Thanks Jenna." Talia said as she grabs the bag. As they keep on riding their bikes to school. While made a short cut to the canals. They made a big jump and landed on the floor in the middle of the canals. They were started laughing. "Jenna Lake." A voiced called out. Jenna and Taila jumped back in surprise. They both turned to see a pile of rubble in a distance. They went over to it. "That pile of rocks knows your name." Talia told Jenna.
Jenna then saw something in the rocks, she reached in and pulled out an amulet. They looked at it curiously. Then the school bell rang. "Oh, dang the bell." Jenna said, as she puts the amulet in her backpack. "We are going to be late." Talia said, as they ran to their bikes and riding off to school.

In a drain pipe, six eyes appeared from the shadows, watching the two girls ride away. "It choose a human and she looks like Esmeralda." The creature said in a surprised tone.
Jenna and Talia are in history class right now, with Mr. Stickler. He is Jenna favorite teacher and he is like a father to her. Mr. Stickler was teaching them about the Peloponnesian war. When the bell rang to go to their next class. Jenna was packing up. "Jenna, may I have a word." Mr. Stickler asked her.
"You are a great, student, but sometimes you need a little help ones in a while. And couple days ago you fell asleep in class" Mr. Stickler told her.
"Sorry, I was helping mom, she had a double shifts at work." Jenna said, with her voice soften. Mr. Stickler wrote down on a note, putting down his phone number on it. "Maybe I can talk to her, gave her this." He said, giving Jenna the note to her. Jenna nodded as she put the note in her pocket. "Will do Mr.Stickler." Jenna told him, before heading to her next class.

After gym was over, Jenna left  the girls locker room and waited for Talia to come out. Then she saw Steve shove Eli in a locker. She walked towards him. "Let him out Steve." She told to him. Steve looked to see the most beautiful girl in the school. "Stay out of this Jenna." Steve told her, before turning back to Eli and threaten to tell him what he saw at the canals. Eli told him it was a monster made of stone. Jenna frozed when she heard that. But she was back in reality when Steve made fun of Eli. "Stop this Steve and let him out." Jenna said one last time. Steve stared at her before letting Eli out of the locker.
Then Steve walk away, Jenna helped Eli out of the locker. He thanks her and left.

Jenna and Talia was riding home on their bikes. "You are the bravest girl I ever meet." Talia said to Jenna. "I was doing the right thing." Jenna says to Talia. While they were riding home, Jenna made sure that mom got her food for work. Talia went to here nana's house  and Jenna got to hee house and sat in the livingroom and looked at the amulet then she heard something in the basement. She then went down then saw a 6 eye and blue skin and a hug green hair. Saying they were trolls and said something about her ancestor and being their new trollhunter. Then left saying their going to be back tomorrow.
Then she went outside she looks at the amulet and it said the day of Merlin daylight is mind to command. Then out of nowhere an armor and a sword appeared out of nowhere and she grab the sword and lifted it up in the air.

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