5: "Panic in the Woods"

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Third Person's POV~

Blinky glared at Sonya as the large Loboan emerged from the woods, "What do you mean "This looks like it was done by Loboans"?!" he hissed angrily at her, a set of arms flailing about.

Sonya threw a glance back at the body before her green eyes lifted and she scanned the trees, her ears gave the occasional twitch as she ground her powerful jaw.

"Sonya?" Jim prompted, taking a step closer.

Sonya threw a glance at them, before she slowly postured up. The group had known Sonya for some time, they had seen what she would do in every possible situation, they knew her body language and knew how she responded to stress or danger. So, when Sonya's hackles began to quiver, and her tail gave several twitches, everyone reached for their weapons.

Nomura and Angor both also began scanning the trees, as Sonya then turned to Jim, "Whoever did this is long gone." she said, as her hackles lowered, "but their scent is still in the air." she tipped her snout up and sniffed, "like when Jim leaves food in the sun for too long."

"That was one time." Jim chuffed, crossing his arms with a grumble.

Sonya bent low and sniffed the grass again, her ears pinned to her skull, "Almost like their scent is scarred into the land. Odd."

"Is it Loboan?" Angor asked, sheathing his knife and cocking his head, golden eyes glowing in the night.

Sonya nodded, "Definitely Loboan." she said, "But, like I said, long gone." she chuffed.

"Should we tell the others?" Clair asked, clutching her staff and looking around.

"Not until we know more." Angor interjected.

Draal gave a low snarl, "As much as I hate to agree with the assassin, he is right," he glared at Angor, "Until we understand what is going on, we best keep this to ourselves."

"Agreed." Blinky concurred, "I do not want mayhem, especially since we as a people are so vulnerable without a Heartstone."

After the group discussed further, Blinky gave a speech to the other trolls, stating that everything was under control and there was nothing to be concerned about. This seemed to ease the concerns of the trolls, at least for the time being. Once again, the group resumed their trek through the woods, Sonya bringing up the rear with Draal at her side, along with Angor and Nomura.

Sonya had very little issue with allowing Nomura back into their company, she had come to realize that Nomura was a victim of circumstance. Being a changeling, and living under Gunmar's rule, Nomura had to make choices based on the will of others. It was clear that once the oppression had been removed, Sonya could see Nomura open up to the rest of the world and its possibilities.

Angor? Not so much.

There was no manipulation involved, aside from the friggin' ring Jim had told her about, and even after the ring was destroyed, he still willingly served Gunmar, and Morgana. Even after his change of heart in the middle of that battle, Sonya was not certain to trust Angor to have her back when shit hit the fan.

The trek through the thick woods was quiet, and uneasy. At least among the Trollhunters. The silence was occasionally broken by Blinky's booming voice and idle chatter between Jim and Clair, but other than that, nothing. Sonya kept to her Loboan form, her ears perked forward and her snout tipped to the canopy of trees, giving the occasional sniff.

It wasn't until the early hours of the morning, that the group finally came to rest, searching for places to hide from the oncoming sunrise. Sonya branched off with Clair to search for a place to hide. Sonya looked through the trees, keeping an eye out for abandoned caves and burrows as Clair used her staff to jump from treetop to treetop, searching the landscape.

Sonya sniffed the air again, then came around a natural bend in the foliage and her expression brightened at what she beheld. It was a cave nestled in a pile of boulders that made up a small rock formation, mostly obscured by the thick foliage and trees.

"Hey! Nuñez!" Sonya called upward.

A portal appeared beside her and Clair stepped through, pushing a lock of hair from her face, "Oh! Perfect!" she turned to Sonya, "Can you check it out while I get the others?"

Sonya nodded, "No problem." she walked forward, as Clair summoned another portal and vanished into it. Sonya approached the cave slowly, keeping her nose to the air, sniffing constantly. She didn't smell anything amiss--no bears or wolves. Or trolls or Loboans, not anything mythical or non mythical. It smelled safe.

Sonya poked her head into the cave, seeing that it stretched on for a bit, going deeper than she expected, "Well," she muttered to herself, "At least we won't have to worry about being overcrowded." Sonya crept deeper into the cave, hunching her shoulders and bending low as she scouted around the interior.

It wasn't too long after that the others showed up, and the trolls quickly made their way inside, Blinky calling after them, "No need to rush! There is plenty of time before sunrise, you know!" He shuffled inside the cavern.

"Good work, you two." Jim said as he pecked Clair on the cheek, then pat Sonya on the arm.

Sonya gave a nod, her tail giving a small wag, as she watched Jim take Clair by the arm and lead her into the cave. The Loboan turned her gaze to the sky, seeing the dark navy blue sky was lightening to the gray/yellow of the dawn. Sonya gave a Low snort as she turned and moved over to one of the nearby trees and settled herself down. She didn't need to worry about the sun, and to be honest, she needed some vitamin d. All this traveling by night was messing with her a little, and she figured that she needed some time in the sun.


Sonya looked up, seeing Draal standing at the edge of the treeline, beckoning her to come closer. Curious, the brown Loboan stood up and padded closer to him, "What's up? You should get in the cave." she whispered, "Sun's coming up soon."

"I know, I know." He smiled at her, "Just trust me."

"You know I trust you." Sonya whispered, "I just would prefer that my mate doesn't turn to stone." she offered a teasing smile.

Though it wasn't all just jokes. It was a legitimate fear for her.

Draal lead her down into a gulley, before coming up upon another small cave, around the other side of the cavern Sonya had discovered with Clair earlier. Sonya straightened and cocked her head, "What's this?"

Draal walked into the small cave, ducking his head, "Well, we hardly get any time alone anymore. The downfall of traveling in a group, I suppose. " he flashed her a smile, "I stumbled upon this after I was doing a small patrol, and I thought . . . you and I could spend the day here. Just you and I."

Sonya felt a heat rise beneath her fur, feeling her heart flutter frantically. She then closed her eyes, and shrank down into her human form, and shuffled inside the cave after him. Draal gathered handfuls of moss and branches, creating a quick makeshift nest as Sonya set down her bags. Draal then plopped himself down, watching Sonya pull out her canteen and take a sip of water. The blue troll smiled, he reached forward and gently took her arm in his massive hand, ad dragged her smaller body closer to his own.

Sonya moved with easy practice and moved closer to him, gently sliding across his lap and siting on his abdomen, her hands finding gentle place holds on his chest, tracing the etchings in his chest, before moving to the jagged scar across his chest. Draal let his body lean against the wall of the small cave, his hands slowly coming up and resting on her hips. Sonya looked up at him and smiled, before she leaned in and pressed tender kisses to his jaw.

Draal exhaled sharply, his eyes fluttering shut, before he looped his arms around her, "Lets get some shut eye, my love."

Sonya gave a grumble of agreement as she kissed his nose, then curled up on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, "I love you . . ." she whispered sleepily.

"I love you too."

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