A Night Patrol

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Two Weeks Later~ Sonya's POV~

The shelter we had I had built did not last long, Gunmar's forces found us, and I had to hunt them down and kill them before they could report our location back to Gunmar himself, who now has made Trollmarket his home.

What remains of the trolls have been confined to an old abandoned warehouse, but the problem still remained as to how would we hide ourselves from the Gumm-Gumms. I had my human guise, the children had their homes, but Blinky Arrrgh and the others . . . well, they had nowhere.

Fortunately, Blinky retained so much knowledge that we were able to use signs that would deter the Gumm-Gumms. What signs you may ask? The signs that promoted Councilwoman Nunez's election, aka Claire's mom.

I swear to the moon god this is the first and probably the only time that politics has saved our butts. In any case, the Trolls were hidden and safe from the Gumm-Gumms for now, and I would always guard their home. A Loboan's loyalty is ferocious, and I will not let these trolls get corrupted.

To add, Jim and I met up with the changelings Sticklander and Nomura, and I would observe Jim's training lessons with them, just to be sure they didn't go over the top. I would throw in my advice from time to time, but I mostly preferred to Train with Jim one on one.

Yes, you heard me. Between school, being the Trollhunter, life at home and training with Stricklander, I would train Jim as well. I knew Jim would need the extra edge and any tactics he could get his hands on in order to kill Gunmar, so I shared Loboan ticks and tactics with him.

But, where does that leave me? Aside from training and guarding the trolls, I mostly keep to myself and often go on scouting missions to see if there was a kindle of a chance to bring Draal back or break his control from Gunmar.

But those moments were few to none.

Right now, I was in my human form, running down the street with Jim, and Claire trying to catch a Gumm-Gumm who had discovered the location of the troll's temporary home. I ran close behind the Gumm-Gumm who tore past a house, and across a street only to slip between two houses. The Gumm-Gumm ran on all fours, similar to Arrrgh, only Arrrgh wasn't a blood thirsty killer.

Jim and Claire were close behind as the Gumm-Gumm jumped a fence into a backyard, and I was quick to hurdle the fencing with ease and land in a crouch, Jim and Claire in toe. I wish I could assume my Loboan form, but it was too risky to be spotted by unwanted eyes.

The Gumm-Gumm ran out onto the road again and skidded around a car before thundering down the pavement. It tried to turn into an alley but was stopped by one of the signs, it turned to a house only to be deterred by the signs there to, so it was forced to run up the street. I smirked, seeing that the signs were indeed working, that alone filled me with the determination to pick up my speed and run that much faster.

"He knows where our hideout is!" Claire exclaimed, out of breath.

"We can't let him report back to Gunmar!" I called over my shoulder.

"He's headed for Arbor Street!" Claire called, though her voice was broken up in pants.

My eyes widened before I called over my shoulder, "Jim, did you put up those signs there?" I asked as I jumped over a trash can and continued the pursuit.

Jim's baby blue eyes widened a bit, "I thought you did!" he called.

My green eyes narrowed, "I thought Nunez did!" I jabbed a quick thumb back to Claire who shook her head.


The Gumm-Gumm skidded around a turn and smashed into a car, causing the alarm to go off, I winced at that, the piercing sound harsh on my sensitive ears. This was getting out of control very fast, if we couldn't catch this guys soon. . . I may have to risk going into my Loboan form.

I skidded to a halt at the corner, as Jim and Claire came up beside me, "We need to make this quick," I huffed, "otherwise we're gonna have some very confused smucks on our hands that I really don't feel like dealing with!" I snapped irritably.

Claire held out her shadow staff, "I got it!" she then created a portal.

"Wait!" Jim called, "Don't use your-"

Too late, Claire had vanished into the portal. I face palmed and rolled my eyes. Jim didn't want Claire using Angor Rot's shadow staff and neither did I. Ever since she had made that giant portal to save us from Ursurna . . . she's had this horrible cold that only get's worse when she uses the staff. She's had this cold for weeks now, and I'm starting to get worried, like I actually need another thing to worry about.

The Gumm-Gummtore behind someone's house, and I vaguely heard a man's voice. I growled and continued running, pumping my legs my eyes zoned in and focused. We tore through a spat of wood and I pulled a knife from my belt, with expert accuracy I hurled the shining blade at the Gumm-Gumm.

It embedded in his back and the creature howled in agony as it made a bolt for a fence.

"Nice shot!" Jim called from behind me.

I growled, "It's not over yet, kid!" I sprinted faster, my heart thundering against my ribs and chest.

Before the fence, Claire appeared with her shadow staff in hand, she tried to make another portal but it failed. My emerald eyes went wide,

"Claire!" I scream, "Move!"

Claire rolled clear as the Gumm-Gumm tore past her, nearly trampling her under foot, the evil troll then jumped the fence and I followed. I saw Jim slow for Claire,

"You okay?" he asked.

"Don't slow down for me!" I heard her bark back.

I landed in the grass and chased the Gumm-Gumm across someone's back lawn as Jim came up beside me. One fence, two fences, the Gumm-Gumm ran past a patio table and threw some chairs at us.

I dodged the first, and so did Jim, I also dodged the second. Jim did not. Jim got the chair right to the face as I continued the pursuit, not stopping for anything. Claire came up beside me and I glanced at her,

"If this gets dragged out any longer, I'm going Loboan." I hissed as I jumped over another trash can.

"You can't!" Claire gasped, "You'll be spotted!"

"And the Gumm-Gumm will report our location to Gunmar if we don't! I lost Draal, I'm not loosing everyone else when I can do something about it!" I felt my muscles bulge as I transformed into my towering Loboan form, I jumped a fence only to see the Gumm-Gumm had been stopped by a blockade made up of Blinky who was holding one of the signs, Toby and Arrrgh.

"Haha!" Toby laughed victoriously.

Blinky then charged forward, "Eat my geomancy, Gumm-Gumm swine!"

I stood there, my tongue lolling out with a arched brow as I caught my breath. Blinky held out the sign and I looked up before groaning and facepalming.

It was the wrong damn sign! It was the promotion sign for Hammes not Nunez!

"Uh, Blinky, you got the wrong sign!" Toby yelled.

Blinky gasped before cowering behind the sign and screaming. The Gumm-Gumm raised his fists with a mighty roar, only to have it cut short as I raked my claws down his back, thus turning him to stone. The creature then crumbled before me and I let out a snarl, seeing the only thing that remained was it's helmet.

I then looked to the others and my gaze softened a bit seeing them smile at me, Claire and Jim came over to examine the remains when a light bathed us.

"Soft Skins!" I hissed, "We gotta book!"

"I got the helmet!" Toby grabbed the Gumm-Gumm's helmet and we vanished into the woods as a mustached man came out with a bat. I stayed in my human form as we walked through the woods to the overlook of Arcadia, I hugged my shoulders, staying at the back of the group.

I remember taking Draal here once, at night, with a rare super moon was out. I chuckled softly to myself before I sighed again. I missed Draal, it was as simple as that, there was a hole in my heart and a weight on my shoulders.

At times, my mind would play twisted tricks on me and I'd hear his playful insults.

"Mangy mutt"



God, what I won't give to hear them again.

"If only Arcadia knew your mom's campaign was actually keeping them safe." Jim sated to Claire as we approached a break in the trees.

I sighed a bit and reverted back to my human form, seeing as my Loboan strength was no longer needed, "Yeah," I scoffed, "safe from rampaging evil trolls."

Blinky put one of his four hands on Jim's shoulder, "The signs are no real defense, Master Jim. Merely a Gumm-Gumm deterrent." he explained, "Judging from tonight, I don't know how much longer your sleepy little town will be safe."

I looked over to Claire who looked up at Arrrgh, "That Gumm-Gumm," she pushed the new white strand of hair form her eyes, "Do you think he was once one of you?" he asked.

I tensed up before huffing, as Arrrgh spoke, "Hmmm. Gunmar turn friends. Sad." he lowered his gaze.

"It's like when a Loboan embraces the savage and becomes a Sashy," I said to her, "we can't undo the effects of Decimaar so long as that blade exists." I put a hand on her shoulder, "Think of it as a blessing in disguise, the troll was probably in agony. We gave him peace."

"Sonya's right!" I looked over seeing Toby, wearing the Gumm-Gumm helmet--and looking really ridiculous--walk past us, his voice muffled, "He saw where you were hiding the trolls. He would've told Gunmar."

"And since he's taken the Heartstone," Blinky added as we approached the edge of the overlook, "he has only grown stronger, making his defeat even more difficult, if not impossible."

I slowed to a halt as I came up beside Jim, I then facepalmed. Great job Blink. Good pep talk. Toby heaved the helmet off his head and huffed,

"For weeks, Gunmar's been sending his minions to do all his dirty work." He then turned to us, "Why doesn't he come up himself? What's he waiting for?"

I then took the turn to speak, "Be happy he hasn't. If that savage comes up from Hearstone, in the state that we are in," I gestured to the rest of us, "we're dead. Like fish in a barrel." I folded my arms.

"Ms. Wolf is right, Tobias," Blinky concurred, "That question is what the fate of Arcadia hangs upon: What is Gunmar plotting next?"

I rubbed my chin, in deep thought, and Jim noticed this, "Something on your mind, Sonya?" he asked.

"Yeah," I looked to Jim, "I've seen war, been in it." I shrugged, "The king always waits . . .for the time when his victory is assured." my eyes widened a bit.

"What are you saying?" Jim asked, confused.

"Gunmar may be a brute but he's not stupid. He's waiting for the opportunity to strike when his victory will be assured. We just don't know when." I shrugged.

I then winced hearing Claire's chest-rattling cough, "Well, this stalemate's torture." she shivered a bit, "I don't know how many more of this late night study sessions I have in me."

Jim pulled the amulet from his chest and reverted back to his normal clothes. I opened my mouth to speak, when I heard a rumble, I looked over and yelped seeing that Arrrgh had put on the Gumm-Gumm helmet.

I held my chest, "Arrrgh! Take it off, that is some seriously bad juju!"

Toby walked up to Arrrgh, "Hey! You look just like a Gumm-Gumm."

"Yes." Came Arrrgh's muffled reply.

I already knew where this was going but Jim beat me to it, "No. Too risky." he stated, walking over to them, "You can't spy on Gunmar."

I nodded, "We need you, you're our big gun. Bigger than me." I folded my arms over my chest.

"We lost you once, old friend." Blinky said, "We cannot lose you again."

Arrrgh took the helmet off, "Gunmar strong! Do nothing, Gunmar grow stronger!" He exclaimed, "My choice!" he pointed to himself.

My eyes narrowed, and I rubbed my chin, "If he were to spy on Gunmar, it would give us an advantage. Figure out why he's waiting so long, what he's planning."

"It would be a tase of a hulking brute." Claire added.

Jim rubbed his chin, considering our options before speaking, "You get in. You get out. No unnecessary risks."

Toby began whimpering and he ran to Arrrgh, hugging him. Arrrgh hugged back, and rumbled softly,

"Hmm. Wingman."

The soft moment was ruined by the toll of the five o' clock bell, my head snapped too attention before I sighed.

"There's our cure," Blinky stated, "We shall head back to our refuge. Will you be joining?" He asked Jim, Toby and Claire.

Jim shook his head, "Go on. I wanna enjoy the sunrise while we still have 'em." He rested a hand on Claire's shoulder.

Blinky turned to me as he backed into the shade with Arrrgh, "Ms. Wolf?"

I gave a shaky sigh, "I'm coming." I turned away from the Soft Skins and shoved my hands into my pockets and sealed my eyes close feeling tears well up in the corners. I promised myself the next time I would cry, would be tears of joy.

I took a shaky breath and followed Blinky and Arrrrgh back to the old warehouse we called home, for now anyways.

Time Skip--Later that morning:

After a meal, and a bit of rest, I went out walking around Arcadia. In my human form, obviously. Even though I looked like an average 17-year old, underneath this skin I was actually a century and a half old Loboan with the strength to bench press cars, not drive them.

It was around 7:30, so Jim would probably be on his way to school. And as the thought crossed my mind, my cell phone when off, I arched a brow and took it out as I stopped at a corner.

It was Jim. I pressed the talk button and held the phone to my ear, "Hey, Jim." I put a hand on my hip, "What's up?"

"Sonya! You remember when I told you that my mom . . . got her memory erased cause she was magically bonded to Strickler by Angor Rot?" he asked, his voice timid.

I tensed a bit, "Yeah . . ." I drawled out slowly.

"Well . . . she's starting to remember. I found her this morning painting a picture that looked freakishly like Blinky."

If I were drinking water, it would be spitting from my lips, "What?!" I hissed, holding the receiver with my other hand, "Jim, that is bad! If your mother finds out what you've been doing-"

"I know!" Jim exclaimed, "I'll be grounded till I'm 30."

I arched a brow, "Does Claire and Toby know?"

"Yeah, I'm with them now and--Uh-oh."

I then heard a man screaming in the background, I arched a brow, "Uh, Jim? You ok?"

"Gotta go, see ya, Sonya!" the line went dead.

I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket. I continued my seemingless wander around Arcadia for some time before I came to the Bridge over Trollmarket. I jumped onto the rail and sat there, my feet dangling over the canal.

I looked up to the sun and sighed, "Wish you could be here, Horn Head." I rubbed my hands together, "It's one beautiful day." I then looked down and sighed shakily, "Damn shame you can't see it."

Time Skip--Later that afternoon:

I met up with Jim in the sewers, we were going to go over some training with Normura and Stricklander. As we entered the space I assumed my huge Loboan form and Jim summoned his armor.

I walked over and sat next to the Japanese woman, and growled, "Nomura." I spat.

"Sonyalanda." She retorted.

Let's just say . . . our relationship was tense. Since both of us had a thing for Draal, her's long past, it made conversations a bit . . . awkward.

Strickler vanished into the darkness of the sewer tunnel and his voice rang out as Jim summoned daylight, "This is going to be different from your usual training, Young Atlas."

A very interesting nickname, but it suited Jim. Jim spun left and right, keeping his blade at the ready.

"You will need to learn to let go." Strickler spoke sinisterly.

Nomura sipped a cup of tea as she sat on a crate beside me.

"No more holding back!" Stricklander roared.

My eyes narrowed, and I found stickler easily in the darkness thanks to my senses, but he was all but blind to Jim.

"Release what's inside of you." Stricklander continued, "These are the dark magics." He then came up behind Jim, staff in hand. Jim barely dodged the downward strike, and blocked the next combative.

"Good. You're learning." Strickler snarled, in his changeling form, he then kicked Jim back, causing the Trollhunter to take a knee.

Strickler stood straight and twirled his staff, "There's a little more fight in you today, Young Atlas." He then assumed a fighting stance.

Jim stood up and readied his blade, "I don't wanna talk about it." he then charged Stirckler.

I sighed, watching the fight drone on. I then glanced at Nomura and spoke, "You seem in a good mood today."

"Hmm." she replied, "Perhaps it is because I see you aren't in a good one." she retorted.

I shot her a death glare, "Changeling scum."

"Loboan savage."

I rolled my eyes and turned my gaze back to the fight as Jim delivered a series of slashes and Strickler blocked every single one with ease,

"Still feeling bad about hiding our lessons from Blinkous?" he asked.

"I don't think he would approve of your methods." Jim retorted as the two circled one another.

"And yet you bring the Loboan." Strickler glanced at me, snarling.

I barked back, "Leave me outta this, Stricklander. I'm only here to make sure you don't kill our only chance at saving the world!"

Stickler snarled, "Blinkous wouldn't understand." He then pulled some blades from his frill and hurled them at Jim who blocked one, while the other two embedded in his armor, not deep enough to hit skin though.

My head rose and I snarled softly, my muscles tensed before my lips writhed up above my fangs.

"Hey!" Jim exclaimed, indignant, "You call this training?" He looked up only to see a dagger hurl at his head. Thankfully, Jim was able to summon his helmet to block it in time.

"I'm not trying to train you!" Strickler yelled, as he through another set of blades as Jim--which he blocked with his shield, some ricocheted off the walls and I yelped as one ended very close to my ear,

"I'm trying to kill you!" Stickler continued, as he there volley after volley of blades at him, and I could see Jim was having a hard time keeping up.

Stickler then jumped up, and tried to slam down on Jim, but Jim rolled away just in time.

"To kill Gunmar, you'll need to fight like Gunmar!" Stickler shouted as he hit Jim clean in the face, causing him to roll across the cold floor.

I winced watching Jim struggle. "Oooh, that's gonna hurt." I mumbled under my breath.

"You won't win by playing fair!" Strickler spun his staff and brought it down on Jim.

Jim dodged and got to his feet, and blocked the flooring strike, "What is the code of the changelings?" Stricklander hissed.

The two locked weapons, "Rule one?"

"There's honor among assassins." Jim panted.

Jim then struck back, "Rule two!" Stickler barked.

"Rule one is a like. There's no such thing as honor."


Stickler jumped back and latched onto the wall, "Rule three!" he then jumped form one section of the wall to the other.

"Everything and everyone is a tool to get what you want!" Jim yelled.

Also bullshit.

"And I want . . ." Jim summoned his shield to block more blades from Strickler, "to kill Gunmar!"

Jim then hurled his small shuriken stars at Strickler, and I watched as it knocked him, causing him to fall.

Nomura stood up, worry lacing her features, I arched a brow before standing up, "Nice job, Jimbo!" I folded my arms.

Strickler transformed back into a human and remained still on the ground. Jim hesitantly approached and reached out slowly,

"Hey, are you okay?" Jim asked.

I then facepalmed. Idiot.

In one swift motion, Strickler transformed back into a troll, grabbed his staff and put Jim in a choke, "You can't even save yourself!" he barked, "How can you possibly save your friends and family?"

Jim coughed loudly and tried to get free. My ears pinned back and I took a step forward, "Stricklander, enough." I stated.

He ignored me, "Don't push our the darkness. Embrace the rage." he told Jim.

I was embracing my rage right about now, too, "Stricklander, let the boy go!" I bared my fangs.

"Let it fuel you. Your humanity is your weakness!" he continued.

"STRICKLANDER!" My claws unsheathed, "You have ten seconds!"

All of a sudden, Jim's amulet began pulsating, and then a pulse shot through his body. I arched a brow in confusion as I watched Jim's eyes widen and he let out a roar.

He cracked the back of his head against Strickler's nose and threw the changeling over his  body. Strickler landed and hit head head on the crate as Jim advanced with his staff, the look in his eyes . . .

I then stood between Jim and the changeling, "Jim, get a hold of yourself." I stated firmly.

"Use the darkness, Trollhunter." Nomrua coaxed.

I shot her a glare, "You, shut up!" I then turned to Jim, "Listen to me. I know what it's like to go savage, to embrace rage. It's not worth it! When you wake up, you're horrified of what you've done!" I grabbed the staff Jim wielded, "You'll only view yourself as a monster." I said sternly, "If you do this, fight like this, without control . . . you're no better than Gunmar."

Jim gasped then dropped the staff, "I'm so sorry. . ." he whispered, his eyes wide.

I then urged him to the entrance, "We're done here." I told him.

"Same time tomorrow, Trollhunter?" Strickler called.

Jim and I both broke into a run.

We made our way back to the alehouse where the Trolls were hidden and we began helping Blinky pass out old socks for the trolls.

"Take this sustenance." Blinky said, "Let it sustain you, my brethren." He then looked to us, "Something seems to be troubling you, Master Jim, Ms. Wolf."

The warehouse was dingy, old and smelled like rot, but it was all we had, not to mention the lighting was horrible.

"Um . . ." Jim struggled to dine words.

"I know what it is." Blinky then said.

"Wait, you do?" I asked as I handed a few socks to a troll.

"Apologies, I haven't had any time for your training, or yours, Ms. Wolf." He said.

I shrugged, "Hey, I'm not complaining. Besides," I there a sock at a few. trolls who caught them and ate them, "I train myself."

Blinky continued, "As you can see, my four hands have been full."

I then heard the sound of farting and I coughed as a horrid stench filled my nostrils.

"Aah!" Blinky shouted, "That is not a toilet, Plagsnork!"

I held my muzzle, "Moon God!" I felt my stomach do flips, "I think I'm gonna hurl!"

We continued on our way as Blinky continued his rant, "I tell you, they don't listen to me, Master Jim. I used to think Vendel's cantankerous nature made him a difficult leader," Blinky's grip visibly tightened on the staff, "but now I see it was only a form of survival."

"No worries, Blink." Jim replied, "Training can wait. I-I'll manage."

I rubbed my muzzle, "These trolls need guidance to make sure they don't get spotted or worse . . . turned into rode kill." I mumbled.

"Must you be so negative?" Blinky asked, his brows furrowed.

I arched a brow, "Have you met me?" I replied.

"  . . . touche."

"A-tisket, a-tasket. A sockey in a basket."

I looked over to my left to see NotEnrique jumping onto a crate, licking his chops."What color you got for me?" he asked.

"Sadly," Blinky held out a white sock, "only white remain."

NotEnrique grabbed the sock, annoyed, "What's the point of comin' down here when all the free swag is drag?" he then proceeded to slurp up the sock anyways, "When you gonna take out the big, bad bossman?" He ranted, "This ain't no fit life for a troll. How long you expect 'em to live in this dump?"

I rolled my eyes, knowing he meant Gunmar, my ears locked back, "Mind your manners, NotEnrique." I spat, "And we're working on it." 

My ear then twitched upon hearing the gate opening, soon followed by screaming. I looked to the door only to see . . .My eyes  widened.

Arrrgh pulled off the Gumm-Gumm helmet and smiled.

"Arrrgh! You're back! Ha! What word did you bring, old friend?" Blinky asked.

"Two words," though he held up three fingers, "Eternal Night."

My stomach did flips, my mind began to spin. Eternal Night? Oh, Moon God help us all . . . Blinky gasped loudly.

"Just how bad are those words?" Jim asked, his brows furrowed.

I slumped against a stack of creates, holding my head as my heart raced, "End of the world bad." I then coughed, before righting myself, but my hands still shook.

"The mere reason we locked Gunmare in Killahead was that he was trying to bring . . ." he then hushed his voice to a whisper, "the Eternal Night." He. then stood straight, "A time where trolls would reclaim the surface from mankind, and Loboan kind." he looked to me.

I stood and did my best to conceal the fear, "The Loboans joined the battle of Killahead because of the Eternal Night. Because, if it were to happen, Trolls--Gumm-Gumms and Gunmar--wouln't be limited by the sun." I shivered a bit, "I remember my father telling me about the battle."

"Wait, your dad was there?" Jim asked, "Hougan? The big black Loboan with the one eye?"

I nodded and shivered, "Killahead was fought for days, we Loboans . . . most of us anyways . . . retreated to the mountains because of the Hunters that Gunmar sent after us, but a selected few stayed.  My father, and my mother along with a few others." my gaze fell.

There was a tense silence at this, my mother died a few weeks prior to Gunmar's attack and I still felt the pain.

"The good news is," Blinky said, trying to lighten the mood, "the Eternal Night is just a lore, a myth used as a rallying cry to unite trolls against humans." He put a hand on Jim's shoulder, "Gunmar doesn't actually know how to bring such a calamity, does he, Arrrgh?" he asked.

"No." Arrrgh replied, "But searching."

"Then we have time on our side." I walked forward a bit, "We need to find out more about what Gunmar knows, for if he finds away to do this . . . let's just say . . . it will be humanity's extinction."

Jim nodded, "Arrrgh, you did well," he looked to the big Krubera, "but I need you back there to be our ear to the ground." Jim explained, "Can you do that?"

"Glad to." Arrrgh replied.

After Arrrgh left I sat on a crate and ran a hand through my fur, before sighing. Jim walked over to me and sat beside me, "Any word from your family?"

I shook my head, "It's too risky using a Za-ap." I said softly, "Gunmar would sense the magic, and I doubt my father would spare us any soldiers. They're stretched thin enough as it is."

"What about your siblings?" he offered.

I heaved a sigh, "A hawk mail came the other day, Rhigo's trying to convice Papa to let him go but . . ." I shook my head, "I wouldn't get my hopes up."

"So, no Loboans, aside from you." Jim sighed.

My ears pinned back, "C'mon," I stood up, "We have to put up more signs."

Jim and I left the warehouse and began putting up more Gumm-Gumm deterrent signs. I leaned one up against a wall before lowering my head. I sealed my eyes shut as I reverted to my human form and adjusted my tank top and grey jeans on my body.

Jim came up next to me, "I never got to ask this," he looked at me, "how are you holding up?"

I brushed some of the brown hair from my eyes, "I'm okay, considering the love of my life is under the control of an evil warmongering troll."

Jim put a hand on my shoulder, "We'll get him back, Sonya."

I bit my lip, "I should've done something." I whispered.

"Sonya." Jim turned me to look at him, "Gunmar beat the snot outta you and threw you in a ditch, you said you hit your head and passed out right?"

I nodded.

"Sonya, it's not your fault." he then returned to his work.

I noticed Blinky had come over with a cup of coffee for Jim and I chuckled watching Jim take a sip then Blinky stating that an old gym sock was used as a filter and the poor boy doing a spit take.

"Ms. Wolf!"

I looked up, as Blinky brushed the brewed coffee off his face, "And I brought this for you." he handed me a parcel.

I took it and sniffed it, "It this-?" I pulled the paper away and chuckled.

"Raw beef!" Blinky exclaimed, "I know how much you enjoy raw food."

It wasn't much ,but I devoured it in one go, "Thanks Blinky." I smiled and went back to work, and doing my best to not get involved with the conversation Jim and Blinky went into. But I did pick up the names Gunmar and Eternal night, and Jim's humanity.

I sighed a bit as I worked on the signs, keeping watch while the two discussed. I looked up to the night sky and heaved a deep sigh. I was then pulled into a memory:

Flash Back~

I laughed as I skidded back on my feet, in my Human form. I brushed some blood from my jaw as Draal tackled me to the floor.

"I win." he said tauntingly.

I rolled my green eyes, "Only cause you cheated." I poked his nose.

"I hardly say calling you 'Attractive' cheating."

​​​​​​​He did not say attractive, but I can't say what he said. I blushed crimson before laughing, "Fine, fine. Just get off me, Horn Head!"

Draal leaned down and nuzzled my forehead, "Hmm. Not yet." he kissed my forehead lovingly, "I don't want this to end."

​​​​​​​I smiled up at him, "Neither to I, D, neither do I."

​​​​​​​End of Flash Back~

​​​​​​​"Hey, where did all the signs go?"

I looked over to a thicket of bushes where there were supposed to be a ton of signs but there was only one, and it too, vanished into the bushes.

"What just happened?" Jim walked forward, holding his amulet.

I assumed my Loboan form and sniffed the air before my eyes widened, "Gumm-Gumms!" I yelled.

Just as I said that, a horde of Gumm-Gumms popped out of the bushes like demonic daffodils.

"Oh, no . . ." Jim summoned his armor, "For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is Mine to Command---AHHH!"

My eyes widened as a Gumm-Gumm sent Jim crashing into the warehouse. I grabbed Blinky and bolted for the warehouse. I shut the door as Blinky shouted,

"We've been compromised! We must defend our ground!" He backed up as the trolls formed a defensive line, "Trolls, stand with me! For tonight we . . ."

He never got to finish.

The Gumm-Gumms ripped the door open and flooded in. Arrrgh tackled the first one while I bit into another's neck ripping his head off. I kicked a third into a stack of crates before letting out a roar and punching a forth.

Arrrgh grabbed the one I was battling and threw it into another wall of crates before opening the trap door that led to the sewers.

"Everyone!" Blinky shouted, "Down to the sewer!"

I tackled another Gumm-Gumm and bashed it's head in, "You heard him, let's haul butt, people!"

Trolls jumped into the trap door one after another, I panted as I worked my way through the swarm of Gumm-Gumms, along with Jim who slashed and hacked.

We were then backed up and cornered.

"There is too many of them, Master Jim!" Blinky yelled.

"We have to get them all-AHH!" Jim was cut off as a rolling ball of blue spokes ran him flat.

I whirled around a familiar scent filled my nose and my throat sealed up, "Oh, no."

It was Draal. He rolled up to the top of a stack of crates before standing up and letting out a menacing laugh. Gunmar's laugh.

My hackels went up as I spoke, "Jim," I looked to him with widened eyes as I killed another Gumm-Gumm, "plan?"

Jim returned my worried look before we both looked up to Draal.

"I told you this husk wouldn't stop coming after you!" Gunmar's voce spoke through Draal, "But you let Draal live. Now you will both die!"

He trucked into a roll and came at us, I assumed a stance as Jim rolled clear. Draal and I locked fists and smashed our heads together,

"Fight it, Draal." I spat, struggling to maintain my strength, "Fight it. You are the sone of Kanjiugar, since when do you take orders from some murdering pompous egotistical Stone Skin?!"

"Draal can't hear you!" Gunmar's voice laughed as he punched me in the muzzle, I yelped and stumbled back before, ducking his following strike,

"This isn't you!" I was on defense, I dared not to make a move on him, "Gunmar is controlling you! Since when do you like being controlled? That's not the Draal I know-uff!" I ate a punch to the face before jumping over him and landing behind him, "The Draal I know, would sooner die than take orders from someone as twisted as Gunmar! Fight it, Draal! C'mon, Horn Head!"

Draal only roared, his eyes glowing as he picked up a spear and attacked me with it. I dodged each thrust before kicking him upside the chin, I then ran up a stack of crates and jumped to a ladder where I scampered up to the roof.

Please do not ask me why I ran for the roof, I was panicking at the time trying to figure out a way to break the mind control on my lover.

Once I got to the roof I was able to take a few solid breaths before I turned to see Draal advancing, "I know he has feelings for you. Killing you, with this husk, will make your death all the more sweeter, Loboan." Gunmar spat.

"Let him go, Gunmar." I snarled backing up, "I won't fight him."

Draal got down on all fours and charged me, I then jumped clear as Draal smashed his head against the low wall around the roof with a crash. Draal snarled viciously, like an animal as he ran after me, spear in hand.

He made a jump at me, and I yelped as I jumped over him. Draal rolled before crouching and snarling at me.

I bared my own teeth, "C'mon, Draal, don't let him force you to do this!" I yelled, my voice straining, I was loosing it. I couldn't stand it.

The coolness of early dawn sent shivers up my spine as Draal hurled the spear at me, which I dodged . . . barely. Gunmar's voice chuckled as he ran at me, he grabbed my throat and pinned me down smirking at me.

I bit back a cry before reaching up and grabbing one of his horns, "You are Draal the Deadly, Son of Kanjigar the Courageous, you don't take orders from him! FIGHT BACK!" I kicked him off and stood up, feeling tears course down my fur.

I jumped up to a higher level of the roof and ran across it with Draal in toe, I then came up to one of the legs of a billboard and screamed before jumping clear as Draal slammed headlong into it.

I backed up as Draal turned on me, I glanced behind me seeing I was on the edge of the roof, "The Loboans and Humans stole this world from us!" Gunmar yelled, "The time of Man is at an end!"

I jumped from the roof and landed on an old shipping container that was located right below the roof, I then jumped to asphalt and tried to take off but Draal grabbed my arm,

"Only one can rule the earth!" Gunamr continued.

The then grabbed my head and threw me headlong back up onto the roof and into the billboard. My ears rang as I struggled to pull my head free and when I did, I collapsed onto the roof, huffing and panting.

"Sonya!" I heard Jim's voice faintly.

I groaned and sat up, feeling blood trickle down my head. I then stood on shaky legs, feeling the billboard tilt, I shook my head as Draal climbed up and advanced on me,

"The Eternal Night is inevitable!" he seethed.

I brushed blood from my brow as I snarled, "Huh, too bad Jim's gonna kill you before that happens, Gunmar. That is, if you ever stop hiding behind your scouts and ones you taken under your control like the coward you are!" I then ducked behind the billboard.

I pressed my back to it and did my best to steady my breathing, I still felt tears in my eyes but they were more out of grief then fear. I kept an ear to the metal,

"You can't hide forever." Gunmar hissed.

I heard the sound of sniffing and before I could react, Draal's hand busted through the Nougat Nummies bill board, grabbed my arm and threw me off the roof.  I hit the asphalt and rolled, I then braced myself up on my forearms as Draal jumped from the roof and landed before me, snarling.

"Your love for this husk will be your undoing." He held up the spear, "You should've killed Draal when you had the chance!"

I didn't attempt to dodge, I only slowly sat up, rubbing my throbbing head. I then looked right in his eyes,

"That's where your wrong, Gunmar." My ears perked up a bit, "Kill me, go ahead, but trust me, by using Draal's hand he will break free and he'll come for you."

Gunmar only chuckled, "Such faith. Though I would expect as much from a Loboan."

Just then, I heard a violent yell, and I looked up to see Jim jump from the roof and slash Draal across the back. He had that look in his eyes again. I rolled away and watched Jim attack Draal relentlessly.

I then heard a painfully loud groan of metal and I saw Blinky pushing the billboard leg, causing it to come crashing down on us.

"Jim!" I tackled Jim clear as it fell right on Draal, pinning him on his back. Jim walked up to Draal and raised Daylight.

"Master Jim, don't do it!" Blinky yelled from the roof.

I stood up, holiding my bleeding head, "Jim . . . remember what I said." I paced forward.

"Do it Trollhunter! If you think your armor's too much to shoulder for today, I'll make sure it'll break tomorrow!" Gunmar bellowed. "I found you once, I will fin out again! Kill him! Kill him before his lover!"

I then stood behind Jim, casting a shadow over them both, the night wind made my fur wave as I reached out and grabbed Jim's shoulder, "You do this, you're no better than the one who's controlling him." I murmured.

A pulse went through Jim's armor, and he gasped before loosening his posture. "I'm the Trollhunter." he got off the billboard and met up with Blinky,

"Master Jim, Ms. Wolf, we must leave, at once!" He exclaimed.

"You cannot escape me!" Gunmar said.

I then leaned down and spoke, "I know you can hear me, Gunmar," I spat, bearing my teeth, "and I will make this crystal clear for you. I am going to free Draal, and I will bring him home." I then stood up and jogged over to the others.

We left Draal there, struggling under the billboard. And I felt more tears stream down my snout as I walked away from him. . .

I will find you, Draal. Just hang on, a little bit longer.

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