For the Glory of Merlin

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Sonya's POV~

Draal seemed more or less stable, but the cavern around us wasn't. More rocks and crystals were falling around us, I then looked over to Arrrgh who was struggling to get the rock out of the way. I stood up and ran over, and put my weight against it as Arrrgh and I both lifted it again. It was still to heavy.

I huffed and backed away, "No go." I said, pinning my ears.

"Too big." Arrrgh added, as he punched the rock in frustration.

"It's okay, you two. You tried." Toby assured.

Draal came up beside me, rubbing the scar over his chest as Blinky ran over to the rock that blocked our path, "It's hardly ok." he barked, "We're on the distinctly wrong side of the cavern's collapse." He tried to move it before turning to us, "Merlin's tomb will now apparently become our own." He added.

The cavern let out a deep rumble and I looked up as pale crystal shards came crashing down on us, I shoved the kids to Arrrgh who shielded them from the falling stones while Draal grabbed me out of the blue and pulled me close to shield me.

I looked up at him as he winced, shards bouncing harmlessly off his back, "Allow me to be the rescuer for once." he murmured.

There was a loud crash, and the fall of crystals soon stopped, I looked up, seeing one of the crystals had given way, revealing an opening.

"Or we could go that way." I pointed, standing up, dusting my coat off.

"An opening!" Claire exclaimed as we made our way to it.

"Thus affording us the opportunity to be trapped somewhere else." Blinky snapped, skeptically.

I pinned my ears and shoved him towards the entrance, "Just go! I'd sooner take my chances in there then be stuck in a Cavern we know is collapsing."

"Sonya's right." Toby added, "What if it's a way out? You just gotta think positive, Blinky."

"I'm not entirely sure I know how." Blinky replied as we walked into the other cavern.

My ears flickered as my hands flexed a bit, Draal came up beside me and nudged me gently, "Apparently, things have changed." he said as the cavern grew narrower and more dense.

I looked to Draal, "How so?" I asked, watching Arrrgh clamber through the thick maze of crystals, I was forced to crouch a bit, knocking my head every once in a while.

Draal slid through two crystals, "You have become . . . much quicker to attack, more aggressive." he said softly.

I winced as I bumped my wounded shoulder on a crystal, "Well, after Gunmar. . . took you . . . I was given the responsibility as Jim's protector, and the Troll's protector . . ." I muttered softly.

Draal turned to me, his eyes wide, "What . . .?" he stared.

"It's kinda hard to not be aggressive when all you've been doing is fighting for weeks on end." I added, as Arrrgh lifted Toby over a crystal.

"Uh, this isn't taking us out." Toby noted.

"We need to find a way to go up." Jim grunted as he climbed over the crystal, and helped Claire over too.

"Hmm. Right. Yeah, look got some stairs. Or better yet, an elevator." Toby replied sarcastically.

I made a move forward but Draal's hand encasing mine stayed my movement, I turned to him and he sighed deeply, "I know this is not the time, nor the place but . . ." he kissed my forehead gently, "I wanted to tell you how much I missed you." he cupped my muzzle in his hands.

"I missed you, too." I replied, pinning my ears, "More than you will ever know." I rested my head on his, "When we get outta this mess, first thing we are doing is having a nice evening together looking at the stars." I stated firmly.

Draal smiled, "Sounds like a date." he teased.

I rolled my eyes and flicked him in the nose before jumping over the crystal, Draal following, we soon passed out of the dense path of pale minerals into a darker tunnel.

"Great." I mumbled sarcastically, ducking under a stone, "Another dark, ominous tunnel. This is, what? The third one?" I asked.

"That way." Arrrgh pointed to a length of tunnel that was somewhat illuminated by these pale crystals.

I picked my way over the rocks, being careful not to trip on anything, the tunnel sloped down a bit, and I yelped, as my padded feet skidded out from under me, but Draal caught me.

"Gotcha." he propped me back up.

"Thanks." I mumbled as we continued on.

We rounded a turn and I stopped dead in my tracks. The tunnel opened up to a cavern, a small one. Before us, illuminated by a single ray of moonlight that twisted through the cracks in the cavern, on a table, covered in cob webs was an elderly man, adorned in dark armor.

"Whoa . . ." Toby gaped.

"Great Globus . . ." Blinkt breathed, "it's him."

I looked to Draal who was just as stunned as the rest of us, I then spoke, "Is it him? You sure?"

"Must be." Arrrgh rumbled softly.

"Merlin." Jim said softly.

I looked to Draal who chuckled a bit, "Never in all my life would I have dreamed seeing this." he said softly.

"Me neither." I added.

Just then, Jim's amulet--more specifically the blue stone--began pulsating rhythmically. Jim pulled it out and approached the corpse of the famous wizard.

I crept forward and sniffed the air around Merlin's body, "Holy-" my eyes widened, "he doesn't smell like rot or decay . . ."

"You mean . . . he's alive?" Claire asked.

"Asleep, or in a coma," I replied, "but, yes, alive."

Jim held out the stone to Merlin and three sparks of white magic floated from the stone, they hovered in the air for a moment before vanishing into Merlin's body. I arched a brow as Jim bent over the slumbering wizard.

There was a moment of silence, before the body's eyes shot open and he shot up, inhaling deeply. Jim shirked as he fell on his but while I backed up several paces, watching the wizard inhale a lotta cobwebs before coughing violently.

After a long time of coughing, Merlin heaved a sigh, and looked to Jim as the boy stood up, "Are you the Trollhunter?" he asked, his voice was higher pitched than I thought, and with a British twang to it.

"Uh. Uh . . ." Jim stuttered, utterly shocked.

"I thought you'd be taller." Merlin said, before turning his eyes to me, "And you were supposed to be a chestnut color, not mahogany brown." he pointed at me.

"Wait-me?" I backed up, "I'm just a Loboan. How di-"

"I expected much taller," Merlin dusted himself off as he looked at Jim again, before looking to me, "and the both of you to be much older." He then arched a brow, "How old are the two of you? Ten?" he questioned.

"Uh, sixteen." Jim finally said.

"Just turned 118." I replied, folding my arms over my chest.

Merlin shrugged as he laid back down, "I guess I was only off by . . ." he began muttering incoherently, before coming to a conclusion, "Fourteen for the boy and ooh . . ." he winced, "over 300 years for you, Loboan."

"Should I be offended?" I asked Draal, who simply shrugged.

"Holy Merlin!" Toby snapped out of his shock, "It's really you!"

Merlin looked past me, "And just what kind of Troll are you?" he asked.

"I'm not a troll!" Toby replied, "I'm a Toby."

"And who is this lovely creature?" Merlin arched a brow at Claire, but unfortunately Blinky thought Merlin was talking to him, though I don't know why . . .

"Blinkous Galadrigal, at your ser--" Merlin cut Blinky off,

"Not you." Merlin pointed to Claire, "You."

"Uh, Claire, sir." Claire spoke up as she poked out from a very unamused Blinky.

"A pleasure, my dear." Merlin said, smiling coyly. Ew.

I rolled my eyes, leaning up against the wall, "Oh, he calls her lovely, and he thinks I'm 418 years old? That was as old as my mom." I grumbled.

Draal elbowed me before speaking, "To me, you are the loveliest creature in this, or any, world." he smirked.

I felt my cheeks heat, "Jeez." I scoffed, "I guess your romantic game hasn't dulled." I shot back.

Blinky then walked forward, "Your sageness we--" he was cut short, again, as Merlin arched his back and his entire spine let out a series of cracks that did not sound good.

Blinky's mouth dropped open in pure shock as I winced, "Ugh, that doesn't sound nice." I mumbled.

Merlin leaned forward, "Once more." he then lifted his leg, and it cracked with each movement, "Ah. That's better."

"Well, he was asleep for a really long time." Claire reasoned.

I chuckled, "Sounds like my father when he sleeps on gravel in the morning." I snickered, which made Draal stifle a soft laugh.

"He was just sleeping?" Jim asked, "Shouldn't he be . . ."

"Well rested?" Blinky offered.

"Dead?" Jim prompted, arching a brow.

"True, but he is a wizard." Blinky replied as Merlin cracked his back again.

Merlin then shot up and stumbled over to me, I yelped as I caught him, he looked up at me, "Oop!" He examined my features, "Prop me up, would you? You savage of the wilds."

I suddenly had the urge to drop him.

I pinned my ears, "Not a savage." I propped him up none the less.

Merlin stumbled forward before bending over, his back cracking again, very loudly. He continued reaching for his toes, his back popping again and again.

"I seriously don't wanna be old." Toby mumbled from the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, that's good." Merlin huffed, he then straightened before doing a-stance toe touches over and over and over again. We all just stood there awkwardly as Merlin did several of these before cracking his neck.

He sighed and rubbed his hands together, "Ok, then, first things first. Where might my staff be?" he asked.

Draal and I exchanged worried looks, before I spoke, "Eh . . ."

"Staff of Avalon?" Merlin prompted, "About yea high?" he estimated the height with his hand, "Emerald at the top, much similar shade to the Loboan's," he jabbed a thumb at me, "it is rather dashing."

"We might have lost it a little . . ." Toby said hesitantly.

"Lost it a little?" Merlin quoted, confused.

"We were attacked by Gunmar and Angor Rot." Draal cut in, "Gunmar took the staff."

"Oh? Is that all?" Merlin put his hands on his hips, "Well, it's not just the staff that's lost, then. Just hope." he spat, annoyed.

Merlin then turned to his table and leaned over it, before Jim walked over, "How did you know we'd come looking for you, I mean your staff?"

Merlin turned to him, "Because, Jim," his expression grew stern, "I am your father."

. . .

"WHAT?!" I yelled, causing Draal to jump out of his skin.

Blinky's month dropped open as his posture went slack, my jaw fell open as Draal held his head in astonishment. Claire held her hands to her mouth while Toby and Arrrgh had blank looks on thier faces.

Merlin then chuckled, "Kidding!" He then sat down on the table, "I can glimpse the future," he explained, "It's not a perfect gift, though."

"That's why you thought I would be chestnut." I said, "And us both older."

"And taller." Merlin said, looking to Jim.

"Clearly he foresaw our arrival here to rouse him from his slumber." Blinky said as he walked over.

"Why were you sleeping in the first place?" Claire asked.

"It was the cost of a battle, my dear." Merlin explained.

"What battle?" Arrrgh asked, confused.

I arched a brow, "Uh, Killahead. Duh." I shrugged.

Everyone whipped their heads to me and I froze, "Wait, you guys don't know this?" I asked, walking forward.

"Know what?" Draal arched a confused brow.

I pointed to Merlin, "He and Morgana fought at the Battle of Killahead, it's in the Loboan history books." I said.

Merlin nodded, "Ah, I always admired Jerome's ability to capture the detail of a battle." he sighed.

"Excuse me, your wizard-ness," Blinky interrupted, "But Arrrgh, Draal and myself were at the battle of Killahead and neither of us recall seeing you there."

"We did fight beside Chief Jerome though." Draal said, "But he was only present for a portion of a battle, before he vanished."

"Yeah, cause Gunmar killed him." I retorted.

"Not exactly." Merlin said, "History is just an account of what supposedly happened," Merlin stood up, "but it's rarely in the full story, if ever." Merlin conjured up a bit of magic,

"What are you doing?" I asked, backing up.

"I'm opening a window into the past." Merlin said.

There was a flash of green light, and suddenly, we were in a forest. A forest I didn't know. I arched a brow as we walked through the forest.

"Where are we?" Toby asked.

"Still in the Geode Caverns." Merlin sated, "This is all an illusion."

"I have been here." Draal said slowly.

"As have I." Blinky concurred. "Great Gorka, this is the forest of Killahead!"

Before us, the forest opened up revealing a field, the sun just barely rising above the trees. I heard the faint sounds of combat, as if a distant echo. It was a battle. Trolls and Gumm-Gumms, stalkings circling overhead. Across the battlefield I saw Killahead Bridge, and Deya as she leapt up, bringing her blade above her head. 

"And there is Deya." Draal pointed, his eyes gleaming.

"At the very moment she dealt the blow that decided the battle!" Blinky exclaimed excitedly.  "Deya the Deliverer was the mightiest Trollhunter that ever lived."

I saw but a few Loboans engaged in combat, one I recognized instantly,

"Oh, My Moon!" I pointed to a shepherd-colored Loboan with rubies coming from his arms and flanks, "That's . . .  wow! That's Kawanga, I remember him from the history books." I circled him, "It was said that he killed over a hundred Gumm-Gumms in a single day."

"He did." Merlin concurred.

We continued on our way, and I even took in the small details, seeing Gnomes engaging Goblins.

"I remember this so well." Draal said, taking my hand.

"Wow . . . " I mumbled, before looking over and busting out into laughter,

I saw Blinky, being chased by ravenous Goblins, his screams faint as his expression was one of hysteria. Typical. Draal chuckled as well, looking at it.

Blinky then got flustered, "Um, no--no, this is someone else. Now, if we turn our attention over here . . ." he tried to redirect Claire who broke out into giggles.

I looked around, as the others spread out, I caught a glimpse of Vendel and my heart sank a bit, Draal's expression softened, "Vendel . . is he . . .?"

"Dead? Yeah." I mumbled, shaking my head, I then turned my attention to the left, "Hey, isn't that . . .?"

Draal's eyes widened as we moved over to Kanjigar, I stood behind Draal as he reached up to touch his father's shoulder, "Father . . ." he murmured softly.

I then looked up, seeing Draal in the battle himself, leaping at an incoming stalkling. I sighed softly, before turning to Draal and putting my hand on his shoulder,

"You alright?"

Draal gave a shaky exhale, before wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close, "I am." he rested his head against my neck affectionately, "I am alright."


My ears perked up, and I turned my head around and my heart dropped down to my gut. I walked forward, seeing two young Loboans, one was black as night, with the beginnings of gold and silver crystals coming from his back with two emerald eyes, like mine. His jaws were agape as he literally was tearing into a Gumm-Gumm.

"Call me crazy, but that looks just like-" Jim started.

"It's my father. Hougan, before he lost his eye." I walked around him, "He was around my age during this battle, I re-" I stopped short.

There was another Loboan not too far off, a young female with brown fur, like mine, but with sapphire's lining her face, her blue eyes gleamed as she wielded a spear expertly.

"Who is that?" Toby asked.

Blinky shrugged, "I have no idea."

Of course they didn't know, I wouldn't expect them too, they never met her. I walked over, hearing her faint battle cries, she was young, younger than me. I reached out and touched her face,

"Mama . . ." I murmured, feeling my eyes well up with tears.

"Wait, what?" Claire gasped.

"Sonya's mom?" Arrrgh asked, confused.

I sniggled a bit, "My parents met when they were around my age, at Killahead." I turned to them, "I know you guys never met my mother but . . . this is what she looked like."

Draal came up next to me, and looked to my mother, then to me, "I now know where your beauty comes from." he put a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled, "Thanks, Draal." I then looked to my Mother again, before Merlin's voice caught my attention,

"Come now. There is more to see. The real battle is over this way." he ushered.

I sighed shakily, "Goodbye, Mama. . ." I murmured as we moved off.

We walked underneath the Killahead Bridge, I heard Gunmar's voce ringing out faintly. Draal's hand brushed mine gently before he grabbed my hand gently and looked to me,

"Sonya," he turned to me, before he cleared his throat, "I had no idea your parents were in this battle, but, I can see where you get your ferocity and . . . beauty . . ." he cleared his throat.

I smiled, my face arm as I leaned against him. We continued walking, my head resting on his. Even though I felt saddened about my mother, I also felt a deep joy at the feeling of Draal's loving arm wrapped around my waist, his warm breath. It was something I missed.

"While you are focused on the battle," Merlin said, gaining our attention, "there were events unfolding that you were unaware off."

"I suppose fighting for our lives would be a little distracting." Blinky said irritably.

We soon came upon three figures in another glen, not too far from the battle.

"What?" Claire exclaimed, seeing the lady in golden armor with the jade hand, "that's her! That's--"

"Morgana." Merlin sighed, "Yes the Pale Lady."

The other figure was Merlin with his Staff and the third . . . my mouth dropped open.

"That's him! My grand father!" I pointed to Chief Jerome, the white Loboan, "What is he doing here?!" I demanded, stunned.

"Wait, Jerome is your Grandfather?" Blinky asked, "We are talking about the same Jerome, are we not? The one who rived you?"

"That's him." I said, looking at the Loboan who stood ten feet tall, wielding a staff of his own, with the moon tattooed to his forehead, caressing a blue gem in the shape of a diamond. Jerome's voce was a yell as he ran towards Merlin and Morgana.

"None of the history books even speak of this!" Blinky gasped, "Why do only Loboan books mention this battle?"

Merlin looked over at them as he walked over to the figures, "Jerome was the only one who saw this battle." Merlin explained, "He recorded the history, as he was also given a sacred duty."

"And that was?" I pressed.

"To secure my staff once Morgana was gone, and bury it with me." Merlin stated, "Jerome then used all the powers of the moon to seal my tomb away, which cost him his life." Merlin looked to me, "That is why the history books say he was beheaded by Gunamr."

"Because he never lived to tell the story in the end." I finished, taking in my Grandfather for the first time, seeing him in a much younger state, his strength, his size . . .

Draal stared as well, "Impressive." He said.

Merlin turned to us, "This was the true battle of Killahead." he said simply.

"You and Morgana?" Jim asked.

"She is as ancient as I am," Merlin said, "perhaps more so." he spoke, "Craving chaos, she sowed the seeds of dissension between huamans, Trollkind and the Loboans even."

"I know her well." Claire mumbled, "She's a real headcase."

"Hence the Eternal Night." Merlin prompted.

I tensed up at that, before speaking, "So, basically, we can blame the entire battle of Killahead on that bit--" I cleared my throat, "crazy lady, because she likes chaos?" I asked.

Merlin shrugged, "If you wish to bill it down like that, yes." he then turned his eyes back to Morgana, "She realized if trolls could not survive in daylight, what if the night were everlasting?"

"Gunmar and his forces could do whatever they wished, without the fear of being turned to stone." Draal said, his eyes widening.

Merlin sighed, "Morgana had to be stopped at any cost. It turns out . . ."

"That cost was your magic." Jim finished.

"Then my Grandfather sealed you and the staff away, by giving his life." I finished up, "Great, better re-write all the history books."

"No kidding." Blinky replied.

Merlin nodded to Jim, "The only way to stop her was to expend almost all of my magic power and confine her for as long as possible."

"I'm guessing 'As Possible' ends right about now." Claire said.

"We're doomed to wage battle once more thanks to the work of Gunmar." Merlin said, then another flash and the battle of Killahead vanished, returning us to the cavern where we once were.

"Well," Merlin sighed, "All fun things must end." he rubbed his hands together.

"Well," Jim added, "If we're going to do anything about it, we still have to get out of here." He said.

I sniffed the air, "I can't catch a scent fo fresh air." I said, my tail lashing a bit, before the whole cavern trembled and a new scent hit my nose.

Water began seeping through the cracks and crevasses in the cave, and I backed up as Toby squeaked,

"Uh, how is it raining underground?"

"The cave in must've diverted the waterfall into the mountain." Blinky deduced.

Draal huffed, "We are going to drown if that is the case."

A distant crash echoed through the cavern, and I pinned my ears.

"That sounds like a lot of water." Claire said.

Merlin then sighed, exasperated, "Centuries later, it never gets any easier."

Toby spoke up, "We could really use some of your awesome wizard magic to, y'know, get us out of here." he said, desperately.

"He can't." I retorted as a drop of water plopped onto my head, "He doesn't have magic, remember?"

"The Loboan is correct." Merlin sighed, folding his arms.

"But you just toke us to the Killahead Battle." Toby retorted.

"That was a mere parlor tick. To escape, we'll need the power of the amulet." Merlin turned to Jim.

"That might be a little difficult." Jim muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why?" Draal asked, arching a brow.

"He had to . . . smash it in order to get the map that would take us here." I explained.

Draal facepalmed.

Merlin turned to Jim, "Hand it over." he said.

Jim took out the pieces of the Amulet from his pocket and placed them in Merlin's weathered hands. He inspected the remains, arching a brow,

"Oh," He looked up to Jim, "you really did a number on this thing."

"Can you put it back together?"Claire asked.

"Of course he can." Blinky cut in, "Those very hands forged the Amulet in the first place--"

"Four arms, six eyes, but he talks as if he had ten mouths." Merlin muttered.

I snorted in laughter as Merlin moved over to Clair, "Of course I can, my dear." He cupped her chin a bit. Again, ew. "These very hands forged the amulet in the first place." he quoted Blinky.

Blinky rolled his eyes as Merlin moved to his table and set the pieces down. I turned to the tunnel as the rumbling got louder and more aggressive.

"Would you please be quiet?" Merlin demanded.

"It's not us. It's the rubble." Toby retorted.

I ran to the entrance, seeing the water flow had intensified, "We need to slow it." I moved over to a stack of crystals, "Blue, help me!" I slammed my fist into them, causing them to shatter.

Draal slammed into another, jarring it loose, began damming up the tunnel entrance. I then lifted a huge crystal onto my shoulders and threw it across the room, adding to the pile.

Draal huffed, and shoved more stones to the pile, before a portion of rocks gave way, spewing me in the face, and I was soaked.

"Come on!" Toby whined.

"I fell we haven't much time." Blinky said.

I popped my neck, "Then we make time!" I pressed my body against our makeshift dam, "We brace it! Now!" I roared.

Draal joined me, and he looked up at me, "I like this side of you." I said.

"Save the smugness when we aren't about to drown." I spat as water soaked my fur, before looking over my shoulder, "How's it going, Gramps?" I called.

"I'm doing my best, it's been centuries, do you understand! And do not call me that!" Merlin barked.

"Can we at least get an ETA, Merle?" Toby asked, "Can I call you Merle?"

"Not if you mind spending the rest of your life as a cockroach." Merlin replied, which shut Tobes up.

Suddenly a wind hit us, and I huffed, "That would be the floodgate." I sniffed the air as I struggled to hold the water back, "Flash flood's coming fast!" I called, before a rock struck my head, making me yelp.

"Sonya!" Draal grabbed my arm, "Are you-?"

"Fine." I assured, rubbing my head.

Jim moved over to coax Merlin into picking up the pace while Draal and I focused on keeping the water back as it roared louder. I saw Claire give Merlin one of her hairclips and he put it in the amulet.

I winced, "Let's pick up the pace, people!" I shouted, my tail lashing.

Jim took the amulet, just as the rocks gave way and Draal and I were thrown back by columns of water. I rolled across the stones, before popping up, soaked to the bone. Draal stood beside me and looked at me nervously,

"Any ideas?" he asked.

"Fresh out." I replied as the dam rumbled.

Jim then ran before us and held out the Amulet, "For the Glory of--Well," he looked to Merlin, "You, Daylight is Mine to Command! and Daylight will protect us!"

The rocks gave way and I ducked down as Draal enveloped me in his arms, I looked over as Jim brought up his blade and literally spliced the water in half so it passed right by us. I howled loudly, which soon morphed into joyous laughter, "Yeah, Jimbo!"

"Hahaha!" Draal laughed, holding me close.

"You're doing it, Jimbo!" Toby yelled over the roaring water, "I don't know what you're doing, but you're doing it!"

I looked over to the side of the cavern and noticed that the rocks were giving way, I ran over and braced my back to the water, it felt like someone was drumming against my spine as I used my own body to deflect the water into the wall, which then caused it to give way and moonlight flooded in. Instantly the water pressure realsed and I sighed as we walked out, looking up to the moon above.

"Haha!" Blinky laughed, "The instrument of our deaths, has been turned into the means of our regress!"

"Are you a troll or a thesaurus?" Merlin snapped "I'm genuinely curious."

Merlin then moved over to Jim who had taken a knee, "How did you know I could do this?" he asked.

"You can do more than you realize," Merlin said, "and you will."

"How?" Jim asked.

"When you help me destroy Morgana." Merlin snapped.

I pinned my ears before moving under the moonlight, and looking up as the water drained off my body. Draal walked over to me and looked to me,

"So, we made it." he said softly.

I then closed my eyes and reverted to my human form, "Well, looks like the ward against magic no longer applies . . ." I then tensed, and turned to Draal, "Are you-?"

"Still here, pup." Draal brushed some of my soaking hair from my face, before his hand rested against my neck.

I leaned in and let my head rest on his chest, feeling relief flood my entire being as Draal engulfed me in his arms. I shivered a bit as the water was cold on my skin, but I payed it no mind.


I looked over seeing everyone staring at us, I pulled away and cleared my throat as Jim walked over, looking to Draal then to me, "You two deserve it."

Draal chuckled before scooping me up and pulling me close, nuzzling my neck lovingly. I giggled happily, a true smile pulling across my face.

I was whole again. My Love had been found

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