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Note: I am so so so sorry for no updating!! Forgive me!!

Sonya's POV!

Night had fallen and everyone had dispersed around Arcadia in search of Jim. Draal and I stayed in Barbara's home incase Jim had wandered back, or the Gumm-Gumm's tried an assault.

I was in my human form, sitting at the counter with my head in my arms. Worry laced every inch of my soul as I heaved a weary sigh. I then felt a familiar, large hand rest to my back. I looked over my shoulder seeing Draal gaze at me with concern.

"You should rest."

"Not until Jimbo is found. Or I kill Merlin. Whichever opportunity comes first." I replied.

The wise crack managed to get a small smile on Draal's lips as he pushed some hair from my eyes, revealing the scar on my forehead, the one I got from Gunmar. He nuzzled into my shoulder,

"We will find him, love." he rumbles.

I looked up, and saw Barbara working in the kitchen, trying to busy herself. Poor woman . . . I ran my shaking hand through my brown hair before a scent struck my nose and I looked up right.

"What is it?" Draal asked.

"Troll." I said.

Just then, the front door opened, Draal and I ran out and saw a somewhat large figure . . . but I recognized the armor. It was the black and red eclipse armor.

"Jimbo?!" I called.

"Trollhunter, where have you been!?" Draal demanded, "We have been-" he was cut off as Barbara shoved her way between us.

"Jim? Are you alright?!"

The figure collapsed with a guttural groan. Barbara ran forward but I grabbed her arm,

"What are you-?"

"Something's wrong . . ." I said darkly, "He smells like . . . like a troll but . . . not a troll." I assumed my Loboan form and paced forward into the darkness, keeping my trained eye on the black heap that lay on the wood floor.

I reached out and rolled Jim onto his back before I gave a horrified gasp, "By the Moon God . . . what have you done?!"

Draal shoved me aside and looked for himself, his fire-like eyes going wide, "H-How is this even possible?!" He demanded.

Jim . . . was not Jim. . . he was a troll. Blue skin, tusks coming from his lower jaw . . . horns at the top of his head. He'd grown in size too . . . almost six feet.  Barbara gasped shakily as she caressed her son's face, "Oh, Jim . . ."

"Get the others . . . now." I growl as I picked Jim up and lay him on the couch.

Barbara put on several lights, "Where are Blinky and Arrrgh?" she asked as she began calling Claire.

"Out to recruit other trolls for the coming storm." Draal answered, "They should return soon enough."

I stared down at Jim's still frame and felt my heart break, "Jimbo . . . " I lowered my muzzle, feeling tears spilling down my soft fur.

Not two moments later, I felt Draal's arms engulf me and hold me, "Please, dry your eyes. We need to be here for Jim when he wakes . . ." he pressed a gentle kiss to my ear.

"R-right." I sniffled and dried my eyes.

It wasn't long before the others barged in, Claire, Toby, Stricklander and . . . Merlin. The second the cocky geezer walked into the door I launched at him.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Merlin yelped and hightailed it to the kitchen.

"Sonya no!" Claire cried.

I pinned Merlin to the wall, "I'll eat you whole!" I opened my maw, ready to bite Merlin's head clean off.

Draal grabbed me by my head and pulled me off, "Sonya, enough!" he pinned me to the floor.

"I'll kill him!" I roared.

It was now Barbara's turn to come at Merlin with a broom, and Stricklander held her back.

"What did you give my son?!" She demanded as Arrgh and Blinky busted the back door down.

"A concoction you wouldn't find in your medical books, I promise you." Merlin replied smoothly, as he dodged a swing from the furious mom.

"Promise?" I growled, "YOU'D PROMISED YOU'D HELP JIM YOU LYING BASTARD!" I resumed another charged at him only to have Draal tackle me into the next room.

"Listen to me!" He growls, pinning my arms above my head, "I know you are angry. But you must get it under control, now is not the time, nor the place!"

I eventually calmed and Draal got off me, hearing Blinky in the kitchen.

"What has happened?"

"Ask the wizard!" Barbara retorts.

"Erm . . . guys?" Claire gained my attention, "He's waking up!"

I stumbled to my feet and ran over to the couch, as Jim rolled over and his blue eyes snapped open. Blinky watched as Jim sat up, holding his head.

"Great Grumbly Gruesome . . ." he breathed, backing up a few paces.

"Honey, do you feel ok?" Barbara sat beside Jim.

The new Jim let out a low, husky groan as shook his head, before looking up at his mother.

"He's fine." Merlin called from the dinning room.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, OLD MAN!" I threw a book at him, causing Merlin to fall off his chair with an undignified yelp.

That was so satisfying, you have no idea.

Jim pants, "I . . . I'm fine." he murmured, reaching up to grab his Mother's arm, before he saw his three fingered blue hand, "Ah! What's wrong with my hand?" he demanded, standing up on the couch.

"Take it easy, Jim." Draal rumbled.

"Nothing's wrong with your hand." Claire assured, "It's just a little . . . meatier . . ."

"Meatier? Really?" I asked her, "Why not tell him the horns on his head are just really decorative hats?" he folded my arms.

"In a good way!" Toby cuts inn, "Its like you leveled up."

"Way up." Draal huffed, as he walked over to Jim and sniffed him, "Hmm . . ." he then smiled, "I like it!"

I face palmed, "Of course you do . . ."

Arrrgh came over and began sniffling too, more confused than anything. He sniffed Jim's mid-section before he backed up several paces, "No like. No like Troll Jim." He says, before running off to some other part of the house as Draal ruffled Jim's hair.

"Look at you! You don't look like a measly flesh bag anymore! Haha!" He picked Jim up and hugged him, "It is you, Trollhunter!"

Merlin then spoke again, "My elixir transformed our Trollhunter into something not quite human, not quite troll." Arrgh poked his head out from behind the corner of the wall into the dining room, looking very worried.

"Like a Changeling?" Jim asked.

"No." Stricklander said, as he examined Jim's face, "Changelings switch from fully troll to fully human. Jim is . . . neither." he sighed.

"You're caught in the middle. A hybrid." I growled, sniffling his hair, "That's why I smelled you, but also troll at the same time . . ."

Jim then suddenly bolted into the kitchen, jumping over the counter, I heard pots and pans clatter. Toby and Claire exchanged worried looks as I arched a confused brow.

"Jim?" I reverted to my human form and walked into the kitchen, seeing Jim looking at his reflection in the toaster, opening and closing his mouth, checking out his tusks.

"This isn't so bad." Toby said, trying to sound cheerful, "You know, after a little haircut, we'll find you some sunglasses, maybe a good dentist, huh?" He chuckled, "I know a good one. You'll be right back to normal."

I put a hand on his shoulder, "Easy, Jim . . ." I told him, as he set the toaster on the counter, panting.

"I'm hideous." He finally says, making me cringe.

Claire came up on his other side, "You're really not." she says.

"It is true." Draal says, "By troll standards, though rather scrawny, Jim is quite attractive."

I punched his arm, "Not helping, Blue!" I spat, making him cower.

"I am merely trying to lighten the mood." Draal retorted, folding his arms.

I looked over to Arrrgh who was seeming to think, "Troll. Jim is Troll . . . Like Arrrgh!"

I arched a brow as Arrrgh began running about Jim's house, knocking everything over, "Jim Troll!" he laughed.

I arched a brow, "Well, Arrrgh certainly made his opinion . . ." I watched as Arrrgh ran across the house, while Barbara reached out as if to halt the beast from wrecking her home.

"Forgive Arrrgh. He's emotional." Blinky says, "And I'm . . . at a loss." he then turned on Merlin, "Why would you do this to him?!" he demanded.

"To prepare him for the final battle." Merlin replied smoothly as usual.

"Well, give me five minutes and I'll 'prepare' his ass right back into that coma!" I snapped, popping my knuckles, still hearing Arrrgh giggling and wrecking things.

Merlin shot me a glare, "He is now capable of feats we never thought possible."

"Like what?" Draal asked, arching a brow.

I gave a small smile, "Le'ts find out." I assumed my Loboan form and walked out to the back of the house, popping my knuckles as Arrrgh jumped up and down with excitement.

Draal gave a chuckle, "This should be interesting." he says.

Blinky spoke up, "Now then, we don't know the limits of Master Jim's . . ." he corrected himself as Jim and I began circling, "Troll Jim's new form. So let's take this slowly."

Jim delivered two very quick Jabs that I blocked with ease, but felt it, "Nice! Consider his strength improved about 30 fold!" I called.

Jim and I exchanged a few decent blows before Arrrgh came barreling in and slapped Jim into the back fence, shouting troll. I blinked as Claire shrieks in horror.

Draal came up beside me, "Wow . . ." he then shot Arrrgh a glare.

"Are you even listening?!" Blinky demanded.

"Sorry . . ." Arrrgh looked down.

I perked my ears up, "Jimbo?"

Jim popped out of the bushes without a scratch, "Heh! I didn't feel a thing!"

I gave a smirk, "So be it! Come with it then!" I ran at him on all fours.

"I like new Jim. Troll Jim!" Arrrgh laughed as Jim body slammed me, sending me rolling across the grass.

"Troll Jim strong!" Arrrgh clapped his hands before slapping Jim again, "Troll Jim fun!"

"Perhaps I can step in?" Draal cracked his neck.

Jim was more then happy to break off his wrestling match with me to charge Draal head on. I watched them spar and was pleased to see Draal was evenly matched.

"Ha-ha!" Draal laughs as he pulled Jim into one of his bone-breaking hugs, "You have improved, Trollhunter!"

Jim kicked Draal in the nose, sending him rolling, coming to rest at my feet. I leaned over him and grinned, "Getting your butt whupped by a boy? Now that is demanding." I joked.

Draal rolled his eyes and flicked my muzzle, before I looked up seeing Jim wrestling with Arrrgh.

"Half Troll, full hunter. You're welcome." Merlin says from his spot between Blinky,  Claire and Toby.

I watched as Arrrgh pinned Jim down to the grass, only to have Jim roll them over so he was sitting on Arrrgh's chest. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"All right,  you two." Blinky barked, "Playtime is over. We're burning night." He began walking to the back fence, "Let's see what else our new Trollhunter can do."

I began walking as Arrrgh put Jim in a headlock, "Heheheh! Troll Jim best!"

"You think he's fast enough to keep up with Sonya?" Claire asked.

"An excellent start!" Blinky quips, making me perk my ears up.

Blinky walked over to Jim, "Master Jim, your task is to catch Ms. Wolf." he gestured to me.

I grinned cockily. If there was one thing that had been proven time and time again,  it was that Loboans are much faster, and more agile than any troll.

"Shouldn't be too hard." Jim popped his neck, "It's hunting season."

I crouched, "Catch me if you can, troll-man!" I then tore off into the bracken.

Third Person's POV!

Draal let out a hearty chuckle, "No Troll can keep up with a Loboan in the wood."

The others ran through the woods, trying to keep up with Jim, who was keeping pretty decent pace with Sonya.

Sonya was like a dark brown mass, zipping between the trees. Her heavy breathing made her seem more wolf than mythical creature. She was on all fours, strong legs pushing herself forward, while her strong arms pulled her body.

Her long tail kept her giant form in balance. She looked over her shoulder seeing Jim closing the distance. Sonya let out a growl, before she made a sharp turn around a tree, and doubled back the way she had come.

The female Loboan felt pride and cockiness swell in her chest as she heard Jim yelp and  a crashing sound. Sonya soon loped back into the clearing where the others were waiting.

"Where's Jimbo?" Toby asked, arching a brow.

Sonya went from all fours, to just her two legs, she pointed over her shoulder as Jim stumbled out.

"Tight turns still need work."  she said with a chuckle.

Jim rolled his eyes, before Blinky introduced the next training exercise. As Jim and Claire began their match, Sonya sat on a log and just enjoyed the quiet. The soft sounds of crickets chirping made her once-thumping heart mellow out.

Sonya's ears dropped back to her skull as Jim and Claire's laughter faded into the night. Sonya took a deep breath in through the nose before she pulled her knees to her chest.

Draal then came over to her and sat beside her, his hand instantly set to work rubbing her fur, his fingers tugging at her dark pelt. Sonya felt the skin beneath her cheeks heat up, as her ears pinned back to her skull.

"B-Blue . . ." she mumbled.

Draal hummed softly, before his large hand drifted to her waist, "Please . . . it has been so long . . ." he tugged Sonya closer to his form.

The brown Loboan gave a gentle whine of relent as she allowed her form to relax, the threat of Morgana . . . Gunmar . . . it all seemed to fade away. Draal looked at Sonya fondly, his hand still working it's way deeper into her pelt. He leaned forward and rested his nose on her forehead, huffing contentedly.

"Your fur is as soft as ever, my love." Draal flirts, with a gruff chuckle.

Sonya looked up at him with her ears pinned, "Hmm?" she murmured softly, "Your skin is always so warm . . ." she mumbled, tucking her muzzle under his jaw.

Draal then kissed her sensitive ear, relishing the feeling of her silky soft fur against his cool lips. His grip tightened around Sonya almost protectively. Sonya blushed beneath her brown fur as she allowed the blue Troll to hold her and coddle her. Draal ran his thumb along her muzzle in gentle rubs, before he spoke into her ear,

"Can I see your human self?"

Sonya blinked in confusion before she looked up at him, "Why?" she asked, confused.

Draal cupped her muzzle in his metal. hand, "Am I not allowed to see the other beautiful face you portray?"

Sonya's ears perked up at his words before she relented and assumed her human form. Her brown hair fell around her shoulders as she opened her green eyes. Sonya was now smaller than Draal, but the blue troll did not mind the difference in size. His good hand reached up to gently cup her heart-shaped face, his thumb running over her cheek with the utmost care.

Sonya reached up to hold his thumb in her hand, she nuzzled her face into his touch, her eyes lulling closed. Draal hums, as he leaned down, his warm breath blasting her face. Sonya looked down as her cheeks turned pink.

Draal then pressed his nose to her neck with a low growl, before his lips grazed her cheek. Sonya stifled a giggle as Draal continued his nuzzle attack. All the worries seemed to melt away as the two lovers enjoyed one another in the night. Draal's strong arms held Sonya protectively, his nose nuzzling her head and hair.

He took in a whiff, smelling the scent of pine, metal and stones. He loved that scent of her, he had it engrained into his brain. Her scent always was pleasing to his sensitive nose. Sonya reached up and put her hands on his chest, tracing the dark scar across his chest. It was a jagged uneven scar.  . .

Sonya's brows rose as she let her fingers run over the scar. Draal looked down and sighed as he rested his hand over hers.

"It does not hurt." he says softly.

Sonya rested her head on his chest, "Still . . ." she whimpers softly,  her fingertips tracing the edges of the scar, "It should have been me . . ."

Draal sighs as she stood up and brushed some hair from Sonya's face, "If it were you, then I would be broken inside." he pulled her into a hug.

Before Sonya could fully melt into it, the earth began shaking. Draal instantly tightened his hold on her,

"What in Deya's grace?!" he demanded.

Blinky gave an undignified yelp as he lost balance, and Toby did the same.

When the shaking finally ceased, Toby spoke, "You felt that right? That wasn't just my stomach grumbling?" he asked.

Sonya shook her head as she tucked some hair behind her ear, "If only." she knelt down to the cool grass,  "That came from below."

"Sonya is correct." Blinky says solemnly, "I fear those are grumblings of something far more sinister than your digestion."

Before any of them could push the conversation further, Claire appeared through her shadow portal, "He didn't come back?" she asked, referring to the absence of the new Trollhunter. 

"I thought he was with you!" Toby exclaimed.

"He was so fast,"  Claire said, "I lost track of him. I can' t find him with the Staff." Her tone grew desperate, "It's like it doesn't recognize him anymore."

Sonya felt her heart skip a beat as Draal and Blinky both gasped.

"Uh-oh . . ." Arrrgh grumbled.

"This is bad." Sonya said, and Draal nodded in agreement.

Blinky sighed, "We must search! It is almost dawn!" he turned to Sonya, "Mrs. Wolf, you and Draal search the woods, with your combined scent and tacking capabilities, you should be able to track down our Trollhunter. The rest of us,  split up! We must find Master Jim before he makes a mistake."

Sonya assumed her Loboan form and put her nose to work, sniff about the cool grass. as Claire vanished through a portal and Toby ran back to his house to get hit bike. The morning sun began to glimpse through the trees, illuminating Sonya's mahogany fur and making the emeralds embedded in her skin shine.

Draal was entraced with her beauty, so much so, that he more or less forgot where he was walking. Sonya looked over and her eyes widened, "Draal, watch it!" She tackled Draal just before he walked straight into a patch of sunlight.

Draal blinked in surprise before he sighed and rubbed his forehead, "I am so sorry, Sonya I. . .  I was not thinking."

"Yeah. Clearly."  Sonya flicked his nose as she got off him, "Come on. Quit gawking." she said, her tail lashing back and forth.

Draal sat up and rubbed his head, "Right . . ." he looked around, before he called out, "Trollhunter! Trollhunter!"

Sonya sniffed again, "This way!" She exclaimed, "He passed through her about an hour ago!" she tore off.

Draal stumbled but sprinted after her,  "I still do not understand how you know what an hour ago smells like!"

It was full day when Sonya came to an abrupt halt before a brook. Draal came up beside her panting,  bracing himself up on his knees.

"Jim was here?" He asked.

Sonya leaned down to the stream and sniffed, "Yeah . . ." she panted, before she began lapping up the cool water with her pink tongue.

Draal looked over, "Where could he have gone?" he asked.

Sonya lifted her head and licked her lips as water dribbled down her jaw, "The scent it . . ."  she looked over her shoulder, "It doubles back, towards Arcadia." she says.

Draal then looked over to the rocks, "Erm . . . Sonya?" he tapped her shoulder. 

Sonya looked at him, "What?" she arched a brow, before she heard a low rumbling sound.

The river stones, were not river stones. Sonya watched with an open maw as the stones rose from the water, revealing them to be, indeed trolls. They looked more like stones, with red eyes, and dressed in rags.

"River trolls . . ." Draal breathed.

Sonya stood and walked over, wading into the cool waters, her green eyes meeting the river trolls' red-brown ones.

"Did a troll boy pass through here?" she asked, "Wearing black armor?" 

The troll nods. "Says he human. Is Troll."

"Where did he go?" Draal asked.

The River troll points, "Ran that way. To human village."

"He must've made is way back to Barbara's house." Sonya said, turning to Draal.

"I know a shortcut through the sewers." Draal motioned for Sonya to follow as he ran through the woods.

Sonya jumped out of the shallow brook and tore off after Draal. It was about mid-day when Draal came to a sewer grate and pulled it off, allowing the both of them entry into the sewers that lead beneath Arcadia.

Before the two could even enter, the ground began rumbling again. Sonya stumbled,  but managed to keep her stance as Draal's large arms flailed wildly, before he fell on his butt with a grunt.

"Earthquake?" Sonya asked, her tail flickering, listening as birds tore from their perches in the trees.

Draal stood with a grunt, "I fear they are coming from Trollmarket."  he says as he walked into the sewer tunnel.

Sonya ducked her head to avoid hitting it as she followed Draal, "Hey, Draal?"

The pale-horned troll looked over his shoulder, "Yes?"

Sonya stepped carefully as she felt her throat go dry, she looked away from his fire like eyes,  "What if we fail?  How will we survive if Morgana gets what she wants? It's not exactly like we're in ideal condition: You're still hurting from.  . .  the Tomb . . ." she didn't go into detail about that, it hurt the loboan too much,  "Our Wizard is a pompous ass that I do not trust, and our Trollhunter has currently gone AWOL!"

Draal turned to face her, seeing that her tail had gone from low behind her, to tucked between her legs. Draal walked up to her and reached up with his fake hand, he cupped her muzzle and pressed his nose to the spot where her snout met her skull, the little nook between her eyes.

Sonya pinned her ears to her skull, "Draal, I-"

"Shh." he nuzzled her, "First, let us find our Trollhunter,  then we shall worry about everything else."

Sonya gave a nod, "R-Right. . . ." 

Before Sonya or Draal could make it to Jim's house, the loboan's phone went off, Sonya picked it up as they emerged from the sewers into the night air.

"Hello?" she asked,  bringing the phone to her ear.

"We just got a call from Dr. L,"  Toby's voice came over the line, "He was at his house,  then he took off, they think he headed to the school."

Sonya nodded as she cut the connection, "Jim's at the school. This way!" She tore off, with Draal in toe.

As soon as Draal and Sonya arrived at the school, they met up with Toby and Claire  The four allies began coming the halls.

Toby ducked into the boys bathroom, searching thee stalls for Jim. While. Draal stuck with Toby, Sonya--who had reverted to her human form--followed Claire into a classroom. 

"Jim?" she jogged over to a desk. 

Sonya looked over her shoulder and felt her heart sink, seeing the name 'Jim' scratched into the desk. Claire reached down and touched it,  sighing softly.

Meanwhile, Toby ran into the gym, "Jimbo!" he called.

Draal walked in, "Trollhunter!"

Just then, as Toby was about to turn and leave, Draal heard a clatter and he turned back, "Jim?"

The two crept over to the bleachers, more cautious than anything.

"Jim?" Toby called hesitantly, the darkened gym feeling empty, and ominous.

Draal poked his head under the bleachers, "We know you are here, Trollhunter."  he gasped, hearing another clatter.

He looked closer, seeing Jim tucked behind the bleachers,  snarling in the dark, his amulet casting an ominous red glow on his face.

Toby smiled,  seeing Jim, "Jim!" he made a motion to step forward, but Draal halted him, as Jim made another feral snarling sound.

"It's ok. It's us."  Toby says, "It's Draal and Tobes."

Draal huffs, "Jim, if you just-"

Before he could finish, the door to the gym banged open, revealing Claire and Sonya.

"Blue!" Sonya called.

"He's here!" Draal pointed.

Sonya sprinted over and slid to her knees, seeing Jim tucked into the shadows, "Jimbo! We've been looking all over for you!" She gasped,  before she yelped and ducked down as Jim flew over Sonya's head and climbed the wall, snarling like an animal.

"Jimbo?" Toby called in confusion.

Jim jumped to the climbing rope before swinging along the beams, Sonya pinned her ears before she jumped up and climbed up the rope, keeping pace with the rouge Trollhunter.

Jim perched up on a beam and Sonya pulled herself up onto an opposite one, creeping forward slowly.

"Jim, wait!" Claire called, her voice echoing.

"Don't you get it?" Jim snapped, "I'm not Jim anymore.  Go away!" He looked up and snarled at Sonya, but it did not deter the Loboan in the slightest.

Jim then bounded across the beam and jumped out the window.

"He's headed to the roof!" Draal yelled.

Sonya jumped out after Jim and pulled herself onto the roof of the school, vaguely aware of the scent of Barbara and Stricklander. Sonya sprinted across the roof and jumped the gap between two sections of the school and stopped her running, seeing that Jim had come to a stumbling halt, obviously frantic.

He turned around and a few paces away from Sonya, who reached out to him, "Jim. .  . " she says softly.

Jim growled and turned to leave, before he stopped, seeing Claire emerge from. a shadow portal, "Jim."

Jim tensed and ducked behind the roof AC unit.

"Please, Jim, don't run away." Claire begs,  "Whatever you are . . .I love you."

Sonya's mouth hung open at this, before she bit her own tongue to hide a happy squeal that the two lovers finally admitted the big three words!! Sonya's ear cocked back as she heard Toby yelp and a familiar grunt.

Toby was tossed up onto the roof, and Draal swing up onto the roof, he looked. up and gasped, "Trollhunter!"

Tobt stumbled to his feet, "I love you, too, Jimbo," he pants, "but lets talk about this on the ground!" He wheezed, "I'm just a tiny bit tired of running after you."

Sonya chuckled, "We all love you,Jim, even horn head," she nudged Draal,  "Even through he'd sooner die than admit it."

Draal scowled before he crossed his arms,  " . . .grrr . .  . fine. I care for you, as a brother in arms." he glanced at Sonya, "You happy?"

"Yes." Sonya was so smug.

Jim climbed up onto the A.C unit as Claire spoke,  "I understand what you're going through. You're not Jim anymore. But you're still someone we all care about."

Jim looked up to Sonya and Draal and the female Loboan nodded,  "A little brother." 

"A friend." Draal huffed.

Jim looked down, "I can't fight Gunmar and be the person you want me to be." he said.

"We're all here on this roof for you, Jim." Sonya growled, walking up beside Claire.

"Especially me, man!" Toby exclaimed, "I just climbed three stories for you and got thrown by a troll!"

Sonya shot a look to Draal who held up a hand,  "Don't ask." 

Sonya rolled her eyes and walked forward a bit, "Jim, I know you feel like everything has changed--which it has, to some degree--But, that's only your outter skin, or was we Loboan's call it, Sh'Kumba, it means your skin, does not define who you are." she put her hand on her heart, "It's what in here that matters."

Draal nodded, "Perhaps you cannot go back to your life,  Trollhunter, but that does not mean we cannot be a part of this new one."

The group then turned seeing Stricklander and Barbara arrive on the roof.

"Jim."  Barbara said softly, but sternly, "We're here for you."

Jim hopped off the AC unit and backed away, "I can't live in your world anymore. I can't be in the daylight." he said miserably, "I can't eat dinner."

"But you can let us help you." Barbara said as she walked up to him.

Jim began backing away from them, his gaze full of grief and regret.

Sonya and Draal came up to Jim's left and watched as Blinky comically seemed to just rise up to the roof. You can thank Arrrrgh for that.

"Master Jim." Blinky said.

Jim shrieked and jumped back, making Draal snicker.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Blinky asked as he stepped off Arrrgh's hand and approached Jim, leaving poor Arrrrgh to wave, only seeing his hand, horns and the green fuzz on his head.

"Erm, help."

Blinky began examining Jim,  "There seems to be something different about you." he says, as he set Jim in his place as the Trollhunter tried to escape, "Why with a few more eyes and arms, we could be related." he said with a smile.

Sonya blinked, finally seeing the shocking similarities between them. Tusks, Horns. . . .even ears a bit. She leaned over to Draal, "That is. . . disturbing . . ."

Draal nods, "Hmm . . ."

"Troll brother!" Arrrgh exclaimed as he pulled himself onto the roof. 

"Ha! More like little brother!" Draal added on, making Sonya facepalm.

Jim chuckled a bit, before turning to Blinky, "What am I, Blinky?"

"When I gaze upon you, do  you know what I see?"

Jim shook his head.

"I see a champion. A friend. A son."

Wait WHAT?! Sonya's and Draal's mouths fell open at that.

"A magnificent son." Blinky pulled Jim into a hug.

"I'm scared." Jim finally said.

"Who isn't?" Sonya chimed in comically.

Draal was tempted to raise his hand but quickly decided against it.

The entire crew, minus Stickler and Barbara, gathered around the new Trollhunter.

"Hey,  think of it this way, " Toby says, "You're like a Nougat Nummy."

"A what?" Jim asked with a chuckle.

"You know, a sweet, sweet, velvety nougat mixed with a crunchy chocolate cooke crumble." He said as he unwrapped said treat.

Sonya laughed as she put her large fuzzy hand on Jim's head,  grabbing one of his horns and pulling on it teasingly, "One part best bud, one part new best bud." she gave him a wolfish grin, "And all around awesome kid."

"Thanks, Sonya."  Jim said as Claire came up to him and cupped his cheek.

Sonya backed up and allowed them to have their space, as Jim hugged both of them.

The entire group turned. hearing Merlin's slow clap, "Splendid." he says,  "Team Trollhunter is back together. I knew you would all figure it out." he says.

Sonya let out a vicious snarl, as she leaned down to Jim, "Killing him is still on the table. Just saying."

"Save that killing nature for the Gumm-Gumms, Loboan."  Merlin said, making Sonya wanna kill him all over agin, "Ah. This has been rather heartwarming, but unless you plan to hug Gunmar to death, I advise we make ready because, as you say these days, 'The fight is on'." 

Sonya turned her head to the horzion as a forbidding scent filled the air. Sonya's ears perked up as her tail lashed, she took several sniffs before she snarled.

"What is it?" Draal asked, "What do you smell?"

Sonya turned to them and uttered a single, bone-chilling word:


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