The Exorcism of Claire Nuñez

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Sonya's POV~

We were quick to drag Claire/Morgana up to her room and I called Toby along with Blinky to inform them of the situation. Toby arrived, bringing a chain with him.

I have no idea where he got the chain though.

I was sure to tie Claire good and tight before, she woke up and began screaming at me. I pinned my ears before yelping as she cocked her head to the side, and a bunch of books came flying at me. The books hit my Loboan shoulder and fell to the floor harmlessly, but Claire continued to struggle nonetheless.

"There has to be something we can do!" Jim said, still in his armor, though he was holding a bat instead of his blade. 

"Sonya? Some Loboan Magic would be totally awesome right now!" Toby added, who was in his own . . . version of armor that consisted off a pot helmet and two fire extinguishers to his back. And a bat too.

I arched a brow, "My magic can only heal, and cause inert objects to come to life." I retorted before turning to Claire, it had been a while since I used any of my magic, only cause I liked to punch my way out of a problem then use magic.

My brows furrowed, "I can try to bring the chain to life," I winced as Claire began glowing again, "it may make it stronger." I added.

"Anything!" Toby begged desperately.

I nodded and grabbed Claire by the head and pinned her up against the wall before speaking, "Niki Taki Witi Miki!" I spat in Loboan tongue.

The chain began glowing a soft green color before it warbled and tightened around Claire. I sat her back down in the chair as she screamed and struggled against the chains, but they held firm.

"Awesome!" Toby exclaimed, "What else can you being to life?"

I turned to him, "Anything, so long as it hasn't been alive. Statues, pots and pans and-"

I was cut off as Claire began yelling, and a golden aura covered her, and the chains loosened spinning around her. She then began levitating off the ground,

"Then again . . ." I backed up a bit.

"Realease these shackles," she spat as she floated higher, "or I'll wear your spine as my grown, peasants!" she turned to me, "And turn your hide into a coat!"

"I thought you said your magic brought stuff to life!" Jim retorted.

"Morgana is a sorceress!" I barked back, "Kinda overpowers Loboan magic!"

Jim looked at me, "Still, it's a new one!"

"Her creativity knows no bounds." Toby added.

Morgana let out a blast of hot magical energy, sending us all crashing into the walls, I sat up and held out my hand, "Niki Taki Witi Miki!" the chains tightened and warbled, but it didn't do much good cause Morgana split my spell like it was nothing.

Suddenly, Blinky burst in, "Apologies for my delay!" he exclaimed before looking up at Claire who was breaking the chains and floating.

"We need to contain her!" I shouted, pinning my ears, before standing up and grabbing the bottom of the chair and yanking her to the floor.

Blinky surged forward and produced a glowing blue crystal, before making an X figure in the air, which turned the chains from yellow to blue and tightened around her instantly.

"Ah," I panted, standing up, "a binding crystal." I turned to him, "Very handy." I sighed.

Blinky moved over to Jim and helped him up, "I was awaiting Arrrgh's return, but he never showed." he explained.

Great. Another thing to worry about.

"I'm sure he's fine," Jim assured, "we've got bigger problems." he looked to Claire.

I looked over to Claire who was trying to bite Toby's head off, while still chained to the chair. Jim pulled her back and Morgana spoke,

"After I feast on your souls, agony will rule for a thousand millennia." she snapped.

"How long is a millennia? Like a million years?" Toby  asked as he cowered on Claire's bed.

"More like a thousand." I retorted.

"Indeed, Ms. Wolf." Blinky concurred.

Toby then sighed, "I would not like my soul to be feasted upon, if that's alright with everybody in the room." he said, whimpering.

Morgana/Claire then began laughing, which gained our attention.

"What's wrong with her?" Jim asked.

"She is most certainly possessed." Blinky replied.

"Yeah, by Morgana, or Baba Yaga, or Morgan La Fey!" I barked, "We went over this Jim!" I folded my arms.

Blinky gasped at my words, before Claire spoke,

"You cannot hope to contain me, trollish whelp!" She mocked Blinky, as she began glowing yellow again, "I am the Eldritch Queen of the Seventh Plane." The chair then moved to the center of the carpet, and yellow threads of magic began embroidering on the floor, "Baba Yaga. The Pale Lady. I have slain scores of Merlin's fools!" She laughed as she became surrounded by streaks of gold magic aura and lifted from the ground, the lights flickered ominously.

Books and papers flew in all directions as Blinky finally replied, "I do know that name!" He turned to Claire, "This is far worse than I could have ever imagined!"

I surged forward and pulled Claire back down as she giggled insanely, before I looked to Blinky with widened eyes. He and I knew what Morgana could do, what she did in the past . . .

"Morgan Le Fey, Merlin's apprentice!" Blinky said.

"Like Merlin who made my Amulet?" Jim asked.

I nodded as Claire spoke, "I spit on his name as I spit on his grave." she hissed.

"Put a sock in it!" I barked.

Toby inched his way behind Jim, using him as a human shield, "Sounds like they didn't get along well." he muttered.

"He thinks he can be rid of me? The fool." Claire laughed hysterically. "I will erase his name and all of his creations." she laughed again.

"He did rid the world of you, for hundreds of years!" I yelled, pinning my ears, my tail lashing back and forth.

"The sorcerer and sorceress dueled for centuries" Blinky explained, "until Merlin sacrificed himself to banish her from our world."

I folded my arms, "It was her who modified Gunmar's Changelings into Hunters, the same Hunters that nearly brought my clan to extinction." I spat, pinning my ears.

"Oh, what little lambs. My work here is done." Claire giggled, "Gunmar knows how to bring the Eternal Night." She then cocked her head and brought a pillow over and laid against it as if she were lounging on some lawn chair, "All you can do is sit back and watch as the world burns." she closed her eyes.

"That's not good." I pinned my ears, my heart thundering against my rubs, "If Gunmar knows how to bring Eternal Night it's sayonara humanity and hello apocalypse!" I folded my arms.

"Oh boy  . . ." Jim sighed, as Blinky grabbed Claire's shoulders,

"It's not possible. With what relics? What magics?" he demanded as he shook her.

"Blinky!" Jim grabbed his shoulder, stopping him.

I grabbed the both of them and pulled them to the far side of the room as Toby jumped on the bed in fear, my expression was void of all emotion.

"Blinky, Sonya, can you save Claire?" Jim asked, his expression reading panic.

Blinky replied, "It is as Sonya said, if the Eternal Night comes to pass--"

"Can you save Claire?" Jim persisted while in the background toby was sturggling to get out of a blanket Morgana had wrapped around him.

"No, we can't." I said simply, "My healing magic only works on physical injuries, not emotional possessions or stuff like that." I shrugged.

"And I do not posses a tool that can bring that wretched spirit from her body." Blinky added.

Jim's brows furrowed, "Then I think I know someone who can."

My eyes widened, knowing instantly who Jim was talking about, "Jim, no. I do not trust him." I said firmly.

"Who?" Blinky asked, bewildered.

"Stricklander." I said, folding my arms.

Blinky gasped, but then tapped his chin, "This is dark magic . . . he may be our best option."

I facepalmed, before I heard Toby screaming. I turned to see him swaddled in a blanket and I rushed over to help as Jim called Stickler.

Morgana was floating upside down and in circles above our heads, as Blinky and Jim tried to get her down. I managed to get Toby free and it wasn't ten minutes into the chaos that Stickler walked through the door, holding a brief case,

"Morgana, in the flesh." he said bluntly, looking at Claire.

I yelped as I book hit me in the face again, before I ducked a lamp  I then grabbed her and tried to hold her down as Blinky spoke,

"Well, that flesh, isn't hers, so if you would be so kind-"

Oh, my moon, this was taking forever. I let the laughing girl go and let out a vicious roar that shook the house, "Get your ass in here and save her!" I snarled, "Before I rip your head from your shoulders and peel the skin from your bones!"

This brought the whole room to a standstill, even Morgana for a moment, before she returned to tormenting Toby and laughing. Jim stared at me with wide eyes before I growled,

"I've had a cruddy day Jim, a possessed child is the last thing we need!" I then ducked as Claire whooshed past my head.

Stickler set the brief case down and popped it open as Toby began openly sobbing. Stickler then pulled out. . .

"Holy . . . a dragon skull?" I asked with wide eyes, staring at the glowing blue skull.

"Dim dock, sa-tu lark . . ." Strickler began, which instantly took effect on Morgana, as Strickler lowed the skill, Morgana came crashing to the floor, which in turn released Toby from his blanket trap of doom.

Strickler then pulled out an old book and flipped through it's pages.

"The book of Ga-Huel." Blinky said as he helped Jim to his feet.

I held Claire up as Blinky continued, now speaking to Jim "You were reluctant to dabble in dark magics. I fear now you are neck deep in it."

"Traitorous Impure!" Morgana spat at Stricklander, "I made you!"

I held her back, "How can we get Morgana out of her, Stricklander?" I rumbled, pining my ears.

Strickler knelt before her, "Hmm. Dealing in dark magics is never easy," he said simply, "There is always a cost, though I fear we have no other choice." he finished as Claire tried biting at him.

I was tempted to just let her, but my morality got the better of me and I wrenched her back again, she shot me a glare and I returned it.

Strickler examined the struggling Claire before speaking, "We all want to save Claire, don't we?"

We all exchanged looks before Blinky spoke, "Go on with it." he spat.

Strickelr then held up Ga-Huel and spoke, "Morgana is using her as a vessel, a puppet," he explained as we looked at the illustrations in the old book, "a toehold into the plain of our reality." he then knelt down, "But how? Where is the real Claire?"

I rubbed my chin, thinking, though my knowledge in magics wasn't good, I knew a few basic things. "Well . . ." I gained everyone's attention, "if Morgan La Fay is hosting Claire's body, her spirit must be somewhere where they both have access to. A crossroads in other words."

Strickler arched a brow before he held up a red light to her, and I turned to look at the wall, "Guys . . . she has no shadow."

It was true, I saw my wolfish online on the wall, but I didn't see Claire's.

"No Shadow?" Strickler echoed.

Toby made bunny ears behind her, showing the shadow of his hand, but not Claire's.

"Dude." Jim gaped.

Strickler then came upon a realization, "Of course! The Skathe-Hrün!" He exclaimed, he turned to the staff that lay up in the corner near the door, "The Shadow Staff. It is a relic of Morgana!"

"What are you trying to say?" Jim asked as the staff began glowing and floating.

Claire then snarled and yanked her head, the staff came flying at us, but I grabbed it just before it impaled Strickler. I grunted as it pulled and tugged in my grip as Strickler explained his realization,

"Morgana is the Mistress of Shadows. She doesn't cast a shadow because she is a shadow." His gaze hardened, "Claire's spirit is trapped in the space between worlds.The Shadow Realm!"

At his words the staff lurched in my grip, and I winced as I struggled to keep hold of it, "How do we get her back then?"

Strickler took the staff from my paws and spoke, "There is only one way." He then opened the Book of Ga-Huel, "Someone must find her spirit in the Shadow Realm and return it to her body."

"Then we better be quick," I added, looking down at the struggling, snarling girl, "the longer a body is possessed, the stronger the hold. If we wait to long. . . we could loose Claire to the shadows forever."

Morgana looked up at me and laughed, "You will never find her! You will meet your death first!"

"I'll do it." Jim volunteered.

"Not alone, Jimbo," Toby added, "Claire's my friend too."

"Then I will stay back and conjure the portal." Strickler said, "It will remain open as long as I hold the staff." he explained.

Blinky then gestured to me, "You mean we  will stay."

I nodded and turned to the others, "You two go in there and get her back. I'll stay behind, keep guard." I folded my arms, then looked to Claire who snarled at me, "And keep her under control."

"And I will keep all my six eyes on you!" Blinky glared at Strickler, "Both of you!" he shot a look at Morgana.

I stood in the corner watching as Blinky hovered over Strickler who was studying the correct spell needed. I looked over to see Jim and Toby enter the room,

"We brought everything you asked." he said.

"And some tacos!" Toby held up a bag, smiling as he handed them to Strickler, "You didn't ask for those but--"

"Did you bring the emotional anchor?" Strickler asked Jim, ignoring Toby.

Jim presented Suzy Snooze, Claire's favorite stuffed bunny, "Here. She's had it since she was a baby." he said.

"Perfect." Strickler said, "It will lead you to her." He then added, "When you cross over speak the incantation, "Modus Occul-Takh."

"Modu--mudes Occltam." Toby butchered the word as Jim put Snoozy in his bag.

"Modus Occul-Takh." Jim repeated, perfectly.

I sighed deeply, "Okay, that's how they get there, how do they get back?" I asked, arching a brow.

"I was getting to that." Strickler shot a glare at me, before turning to Jim, "Once you get Claire, to return, use the rabbit again and say the incantation in reverse." he said simply.

"Ha-kak-sal-" Toby stammered.

"Hkat-Lucco Sudom!" Blinky exclaimed in an annoyed tone.

"Hkat-Lucco Sudom." they both repeated at the same time.

Claire snarled, which prompted Strickler, "We haven't much time. We must act now, or she may be lost forever. The staff!" He pulled out the Shadow Staff and I walked over to the both of them,

"Hey," I lowered my tone, gaining their attention, I then reached to my arm and chipped a chunk of emerald off the large slab that was embedded in my arm, "here."

"What are you doing?" Jim asked as I held out the emerald to him.

"Loboan stones are often considered good luck charms." I murmured softly as Jim took the stone in his hand.

"Thanks Sonya." Toby said.

I pinned my ears, "Just get Claire back, I already lost one, I can't loose anymore of you."

They both nodded and turned as Strickler struggled to open a portal which didn't help my certainty.

"Claire always made it look so easy." Toby complained.

"Remember, Master Jim," Blinky said, "the Shadow Realm is a plane of chaos, devoid of light or reason. Spare no time."

I watched as the two boys walked through the portal, Morgana letting out a guttural snarl as they did so. I huffed and leaned against the wall, keeping an eye on Morgana, as she turned to me,

"Poor little Loboan pup." she cooed, "You are lost without your precious Draal." she cackled deviously.

I pinned my ears, "Ah, save it for someone who cares, witch." I slumped against the wall and looked away, as Blinky paced around.

"Why haven't they returned? You've sent those boys to their doom!" he snapped at Stickler.

"The realm of shadows does not operate by our rules." Strickler explained, "Give them time. Have faith."

"We have faith. In them." I spat.

Morgana turned to me again, "Oh, you poor thing." she chuckled as she turned to Blinky, "Oh, it must be heart wrenching to see your pupil turn to another for guidance."

"Spare me, witch!" Blinky spat, "Your words are useless on me."

"I spot a pattern." Morgana said, "Even your own brother turned against you." She giggled, "Who can blame him?"

Blinky then stood up and walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I asked, arching a brow.

"To find a gag!" He proclaimed before vanishing from view.

Morgana turned her attention back to me, "So, just us ladies now, huh?" she smiled.

I rolled my eyes, "Save it, I got nothing you can use against me." I leaned my back to the wall, watching Strickler snuggle to keep the portal open.

"Oh, but I sense something in your heart that is absolutely horrible. A hole. A void." She smiled, "You miss your poor, poor Draal." she cooed.

I huffed, not saying anything. I then closed my eyes, and pinned my ears.


My eyes snapped open and I turned to see Draal in Morgana's place. He grunted as he pulled on the chains, before arching a brow,

"Would you mind setting me free?" he asked, smirking, "We can go spar in the Forge."

The world seemed to fade away into a blur around me as I approached him, the room blurred out to a series of colors, and Stricklander's voice became a dull echo against my ears.

"Draal?" I stepped forward, "How did you break Gunmar's control?" I asked.

"You're love for me is what shattered his command over me." he huffed, "Now, untie me, Sonyalanda, so we can go home."

I froze up, before roaring and slapping Draal across the face, now seeing it was only Morgana, "Draal never called me by my full name! Never!" I bared my teeth, "I should kill you now! You are so lucky you are inside Claire's body!"

Morgana only laughed, "Poor puppy, so scared, so alone, with no one to turn to." She smiled, "I can give Draal back to you, all you have to do, is get Stricklander to drop the staff."

I folded my arms over my chest, "There is a Loboan saying, 'Nedai, sis'"  I leaned down and spat in her face, "It translates to 'Go suck rocks'." I then returned to my spot leaning against the wall.

Morgana simply giggled and spoke, this time to Strickler, "Oh, these poor souls who stand in the presence of the Lady Creator, and they chose to side with babes." She turned in her chair, so she was facing Strickler, "You expect that feeble boy to be your savior, when a deity is before you?" She got hostile and lifted off the floor, glowing.

I grabbed her shoulders and slammed her to the floor harshly, as Strickler spoke,

"I don't deny who you are, but I choose to believe there's a better way!" he yelled.

Strickler turned and I yelped as the portal nearly shut, before he resumed his concentration. It was as if we were both invisible to him.

"I know your heart, Stricklaner. You desire power." she whispered, "Changelings aren't equals. They are better."

"Don't listen to her!" I shouted only to have a towel wrapped around my muzzle from Morgana's magic, I ripped and tore at it, only to have it cling to my mouth harder, muffling my voice.

"I've heard all this before!" Strickler yelled.

Just then, Morgana changed into . . . crud. Jim's mother.

"But I can offer something more." She spoke, with her red hair and deep blue eyes.

Oh, god this wasn't good. I screamed through the towel as Strickler turned to Barbra.

"The heart of another." She whispered softly.

I continued to struggle ripping the towel off, but it was as if Morgana was masking my existence, as if I wasn't there.

"Nice try." Strickelr spat, "She's done with me."

I ripped the towel from my muzzle, "Ignore everything that--! MMPHH!" I screamed as another sheet wrapped around my muzzle, this time tying itself in a knot.

"I can bend her will." Morgana spoke through the image of Barbra, "I will make her fall in love with you despite the monster that you are."

I looked out the door with wide frantic eyes, seeing Blinky with a gag and a bat.

"All you have to do," Morgana purred, "Is drop the staff . . . and seal their fate."

I screamed through the muzzle of sheets but to no avail, I ripped and tore, only to have it pile on my face to muffle my voice.

Strickler looked like he was just about to do it when Blinky barged in. Thank heaven.

"Strickler no! Don't listen to her!"

Just then Morgana, portraying as Barbra turned her glowing eyes on us, sending us flying out of the room, the door slammed shut and I was quick to throw my weight against it, but she must have piled something on the other side because it was jammed.

I pulled the towels and sheets off my muzzle, "She's gonna make him drop it." I panted.

Blinky threw himself against the door, but to no avail, "It looks like she's fortified it." he panted.

I popped my knuckles before popping my shoulder, "What about a Loboan's strength?" I slammed into the door, and it gave a bit.

"Oh, good, Ms. Wolf! Again!" He exclaimed. before pounding on the door, "Strickler!" he called.

I slammed into the door again, and it gave a little more, "Don't listen to her!" I roared, putting all my weight into the door.

I felt panic rise in my chest, my heart thundered against my chest, before I screamed and backed up and body slammed the door taking it off it's hinges, Blinky rushed in and yelled,

"What Faustain bargain dis you make with the witch?!" He demanded.

"I said no, you idiot!" Stirckler barked, "Now, where is the gag?"

I bared my fangs, "Her words are nothing but lies!" I bellowed, before letting out a ground-trembling savage roar.

Morgana then turned to the bookcase and it began trembling as she spoke, "Azazazuth-Kinekh-Thoon!"

The bookcase knocked us over, causing Strickler to drop the staff, which let Morgana take it and throw it into the portal,

"NO!" I yelled, diving for the portal only to have it close in my face, "Oh, no . . ." I felt my heart sink, "No, no, no, no . . . RAAAAAHHH!" I held my head as I screamed.

Morgana returned to her image of Claire and screamed, "I am your doom!"

I stood up and flexed my claws, "Shut . . the hell. . .UP!" I tuned and slammed my arm into her skull sending her into the wall.

"Ms. Wolf!" Blinky grabbed my arm.

I panted, then looked to him, "She . . ." I balled up my fists, "It's not Claire . . ." I watched as she began glowing again, and floating from the floor, her hair coming undone.

Suddenly, she growled and jerked her head around violently, as if trying to win some internal battle. She laughed again, and I arched a brow before it hit me,

"The staff! the kids are trying to take control of it!"

Morgana began growling and howling as books began floating around, I pinned my ears before looking over to the others, "Any ideas?" I asked, my tail lashing.

"She's growing to powerful!" Strickler yelled, "We must stop her!"

"How would you suggest we do that?" Blinky demanded.

Strickler then stood up and produced a glowing green dagger.

"Ah!" Blinky yelped, "Don't you dare!"

"We must!" Strickler pleaded, "We've already lost two! How many more deaths will ben on our hands?!" he demanded.

I then put myself between Strickler and Morgana. I growled, "You won't touch her." I spat, feeling rage cloud my vision.

Strickler turned to me, "Don't you get it? Claire's gone! They're not coming back!"

"We don't know that!" Blinky yelled, on the verge of hysterics.

I popped my neck, "Stay away from the girl, Impure." I spat.

"This is Morgana! The Morgana!" Strickler yelled at me, his face wide with fear.

"You won't touch this girl! You won't harm them!" I roared, "This is my resolve as a Loboan!"

Blinky grabbed his arm, "We can't!" he yelled, now in hysterics.

Morgana was laughing demonically, levetaintg off the floor, golden wisps of magic curling about, a Magic circle began forming beneath her.

I pinned my ears before gasping as Morgana seemed to have a moment of struggle. I turned to her, arching a brow, as she seemed to have an internal struggle, thrashing about violently, her aura was growing stronger by the very minute.

Blinky blocked Strickler's path, "Stand aside!" Strickler shouted.

"Sonya and I will not let you harm that girl!" Blinky yelled.

There it was again, another moment of falter. Struggle. I pinned my ears before speaking, "She's fighting for the staff, it's Claire in the shadow realm!" I yelled, dodging flying books and other household assortments.

"Get out of my head, Child!" Morgana cried.

"Forgive me Claire." Strickler went to stab her.

"No!" Blinky cried.

I grabbed his knife hand and held him up off the ground, snarling, "Don't even." I spat.

Just then, Morgana began screaming her face blurring violently, as the magic intensified, "You dare wield a weapon of my power? My Skathe-Hrün will be your end!" she cried out.

This was to Claire not us. I watched as the Magic got that much more intense, and Morgana began screaming, fighting for control, there was a blast of harsh magic and I dropped Stickler, before taking cover, as Toby and Jim popped out of a portal behind us.

"We're alive! We're alive!" Toby exclaimed happily.

Claire went limp and fell to the floor. I rushed over and propped her up as we gather around her, she opened her eyesm her big brown eyes, and looked at me,

"Sonya?" she asked.

I chuckled, "Welcome back, Kiddo."

She then screamed seeing the knife Strickler had poised over her, "Were you going to stab me with that thing?" she demanded.

"No." Said Blinky.

"Yes." Said Strickler.

I rolled my eyes and broke the chains with my bare hands before helping her up.

"We were around the world in zero seconds!" Toby exclaimed, "And you, you out-witched a witch!"

"Is she still . . there?" Jim asked.

"No." Claire replied, "She's . . .gone." she sighed.

"Oh, thank the moon." I slumped against the wall ,exhausted.

"But while she was under my skin . . . I was in her head. I remember things." She reached out and summoned the Shadow staff to her hand.

"Nice." I complemented.

"Not only did you over come a 12th century scoceress, but it appears you've picked up a few of her tricks." Blinky added.

"I dunno if it's enough to stop her." Jim said.

"Plus, Morgana told Gunmar how to bring the Eternal Night." Toby added.

"And," I stood up, "If he does, I got a gut feeling we'll see her again." I looked out the window as the sun began to rise.

The storm was growing ever closer.

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