Chapter 2

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Everyone ran out of their houses and pods as am upbeat melody began to start up

Poppyson breaks into a song as she skips around the center

🎵I'm fired up!🎵

🎵Try outs today, i'm gonna blow'em away yeah🎵

🎵Dad says I can't go wrong No.🎵

🎵As long as I keep this on Oh!🎵

🎵Trollbrook's been the best like forever🎵

🎵My friends' countin' on me no preasure🎵

🎵Cheer's in my family genes🎵

🎵Come on let's do this thing🎵

At Trollombie town, Zanch and the other Trollombies are goin' to school with their swag and upbeat rapping

Zanch started rapping

🎵Now what up everybody🎵

🎵Let me set the scene🎵

🎵A fresh new start with your boy young Z🎵

🎵You saw those little normies for a friend their cool🎵

🎵They're just a little stressed for my first day of school🎵

🎵They say "Be careful those normies can be mean"🎵

🎵But i'm still going out for the football team🎵

🎵This might look rough but i'm home sweet home🎵

🎵Just a little bit of dust, and a little bit of mold🎵

Zanch jumps ontop of a car hoodie and flips back on the street

🎵But it ain't so bad on this side of the tracks🎵

🎵We make it work with a little bit of SWAG🎵

Poppyson and the others are walking and dancing their way to school

🎵On this side, we can all keep winning🎵

🎵If we just try to fit in🎵

Everyone sang the chorus together

🎵Watch it, come together🎵

🎵Be the, best one ever🎵

🎵Because, it's my time!🎵

🎵This is gonna be my year🎵

🎵Been waiting, for this moment🎵

🎵Yeah i'm gonna own it🎵

🎵You can watch me shine!🎵

🎵This is gonna be my year🎵

🎵My year🎵

🎵My year🎵

🎵My, My🎵

🎵My year🎵

As Zanch and the Trollombies rapped and Danced around a female trollombie named DJ Liza came out of her house

Zanch noticed her and introduced her

🎵Now let my Introduce you to my friend DJ Liza!🎵

DJ Liza sang along with them

🎵We'll never be accepted Trollombies need to rise up!🎵

🎵Fight the good fight, stand for what's right🎵

🎵We get the worst jobs and a curfew at night🎵

🎵They make us wear uniforms that all look the same🎵

🎵Why is it us being treated this way?🎵

🎵I say we stick it to their institution🎵

🎵You want justice? We need a revolution!🎵

Zanch gets a little doubtful with Liza's verse and continues to rap

🎵Yeah you got a point, but today's an improvement🎵

🎵Cause baby steps is still movement?🎵

Then Zanch sees Conzo, a Funk troll-like Trollombie, he wears his T-band on his neck

🎵Hey Conzo! Come and spit a verse🎵

Conzo made a verse using their trollombie language

🎵A Zigy Zagg gwag gwad zigg got gon, Ziggity got goat zag ziggy got zong!🎵

Zanch and Liza understood

🎵he Just drop that in Trollombie🎵
Zanch sang

🎵Yeah all he said is he's hungry🎵
DJ sang

Back at the Trollbrook mini beach, A troll named Crucky, Poppyson's cousin and the cheer captain of Trollbrook high, joined in

Poppyson continues
🎵My cuz! Crucky's the man🎵

🎵Look at how perfect he lands!🎵

Crucky does a few flips and landed perfectly

🎵Our very own cheer pop star🎵

Crucky's fans held out their posters of him infront of him for an autograph

"No autographs pleass, stay where you are"
Crucky said playfully

Crucky sang as they all danced to school completely

🎵Another year Where only get better🎵

🎵Another cheer, another varsity letter🎵

Everyone joined in with Crucky's verse

🎵This year we just can't loose!🎵

Crucky interupted

🎵I'm winning, you all can come too🎵

Everyone finally meets eachother infront of the school

The Normies and trollombies were seperated by a metal fence in the middle of the school entrance

All sang the final chorus as they danced

🎵Watch it, come together🎵

🎵Be the, best one ever🎵

🎵Because, it's our time!🎵

🎵This is gonna be my year🎵

🎵Been waiting, for this moment🎵

🎵Yeah i'm gonna own it🎵

🎵You can, watch me shine!🎵

🎵This is gonna be my year, my year, my, my, my year🎵

Everyone finishes the song and went into school together

Poppyson smiled at the sky as she was amazed at the whole school

Zanch saw her

He looked at her and smiled a little

Poppyson didn't notice him and went inside

Zanch stopped staring at her and went inside with the rest of the Trollombies

As they walked in, two twin trolls conjoined by their hair passed by

And saw Poppyson

The pink one, Satacey giggles at Poppyson and whispers at her sister Chenacey

"Hey sis, do you see that girl over there?"

Chenacey was cleaning her nails
And looked at the pointed troll

"Yeah, so?"
Chenacey asked

"She has a TERRIBLE taste in fashion"
Satacey said

"Huh your right, that dress is Soooo last century"
Chenacey said

"But wait, isn't she Crucky's cousin?"
Chenacey added

"So what? Just because she's under the hands of the amzing pop star dosen't mean we can't Judge her!"
Satacey replied

"Fine, do whatever you want, but i'm not getting into that hairball mess your dragging me into"
Chenacey said

"Alright, suite yourself, but we will deal with her later. Cause here's the real target"
Satacey said

She pointed at a pink funk troll that had curly black hair

"Heheh now your talking"
Chenacey chuckles

They approached her and laughed

"Hahahah what kind of style is that?"
Satacey teased

Chenacey joined in
"Yeah? You may be funk, but you can't use your type of style around us"

The funk troll's ears went down because if her shyness

"Well, w-what's wrong with our funk style?"
The funk troll asked

The girls were shocked at the funk troll because she had never confronted them before

"Huh? You hear that sis? She thinks she can kick both of our thicc butts before we even walk away"
Satacey said

"Hehhe trolls that don't know fashion like her needs to be teached a lesson"
Chenacey said

"Do the honers...."
Satacey gestures

"Sure thing!"
Chenacey said

They both walked past her and Chenacey pulled the funk troll's hair really hard

The funk troll cried

The two giggled as they walked away

Poppyson saw the whole incident and went near the funk troll

"Hey there?"
Poppyson said

The funk troll saw her and backed off a bit

"Uhmm hello?"
The funk troll said

"I saw the whole thing, and you were brave to confront them"
Poppyson said

"T-thank you, no one had ever said that to me rather than tease me and embarass me"
The funk troll said

"Aww you poor thing, what's your name?"
Poppyson asks

"It's Pearl....."
Pearl covered her face with her hair

"What a cute name! My name's Poppyson!"
Poppyson held out her hand to do a handshake

"Nice to meet you..."
Pearl said shyly

She also held out her front leg
And both did a handshake

"Wanna be friends?"
Poppyson asks

Pearl replied

She noticed Poppyson's dress and thought

"Are you joining the cheer squad?"
Pearl asks

"Oh yes I am! I've been prepared for years!!!"
Poppy son said

Pearl gasps

"ME TOO!!!!!!"
Pearl shouts out

"Hahah I guess I finally found my cheering partner"
Poppyson said

Both walked to their lockers

Zanch saw her

He smiled softly

DJ Noticed him

She looked at Poppyson walking away

And looked at Zanch who was looking at her

DJ knew what was going on now

"Looks like someone's got there first thing done in their school bucket list"
DJ said playfully

Zanch asked while he still stared at Poppyson

"Let's see here ah! Here it is! "Having my first crush check!"
DJ teased

Zanch snapped put of it

"Wait what? No way, why would I have crush on a regular Troll?"
Zanch asks fakely

DJ shakes her head

"Tsk tsk tsk, you don't know anything about hiding a secret...."
DJ Said

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