Chapter 7

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Back At The Village...

Smidge Paces Back n Forth.
"Do You Think Their Plan Worked?"

"Hm....Honest Or Silly Answer?"
Legsly Asked.

"Honest Please!"
Smidge Replied.

".......Their Plan Worked Out Fine :D"
Legsly Lied.

"Thanks Legsly! :D"
Smidge Said.

Legsly Grinned.

"Oh The Liesss..."
Guy Rolls His Eyes.

Legsly Elbows Guy.

Poppy, Branch, Biggie And Cooper Return.

DJ Shouts.

The Trolls Say.

Poppy Was Twisting Her Hair Nervous.

"Did It Work?!"
Satin Asked.

"Are The Tricksters Locked Up?!"
Chenille Asked.

Branch Pushes Poppy Up Front To Answer.

Poppy Glared.

Branch Winked.

Poppy Turned To Everyone.
"Well Um...."

The Trolls Say.

"Their Gone...."
Poppy Told Them.

The Trolls Gasp....

.....But Cheer.


Smidge Shouts.

Branch Cleared His Throat.
"And By Gone, She Means....Dead"

The Trolls Stop Cheering.

"......You Murdered Them?!"
Legsly Said.

"N-No! It Was A Freak Accident! I Didn't Mean To!"
Poppy Said.

"Does This Mean Their Spirts Will Haunt Us?!"
DJ Said.

"Or Make Hairloween Worse?!"
Guy Said.

"Or Make My Head Into A Circle Shape?!"
Phineas Freaked Out.

Smidge Walked To Phineas.
"Wrong Animation Company Pal-"

Smidge Kicks Phineas Away.

Phineas Goes Up In The Air.

Poppy Blinks.
"Guys Listen! It Wasn't On Purpose Or Anything"

"Well- You Threw Them Off A Cliff"
Cooper Said.

"Cooper! -.-"
Poppy Said.

"Y-You Threw Them Off A Cliff?!"
Satin Gasped.

"No! I Tripped!"
Poppy Said.

"Then A Boulder Came Down A Cliff And Crushed Them"
Biggie Added.

Dinkles Meeps.

"You Make A Boulder Crush Them?!"
Legsly Gasped.

Poppy Yelled.

The Trolls Listen.

"Look, It Wasn't On Purpose. It Was Just An Accident! I Highly Doubt They Died. BUT If However They Did Um..."
Poppy Didn't Wanna Say The Word.

Branch Helped.

"-Die. Yes. Then They Will Understand It Wasn't To Murder Them. Just An Accident! Ya Know...Friendly Beaver Ghosts?"
Poppy Said.

The Trolls Blink At Poppy.

DJ Said.

Poppy Picks Up A Pumpkin. 🎃

Poppy Shouts.

The Trolls Cheer And Go Set Up For Hairloween.

Poppy Was Relived.

Branch Walked To Poppy.
"Now What...?"

"........Back To Cybil-"
Poppy Drags Branch To Cybil's Pod.


At Cybil's Pod

Cybil Sits At Her Table.
"So.....You Killed The Trickster Beavers"

"Well, Not Technically-"
Poppy Said.

"Actually, Ya Did"
Branch Said.

Poppy Shoves Another Cookie In Branch's Mouth.

Branch Takes It Out.
"Ew....This Is Oatmeal Cookie!"

"Cybil, I Didn't Murder Them. I Took Your Song Advice, Locked Them Up, But Then I Tripped And Their Cage Fell Off The Cliff Then A HUGEEE Boulder Must've Crushed Them!"
Poppy Explained.

Cybil Processes.
"Ohhhh I See.....So You Killed Them"

"NO! Ughhh"
Poppy Faceplants On The Table.

Branch Got Up.
"Welp, Thanks For The Help Cybil. Now To Work On My Hairloween Costume!"

Branch Walked Out.

But Poppy Brought Branch Back To His Seat.

Branch Pouts.

Poppy Looked Up.
"Cybil Please, I Need Another Song Advice For If The Tricksters....Ya Know 'Spirts' Want To Haunt Us"

Cybil Waves Her Hands Around Her Cystal Ball.

Her Crystal Ball Lights Up.

"Alright....I'm Sensing A Song..."
Cybil Said With Her Eyes Closed.

Poppy Scoots Her Seat Up.

Branch Groans.
"Here we go again 🙄"

Cybil Sings.

🔮 ’Cause poppy, now we've got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
So take a look what you've done
’Cause poppy, now we've got bad blood, hey!
Now we've got problems
And I don't think we can solve 'em
You made a really deep cut
And poppy, now we've got bad blood, hey!🔮

Poppy Gasps.

Branch Faceplants On The Table.

🔮 Did you have to do this?
I was thinking that you could be trusted
Did you have to ruin what was shiny?
Now it's all rusted
Did you have to hit me where I'm weak?
Poppy, you killed beavers
And rub it in so deep
Salt in the wound like you're laughing right at me🔮

🔮 Oh, it's so sad to
Think about the good times
Poppy whyyyyyyy????🔮

🔮 ’Cause poppy, now we've got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
So take a look what you've done
’Cause poppy, now we've got bad blood, hey!
Now we've got problems
And I don't think we can solve 'em
You made a really deep cut
And poppy, now we've got bad blood, hey!🔮

Cybil Finishes.

Poppy Was S H O O K E T H.
"Whoa!!! :OOO"

"Frickin taylor swift rip off...😒"
Branch Murmured.

Poppy Understood.
"Wow, So Basically. Since I, Which I Didn't, Kill The Tricksters.....Bad Bloody Things Will Happen?!"

Cybil Nods.

"Oh Pleaseeee! This Is Just One Big Fanfiction Doohickey! Like Seriously Cybil, You Do This Everyday?! Give Falso Info On Things That ARENT TRUE!"
Branch Crossed His Arms.

Cybil Glared.
"Ohhhh Branchhh, I Can See Your Future...."

Branch Looked Over.
"Wait Really?!"

Cybil Replies.

"Well Tell Me! What Is It?!"
Branch Asked.

Cybil Waved Her Arms Around Her Crystal Ball.

Cybil Knew.
".....You Will Soon Do The Process Of.....Farting"

Branch Blinks.
"Really? How Can You Tell?"

Branch Farts.💨

Branch Turned Red, Embarrassed.

Poppy Was Impressed.
"Whoa....MIND BLOWN!"

Poppy Covers Her Nose.
"But Um Seriously, Light A Candle In Here 🤭"

Branch Shoved Another Cookie In Poppy's Mouth.

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